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Story of Dada Chandrahas

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2008
by admin
New downloads for the sake of academic critique, open discussion and fact checking;

Thank you to an incognito donor.

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2008
by arjun
Omshanti and thanks to the incognito donor for providing us this important document. I have not read it completely, but browsing through some of the initial pages indicates that it repeats many of the facts mentioned in Om Radhe's book 'Is this Justice'.

There is no mention of Brahma Baba's partner in the beginning except for the mention that Brahma Baba might have learnt the art of mesmerising people from Calcutta.

Apart from confirming the early English-knowing BKs of the Yagya like Dada Anand Kishore and Vishwa Kishore it mentions a new name of a South Indian BK who was originally a Muslim and was renamed as Rishi who used to translate documents into English besides teaching the language to other BKs.

From the descriptions of the early period by Dada Chandrahas, it appears as if the word ShivBaba was known to them before and around 1940.

But there is one discrepancy. He writes about the name of the institution being changed from Om Mandali to 'PBKIVV' whereas the pictures published by BKs from Mt. Abu mention the name of the institution as 'BKWSU' and even the Murlis contain references about the need for prefixing the word 'Prajapita' to the name of the institution.

With regards,

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2008
by ex-l
What was his real name?

He mentions "Khatuband Lane" and that his grandmother and maternal uncle were Kripalani. Actually, he calls it "Khatubad Lane" and a fair few families on the members' list lived there.

He remembers he was 12 years old when Baba returned from Calcutta and started a satsang. That was 1932, so perhaps about 16 when the list was made? No obvious name figures but there are a few to start building up a family tree. Or a tree of families amongst the leadership.
    • I note mention of *3 buses*, one taken to Mt Abu, 6 cars and herd of cows. So, again they could manage the early Murlis.
    • I smile at the blame passed to "abroad" for the Sindhis coming back with bad habits. As if the Sind did not have any bad habits of its own!

    • No mention of Lekhraj Kirpalani taking back his daughter. This really kicked off the problems.
    • It mentions Chandramani Dadi's Father Ratanchandand, the list mentions "Family of Ratanchand Jhamatmal"
    • There are quite a few key events, like the warrants and Swami Vaswani (who he speaks well of this time whereas the other speak badly of), so it would be easy to date them from 'Is This Justice'.

    • It mentions "Janki Dadi's mother and Father" were in Karachi at "On Niwas" BEFORE" the Vaswani march ... which raises an interesting question about her marriage and the dates relating to her life.

    • He mentions "our lawyer, Parmanand Primalani ... a good friend of the Chief Minister" whereas we already have Hardayal Hardy saying he was their advocate. That is quite a legal team.
    • It was the public who had coined the name 'Om Mandli'.
    He claims it was Prajapita ... but actually it was Prajapati, I do not buy the Shiva references at all. They are later re-writes.
    • There is a story of The Tree and Cycle to match with Vishwa Ratan's

    • The years do not quite match up, e.g. 14 years of Tapasya and start of WWII etc. The atom bomb stuff is actually later too.

    • Didi's Uncle Chacha Mulchand is named as the benefactor donating the wealth to move to India and him breaking the deal ... and it was Dada Mulchand's guru Gangeshwaranand Sanyasi who suggested them to move to Mont Abu (so much for God telling them to!).
    • He talks about taking compensation from the Indian Government for the loss of a property and buying gold to put around Mama and Baba's neck.
    • . Even when the Tower of Peace was built, Baba was requested to guide so that the monument raised in His memory might provide visions of BapDada.

    • He quotes Lekhraj Kirpalani answering, "'Who is the greatest devotee in the Drama?' Baba would reply, 'I am. It was I who started Bhakti.centres."
    • And claims that in a few Murlis prior to 18 Jan 1969 Baba said, "A few days before this, Baba had said once or twice in the Murli that the best way to leave the body was through heart failure. The body is left in a second without any suffering of karma. The soul having become karmateet does not have any suffering of karma remaining and is therefore able to leave the old body and fly away".

    Can anyone back this claim up?

    • He claims Baba constituted a committee of five unique mothers, the head of whom was Om Radhe (Jagadamba Ma). Not 8 or 16 as said elsewhere.

    • "All the movable and immovable property was willed in their name" and "Baba's children signed an agreement that they would not have any rights over it."

