Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post13 Jun 2014

The same "two to three years", as usual then.

I cannot accept it any more.

They used to tell us two to three years back in the early 1980s and what is the date now ... it's just a trick, a mental loop, short enough to encourage people to gamble on investing their life, time and money; long enough that they will forget why when it fails yet again because by that time they are enculturated into the BK community.

You seem to be suggesting that the spirit which allegedly possesses Gulzar in Mount Abu is the ghost of Radhi Pokardas Rajwani, Om Radhe ... well, if one believes in such things, I guess that could be true. The change in language and personality between Lekhraj Kirpalani and BapDada was never sufficient well explained by the BKs.

But BKism, I am afraid, I think is just that ... a constantly repeated loop, not of 5,000 years, but "two to three years".

Certainly, if Gulzar dies the cult will change but who knows how. There are 1,000s if not 10,000s of old women to be looked after ... what will happen to them? The BKs will have to keep carrying on their business in order to feed, cloth and shelter them.

What will destroy the BKs is their economic burdens and at that point, they'll do what they always do ... dump the individuals and hand the burdens back to their lokik families.

I suspect and have been told that the inner circle has a fortune hidden away to support them when this "Destruction" comes. Not the End of the World Destruction but the collapse of the great White Elephant they have created.

For the most part, their efforts to transform the BKWSU into a commercial operating providing corporate coaching services etc to big companies is not successful and sooner than later the idea of corporate coaching will go out of fashion. Like many countries today, their demographics are becoming older and older and not enough new and young people are joining them to financially support all the elders.

How much money and how many riches do you think the BKs have squirrelled away?

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post14 Jun 2014

I knew Shivsena supports BK clan the most. I used to be that before. What attracted me the most is 7 Days Course. After that, I attended for Murli about 6 years.

Theory, comfort words, the predictions etc from Murli really attracted many people. The funny thing was, when you are facing problems, it is unable give you any help. Of course, you can say and give a reason, example: "wait and see", "Baba will help", or you can simply tell me, "this is drama and karma or test paper by Maya". "Don't worry too much", "it will pass and over". I can tell you, Shivsena in the real life of this world none this Murli cannot help at all.

Especially, when facing financial problems. If your money looted (included your parents' money) by someone, and had borrowed money from loanshark due to help your family member. Because of no money, it caused your daily meals become a problem. Will Baba help? Or can the BK family help? If you are close with Dadi, Didi or Dada, they might help (no guarantee). If you are just a member of BK, will they help?

Whether the world comes to the end of not, or Murli always says end of the world, which was no point to border. If you want to die, any time you can go, no point wait for death. I know one day I will die but I want to have my own life which is not controlled by BK or anyone.

When the end comes, at least I was not regret I waste my time.

If you are silly waste your time for BK, one day someone jealous on you (BK got many jealousy member), they trapped you and throw you from the centre, whatever you done and help, no one will appreciated or no one will give you any help. At that time, how old you are? Are you still able go back to real world for work? Or you want to be a bagger? Or you want to set up a Baba centre from you home (without permission), same as BK leader, use Murli attract people and earn the donation? Except, you don't mind this kind drama happened. I got nothing commented.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post14 Jun 2014

ex-BK Jan wrote:Especially, when facing financial problems ... Will Baba help? Or can the BK family help? If you are close with Dadi, Didi or Dada, they might help (no guarantee). If you are just a member of BK, will they help?

No ... the only person I have ever heard the Brahma Kumaris giving financially help to is Sister Jayanti's Father who is called Murli Kirpalani.

His business got in trouble and they gave him back the centre building he had donated to them.

On the other hand, when a non- Kirpalani want his apartment back, which was being used for a BK centre, the Brahma Kumaris fought him in court not to give it back and kept it.

That incident with Murli Kirpalani being given back Richmond BK centre raises some interesting ethical issues ... like why did a charity give one of its properties to a wealthy business just because he got in financial trouble. Or perhaps he never donated to the BKWSU after all ... perhaps while the Kirpalani Klan encourages other families to donate their properties, Jayanti Kirpalani kept her family's property in her own name rather than give it to the cult. I don't know. I should investigate some time and find out.

