Mediumship in the BKWSU during Lekhraj Kirpalani's lifetime

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Mediumship in the BKWSU during Lekhraj Kirpalani's lifetime

Post26 Feb 2009

One question because I do not know the answer. How much and to what extent was mediumship practised in the BKWSU during the lifetime of Lekhraj Kirpalani?

We know that there was some but how much? I was answering a question in another thread about yogi path versus mediumship when a question came up in my mind. How much "mediumship" did Lekhraj Kirpalani actually practised?

We know in the beginning the girls and women did it. We know that during his life they continued ... including (allegedly) meeting other Lekhraj Kirpalani in the Subtle Regions. We know that after his death, they have continued to practise mediumship. We know that a certain proportion of the Murlis were from his mind. We know that he and the BKs could not tell there was any Shiva at all for the first 20 years or so. We were all told that they could not tell the rest of the time ... did he do it at all?

Were his Murlis actually mediumship or channeling ... or just free association, stream of consciousness stuff on the basis of what had arisen via the mediumship sessions?

It makes me wonder. The best cover we get is that he "spoke in rememberance" and every thing he said was "accurate" but, of course, was not true. One for the historians to answer.
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Re: Mediumship in the BKWSU during Lekhraj Kirpalani's lifetime

Post27 Feb 2009

stream of consciousness ...

I'd say his 'stream of consciousness' was simply an attempt to create his own pathway, or body of information, all in terms of his own spiritual knowledge. Perhaps he wasn't satisfied with what he had already learnt or experienced and say the information he was 'pulling' through as he truth. IMO, it helped him reach the spirit realms and consciously work from there though as per my earlier 'psychic' experiences with him).

I'd say, in terms of some of my latest experiences that he was connecting to only aspects of spiritual information. There are some teachings around (and the old mystical enlightenment schools also delved into this info too ...) is that there are sacred spiritual libraries connected to the earth plane that contain much information and dependant on one's abilities/perceptions/etc etc one will bring through information relevant to a particular library and think its all the truth/or add one's own beliefs into it to make it more complete.

Only once one has accessed all these libraries would spiritual information be more complete. More and more of these sacred libraries are opening all the time and as humanity is more ready for the additional information, more can open, hence the aspect of growth on a spiritual level.

This also says to me that the teachings of the BKWSU are incomplete and that later edits of the morning classes have only made it moreso.

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