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Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2013
by ex.brahma
May be that is the only positive contribution, BK teachings gave your country, and that is by enforcing celibacy among its followers, thus decreasing birth rate ... But on the other hand, destroying families and increasing divorce rate among BK followers ..!!

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2013
by bkti-pit
I personally had a good laugh at ex-l's harmless but clever joke.

It brings up the very real issue of repressed sexuality within the BK community.

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2013
by clearernow
Bkti-pit: Ridicule is always like that - it makes some people laugh and some others wondering to what level people can go down to just for the sake of a laugh which is so easy otherwise..

Ex-brahma: By linking BKs' celibacy with India's population, you make me lol now as this is a genuine joke ... number of celibates produced by BKs is a tiny, tiny fraction of >1B of Indians and will always be very tiny ... this is not as easy as creating a website, cutting a joke, misrepresenting and ridiculing those who have taken this challenge, chosen their cause and dedicated their whole life to it ...

Both: Celibacy cannot be enforced ... and cannot be taken on in life without experience of wholeness from the divine connection ... one day or other - one is bound to fail on the path if it is taken onboard through suppression ... I respect those who have taken on the challenge and many who have lived celibate throughout life in BK world - this is not as easy as ridiculing those who did ... but this is for another topic may be ... I guess all of us have expressed our views on this subject.

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 24 Jan 2013
by ex-l
Clearernow, the BKs wrap their religion in ideas and activities that they think appeal to traditional Hindus in order to catch them. They steal women and children from families and don't give a damn what happens to elderly BKs. They have no pension plans because Destruction is coming to save their spiritual Ponzi Scheme.

How many poor BKs were encouraged to give up having a family ... and someone to look after them when they get old ... just because of their failed predictions of Destruction in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986 and so on. How many women missed out on the opportunity to have a child and how do they honest feel about that?

Women love children. They bodies cry out for them.

Dadi Janki might just be the biggest hypocrite in this area, firstly, because as the head she has to be held responsible for so much of the falsehood and corruption of the BKWSU and, secondly, for questions surrounding the death of her own child and leaving her own husband.

I remember them encouraging a young Sister in the 1980s to have an abortion rather than have her baby ... because it would distract her intellect and ruin her chances to prepare for Destruction and the Golden Age. Thankfully, she left the BKs and went on to have.
bkti-pit wrote:It brings up the very real issue of repressed sexuality within the BK community.

It's even more subtle that than ... one's libido or sexual drive is merely a reflection of one's spiritual energy, or chi, one will to live, create, or procreate. (People with a high libido are generally more productive, more creative and more successful in life).

In the case of the BKs, the Senior's female libido is channelled through a male figure of Lekhraj Kirpalani. Their spiritual authority and creative drive is derived from a male spirit being within them, or acting through them. It's no wonder that they celebrate it spurting out of them.

Add to that the traditional symbolism of the Shiv lingum and yonis, and comments of Lekhraj Kirpalani's in the Murli like, "the Father does not mount a virgin", and you have a very sexual metaphor ... those water pistols are looking more far more like sex pistols.

As Janki was once the BK queen of England, I'll dedicate this to her. Shame I am not in the BKs anymore, I'd do a BK rock and roll group called "Shiv Lingum and the Yonis" for one of their comedy nights.

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 24 Jan 2013
by alladin
Kitsch cannot come into the Golden Age!!! This tacky style is representative of what? Shouldn't a deity, and before that a Yogi, be a person that lives without frills or ostentation and instead values autenticity, introspection, being incognito and walking the talk? We have witnessed a sickening escalation in all these external show offs.

Centers and accomodation chosen for retreats seem to be aimed to please VIPs and shallow, materialistic people, rather than truth seekers genuinely interested in spirituality (who would not depend on, neither be impressed by facilities and luxury ...). Yet, the organization is monolithic and totalitarian, and it is a taboo to question why things have taken such a turn away from simplicity, silence, etc ... It is always a matter of "take it or leave it". So, Yogi souls leave and thrive without this useless and misleading crap or keep safely on the fringes.

The rest, who stay and accept obediently and passively, compromising with their ethics and not expecting Baba's original principles to be respected by SS, with the idea that consistency is an optional, either have turned into zombies or they are just typical, indecent brazenfaced Kaliyugi folks who deliberately accept compromises, because they "get a cut" of power or shares, literally, in money making, selling merchandise, coaching, getting free accommodation, food, airplane tickets etc ...

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2013
by Mr Green
Hi Alladin, good to see you too.