What you say about real family and real friends helping you out is also true. The BKs are not allow to help each other out financially ... all the money has to go to the BKWSU.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post14 Jun 2014

ex-l wrote:The same "two to three years", as usual then.

I cannot accept it any more.

Dear ex-l ... then what do you expect from me ?? ... to give the exact dates about revolution--revelation--destruction !!
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post15 Jun 2014

If I may give my opinion on that question Shivsena ?

I want to know, especially from someone who is apparently keen on discussion and knowledge, at what point do you jump back into the vehicle of critical thinking you parked at the door when you became a BK, and drive away?

It seems many who encounter BKs obviously find something there and ”become” a BK - i.e they adopt the manner, lifestyle, jargon and paradigms of the BKs (i.e they haven’t ”become" anything other than themselves, but now just playing a different role - to use the jargon).

When they become BKs they park much of their previous critical thinking at the door, give their keys to the valet and step inside.

One day, they feel that somehow the BKs are not the full quid. Some jump in their car and drive off. Some don't quite drive off. They cannot let go of much of what has been adopted, they try to shape the BKs in their own image. In much the same way the BKs adopt the jargon and manner of Vedanta but shape it to their own ends. This is folly. They have taken the worst aspect of BK-ism and made it their own.

What part of "they get it wrong, repeatedly” do you not understand?



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post17 Jun 2014

Pink Panther wrote:I want to know, especially from someone who is apparently keen on discussion and knowledge, at what point do you jump back into the vehicle of critical thinking you parked at the door when you became a BK, and drive away?

I became a BK in 1984 ... I was not fascinated by their nirakar philosophy of God and souls (which was existing in Hindu scriptures also) ... but I was fascinated by their Gyan of Drama of 5000 years in which a soul takes 84 births ... for 7 years I was a staunch BK (till 1991, when global hospital was opened), then i realised that BK Gyan was incomplete and in 1993 I was introduced to adv-gyan of Virendra Dev Dixit ... I left the BKs and became a PBK ... but after the arrest of self-proclaimed GOD-vdd in 1997, I realised this is also not true Gyan and I took a back seat, but did not go back to BKs ... I started reading the murlis-vanis and scriptures in 2001 and after 2005 I started opposing the AIVV-gyan ... in 2008-9 I was touched by maa-saraswati that Shiva and shakti are combined ... so from 2009 I have been propagating Shaktism ... at present, I am neither a BK nor a PBK and doing research independently.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post17 Jun 2014

shivsena wrote:in 2008-9 I was touched by maa-saraswati that Shiva and shakti are combined ... so from 2009 I have been propagating Shaktism ... at present, I am neither a BK nor a PBK and doing research independently. [/color]

Therefore, at present you're also a religion of one, aren't you? Have the BKs outcast you like the PBKs and banned you from their centres in case you wake up their financier followers?

In very brief terms, can you just clarify what you mean by " Shiva and Shakti are combined"?

Are you saying that the BKs' god Shiva is now combined with the deceased Radhe Pokardas Rajwani in some other world? Or is there some difference between her and "Shakti"?

How can you be sure you were inspired by her?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post18 Jun 2014

The problem with BKism, PBKism and SHIVSENAism is that symbols and myths become literalised.

This symbol IS that definite thing. That idea IS actually this event.

Shivsena is like the boy who decides to leave home but keeps walking around the block because he was trained never to cross the road alone.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post18 Jun 2014

ex-l wrote: Therefore, at present you're also a religion of one, aren't you? Have the BKs outcast you like the PBKs and banned you from their centres in case you wake up their financier followers?

yes --- BKs banned me from coming to center when I became a PBK in 1994 ... when I left the PBKs I have not gone back to BKs and I get the Murli at home by my BK friends who now know that I am no longer a PBK.
In very brief terms, can you just clarify what you mean by " Shiva and Shakti are combined"?

In simple terms, Shiva and shakti combined means that just as a body is the medium of expression for a soul, similarly Maa adi-shakti jagdamba is the expression power of Father Shiva ... sun's expression power is sunshine and power-house expresses itself through electricity (both are combined) ... the concept of Shaktism may be new to bks-pbks but the Hindu scriptures have been propagating this concept for ages in the form of shivling and ardh-nari-ishwar.


