Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post23 May 2014

When I was a child, and our family went out driving for a holiday in the countryside, my Father used to drive us wild by never stopping and always saying that a better place would be, "just around the next corner". The truth is, the place we ended up in was never much different from the very first one would could have stopped at.

I think this is a memorial of the Confluence Age too.

The question is ... when will you draw a line and say, "time up"? The "near future" has been near for 80 odd years. Will you wait until 2036 before you give up? Or give your god a deadline before that?

I know there are some BKs who will just say, "wah drama!" and prepare to celebrate the 250 years of Confluence Age, if it comes. And there are other BKs who will continue to take donations and off them until then too.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post24 May 2014

ex-l wrote:I think this is a memorial of the Confluence Age too.

The question is ... when will you draw a line and say, "time up"? The "near future" has been near for 80 odd years. Will you wait until 2036 before you give up? Or give your god a deadline before that?

Divine Brother ex-l.

Very good Question: When will truth reveal itself ?

I can just make a educative guess based on murlis-vanis.

For the last 45 years, BKWSU and its students are held together with the common belief that BapDada (Father Shiv and Brahma) are descending in Dadi Gulzar every year and when the destruction comes, then BapDada will take all BKs along with HIM .... BKs have not thought about what will happen if the avaykt part suddenly stops or if Gulzar Dadi leaves the body ... a warning about this was given in a recent Vani of 31-1-14 to all BKs that anything can happen suddenly ... but as usual BKs always feel BapDada is speaking about the outside world, but the fact is BapDada always speaks about the Sangamyugi world of BKs and all statements in murlis-vanis are meant for BKs and not the outside world ... so in the near future, everything depends on BapDada’s part ... if BapDada’s part continues, then everything in BKWSU will go on as it is and if avaykt part stops, then all hell will break loose and the whole BKWSU empire will crumble as per Murli point: “Bharat pahele Kabristan banegaa aur phir paristhan banegaa” ... ”Bharat (BKWSU) will first become a graveyard (all BKs will die of knowledge), then it will become paristhan (paradise) ”..... so the revolution and Revelation will begin in BKWSU only when Avaykt BapDada stops coming to Mt Abu in Dadi-Gulzar in the near future. (about 2 years) ... this is what I feel.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post24 May 2014

I think my comment "BK or PBK are pathetically parochial narcissists” has just been exemplified by the last posts.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post24 May 2014

I hope Shivsena is right this time and the BKWSU becomes a graveyard. In my dreams, I hope someone of some goodness comes forward and hands over all of their wealth and property to some other NGO who uses it for the sake of genuine good.

I won't bet on it though. They'll want to keep the properties and shops to financially support themselves in their old age.

Let's define parochial as "having a limited or narrow outlook or scope", and use narcissism in its more psychological form as a personality disorder in which "a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process" not just a preoccupation with the self.

Looking back to the early days of the Om Mandli, it has to be true. Lekhraj Kirpalani had to be suffering from it. It's said about 1% of the population does. He, and they, were obsessed with him being god believing even, literally, responsible for WWII. Most of them had not even seen outside of their own cloister world and yet believed themselves to be gods and goddesses going off to heaven and all of the rest of the world ... meaning their tiny community ... destroyed in an infantile fit.

You are right Pink, they are all about them, them, them ... their importance, their status and they are seemingly unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to 10,000s of families and 100,000 of individuals all over the world.

Shivsena's posts made me think simply that either the BKs are true, or they are false. And the unfortunately truth is, they have been false time and time again. Therefore they are not true. They only manage to maintain their business by cover ups, re-inventions and blatantly lying to newcomers safe in The Knowledge based on experience that they can skim 5% or 10% cash off anyone unfortunately enough to be lured into their centres for a few years (and 100% off a small proportion).

Shivsena and the PBKs' primary point is interesting in a way. They are saying that the utterances are true but that BKs have interpreted it wrong. That their god spirit is not speaking about the outside world but 'metaphorically' about the inside BK world ... and they are trying to understand the signs and metaphors he is using.

They cannot give up the belief that the utterances, The Knowledge, is somehow still "true". Why? Is it like a gambler who cannot stop gambling, or a victim of a fraud who cannot believe they have been defrauded and keeps pouring more and more money into the fraud believing that at some point they will get a return?

It is a narcissistic response such as, "surely I could not have been so wrong to be fooled ... surely it must still be the truth somehow, somewhere!!!"?

It may well be true that their god spirit is only talking about their world ... that Gulzar is in some bizarre language mirroring back what is going on in their collective consciousness. It may also be like trying to understand the world through the mind of a very repetitive and obsessed madman. And does it just not fall right back into the same trap of "two to three years" ... 'two to three years" ... which we all remember the BK leaders telling us about world Destruction.

I am remembering Sister Jayanti Kirpalani saying exactly the same, will full faith it was the truth ... 30 years ago.