Shiv Lingum and the Yonis

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2013
by alladin
I checked out this topic, few days ago, because I received an email suggesting me to take a look at a recent DJ picture published here, where the guru in question's drishti, was a bit alarming. I had a second look, and what comes to my mind is that DJ doesn't look any happier or more alive than a taxidermied weasel. Same feeling about the other shots, including the kinky one with the clubs spraying - I guess it is - rose water, those ladies look like trophies.

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2013
by ex-l
alladin wrote:Dadi Janki doesn't look any happier or more alive than a taxidermied weasel.

On behalf of the 'Weasel Rights and Liberation Front' I have to ask you to apologise to all weasels everywhere, dead or alive, for that anti-weaselist comment. Weasel are beautiful, happy little creatures who live a natural life hunting only as much they need to eat.

I don't know how Janki can keeping do it ... how many framed pictures has she given and taken in her life!?!

What is the point of all this ****, and the money and energy it consumes to sustain it? Is it really so enlightened ... especially in a country like India where poverty, starvation and slavery is so commonplace? How can you worship that!?! What a lack of imagination.

* I made a big mistake. I should have opened a picture framing business in Mount Abu and made a fortune off the BKs ... or do they just recycle all the old picture frames other people gave them and give them to other people? There is not enough wall space in the world.

Hi Alladin. Nice to see you again.


Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2013
by howiemac
alladin wrote:DJ doesn't look any happier or more alive than a taxidermied weasel

brilliant! And ex-l's "weasel-rights" response!

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2013
by Patzcuaro
On my way towards myself, I have automatically learnt to never trust anyone that tuits or ridicules other people.

You are so far away from yourselves, and after every post, a little more.

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2013
by clearernow
Spot on Patzcuaro - well said ... this is the real hypocrisy to me when people claim to be reformist by getting down to such level of ridicule.

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2013
by alladin
I am sharing some MB news that have been sent around. If you don't want to read it all, just scroll down, the part relevant to this topic is towards the end and I highlighted it.

If people derail from a path, if they hijack the ship of simplicity on which the Father was supposedly carrying us across, guiding us towards the shores of royal, non-materialistic, pure spiritual consciousness of Satyug via the simplicity experienced in our diamond life of Sangam - where we are meant to re-emerge and create THAT sanskara and not reinforcing the other Kaliyugi obsolete ones BTW! - if those people, gurus, leaders of an organization, make themselves ridiculous, it is not my fault, neither is it the fault of this Forum.

IMHO, since Carnival is coming up and will be celebrated with pomp and creativity in many countries, one can choose to participate to any of those jamela ... Rio de Janeiro, Trinidad and Tobago, wherever ... and wear all sorts of costumes and disguises. There, it will be appropriate and anything goes, no questions about congruity or disservice.

Why do that in an ashram?

Why a meditator (BK) is judged as pukka by his SS spiritual guides, according to the uniform adopted? What is the sense of measuring a westerner's commitment to the spiritual path on the basis of a saree and white clothes being worn, or not? Is this being serious? Enlightened? Broad minded? Don't those behaviours and rules endanger the organization itself, raising legitimate suspiciousness people normally feel towards sects, contradicting its principles and diminishing the importance of the teachings?

Worse than anything, they are making a fool of the Almighty. Does the Supreme Judge and love his children according to the dress? Since when does the Lord of Nirvana appreciate noise, extrovertedness, frills and masks?

I would like to hear any reason or justification for these circuses the BKs put up, some explanation, practical or metaphysical, or related to sewa. Thank you. There must be some, unfortunately, so far, I haven't grasped it. Perhaps it is too gross for me to conceive it. Was I hallucinating all the times I heard Baba say in the Murli that the key for transformation of the Self and the world is silence ? The soul, a star, a point, and the Supreme Soul united; no noise, no words, no songs, no posters, no pictures even of Brahma Baba. No physical pilgrimage, no festivals, their time is over. Such things are detrimental for Yoga, a distraction from the aim. Pleasing the senses and leading us away from Truth and deep experiences of Tapassya, disempowering us once again, taking us backwards into immaturity, senselessness and bhakti-marg.
BKWSU wrote:Dear divine Sisters and Brothers in Bharat and foreign lands,

Please accept hearty Godly love and remembrances.

Hope all of you are enjoying the fruits of Avyakt BapDada's very special blessings for the month of January, and remaining in your flying stage. Here in Shantivan, Abu Road, we received about 19,000 BK Sisters and Brothers for BapDada's meeting on 18 January which was very blissful and full of enthusiasm.

Revered Dadi Gulzarji is now enjoying good health as you would have seen from the way BapDada spoke the Avyakt Murli, and interacted with the gathering in Diamond Hall, and with all of you through television and internet. Dadi Gulzarji is in Ahmedabad at present for dental treatment, and is expected to return to Shantivan in couple of days. We now look forward to beloved Avyakt BapDada's next meeting on 2 February, when our very dear family from South India (Karnataka Zone) will be hosting the event.

