Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post22 Jun 2014

warrior wrote:
So, Om Radhe Mama is your form of God, and she is to be revealed as a super ShivShakti in the future.
Is that correct?

Yes--Mateshwari Mama is the personified form of Nirakar Father Shiv and is going to be revealed as Bharat-mata shivshakti avataar in the near future, first in the bk-family and then in the whole world....this is spoken by avaykt BapDada in the very first Vani dated 21-1-69.(last paragraph)

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post22 Jun 2014

shivsena wrote:Yes--Mateshwari Mama is the personified form of Nirakar Father Shiv

Are you Om Radhe was the medium for the spirit the BKs call Shiva, or do you have some other definition of what Shiv is altogether now?

I am not sure Shivsena ... I think it may be time for you to brake the pot and move on. I am not feeling this. Of course, I realise that what you will say is that that is proof I am not one of the 8, 108 or 16,108 etc. I am fine with that idea.

You are setting yourself up for another 2 to 3 years wait. That's 2016 to 2017.

Do you promise to give it all up and admit BKism was all false/wrong if nothing happens by then ... or will you remain hooked and come back and tell us it's going to be 2019 to 2020 now?

For me, BKism is a whole lot clearer now. It's a cruel charade that is able exploits certain individuals by looping or overloading their mind. Perhaps it taps into our common human needs, vulnerabilities ... obsessivenesses and manipulates them but one thing for sure, all this "two to three years" until Destruction/Revelation is a great way to keep people hooked and earn money off them.

I appreciate you are not, but I think you're still hooked and looping out on it all.

Really, I think you ought to put all your Murlis in a box, hid the box away, stop reading and thinking about them daily, and just get on with life as it is. Find another charity or cause.

How's your personal life? Do you have any?


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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post22 Jun 2014

shivsena wrote:Yes -- Mateshwari Mama is the personified form of Nirakar Father Shiv ... this is spoken by avaykt BapDada in the very first Vani dated 21-1-69.(last paragraph)

OK, thanks for answering to the point about your beliefs.

Can you please post here the last paragraph of the Vani 21st/01/69?

Thank you
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post22 Jun 2014

Most frauds today work on eliciting sympathy and letting the person being conned to think they are helping someone. Combine this with a pyramid scheme, both hierarchical and financial and you have a sketch of the BKWSU modus operandi. It is hard for those invested in the scheme to leave it, for they'll lose everything they have invested, and their self-respect is hit hard.

1.The higher up the pyramid, the more you have to lose.
2. The longer you are involved, the harder it is to separate your self-respect from your ”social” position
3. The more your self-respect depends on ”being right” the harder it is to question your own beliefs

That’s a Holy Trinity for you.

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post23 Jun 2014

In one of previous post of Ex-I:
I have no position for or against Shivsena's considerations, however, what he raises about the role of Om Radhe aka Radhi Pokardas Rajwani, the young teenager who lost her own Father and went on to be adopted first as a daughter and then as a wife by the already Lekhraj Kirpalani, is fair.

What!!!!!!!! First as a daughter & then as a wife. This is too cheap. No morality exists in this institute & then they claim to adopt celibacy. Pathetic!! And then these vulgar people call themselves as Gods & ask their followers to worship them in the form of remembrance.

It seems Shivsena is still following their theories. Look at his comment.
Yes--Mateshwari Mama is the personified form of Nirakar Father Shiv and is going to be revealed as Bharat-mata shivshakti avataar in the near future - Shivsena

Have you lost your senses completely? Do you even know who Goddess is? They call themselves as Goddess or Bharatmata but don't care about plight of Bharat. One more contradiction. What kind of future is he talking about? One which do not exists or shifts. Also, this theory of 8 souls, 108 ,etc is a false one. This is not the way evolution of spirits occur. Believe me Shivsena, what they call a Shiv is a generated myth. Shiv is inside you. But how could BK tell this to you, it will shut down their shop if REAL Yoga is presented before everyone.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post23 Jun 2014

warrior wrote:
Can you please post here the last paragraph of the Vani 21st/01/69?
Thank you

Mu 21-1-69: So churn the ocean of knowledge: do not churn the upheavals. Put the power that you have received into a practical form. Bharat-mata shivshakti avatar is the end slogan. The son shows the Father. Whatever is fixed in the drama will make this happen.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post23 Jun 2014

Save Innocents wrote:What!!!!!!!! First as a daughter & then as a wife.

