Sevak Ram, Piu Vanis and the history of Om Mandli

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Post27 Mar 2007

proy wrote:This is what I was always taught, and I always had my doubts. Is it true? Did the Pakistani's really want them to stay or were they chucked out because they were Hindus and Pakistan was a new Islamic state? Or for some other reason? Or were they offered a better deal by the Indians around Mt. Abu?

All I can say at present is that the Muslims in the Government of Sindi loved having Om Mandli as it gave them a stick to beat the Hindus with. Hindus in the Government of Sind detested Om Mandli, and the government was almost pulled down by them threatening to leave and so on. Om Radhe and my suspicions Lekhraj Kirpalani, although he was very canny to stick to the background absolving all responsibility, was unforgivingly and publicly rabid in her criticism against what she saw as the Bhaibund lifestyle (sex, meat, drink etc) and I am sure, I know, that members of the Moslems in the Government were loving every minute of you. You must dig out the papers of the day many of which were British owned and English speaking.

POINT ONE: I need more time to go through the papers but I am ABSOLUTLEY sure that it was not some naive fairy story as has been recounted. It was a political and religious warzone, with serious money and underground influences flying around in the background, about which the right of the sexual act was at the heart of it.

I don't know. I would much rather ask the question, "... was Lekhraj Kirpalani daughter raped by the Mukhi's son whilst she was married and living under the protection of the Father?" I think that in a rational, down to earth manner, you might actually be closer to finding out the truth about what started all this hysteria off. It is like trying to analyse a child abuse case where the child cannot express and explain what happened to it expect by dreams and stories.

There was no such thing as the "the Pakistani people". If they know "the leaders" name them.

POINT TWO: around 1950, the Yagya was periliously near bankruptcy and was apparently bailed out by a large donation.
    Perhaps - and I am only asking the question - perhaps the Yagya was given an offer they could not refuse to clear out?
I have got up to about 1949 but there is no mention of from whom or where such a donation might have come? Again the numbers and given history do not quite add up. 1950 less 14 equals 1936. Now, all this war was happening in 1938 to 1939, Om Mandli was cordoned off, they had to move building, males and females were segregated, they had pickets outside, they had to deal with legal proceedings, they started legal proceedings etc ... that does not sound like "solitude" and tapasya to me. Oh, did I tell you that sang kirtans together?

As for the
BKWSU wrote:"very deep realizations about God – His name, His form"

They were still advertising Prajapati God Brahma in 1949.

OK ... anyone else help me out here? I am in touch with some Sindhis, and so may be it will all come out. If others would apply themselves, it might help.
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Post28 Mar 2007

arjun wrote:But it is not known about his activities during the period when he left the Yagya and his death in 1942.

So Virendra Dev Dixit. The Ram Soul's body is about 65 (2007-1942) years old today, is this right?
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Post01 Apr 2007

I was just following up from a point I raised early that somewhere around the time of 1950 the Yagya was broke. Destruction was expected to happen within one year of 1949 and did not.

It is said that a donation helped the Brahma-kumaris survive and I found this quote here;
In 1951, on invitation from the families of the Brahma Kumaris, they shifted to Mt Abu. Soon the BKs began disseminating their knowledge, opening centers wherever their families had settled down ...

I am still working on the idea that the move from Karachi to Mount Abu was "encouraged" by an external donation from "somewhere" and that this gives a clue. Of course, it also blows apart the myth that the BKs do not accept money from non-BKs as shown by all the government sponorship, land donations etc they are now raking in.

Does anyone know anything about this?
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Post01 Apr 2007

tinydot wrote:So Veerendra Dev Dixit. The Ram Soul's body is about 65 (2007-1942) years old today, is this right?

Yes, you are right.

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Post03 Apr 2007

Aimee wrote:There is then a whole period when the "Murlis" called then the Peo's Vanis, or Piu's Vanis, are said by the Chariot Sevakram. Other important personages are involved in this story, but I have to cut the story short. I maybe can expand in the PBK department.

From 36 to 51, when the Sevakram (41) and his group have all gone, the official Murlis start, from 51 to 69, when Dada Lekhraj leaves the body.

Just picking up this thread in relation to the new revelations that Narain Shewakram was the secretary of the Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee in 1938/1939 aka The Anti-Party. I wondered how the PBK history has been revised. Or are you still waiting for the evidence?

