Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post16 Dec 2016

Pink Panther wrote:Guptarati 6666, I also was there in Madhuban on Jan18 1977 and for all of that season.

PP and Guptarati,

What were the conversations among BKs in January of 1977 given that they were fully ready for the Destruction to have happened or at least started in 1976?

Did they ask BapDada about it? Did they chatter among themselves? Did they go sit on the hills hoping to evaporate as they meditated?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post16 Dec 2016

Arbit, I only made connection to BKs in late 1976. I didn’t know about the 1976 prediction until I went to India in Jan. 1977.

You can read the so-called Avyakt Murlis of that season. The BapDada persona basically equivocated, saying Destruction did not happen because BKs were not yet perfect, had to make more effort to become 16 celestial degrees complete, and other such indefinite nonsense. The expectation was strong & well known in BK circles. It was discussed, it was printed in material since the 1960s which had been approved by "Sakar Baba".

Nothing was done or said to disabuse people of that belief, to stop them selling their properties and donate to the yugya (for punya points!) to stop them giving up careers and studies. Then beyond 1977, this went on, year after year went by with the same refrain, the yadavas and kauravas are ready, but the pandavas are not (and the rest of that BS).

The Cold War was reaching its climax. Reagan called USSR the evil empire and began funding ”Star Wars" technology - satellite based weapon ... it looked grim. Then Gorbachev came in, glasnost and perestroika changed things. Eventually the USSR collapsed in the early 1990s, there was no more Cold War! All the old posters and specific references to USA and USSR "cats fighting over the butter" disappeared (see the LIbrary section here for some of them).

The BKs then latched onto the growing fear of a Y2K catastrophe, which came and went, then they encouraged fear of the 2012 end of the world prediction based on misunderstandings of the Mayan chronological system. Then climate change came along, every war, natural calamity, political and economic crisis is used to fuel the fears.

Gradually BKs changed their rhetoric. 'Destruction' became Transformation” - maybe taking their cue from the PR spin that saw ”genocide” become ”ethnic cleansing” or "death of innocent bystanders” became ”collateral damage”.

If BKs ever use that term ”Transformation” - ask them what happens to those people and animals who aren’t part of "the Golden Age/sat yuga” - the population goes from over 7 billion to under one million (99% are no more) - what kind of "Transformation" happens to them?


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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post13 Mar 2018

No, the Brahma Kumari cult won't end by 2036. Rather they will change the form of their business with new covers and whitewash their old claims.

If asked by some one about their old teachings of 2000 or so, they will shut him/her his mouth saying he/she is weak soul. They will insult him/her to the lowest level.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post14 Mar 2018


I was in Madhuban on January 18, 1977. I remember BaapDada descending that evening and setting the record straight about the day of Destruction. I made lots of hand written notes, which I have since lost. I do recall BaapDada telling us that the BKs were not ready for any Destruction and it should not be called Destruction; it should be called transformation.

Many BKs not in touch with reality, and were expecting Destruction like children, were shocked there was no Destruction. Personally, I knew it would not have happened in early 1977 or much later. Many BK did leave Gyan. There was quite some anxiety in Madhuban on January 18, 1977.

For sure, there were some close calls later. One was the Falklands War of 1980; the other was Operation Harvest Moon or the false flag operation known to the world as the Jonestown incident in Guyana.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post14 Mar 2018

GuptaRati 6666 wrote: I do recall BaapDada telling us that the BKs were not ready for any destruction and it should not be called destruction; it should be called transformation.

Yes, transform 7,000,000,000 living people - and countless animals - into dead ones, into fertiliser. That's what the Murli used to say, before the PR advisers said ”god" needs editing.
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post14 Mar 2018

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:I do recall BaapDada telling us that the BKs were not ready for any Destruction and it should not be called Destruction; it should be called transformation.

Did the transformation thing really go back that far because sure as hell it was still Destruction, Destruction in "two to three years" in my time during the early to mid-1980s.

Yes, they are going to transform 7 billion human beings into fertilliser for their organic power of Yoga farms in the Golden Age.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post15 Mar 2018

And what’s needed to bring on that ’transformation” of life to fertiliser, ”god” tells us, is BKs power of Yoga!

Killing people & animals for fertiliser is something to meditate for, all fine as long as you don’t eat them, that’s not sattwic.

Talk about building a kingdom on a mountain of corpses.

Oh Happy Day.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post15 Mar 2018

Pink and Ex-I,

I also recall, BaapDada telling us that many BKs will be placed behind bars. When one was in Madhuban in those days there was no question of thinking negative thoughts. At that time I was not imagining the horrors of piles of human and animal corpses. I think the buzz word of transformation took its roots from the discourse of BaapDada on January 18, 1977.

Personally, it seemed impractical to me that the world would have been destroyed at that time. At that time, I was just out of my teen years and about to embark on studies in medical school. I could not see how the world would have been destroyed.