    So ... by 'Willing it' Lekhraj Kirpalani retained ownership of it and there must have been earlier paperwork than the World Renewal Trust.

    • It also mentions Lekhraj Kirpalani's younger Brother.
I'd appreciate it if someone else could correlate the details of the books into an accurate history line.

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2008
by andrey
I have the impression as a whole that this book is very personal and sincere and the person does not lie anywhere, nor has some very special agenda. Maybe this is why he is not so popular. Few moments are there ... for example, it is clear that there used not to be clear cut mention of when the Murlis started (from Karachi as it is said in the Murli). Whilst this Dada calls it, "he started giving deep knowledge etc". It is obvious there is no clear cut margin of who speaks. Also the matters of Murlis - he said that there used to be Murlis in Hyderabad that he used to go and read ... i think for him it used to not be very clear what is Murli, when did they started etc. There is something not clear in this regard.

Then he says that from 1967 there used to be given importance to inculcation of virtues etc. So this 1967 is indeed a special date, as we know about the '10 years Declaration'.

Something strange was that it is said that the souls of Lakshmi and Narayan, Radha and Krishna, used to enter the trance messengers and they were dancing etc. So at that time the awareness that Brahma Baba and Om Radhe Mama were Radha and Krishna who become Lakshmi and Narayan, maybe it used not be there. It looks as if that he had had the awareness that Lakshmi, Narayan, Radhe, Krishna are 4 different deity souls (e.g. from the Golden Age or Subtle Region), all different than Brahma and Saraswati. This can also have some meaning because we see this in the Murli dated 4.6.2003

"Very good first-class children who used to go into trance, on whose directions the mother and Father played their part, are no longer here today. What happened? They developed doubts about some things."

So who were these ones under whose direction Mama (Om Radhe) and Father (Brahma Baba) used to play their part? They must have been Lakshmi and Narayan themselves.

It also said very clearly that Brahma is a mother.

It is also clear that something has happened in Calcutta after which Brahma Baba changed and not after the visions. But it is not mentioned that his business partner used to be the head of the anti-party. It seems they are different persons. The leader of the anti-party, if not the one mentioned, at least, must have been some local Sindhu person. I think our person is the one from Calcutta.

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2008
by ex-l
andrey wrote:It is also clear that something has happened in Calcutta after which Brahma Baba changed and not after the visions. But it is not mentioned that his business partner used to be the head of the anti-party. It seems they are different persons. The leader of the anti-party, if not the one mentioned, at least, must have been some local Sindhu person. I think our person is the one from Calcutta.

Not "head" but "secretary" of the Bhaibund Om Mandli Committee. Read 'Is this Justice?" It is clearly mentioned that Narian Shewakram was Lekhraj Kirpalani's sleeping partner. This is still a mystery to solve. I can still see how, as a responsible man, he might have taken sides with the Panchyat without necessarily being an "Anti", e.g. he felt Lekhraj Kirpalani had gone wrong and was taking the teachings wrongly, such as the "God Brahma" bit and he himself being the Gita Inventor. May be Lekhraj Kirpalani really lost it and thought he was, or may be his followers were acting like total bhagats?

Bt, even to my mind, it is possible for me to accept that "something" did happen in Calcutta and that Lekhraj Kirpalani was deeply struck. moved, changed by it.

I agree that there are so many hints, inconsistencies lack of conclusions about the events and those that left that "something" happened. But we need to dig deeper to find out.

I also disagree with the "lie" aspect. Lie is a very hard word to use but the evidence is pointing to the fact that the senior HAVE all colluded together to hide the past and ESPECIALLY the history of early days. It is my feeling that this is part of what they were "sworn to secrecy" about. This is where the lie comes in ... until the evidence excludes it. For example, if we take Vishwa Ratan's story of The Tree and Cycle AND this Dada's it does not match reality. May be just the same ghost writer wrote the autobiography?

Its a shame ... because the truth is going to be more interesting.

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2008
by andrey
Read 'Is this Justice?" It is clearly mentioned that Narian Shewakram was Lekhraj Kirpalani's sleeping partner.

This is fine, but is it mentioned in the same book "Is this Justice" that this same Narian Shewakrm has been involved with the Bhaibund Om Mandli Committee?

Where does the story of The Tree does not match?

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2008
by ex-l
andrey wrote:This is fine, but is it mentioned in the same book "Is this Justice" that this same Narian Shewakrm has been involved with the Bhaibund Om Mandli Committee?