Just a short note with reference to the list ofOriginal Om Mandli Members now on the site;
    • was Jamna Shewakram Daryanani, aged 60 married of Dasvani Lane Shewakram/Sevak Ram's wife?
One other small detail, I do not know if it is of any significance, is that the original "special day" or "sabbath day" for the Yagya was Wednesday. Not Thursday as it is now.
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Post17 Apr 2007

Just to follow on as time allows, I see "Sunderi Karamchand" was the vice-president of the Om Mandli, who is/was she?

As I absolutely do not expect anyone to "believe me", I want to show you evidence of my claims and statements. I do not believe in belief any more. The encouragement of 'belief' is too close to 'deceit' and 'defraud' to me. "Show Me" is my mantra now and I encourage others to follow it too.

Here is proof that the BKWSU public version of history is fictional. Here are samples of Om Radhe (or her ghost writer) and the Prajapati Brahma-kumaris from 1939 stating that Kripalani retired in 1932 at the age of 47;

I have uploaded proof of Kripalani's age in the other thread, here
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Post17 Apr 2007

Here we have evidence of the inversion of the Lekhraj Kripalani Shewakram relationship as given by both the BKWSU and the PBKs, as far as I am aware.

The standard propaganda is that Shewak was the worker and Kripalani was the sleeping partner. Here Om Radhe is saying that Shewak was the sleeping partner but also that he owed Lekhraj Kripalani money according to the dissolution of their partnership.

This is also contrary to the mythology that the Brahmakumaris base their history on. In the fairy story, Kripalani just leaves it all in wonderful trust to the partner to work out and does a 50:50 split. If anyone has a copy of Adi Dev etc at hand, please supplyt he quotes.

Here, in 1938/9 Narain Shewakram as the secretary of the Om Mandli Bhainbund Committee (aka The Anti-Party) still owes Kripalani a lot of money "as per release deed" this discounts him from the legal proceedings. What is strange about this is, a) how a sleeping partner can owe an active partner money and, b) why he still owed it in 1938/9 when it is said that Kripalani retired in 1932. I have checked the dates in two version of the book and so I think that discounts a printing error. I presume that the "release deed" is to do with the break up of their business.

How ever and when ever it works out, the version of history we were spoonfed is faked and we are owed answers.

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Sevak Ram's Shrimat

Post17 Apr 2007

Here we have a letter from Sevak Ram/Shewakram to the Om Mandli setting down terms for a resolution for the difference between the Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee (aka The Anti-Party?) and the Om Mandli.

One might consider this to be his Shrimat, I guess?


I am continuing to work through this and try and work what is going on. I might be wrong that the 'Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee' is the "Anti-Party", can anyone help me here? Was the 'Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee' the 'Anti-Party' or a third-party, i.e. a voice of reason between the two warring sides?
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Post18 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:I am continuing to work through this and try and work what is going on. I might be wrong that the 'Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee' is the "Anti-Party", can anyone help me here? Was the 'Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee' the 'Anti-Party' or a third-party, i.e. a voice of reason between the two warring sides?

The above documents from the Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee written by Narain Shewakram shows that he might not actually have been a part of the anti-Om Mandali group. His role in the Yagya definitely needs to be investigated carefully and perhaps corroborated by statements from BKs of that period who are still alive.

In one of the Clarification Murlis (VCD* 287) ShivBaba through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit has given some hints about the Yagya history. I will quote from that Murli as soon as it is convenient.
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Post18 Apr 2007

arjun wrote:The above documents from the Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee written by Narain Shewakram shows that he might not actually have been a part of the anti-Om Mandali group. His role in the Yagya definitely needs to be investigated carefully and perhaps corroborated by statements from BKs of that period who are still alive.

I agree. First and foremost I would like 100% to know that the two groups are the same, i.e. Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee and Anti-Party, as Anti-Party is just a propaganda name given by the BKs.

What is being discussed here is a previous character reference of Lekhraj Kripalani from his time in Calcutta as written by Narain Shewakram. Which in itself would have been very interesting to read. It is excluded on the basis of Shewakram owing Lekhraj Kirpalani money, i.e. the Tribunal would be afraid of self-interest or a lack of obectivity on his behalf.

