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BKs and the begging bowl - the "Beggary Period"

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2008
by ex-l
From the historically inacurate hagiography of the BKWSU called 'Peace and Purity: The Story of the Brahma Kumaris a Spiritual Revolution' (2002) by BK supporter Liz Hodgkinson, ex-wife of leading Western BK advisor Neville Hodgkinson ... this quote from "Big Mohini" Panjabi caught my eye.

It debunks the myth that the Brahma-kumaris do not beg, do not accept gifts and possibly money from non-BKs and exposes how they have always used their powerful and wealth connections to their advantages. In my opinion, along with other notable incidents, it demonstrates that they have always done so.
Mohini Panjabi wrote:I first met the BKs in 1951 when I was eleven years old. In 1950, when they first came to India from Pakistan, some of them knew my grandfather, who worked in government. In fact, most of my family were in government service, and several BK Sisters came to our house in Delhi to see if my grand-father could help with certain services.

In those days it was difficult to get a telephone connection, and also at that time, just after independence and the bloody struggles that followed, food was rationed. There were around 300 people in Mount Abu at the time, and not enough to eat. My grandfather was happy to help out in any way he could ... p. 111

Elsewhere, we have been told that after "The Beggary Period", when the BKs claim they were just poor rather than became beggars, there were only about 70 people left in Madhuban with Lekhraj Kirpalani. A figure I tend to believe. The 300 figure is a sort of mythic version the BKs seem to stick with through their history stories. The period 1950 - 1950 was an interesting one because it was immediately AFTER a failed prediction 'End of the World' destruction and, we are led to suspect, the unveiling and introduction of the concept of Shiva into the Brahma Kumari religion ... none of which is mentioned (of course).

So how was Mohini Panjabis rich and powerful government office willing to help out? Food ... pulling strings to put in a telephone line ... money (as a Hindu he supported gurus and would have seen Lekhraj Kirpalani as one) ... so what else?