Yes, apparently they got married. No mention of what his real wife thought or felt about his insanity either.

It's probably a good argument against there being any God involved in the BKWSU.

More to the point, those individuals were writing about something else and some other point of view and so it would seem incorrect to apply to The Knowledge™.

It's probably better just to say what you think and put your own name to it.

I think Pink Panther's point about "argument" not necessary being a bad thing is very valid.

The BKs are notable for their avoidance of such scriptural or philosphical discussions and, generally, have very arguments to support their beliefs ... "it's true because our god spirit says it is true and he says he is the Ocean of Truth therefore it must be true (even when it is demonstrably false)".

Push a BK and they'll just say, "that's your opinion (even when it is demonstrably and even objectively true) ... largely meaning, "I cannot dominate you, you are full of Maya, therefore am not interested any more". They have to run to protect the beliefs their enculturation is based on.

The BKs prefer enculturating individuals into their beliefs by providing an immersive atmosphere in which there is no questioning or dissent ... and then working on the individual's mind using the strategy of "acceptance via repetition".

Nothing is explained. Little can be explained. There is very little to no argument or debate. The Knowledge™ is just repeated time and time again until it is accepted. Emphasis is placed on conforming to the established norm and, above all, hierarchy. A hierarchy not based on wisdom or understanding but largely a social or genetical connection to Lekhraj Kirpalani.

"Don't think, don't question ... just say Baba 10,000s times a day!".

That connection of "the original jewels" alone gives them and their beliefs unquestionable authority. Who are you to question them? You were not there unquestioningly believing in Lekhraj Kirpalani!!!

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post24 Jun 2014

Ex I wrote:That connection of "the original jewels" alone gives them and their beliefs unquestionable authority."

After all, it is an autocratic system. What else can one expect out of it? They call them intellectuals & try to hush everyone who raises questions [1 more contradiction]. People who don't have questions regarding their life, self, relations, etc are intellectual to small extent rather. Well, the fact is that development of buddhi or intellect stops when question/answering process is blocked. He is called a Jad Buddhi (rotten or stagnant intellect) which give rise to kubuddhi (worst form of intellect).

BK theory put one in situation that his extraordinary abilities (everyone possess it to variable extents) to understand things gets conditioned & as the time passes, their answers to all questions come from the virtual theory of BK rather than an experiential & experimental evidence. Even most of their followers try to avoid queries. So, this whole psychology is spread throughout the hierarchy. Now it's upto current BK or person believing in their theories to either leave what BKs teach them & proceed to natural evolution or lose their current state obtained after millions years of evolution. One who does not develop humanity & brotherhood loses his right to be born again as a human. Or at least if one cannot develop it, it is fine but one should not be against it. BKs putting themselves as superiors is against Human Rights to equality & is a feeling which can give rise to extreme violence.

Why I am bothered too much for them is because it is very well said that " Jaisi gati guru ki hoti h, waisi hi shishya ki."[Teacher & his disciples have same fate in next life].

So, have you ever inquired what is next life of Dadis or people who are guiding BKs. They may construct beliefs but law of nature remains impartial towards everyone. If they will go to hell, they will take all followers with them. A person who is so demanding & wishes to be worshipped by everyone is said to be most suitable creature for hell. BK Dadi or dadas will not meet you in next birth here. They will not be here to solve your claims. It is you who has permitted them to interfere in your life. So, the liability of everything, first, falls on you. Wake up current BKs, it is still not too late.


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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post24 Jun 2014


Today is the death anniversary of Om Radhe.
BKs sent me this Murli apparently spoken by Om Radhe Mama on 21st/06/1964.
Not sure maybe BKs created this Murli or added stuff to it.

From my point of view this Murli is very simple there is no deep churning at all to qualify this soul to be a Super Shakti and Avatar of Supreme Soul on planet Earth.
English Murli - 21-06-1964.pdf
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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post24 Jun 2014

warrior wrote:BKs sent me this Murli apparently spoken by Om Radhe Mama on 21st/06/1964.
Not sure maybe BKs created this Murli or added stuff to it.

It's terrible really, is not it? One cannot trust them at all. Not even with what should be the very holiest of their belongings ... the Murlis. The army of monkeys up in Abu are just chopping and changing them, and copy and paste in bits and pieces at will.

What hope does any sincere seeker have of finding truth from the BKs ... as Shivsena would probably agree, they are more inclined to be putting up obstacles and barriers to truth to keep their followers mentally penned in and trapped at a certain level where they can fleece them for their time, money, energy ... and property.