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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post18 Jun 2014

I was touched by maa-saraswati that Shiva and shakti are combined


For me to understand your concept -

Your form of God Shiva is Saraswati i.e. Om Radhe shown in this picture?

Or is your form of God a combination of all the Shaktis (females)?

Om Radhe.jpg



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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post19 Jun 2014

warrior wrote: Shivsena,

For me to understand your concept - Your form of God Shiva is Saraswati i.e. Om Radhe shown in this picture?
Or is your form of God a combination of all the Shaktis (females)?

Warrior Bhai.....According to the great saint Ramkrishna Paramhans: "God without form(Nirakar Shiva) is my Father and God with form(Maa adi-shakti jagdamba) is my Mother".....i too believe this.

God is only a combination of Shiv+Maa adi-shakti(ardh-nari-ishwar) and all those who follow the no. 1 shivshakti jagdamba as personified God will eventually be revealed as ruhani shivshaktis.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post19 Jun 2014

It's impossible to know what you mean because every one of those terms needs defining, or has been re-defined.

You're also not answering Warrior's question directly.

I am also confused why, from a BK point of view, you refer to Ramkrishna Paramhansa as all BK/PBKs will consider him to be a Bhakti soul.

Why not just say you've gone back to being a Hindu? Indeed, why not just go back to being a Hindu and be happy?

No BKs is going to follow you ... not because you are not right but because they are so programmed to think that everyone that is not a Dadi, and sticking to the basic knowledge, is full of their own Maya.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post20 Jun 2014

ex-l wrote:
No BKs is going to follow you ... not because you are not right but because they are so programmed to think that everyone that is not a Dadi, and sticking to the basic knowledge, is full of their own Maya.

yes---i agree with you that all BKs are programmed to think that anything which is against their philosophy is Maya....BKs do not understand the meaning of the Murli point below:

Murli:11-3-89 : “Yeh jo 5-tatwa ka sharir hai, yeh sab Maya hi hai. Inn ankhon se jo kuch bhi atma dekhti, woh sab Maya hi Maya hai.” [“The body which is made of 5-elements is nothing but Maya. Whatever the soul see with these two eyes is only Maya".]

The above point clearly says that everything that is seen in the 3-worlds with the 2 eyes is Maya.....this also co-relates well with the bhakti-marg definition of Maya, which says that the physical world is Mayavi illusion....only those who rise above the 3-worlds will become mayajeet-jagatjeet.


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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post21 Jun 2014

shivsena wrote:yes---


So, Om Radhe Mama is your form of God, and she is to be revealed as a super ShivShakti in the future.

Is that correct?

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post21 Jun 2014

Hi ShivSena,

It is good to know that you left BK or other groups. But I think what you can do is to stop asking Murlis from your BK friend. How can you even believe Murlis? They are full of mistakes. Every single line is itself full of illusion. For example the lines you just mentioned :
"Murli:11-3-89 : “Yeh jo 5-tatwa ka sharir hai, yeh sab Maya hi hai. Inn ankhon se jo kuch bhi atma dekhti, woh sab Maya hi Maya hai.”

Body is made of 5 elements, that is right. Then it says, it is all Maya or illusion. This is a very typical statement. What does it means? Should one leave the body or hang it? Or try some method of detachment? One can do anything to make himself believe body as a Maya, but it is only your hand which helps you in drinking water or eating food. The two things mentioned in spiritual context says 'do not hurt others' as well as 'do not hurt yourself'. Saying body as Maya & then using same body for your benefit is so contradictory. To reach this conclusion that body is Maya, so soon is infact not acceptable. Kirpalani & other BK heads themselves remained in deep illusion about so many things & that is reason why they guide people in an unknown direction.

Then it is written:
Inn ankhon se jo kuch bhi atma dekhti

Ankho se atma dekhti h? Hilarious. What if one losses his eyes, atma would stop seeing, right? Get it right. Soul does not have even a single function to perform with body, mind, intellect, etc. Soul is not a doer. It is a living element. Ego is doer which performs all works.

Atlast there is actually no such incarnation of BKs as gods & goddess that they believe & propogate. Murli is highly unreliable document with facts which change with time.

Hope you refer text from some good scripture.


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