If Gulzar dies, the BKs will have a problem on their hands and it is becoming more and more likely as she gets older. Will they be able to produce another puppet show to engross the adherents and make them believe?

Who knows? What does it matter? What can we predict? All we need predict is that the same thing will keep carrying on ... two to three years ... for as long as they can use it to extra rupees out of their followers.

I'll predict they re-invent themselves again, destroy all the old books and posters and turn themselves into a retreat business for corporation and middle class people. That's basically all they are now anyway.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post24 May 2014

ex-l wrote:I hope Shivsena is right this time and the BKWSU becomes a graveyard.

Brother ex-l.....BKWSU will not become a graveyard in the literal sense, but the believers of Shivaism (Shiva alone) will have to make way for believers of Shaktism (Shiva and shakti combined) and the real ruhani shivshaktis will then usher in the Golden Age.....Mu:"Bharat (BKWSU) hi jhoot-khand banta hai aur Bharat hi sach-khand banta hai".
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post24 May 2014

I understand ... so what does it mean metaphorically?

In their supreme arrogance, the BKs think the outside world is the graveyard and everyone is spiritually dead. But, in fact, the term applies to the BK world ... it is full of spiritual corpses, zombies, skeletons and the undead vampires? They are not spiritually alive.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post25 May 2014

ex-l wrote:I understand ... so what does it mean metaphorically?

In their supreme arrogance, the BKs think the outside world is the graveyard and everyone is spiritually dead. But, in fact, the term applies to the BK world ... it is full of spiritual corpses, zombies, skeletons and the undead vampires? They are not spiritually alive.

Yes----whenever the term Bharat is used in Murlis, BKs feel that it is for the outside world Bharatland. ...but it is describing Spiritual Bharat BKWSU and not geographical Bharat....Whenever the term Bharatwasis is used BKs think that people of Bharatland are kumbhakaran (Ravan's younger Brother) but it is bharatwasis BKs(residents of BKWSU) who are sleeping in deep slumber of ignorance that Shiva and shakti are always combined.....first the BKs have to wake up and then the outside world.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post25 May 2014

Yes----whenever the term Bharat is used in Murlis, BKs feel that it is for the outside world Bharatland. ...but it is describing Spiritual Bharat BKWSU and not geographical Bharat....
Shivsena, when is a noun referring literally to something and when is it metaphorical?

I agree with ex-l that this method of investing new meanings into discredited teachings seems desperate. Can’t you realise that neither you nor they, nor anyone, is particularly special?

Nature and the universe go on, but each of us is blessed/cursed with the double-edged sword of having an instinct to survive & a tool for that survival, ”ahamkara” - the artifice or construct of self-awareness.

The true sadhana is to see and be in reality as it is, not trying to mould it to suit one’s current construct.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post25 May 2014

I am not sure that I would use the word "desperate" ... in fact, whatever one believes the teachings are or whoever they are from, it does kind of make more sense that they are about the Brahma Kumaris's immediate community rather than the whole of the world ... but why would a god speak in such a garbled mish-mash?

I know the answer Shivsena would give ... it is a test and only those who understand them are rewarded with the highest status etc ... and, in that, lies the great danger. His assumption that only he understands them. In sense, what he is doing is mirroring Lekhraj Kirpalani's mental condition when he thought he was the only one who understood the truth.

What he and we might disagree over is "wakening up". Wakening up to me means wakening up to the fact that Brahma Kumarism is an endlessly repeating roundabout going nowhere. And the only thing which happens whilst one is being spun around, is that money flies out of your pockets and is picked up by the BKs.

And what do you consider to be the graveyard, Shivsena? The spiritually dead? And how do we define "spirituality"?

For the BKs it seems it is a kind of "stuff" and that all they have to do is fill up with it by sitting down doing nothing. They don't have to be moral, ethical, compassionate, even honest ... but they can still be "spiritual" just because they say so. Is it just the art of keeping up the facade ... of wafting around like a would be angel and, above all, not feeling or not reacting to anything?
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post26 May 2014

ex-l wrote: it does kind of make more sense that they are about the Brahma Kumaris's immediate community rather than the whole of the world ...

Yes, they could be more parochial, more narcissistic.
Both think its all about them, but disagree over what ”it” is.
They both act as if they didn’t know the world actually revolves around the sun...



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post26 May 2014

ex-l wrote:And what do you consider to be the graveyard, Shivsena? The spiritually dead? And how do we define "spirituality"?

Brother ex-l.

Spirituality is the study of the Divine couple Shiva and Shakti. Shiva without shakti is shav (corpse-expression-less) ... and shakti without Shiva is powerless ... Shiva is like sun and shakti is its sunshine and the two cannot be separated.