I think by 2036, there will be more improvements for humanity and the multiverse, and BKism will not be the major player for the positive changes in the world at that time.
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post15 Mar 2018

Pink Panther wrote:Talk about building a kingdom on a mountain of corpses.

As an idea to show how ridiculous the image is, you would probably calculate to a high degree of accuracy, the amount of maggots and flies 7 billion and countless billions of "impure" animals would cause, how much gas would released, how long they would take to decompose etc etc etc.

And it's all suppose to be tidied up and a hi-tech, nuclear powered Golden Age scattered with diamonds and laiden with gold bricks, ready for Krishna to be crowned in 2036? 18 years to go.

Nevermind 5 continents sinking below the oceans.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post15 Mar 2018

Oh, Maggots and flies? Too gross for kiddie bedtime stories.

As I remember it, the rivers of blood and the flooding rains from natural calamities were going to cleanse the earth like in a Spray’n’Wipe TV ad, spreading the corpses out evenly. Then earthquakes would plough it into the earth so that the earth was replenished sans visible worms and maggots. Hallelujah Brother!

Maggots and flies and all things unpleasant to prissy humans, a.k.a. the Brahmin and ”aspirational” castes, don’t exist in the Golden Age god said (regardless of their place in the circle of life). They only magically reappear in the Copper Age.

This ”transformation" is all supposed to happen after ‘god’ stops coming and BKs are back in Paramdham while the 'Advance Party’ who, you may remember, do not practice BK Raja Yoga meditation in that incarnation, are busy conceiving the first birth deities. They do this procreative sexual duty without practicing ”purifying Yoga” - after all, it's only deities and not the parents of first deities who are parthenogenic.

It's ‘magical' that they experience this biggest ever upheaval and almost complete extinction catastrophe and don't come out of it completely traumatised nor need to have more Yoga to get ”purified".
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Mr Green


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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post31 Mar 2018

Destruction cannot happen until all the lost family return from the jaws of Ravan, which is us lot.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The True Immortals

Post04 Apr 2018

All of ”God’s Plan” (as Dr. Harold Streitfeld called his book explaining BK Gyan) is not only earth-centric (forget the rest of the universe, it doesn't matter) and anthropocentric (its all about man, nature is man’s dominion) and Bharat-centric (we Hindustanis are the true people, the rest are ‘the other”) it is also land and sky-oriented, there is never any mention of the myriad lives or nature that exist in the sea and deep oceans, of which we know less than we know of the distant galaxies.

(I asked about the ocean once and was told that the sea is considered chi-chi (dirty) by Brahmins - both BK and caste born - because it is salty and its the receptacle and processing plant of the land’s waste, the rivers being the sewage system!)

BKs go ”wah” at the conjectured parthenogenesis and long life of deities, seeing them as some kind of proof of worth or divinity. Meanwhile, in our oceans live the true immortals

Link to short video, and I am sure Mr Green can quote the Jimi Hendrix lyric that I think is the most apt to describe this:

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Re: The True Immortals

Post05 Apr 2018

Pink Panther wrote:... forget the rest of the universe, it doesn't matter ...

Meanwhile, using the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have observed the most distant star yet discovered, located 8.3 billion light-years away.

A light-years is the distance light can travel in one year, or 5.9 trillion miles.

That means the light we are seeing left the star 8.3 billion years ago, just 4.4 billion years after the Big Bang and the birth of the universe as understood today.

Over to the BKs to explain how it will reverse back to where it came from in time for the start of the Golden Age in 2036.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post06 Apr 2018

We should remember that plants and animals have internal biological clocks. As we are measuring time, our biological clocks are controlled by a master clock in the suprachismatic nucleus of our brains. How our master clock interacts with the soul or the soul interacts with the master clock? It is a question neuroscience is asking by experimentation. However, the BK model of The Cycle of the world, through geocentric cannot explain many phenomena nor events in the multiverse.


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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post15 Apr 2018

is there any one who can help me to get back my wife and unmarried daughter from this so called mad sim ?
Save Innocents wrote:Do you think this cult will end by 2036?

Given the belief system & orthodox followers, it seems more like people under tension, family & relation problems & other mental illness who will resort to such cults which at least give them a space to rest & daydream along with others for a few hours.

The family & relation problems can be solved in two ways, first by understanding everything & taking rightful decision & other is to end all relations. BKWSU prefers second method for its followers. It not only removes family & relations related problems but also insures full dependency of followers on them. So, in a way most followers find that peaceful seeing that their problems are vanishing due to so called Gyan. In fact, it is not going alone but vanishing all forms of relation knots with itself.

The family break up (external ones which one can see) may not be very large as compared to total number of followers but those which happen internally where people have no emotional connection with other family members but still stay together due to some dependence, say, financial or psychological.

A mother or Father after joining BKism, & after following it for years, cannot love his children in same way they used to, which is very certain if you understand the psychic pressure that BKism creates on them. And I think those BKs who separate from their family leave their relatives in much better conditions than those BKs who stay physically within family but are emotionally & mentally somewhere else - in BapDada dreams or at BK centers.

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