It is very possible that Shewakram was attempting to balance the two sides caught up in this nonsense as the voice of reason. Without any doubt, there was excess, imbalance and blame on both side of the argument, BKs and Anti-Party. The BKs were playing a very tricky legal game and using their typical double talk. They must have been frustrating to deal with.
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Post18 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:I agree. First and foremost I would like 100% to know that the two groups are the same, i.e. Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee and Anti-Party, as Anti-Party is just a propaganda name given by the BKs.

At the moment it is still confusing which party is which. Could the Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee be a group of charity board members similar to the way charities are run today, with a chairperson, secretary, etc?
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Post22 Apr 2007

john wrote:At the moment it is still confusing which party is which. Could the Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee be a group of charity board members similar to the way charities are run today, with a chairperson, secretary, etc?

I understand, this was my question, but no. It appears from the documentation that the "Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee" is what the BKWSU call the "Anti-Party".

I am really sick of all the BKs' date changes, cover-ups, cover-names, nicknames, "spiritual names" and name calling ... it makes it a lot hard to track than it needs be.

Here is another page showing "Om Mandli started 4 years back" from a book clearly published 1939. The official date stamp on this page is 1941.
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Post14 Jul 2007


Last Sunday a PBK friend gave me the copy of the January, 2007 edition of the Gyanamrit Hindi magazine published by the BKs.

It contains two important articles related to the history of the Yagya. One of them is an interview with one Mr. Khushiram Chugani, who was present in Sindh, Pakistan at the time of Om Mandali and used to work in an Urdu daily named 'Fakkar faar'. As per the article, he was a staunch Arya Samaji and was one of those who picketed against Om Mandali. He used to write many articles against Brahma Baba. He indulged in stone-pelting, etc. BK Harish of Baroda (Mangalwadi) center interviewed this person and the interview has been published in the above magazine. Acc. to the magazine Mr. Khushiram Chugani has been in close contact with BKWSU since the last 20 years and a BK Gitapathshala is running at his home and he listens to Murli twice a day. Khushiram is now 85 years old.

The BKs also bring out an English magazine by the name 'World Renewal'. I guess that the translation of the above interview may have been published in the January edition of that magazine also. If anyone can trace that magazine it would save time on translation of this interview.

The most important aspect of the interview, from the PBKs point of view, is about the magical surma of Dada Lekhraj's Bengali guru, which he used to dread. He denied having seen any impurity in Om Mandali himself (although he did not enter Om Mandali himself) and used to oppose it based on hearsay.

Another article published in the Gyanamrit magazine is about the experiences of a writer of a BK book from the 1950s. The name of the writer has not been published. It only says 'Sanjay ki kalam say' (from the pen of Sanjay). Well, it is not clear whether Sanjay refers to Jagdish Bhai or any other Brother.

The above edition of Gyanamrit magazine also contains many more experiences of senior BKs, which may contain many important facts related to Yagya history.

Actually, the January editions of all the magazines published by BKs contain many articles related to the history of the Yagya in the form of experiences and interviews and photographs. All the members of this forum who have kept copies of such magazines can share this information with everyone.

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Post14 Jul 2007

arjun wrote:The most important aspect of the interview, from the PBKs point of view, is about the magical surma of Dada Lekhraj's Bengali guru, which he used to dread.

"Surma" is some sort of eye wash or decoration (like kohl)? Would you like to explain why this is significant?


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Post14 Jul 2007

If anyone can trace that magazine it would save time on translation of this interview.

With the short time available today, I checked with the centre and the Jan issue (Dec and Feb's too) of World Renewal does not have the articles as mentioned by Arjunbhai.

The World Renewal is usually targeted for foreigners and, dare I say it, those who wish to try out spirituality writing in English. Although they are from the same printing shop in Shantivan, they seem to be different in editing. However, some articles could be translated and be in both editions.

I am told that World Renewal is more "service" driven for outside India, whilst Gyanamrit is more localised and would have more history, Bhakti place names and symbols deemed for the local readers. World Renewal tends to often repeat much of the basic Raja Yoga principles and often do not have much depth. A bit like having an international version of the local newspaper or local tv new channel (e.g. even the BBC has a local home page and an international home page, at just the click of a button).

I have spoken about this magazine with some senior foreign BKs before who, as taking them as a role model, seem no longer to subscribe to the magazine themselves. It seems to capture new members for a short period.

Those articles aforementioned may appear in later editions of World Renewal but I don't have the time to check. Someone can compare the issues in closer detail.

From what is seems, possibly double foreigners are kept in the dark. Just as well. :(

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