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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2014
by clearofBK
Do you find them to be satisfactory answers?

No, I don't. I think they don't have the right explanation yet and using the standard ones.

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2014
by warrior
ex-l wrote:Funny, as the accountant of god, you'd expect him to be accurate, wouldn't you?

The reason that Lekhraj didnt want to make any deeds or legalize the properties was that in the early stage of Yagya he renounced all his property and wealth to be transfer to matas and Sisters. That original Will was drafted by hand (apparently) and witnessed by some of these Dadis/Didis in the video.

Pushpa, the other trance messenger(?) was the 3rd on presentation and the face shown in the video holding a microphone.

There is also a ceremony for her here:

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2014
by ex-bk Jan
This was a 1st meeting of the new season 2014.

It seems like bore, bore and bore.

Every year gathering, it's looking like acting for everyone. Especially after BapDada left, Senior Sister and Brother showed how sweet they feed Dadi. (They all were body conscious). Will they be really sweet to their own family and friends too?

After I watched, what else can change you or me for better?

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2014
by ex-l
clearofBK wrote:No, I don't. I think they don't have the right explanation yet and using the standard ones.

Thank you for being honest.

It's not logical, is it?

"Dentistry", as they said Gulzar had, is on teeth, not vocal chords.

We have all had dentistry. If anything - if really bad - we might end up whispering after it, *NOT* getting louder!

And just a short while ago, they said BapDada whispered to each BKs to be more royal and silent, and learn to operate via "signals" like they will in the Golden Age. If so, why then do they amplify the whispers with stadium sized speakers?

And what about karma ... was it not Gulzar's karma? If so, then why would it effect BapDada ... was Gulzar not out of the body at that time and BapDada in it, both of whom have no karmas?
warrior wrote:There is also a ceremony for her ...

Pure Bhakti, is not it? They've become totally accustomed to it.

Look at the people go up, throw flowers, pray with hands and drop a pile of cash. That's not Gyan? Where is all the "eating halva if you mother dies"?

Was this for her death? If so, quite a difference from Prakashmani's!

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2014
by Save Innocents
I don't understand why BKs buy all this s***, BapDada or Baba entering or exiting someone. It's all fake, cannot they see? No such thing happens there with Gulzar or other Seniors Dadis. It's all drama or acting done by them.

Gulzar must be tired of doing all this bogus crap, that is why the voice changed. Also she is too old to get involved in such worldly activities like milan, trance etc. These Seniors know that nothing sort of that ever happened & thus anyone can take position to do all those stupid acts. Baap did not come, then amma did not come, it's all bullsh**. And BKs still digest that.

KNOW that he never came, neither in Lekhraj nor in any Dadi.
the Murlis are getting shorter every year and carry no new Gyan as everything that Baba had to say has been said and he only comes to meet and greet.

That is the safest side, else elongating their wrong theories will only end up creating trouble for themselves.

I can guarantee that no trance ever happened to any of them. It was all dramatic. Even REAL meditation path says that no soul can remain out of body for more that 48 minutes. In rare cases, when one becomes a ghost after death, even then he get a new personal body within 2-3 months. So, if some soul (yes, there is only one kind of living element. i.e. soul, no other paramatma or special living element exists) came in Lekhraj or a Dadi ever. It would have been maximum for 3 months. But they are extending it foolishly.

Gulzar changes her voice (anyone can do that whispering) during that act to give additional superficial effects. This time she did not do it. That's all. Do you need explanation for her inability to do that? I believe that BKs have really lost their mind if they believe that such things really happen to someone, that trance, milans etc etc.

There is no difference between Dadis or Didi or BKs, all are alike, no one with any special powers. It's only money making difference there.

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2014
by ex-bk Jan
Dear Save Innocents,
What you mentioned the different was 'money'. (I agreed)
When I remember the destruction was mentioned by BK before, there were so many innocent (me too) spent a lot of time and donation for them. It was a big joke in my life journey.

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2014
by ex-l
I am sorry to hear that Jan.

Send the BKs an invoice demanding back however much you think you gave them because of their lies and false predictions. You won't get it off them but hopefully it will make them think.

You know, without genuinely wanting to offend, the more you get to know about the Brahma Kumaris cult the more you realise how dumb, vain and narcissistic they were ... and, largely, still are ... under the guise of the placid controled facade.

Think it through ...

From about 1932 to 1955 they and Lekhraj Kirpalani thought Lekhraj Kirpalani was God, or "superior to God" (quote unquote).
Until 1959 ... that's about 27 years ... they were attempting to decipher spiritualistic messages and still not able to get it right. Even after their "spirit guides" stated their final position clearly, *STILL* the BKs refused to believe, follow, and - to quote Ramesh - have hammered into their heads like nails into a wall stuff like Krishna is not God and God is a point of light. Even though by that time they had "manifest" their God Shiva ... still the old knuckleheads were remembering loverboy Kirpalani and need to be told not to remember him and not keep his photo and yet, what did they do?