Spirituality is the study of the inseparable Yin-Yang forces in the universe. (Chinese culture)

BKWSU will become a graveyard in the sense that the Nirakar-nirgun-nivritti-marg belief(Shivaism) will change to Shaktism ie. Nirakar so Sakar belief (Shiva so shakti and shakti so Shiva), then revelation of GOD (Ardh-nari-ishwar) will start from BKWSU itself ... this has been said in the 6th trance message immediately after Lekhraj Kirpalani left his body in 1969: “The river of knowledge flowing from Mt Abu will change its course in the end.” (The full message describes what is going to happen at the end of Sangamyug).
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post26 May 2014

shivsena wrote:Spirituality is the study of the Divine couple Shiva and Shakti.

That's not an answer really. I think, like the BKWSU, you're misusing or just re-marketing the term again. Studying, or believing alone cannot be "spirituality".
in the 6th trance message immediately after Lekhraj Kirpalani left his body in 1969: “The river of knowledge flowing from Mt Abu will change its course in the end.” (The full message describes what is going to happen at the end of Sangamyug).

And where's it going to appear this time?

There's another area I think you are also similar to the BKWSU, and that's in the monopolisation of the Murlis.

There's no way for us to check what you are saying, or interpreting, as we don't have a complete collection of them to check. You have them, we don't, we're expected to take for granted what you say ... that's just like the BKWSU.

Your first project should be to make a complete, searchable collection of unedited Murlis available for everyone to read ...


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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post26 May 2014

I don't think there are any 'unedited or unadulterated Murlis' in existence. The BKs have very conveniently modified God's versions (if at all they existed) to fulfill their ulterior motives. This should be enough to prove their falsehood and deceit. The World will surely come to know of this reality before Destruction of this Old, sorrowful and impure World ...

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post26 May 2014

I think these BKs are completely mental who hardly do any self study. They think Murli is Truth. I can write such 100 Murlis daily with much better content. Even the terminology they use is so funny. ( for example: BapDada. Either call him your baap or your Dada. How baap & Dada become one? Or were they too confused to select one term so they put both together).

Everybody please calm down, no such destruction is going to occur in 2036. Natural calamities happen every year, they are not miracles. And lastly if sooperrhead of BKWSU leaves her mortal body, another person will take over the throne as there are too many ambitious people there. It will be told in one of their Murli then that BAAP has asked one of them to take such a responsible task.This process will continue for whole kalyug I think as today people hardly pay any interest toward such things. Who cares whether one is looting or helping?

In reality, there is actually no connection of their Shiv Baba with any of them. It is just a planned game. I saw one video of their Dadi giving some so called drishti and energy to blind followers. Usage of terms like sweet home, drill etc were much like drawn from a nursery class book of a kid.

Well, anyone can take out such voice in which she was speaking, I tried and it was a fun. You may also try. :-)



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post27 May 2014

ex-l wrote: That's not an answer really. I think, like the BKWSU, you're misusing or just re-marketing the term again.

Brother ex-l.
I do not know what answer you are expecting from me……I can just share what I think.
I have not created the concept of Shiva-shakti combined…it is there in the Hindu scriptures for over centuries…..i can just say that the aim of spirituality is to find out our spiritual parents(mat-pita)...…i am just presenting that view which has been forgotten by BKWSU and Aivv.

ex-l wrote: And where's it going to appear this time?

The concept of Shivaism started in BKWSU and the concept of Shaktism will also appear in BKWSU when BapDada’s part stops.

ex-l wrote: There's another area I think you are also similar to the BKWSU, and that's in the monopolisation of the Murlis.

I do not have any monopoly of murlis-vanis….the monopoly is with BKWSU….i am just a seeker of truth, who started studying the murli-vanis about 10 years ago, with only 2 registers of Murlis and few books of av-vanis and as I studied them, I kept on receiving murlis-vanis from my bk-pbk friends, when they came to know that I need them for research…today, by the grace of God-shivbaba, I have about 30 registers of Murlis and whole set of Vanis from 1969 onwards (without asking and seeking) and I have given xerox copies to those who have come to my residence asking for them.

ex-l wrote: There's no way for us to check what you are saying, or interpreting, as we don't have a complete collection of them to check. You have them, we don't, we're expected to take for granted what you say ... that's just like the BKWSU.

There is no reason why I would fabricate or edit murli-vani points to deceive my Brothers on the forum….what benefit would I get by doing this ?? ....Nowadays, all the avaykt Vanis are on the net on the site for re-confirmation …and the Murli points which I am quoting have to be believed….i cannot possibly give xerox copy proof of all points that I quote.

ex-l wrote: Your first project should be to make a complete, searchable collection of unedited Murlis available for everyone to read ...

My aim is just to share my views on such forums and make everyone aware of the fact that a revolution of Gyan is going to take place in BKWSU in the near future. Those who are interested in studying the Murlis will have to make some efforts in obtaining them and I am sure God ShivBaba will surely help them, as HE helped me. [ Mu: If you take the first step, BapDada will take a thousand steps to help you.” ]

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