BapDada's Shrimat for the Brahmin family is being powerfully shared through Sakar and Avyakt Murlis, and we will have the greatest fortune of further experiencing, listening to, and filling our aprons with treasures in the February, March and April 2013 meetings.

We will always keep you informed officially about activities and news of Madhuban. Please rest assured, and refrain from giving attention to any rumours or unfounded communication regarding Madhuban season.

The severe cold being experienced in different parts of Northern India, due to heavy snowfall at some places, is affecting the health of many Sisters and Brothers.

Dadi Janki is holding the fort in Shantivan, though at times taking rest due to the weather. Dadi Ratan Mohini has been active in chairing the celebrations to honour the Silver Jubilee of 242 dedicated BK Brothers from Madhuban and all over India and Nepal (21-25 January). Before the Honouring Ceremony on 24 January evening, these dedicated instruments had a 3-day special bhatti and deep conversations about their experiences of divine life as a dedicated instrument. On 24th evening, all the Brothers joined a procession from Tapasya Dham up to Prakash Sthamb led by a very melodious band playing different entertaining songs. It was a great sight to see 242 Princes with their crowns and royal attire. Diamond Hall was filled with joyous feelings, and the ceremony interspersed with dances and cultural performances.

With best wishes and BapDada's very special love,

B.K. Nirwair

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2013
by alladin
Hi Mr. Green and everybody!!! Always good to see you.

As for the weasels, no offence was meant. Of course the comment on their drishti and similitude refers to the undignified state of stuffed corpses after Maya, the hunter, has killed them. When alive they are very pretty and frisky! Who knows where that analogy came from, I must have been cruising around Subtle Regions for few seconds, and "returned" with a vision ... it can happen also to unappointed, occasional trance messengers!

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2013
by ex-l
Patzcuaro wrote:On my way towards myself, I have automatically learnt to never trust anyone that tuits or ridicules other people. You are so far away from yourselves, and after every post, a little more.
clearernow wrote:Spot on Patzcuaro - well said ... this is the real hypocrisy to me when people claim to be reformist by getting down to such level of ridicule.

Look, we have a double act of BK supporters ... BK Tweedledee and BK Tweedledum. Are you guys serious?

What sort of bourgeois, fear tripping reactions are these? They have nothing to do with ethics, values or "spirituality" ... nor even the genuine and original teachings of the Murlis as Alladin eloquently points out!?!

Someone says that, "it would be better if the BKWSU spent it money on feeding starving children rather than dressing 'King Krip' up in a funny hat, and giving her a picture frame she will never look at again" ... and you tell them they are going to go to hell for doing so!?!

What a joke ... and what an offence to the 3,000 children who are going to starve today in India and their mothers.
    The pair of you are mentally ill. You've lost your humanity, never mind your soul
Especially given the questions that have been raised, even within the BKWSU, about the events surrounding the lose of Janki Kripalani's own child so she could escape her marital duties and run back to her lover Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Bear in mind, not just the history of the BKWSU has been re-written but also Janki Kirpalani's too. The Kirpalani Clown you are so in love with does not exist in real life. She's based on a myth and they are exploiting people's tendency to swallow saintly myths. I find it difficult, apart from the money she has pulled in, to think of any particularly saintly she has done ... removing any 'placebo' elements from any Dadi Bhagat story.

"Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it is not, it ain't. That's logic."
BK_tweedledee_tweedledum.jpg (69.06 KiB) Viewed 19574 times

You've obviously not spent any time really close to Janki Kirpalani. At the time "Attention Janki" ran back to the Om Mandli, she was running back to "her Krishna" Lekhraj Kirpalani alone ... there was no God Shiva in their religion at that time. How long she spent still in love with "her Baba", meaning Brahma Baba, and has bent the religion around it since.

As for your comments, they are just BK "control others minds by seeding superstitious doubts or fears" ... at a pathetic level. Please, if you are going to stick around here, have some dignity and maturity ... and leave your petit bourgeois BK values outside the door. That's not even in the Murlis ... it's a superstition that comes from somewhere else (Bhakti).

Sure, Janki is the BKWSU's "biggest trophy" but she, and the BKWSU's use of her, needs reined in.

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2013
by ex.brahma
"Duets", are very common in the musical world. On stage, duetists perform together as a pair ...

This forum, in a way, resembles a stage except that in here we have a "Duet" performing out of rhythm, out of tunes, and most importantly ... without logic ..!!