They instituted Bhakti at having his photos *EVERYWHERE*. They even make Rupees off selling them.

What was Lekhraj Kirpalani doing during all this time?

He did not read books, he hardly not read newspapers, he had very little intellectual stimulation from his milieu it seems ... from the 1950s onwards they were living in a then backward hilltop village still waiting for the world to fall at their feet and for it to end so they could get heaven. Right up until 1976, and beyond. That's 44 years ... how much intellectual power, knowledge, wisdom, specialism can you earn in 44 years of study not having to work 10 hours a day to survive as they holy beggars - or divine prostitutes - did not not.

44 years of turning dumb and dishonesty into a religion, learning how to play the game and game the system to live off donations and hobnob with VIPs, force each step of the way to do anything genuinely good ... by outsiders.

These, folks, are the "original jewels". I am sorry, no. They are original blocks of wood or lumps of coal.

Sadly, I think the next generation that will take over when the last of the originals die are even worse ... a BKWSU run by individuals like Karuna Shetty, power wrestled between the likes of Jayanti Kirpalani, Big Mohini and whoever in India. A monkey army of Westerners jumping in and out of bed and into businesses. At best a retirement home for a load of middle and elderly old ladies. Division of now middle aged Indian women enculted as virgin girls of whom the outside world has finally tired of having their rakhi tied by and having no more space on their walls for frame pictures.

Please, look into the future and you tell me what you see?

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2014
by Save Innocents
Definitely, without any doubt, BKWSU is not going to return what you have donated, Jan, or whatever anyone else has given them. But resolve this issue in other way. You donated money with good intentions, so you bind punya karma for that which will bring fortunes in your next life (if you believe in reincarnation). On the other hand, they (BKs who used your money by deceiving) binds paap karma & they will have to suffer for it in next birth & then, they will also get a good experience to not cheat anyone. Whatever be the reason, at least your money was used to feed some poor BKs who may assume themselves superior but in reality, they are helpless & poor who needed to be taken care of at some point of time. Only wrong thing that a BK or ex-BK did is that they joined BKism without questioning & testing it in every possible way & it is really not a big mistake as we do not encounter such deceivers normally & thus BKWSU is another bad surprise which is completely opposite to what it seems.

And this trance BapDada who never came into anyone is another reality which BKWSU is hiding. Why no one from non-BKWSU community ever became a medium or channel to their bakwaas BapDada? Simply because the chosen person has to be someone who knows all tactics & shortcomings of BKism & thus speaks only the non-controversial subjects out of his own memory achieved by learning all BK's blah blah theories.

Why do they not make a deaf or a dumb person as his medium? I mean if he really got some power, deafness or dumbness should not appear as an obstacle for his expressions or teachings. But you know it all that there is no such things like BapDada, it is just imaginary which they try to materialize to fool their followers. One may follow BKism for 60 years or entire life but he would never be able to find who this BapDada is (because he does not exist) & why oneself does not become his medium (because it is only meant for Seniors who know that it really does not exist). What exist in BKWSU is an imaginary temporary belief which changes as per situations.

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2014
by ex-l
I always encourage people to ask for everything they gave back from the BKWSU ... and to add a value for their time and any other losses ... because they gave it under what is known as 'Undue Influence' and clearly fraudulent deception.

We know that for a fact now.

It's a very good way to see their true face.

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2014
by Save Innocents
Why Gulzar stopped hissing? because she ate too much halva. Actually, she is a big dramaybaaj who can create nautanki in much better forms, so she stopped whispering considering that there is hardly any need of that hiss ... when followers are getting fooled with easy deceptive ways. But this could again be a publicity stunt among followers to keep them busy with something 'new' while remaining in their old avatars. So, no need to startle, she will again start whispering in her next show. Some senior BKs said that she had a dental surgery, what???????
    Why she needed a dental surgery or anything else to cure her disease?

    Was her BK type RajYoga not powerful enough to cure her?

    Is BK RajYoga not powerful enough to keep diseases or its pain miles away?

    Or she should have remained in so called bodiless state to not feel any pain of body? Behold this followers, you are given suggestions to go bodiless, this n that but when same condition is experienced by Dadis or Didis they prefer medical treatment than RajYoga, right or not?

    Certainly, she appears to very much in-body with-body & in complete dehadhyaas?

    I think if their so called baap cannot cure such small illness of Gulzar who is considered their top soul (ha :D ha ha), how is he going to remove suffering of his followers?
And what about the Shivani's personal claim & many other such predication of Murlis, that in Satyug, BKs are free from all sort of diseases & as their Satyug is approaching, BKs will take care of body (another type of dehadyaas in their language) more & more.
    So why Gulzar is not healthy? Is she not supposed to be fittest among all BKs?
Do you understand what all this infers? Their theory is fake & BKism type RajYoga is a joke.

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 17 Oct 2014
by ex-bk Jan
Dear ex-l & SI,

Of course I know all the money donated cannot got back. All this donation from our pure intention. We always wish everyone can got benefit from what we donate.