Reading that quickly ... it's not logical. Here is Om Radhe - allegedly number two soul in the world and near "completion" and she is saying, "our stage is tamopradhan, there is a greater influence of the tamo stage which suppresses us."

I don't believe lines like "good souls such as Christ, Buddha, souls of Islam, Gandhi ... all the good ones who came". That appears like a re-write to me on the basis of what they said ... all the insults toward them ... previously.

I don't buy it ... it's all too polished. Perhaps Shivsena still has an older or the original one?

Do you, Shivsena? Even if I don't agree with you, at least I respect that you have and are trying to keep alive the most original copies of the Murlis and refer back to them. They will soon be absolutely lost from the world.

And then ...
... it is said that God is all-knowing, and, in English, He is said to be knowledge-full, that is, He is the knower of everything, that is, He knows everything. So, only the One who is all-knowing can know the truth. Only the One who has the accurate knowledge of everything will give that to everyone.

Well, he doesn't and did not for a start ... therefore whoever it is the BKs are dealing with is not God.


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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post25 Jun 2014

ex-l wrote: The army of monkeys up in Abu are just chopping and changing them, and copy and paste in bits and pieces at will ... it's all too polished.

Yes, this is the very core of the matter. They set fire to the original versions, they destroyed those versions, so now they are making Murlis.

One thing that I came across recently is that the original classes of Supreme Soul via Brahma Baba were mainly a chic-chat. It was not polished and mainly the flow of the chit-chat was not followed on one single subject but many subjects would come across in the live classes. Jumping from one subject to another without rhyming or continuation.

Because it was in such nature BKs compiled those classes into what we have today as Murlis. They made amends to make it rhyme and sometimes to make sense. However this 'making sense' was done by adding and removing things as a process of reparation.

Like this they continue to add things to the Murlis like blessings, slogan, questions, answers and so on ...
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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post25 Jun 2014

So, basically, what we ended up with in the Murlis was the "answer" side of a two way conversation? They were turning the conversations into scriptures.

That makes sense and suggests why they were mostly so boringly repetitive and disjointed (honestly, how many times do you have to be told "Krishna is not God", especially when you never believed Krishna was God).

That makes sense if think about the scattered references to individuals in the Murlis ... my guess now would be that someone asked about so-and-so and then Lekhraj Kirpalani answered them about them, e.g. what happened to them, their fortune, what happened in someone left etc etc etc.

I suppose by now they have removed much of them ... but what we were getting was only part of the story, like watching shadows on the back wall of a cave (... to refer to Plato's allegory).

They knew it but did not tell us.

This is what I keep coming up against.

The Kirpalani Klan knew about it all but held it back from us ... kept it secret ... manipulated it to create an effect keeping themselves in the position of power (... "knowledge is power", as they say).


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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post26 Jun 2014

ex-l wrote:The Kirpalani Klan knew about it all but held it back from us ... kept it secret ... manipulated it to create an effect keeping themselves in the position of power (... "knowledge is power", as they say).

Yes and still the biggest culprit to the vanished Murlis is Dada Lekhraj himself.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post26 Jun 2014

I don't think there is any conspiracy. The BKs lack intellectual rigour, philosophical discipline and academic integrity - and they don't even know it. They make it up as they go along - whatever seems right at the time.

There is no constitution that sets out standards, there is no "Integrity review” committee, and they don’t beleive they have peers who can review whatever they pronounce, so ... we get what we get, almost by whim.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post26 Jun 2014

Pink Panther wrote:I don't think there is any conspiracy.

Do you mean "conspiracy" as per Shivsena's theory of testing BKs spiritual intelligence via riddles in The Knowledge™?

As far as the rest goes, it's difficult to say unless you define "conspiracy".

There's definitely been collective collusion to deceive and manipulate the past. We analysed this looking at all the various stories of the early days as told by the Seniors. The definition of collusion is "secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others".

We know that Lekhraj Kirpalani at various stage threw out all of the old materials and told the girls to do the same with all their notebooks etc. How else did the "official history" get made unless at some point a group sat down and said, "OK, this is the way we are going to present it from now" and then kept others inline to that story?

Are you suggesting it was a collusion based on their collective vanity and inadequacies rather "evil" intention? I'd say that was fair enough ... and it pitches at what level they are at.

If there is not one "big conspiracy" then I'd say there have been a few little conspiracies on the way that have all snowballed together.

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