Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939? Significances of history revision

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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939? Significances of his

Post30 Sep 2010

One more evidence ...
Dada Lekhraj, on whose body God Shiva descended, was brought about not by any social, physical or economic situations as in the case of Buddha nor by any saint as in the case of Vivekananda but by certain strange, subtle and divine events that took place in his personal life when he was of about FIFTY-SIX years and was known to the business community and to royal families of Nepal and the States of Udaipur, Bikaner, etc

(P.No.7- A Brief Biography of Brahma Baba--First edition 18th Jan.1984).
The titular name, Prajapita Brahma, which means 'The Father of mankind' or 'The man,through whom God spiritually created or regenerated the mankind', was conferred on this man by ShivBaba, in the year 1937, when he was in his late fifties and when ShivBaba, the Supreme Soul, descended from the Soul World and made the intellect of this unique man the seat of his divine glory.

(P.No.19- A Brief Biography of Brahma Baba--First edition 18th Jan.1984).
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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939? Significances of his

Post01 Oct 2010

It is interesting to see how many times the BKWSU has changed there story. That should be a warning enough to non-Bks and newcomers. But I don't think "A Brief Biography of Brahma Baba" by Jagdish Chander counts as "evidence" of facts.

It only counts as evidence of the Brahma Kumaris comic and amateur historical revision and a confusion of the facts. In particular, Jagdish Chander's romantic fictionalisation of his guru. I am sorry to say this directly but small part of PBKism involves stirring up and confusing "The Knowledge", fact and fiction even further.

The Om Radhe book, because it is largely a copy of court papers and legal correspondence which I suspect Lekhraj Kripalani's counsel would not risked falsifying, remains our best starting point for fact.

And, from that, Lekhraj Kripalani was 54 in 1938. "56" would be in 1940. There was no God Shiva until after 1950.

We know know that there was no knowledge and no mention of Shiva Baba in the BKWSU until after 1950 when it first arises. No one, neither the BKs nor Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs, have been able to account for how and why it all came about. I know the approximate PBK version. I know you are trying to covertly suggest "ShivBaba" in the case was someone else, e.g. Lekhraj Kirpalani's partner Narian Shewakram.

But, honestly, you cannot fill a couple of lines in "A Brief Biography of Brahma Baba" by Jagdish Chander with such significance.

Why don't the PBKs just go and find Narian Shewakram family, check with the records and pull out the real facts. And why does not Virendra Dev Dixit know them? I suspect even in the records of the Royal families and the Indian/Sindhi government, you will find more solid information.

If someone can pay my airfare to India and help me there, I will go and find it myself. I don't believe the truth is hard to find.



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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939? Significances of his

Post01 Oct 2010

Shall we have a whippy round to send ex-l to India. I am in ... Though I am not quite sure of the significance of this information. Other than that it is covering up of history. Most of the followers (as in other religions) do not care about the history. And, to my embarrassment, I actually went along with "yuktis" of giving information selectively. What I still find quite shocking is, that although I was in quite close proximity to inner circles in London, I had never heard of the PBKs until I came across this site a year and a half ago. I still do not know what it is all about, as I have not had the heart to read any more of that kind of thing. I might get around to it at some stage.
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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939? Significances of

Post02 Mar 2012

Someone has been doing some homework and has a birth date for Lekhraj Kripalani ... 15 December 1884. Yes, it is official, the Brahma Kumari faked his date of birth year to make it fit the Murlis stories. Why when his son is still alive could they not get it right ... and what were they hiding.

The same researcher has come up with another date and states, "Sevak Ram, his parner and allegedly the first medium of Shiva, left the organization on 2 February 1942, and the two lady members appointed by him to manage the organization expired soon after. He claims Lekhraj only gained complete control of the organization in 1945.

But Lekhraj was a Sagittarius ...
People born under this sign can be described as adventurers, always in need for space and independency. Many of them are afraid to be tamed and they constantly crave for new experiences.

Sagittarians have a very developed sense of self-respect and self-confidence. When they have a goal to be achieved they give their all energy, so sometimes they may appear too aggressive or impulsive.

Nevertheless, they can be compassionate towards other people when they want to be, especially towards the ones they care about. Sagittarius people respect morality, customs and traditions.


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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939? Significances of

Post03 Mar 2012

The "Advance Party", an organization predominantly made up of disaffected ex-members of the BKWSU, claim the original medium was Lekhraj's business partner Sevak Ram ... who was also a co-founder of the movement. According to this theory, the supreme being (Shiva) manifested himself through Sevak Ram, and not Lekhraj. Sevak Ram left the organization on 2 February 1942, and the two lady members appointed by him to manage the organization expired soon after. Lekhraj gained complete control of the organization only in 1945.

So where is the proof?
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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939? Significances of

Post03 Mar 2012

jann wrote:So where is the proof?

Of course, no one can prove that the "Supreme Soul" entered into anyone ... that is a matter of belief ... but it seems some PBK members have been inspired to do some real 'on the ground' research, and interview people. I hope to have more information soon.

Up until now, it has always been a question of faith for the PBKs/AIVV ... based on what has been spoken in the Murlis ... that something was not right about what the BKWSU claims and the story they told, that it did not match with what the Murlis said.

That is true. They don't. They are a factual mess. The PBKs approached the BK faith logically and ask, "why ... if one believes this is "God " speaking and accepts it to be true ... would God say in a Murli "I enter my medium when he is aged 60" when Lekhraj Kirpalani was not?" And many other similar questions.

They ask, "Would God be wrong or lie ... or do the anomalies mean something else?". e.g. Destruction in 1976.

Whereas the BK approach has just been to say, "don't ask, don't question ... re-write a false history and the channelled messages ... and cover things up and lie", the PBK approach has been to look for a more significant meaning and resolve the contradictions.

When the problems do come up, the BKs say stupid things like, "God was testing our faith! (... by being wrong)". Or try to blame it on the followers. Of course it does not make sense that the "Ocean of Truth" was get things wrong or lie.

That does not mean I believe in the PBK faith ... but I do trust them a bit more to want to get things right and be true to the faith. They are not into all the big money, VIP chasing and property game that the Brahma Kumaris are.

If someone get things wrong or lies, they are not the "Ocean of Truth". It is that simple.

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