Where does the story of The Tree does not match?

a) Yes, read the book ... b) read the topic on The Tree ...

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2008
by andrey
a) I have read a big part but it is difficult to understand as the English is in very high style. If you could make a resume, then i won't have to read it. If you also know the part of the business partner you could tell page number.

It should also be verified if this same busines partner is the one from Calcutta, because having a big buisness Brahma Baba could have more than one partners. Is it the same one that is mentioned in the Murlis with the letter that Brahma Baba used to send him ..."Alaf got Allah, Be the badhshai (not sure of the spelling - kingdom)". Because now that he owns the whole business then would he leave Calcutta and the business to come to Sindh. Who would take care of the business? There is not the mentioned what has happened to the perishable jewel business after Brahma Baba retired. Maybe the partner could have come from Calcutta to Sindh for a little time. From the clarifications, we know he never went to Karachi but Brahma Baba left to Karachi just because of their misunderstanding.

Regarding Prajapati, i think we should better stick to these stories rather than the documents because as it is also mentioned in the story that this literature used to be prepared especially for sending, and it is even visible on seeing them, so it is very likely that they contain the information an a dressed up way, like the literature of today is far away from the real knowledge. In comparison such stories that resemble revelation, surely will also contain PR, but maybe less.

It is interesting that in the Murlis it is mentioned the early period where it used to be thought that the soul is thumb like etc. So the one who has spoken the Murlis is somehow aware. It is obvious that Gyan has changed and this fact does not make it false.

If there has been a conspiration made to cover up the past, i don't think it has been made deliberately and in one occasion. With the course of time even one's own perception of the past can change. It is also not nesesary that everyone has been influenced and involved in the conspiracy. We could find examples.

b)I thought that The Tree story matches with both the Dadas. Just now you said just that.
There is a story of The Tree and Cycle to match with Vishwa Ratan's

It is also interesting the way Brahma Baba used to joke with Kumarka Dadi. And also the case of giving money to someone he has acted more like a rich person and pop star rather than considering the wealth to be precious Godly wealth. It is also visible that he has been fond of massage. Life of leisure and comfort, as we are thought in the advanced knowledge with his easy posture on the picture of the Trimurti, in comparison to the strict Shankar.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2008
by andrey
Is it the same one that is mentioned in the Murlis with the letter that Brahma Baba used to send him ..."Alaf got Allah, Be the badhshai (not sure of the spelling - kingdom)

I am sorry. Of course he did not send this to him, but to his family.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2008
by ex-l
There are pictures of the shop in the Encyclopedia. It does not look like a very big business to me. It is a shop in an apartment block.
andrey wrote:a) I have read a big part but it is difficult to understand as the English is in very high style. If you could make a resume, then I won't have to read it. If you also know the part of the business partner you could tell page number.

Page 33, "In support of their remarks as regards the antecedents of Dada Lekhraj and his life in Calcutta ... The man first selected for this purpose at first was Bhai Shewakram a sleeping partner of Dada Lekhraj ... But this Bhai Shewakram still owes a sbstantial amount to Dada Lekhraj as per release deed ...". A 'Bhai' is a member of the Bhaibund.

Page 125, "Narian Shewakram, Secretary, Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee." (They did not call themselves Anti-Om Mandli Party).

From; Struggles and Sorrows ~The Personal Testimony of a Chief Justice by Justice Hardayal Hardy, his then advocate with Parmanand Kundanmal, (Here),.

"Another case I did involved Dada Lekhraj Kripalani of Hyderabad who owned a jewellery shop in Calcutta. He sold his shop and returned to Hyderabad with approximately Rs 10 lakhs as his assets. He bought a house and settled there. Dada Lekhraj was about 54 years old."

As an aside ...

Page 29 "His cult further the object he has in view. He (Lekhraj Kirpalani) is God, the members of the Om Mandli to whom he imparts Gian become Gods".

Re: Story of Dada Chandrahas

PostPosted: 07 May 2008
by andrey
he said that there used to be Murlis in Hyderabad that he used to go and read ... i think for him it used to not be very clear what is Murli, when did they started etc. There is something not clear in this regard.

Maybe these are the Murlis that used to be written. In the beginning Brahma Baba used to wake up early and write. (Someone used to dictate) and even Om Radhe used to sometimes read the Murli in front of the class. Maybe it is about these Murlis.