In the end, the centre kept all this money and properties for their own without reported to the account, not sincere to everyone ... (much ... much ... story if I want to tell)

I was lucky, I can settled my problem within 1 1/2 years. My health, wealth, family and friends come back to me slowly.

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 17 Oct 2014
by Pink Panther
I was lucky, I can settled my problem within 1 1/2 years. My health, wealth, family and friends come back to me slowly

Although I prefer to usually be far more objective in such matters, when it comes to BK recovery, it takes as long as you believe it takes. What you achieved in 1½ years took that amount of time because that’s how long you took to change and permit change.

Sure, theoretically, we can change in a second, each new thought is a new state of mind. But the same character traits or instincts that took us into BKism (to then be re-shaped in that way of life), and then guided us out again, need time to be undone or re-shaped anew. We feel our way like blind men, not quite sure which thoughts to trust, which are ”me” and which are ”them”.

The quickest way is to realise each thought is, in that moment, me, i.e. I became one of ”them” and I have to acknowledge that has residues that will still be ”me” as long as they are thought or felt. Hence the need for critical thinking, circumspection, consciously adopting ”new me” activities and attitudes - which may need to be stroppy (overly assertive) or hyper-reactive to BKisms, at least for a while, to counter the residual affects of BK mentality within ”me”.

BKs wonder why ex-Bks get so hyper-negative sometimes or pedantically critical towards BKs sometimes, calling BKs out for crimes and misdemeanours found in all walks of life.

But really it is the the same reason why BKs adopt outward distaste for ”lokik” things like ambition, touch, desire for intimate relationships with others, corruption of the world (i.e. what they call virag or viragya in Hinduism). So ex-Bks need to practice virag for BKs and BKism and all the things that hooked into them and made them other than themselves.

Good on you ex-BK Jan, all the best in your becoming.
"“Life in its becoming is always shedding death, is always on the point of death. The conquest of fear yields the courage of life. That is the cardinal initiation of every heroic adventure — fearlessness and achievement.”

- from A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living"

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 17 Oct 2014
by Save Innocents
But really it is the the same reason why BKs adopt outward distaste for ”lokik” things like ambition, touch, desire for intimate relationships with others, corruption of the world (i.e. what they call virag or viragya in hinduism).

That type of vairagya is found in Bkism. Hinduism is far different in all ideologies. Real Vairagya happens itself under several circumstances whether favorable or unfavorable. It is not the forced one which BKs ask their followers to do in every second Murli you read. Distaste towards any "lokik" thing cannot arise just like that.

Pakka BKs may try to show that they are having no attachment towards worldly things but it is always there in sub-conscious waiting to express itself while they try to suppress it. What are its effects (of suppressing what one wants to experience) - disintegration of mind with inner intents or bhaav. Lord Buddha in his initial renunciation days is best example of a Vairagi. It all happened naturally to him, he did not read Murli or any such absurd thing. Experience created distaste towards all luxuries. Later, he turned into Buddha. So, its all circumstantial.

Even Dadis have strong attachment towards money, gold, luxuries but even that is circumstantial. Give them a lot of money & no food for 5 days. What will happen? They will throw all money & ask for what a hungry person would. Or give her a crown made up of pure gold weighing 40kg & ask them to wear it throughout day. What would be her reaction? She would throw that crown within few minutes.
So ex-BKs need to practice virag for BKs and BKism and all the things that hooked into them and made them other than themselves.

Right, it can be practiced if it does not happen naturally. But I think what an ex-BK has experienced in BKism is enough to create a good distaste for it. So, vairagya towards Bkism should not be a problem for them.

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 17 Oct 2014
by ex-l
ex-BK Jan wrote:... without reported in the accounts, not sincere to everyone ... (much ... much ... story if I want to tell)

Tell the story, Jan.

In English we say, "tell the truth and shame the devil". I am sure all cultures have the same saying.

You are very right Pink and that is why I encourage people to speak out and even shout to the world what the BKs are really like, it's part of creating a new inertia that will drive you and others away from the parasitical BKs.

If a thief entered your village at night in the old days, you'd run out banging a pot and shouting, waving a torch about. So too today. The BK leaders are like "thieves in the night" stealing not just money, but wives and children, "killing" families and moving into their properties to live. We have had a practical example of this even on this forum recently, and more in the past.

Realise it is like a tribal pattern, like the Moguls or Mongols attacking India, sweeping across the plains raiding its wealth and enslaving its people.

Indeed, that is basically what the PBKs say some elements of the BKs are doing, they are the Mohammed Ghazni plundering Bharat.

That is what the people of Bharat should realise.

(Actually, that is an insult to Mahmud because he become a more enlightened ruler than the BKs! But you can understand it on a figurative level).

Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

PostPosted: 17 Oct 2014
by Save Innocents
That is what the people of Bharat should realise.

I am waiting for that moment when people, mostly the BKs, will realise the truth & will throw BKWSU out of India.