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that book..

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2007
by surya
Abrahma Kumar wrote:Have the book in which they were published: "Pearls of Wisdom" amongst my affects somewhere ;). If anyone has any questions then I would only be too please to assist in any way that I can.

Pearls of Wisdom is Dadi Jankis invention only.

Mr Green, why don't you place here at least one of Mammas class so we could give a look and compare to Dadis ... ?! Do you have any of Mamas class? Or maybe someone else has?!

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2007
by Mr Green
I am sorry to say I don't have the book any more, I threw a lot of stuff out.

All I have left is some Avyakt & Sakar Murlis.

Also, they are read in morning class on Mama's day.

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007
by tinydot
Mr Green wrote:The one I am referring to was a normal sized thin paperback with a sitar on the front on a sort of spiral pattern with a green background.

That is called Gyan Sitar, a collection of Mama's classes. I find it better than Sakar Murlis. I gave it to someone or I think I threw it away, cannot remember.

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Thanks tinydot. On going home last night i checked my library and can confirm that the book is indeed entitled Gyan Sitar. What's more it contains Mama's Murli's going way back to the 50's which I was pleasantly surprised to discover and look forward to reading as part of my ongoing journey.

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007
by john
What's more it contains Mama's Murli's going way back to the 50's which I was pleasantly surprised to discover and look forward to reading as part of my ongoing journey.

If we can have Mama Classes going back to the 50's, then why not Sakar Murli. Is Mama's word more important to BKs than Shiva's

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007
by john
Thanks for all the info on the books. If anyone can point me in any direction to purchase them I would be most grateful, apart from 'Companion of God' which I think is overpriced at Amazons 2nd user part.

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
John wrote:Thanks for all the info on the books. If anyone can point me in any direction to purchase them I would be most grateful, apart from 'Companion of God' which I think is overpriced at Amazons 2nd user part.

Madhuban is the place for Gyan Sitar I think.

Re: that book..

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
surya2037 wrote:Pearls of Wisdom is Dadi Jankis invention only.

Mr Green, why don't you place here at least one of Mammas class so we could give a look and compare to Dadis ... ?! Do you have any of Mamas class? Or maybe someone else has?!

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007
by john
Dear Abrahma,
There is I believe a thread in the Admin section explaining how to succesfully post using quotes.
It may be useful, I know I struggled for a while to get to grips with it.

Mama's Classes

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
The Gyan Sitar, the Life Giving Herb that purifies the mind ...

Gyan Sitar

A collection of versions spoken by Mateshwari Jagadamba Saraswati.
B.K. Prakashmani wrote:Preface

Om Radhe, earned the respect of all and became the first head of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, and gave the experience of motherly love through her spirituality and the soothing music of knowledge. She became well-known as Jagadamba, Saraswati, due to her special efforts and her elevated understanding and inculcation of knowledge which acted as a life-giving herb and revived souls who had become unconscious.

The Brahmin children used to call her Mama with great love and affection. Jagadamba, the mother led the unique, spiritual army of young Sisters and mothers of this university from 1937 to 1965. Just as a mother not only sustains but also protects them in their childhood, similarly, Mama, along with sustaining everyone with the sweet music of knowledge and divine virtues, also provided spiritual protection.

Mama's depth of knowledge, her purity, love, sweetness and coolness and her entire life of tapasya constantly impressed each and everyone. "Mateshwari" Jagadamba, Saraswatiji enlightened everyone on the depth of the philosophy of karma. She said: Due to degraded action, human beings have fallen and through elevated action, they can become noble. One doesn't have to renounce action, but should renounce vices. Instead of renouncing the family, one should create a pure family and renounce the impurity that has developed within it. Mama laid special emphasis on a life of total purity and through her sweet elevated versions clarified in simple words, the depth of Shiv Baba's and Brahma Baba's versions. She encouraged everyone to follow the Godly Disciplines with ease and enabled them to move forward.

This book is a collection of some of the sweet versions of our beloved mother Jagadamba, from which each one can definitely take inspiration to make their life divine and virtuous. Some of the versions from 1958 to 1963 have been printed in this book.

I hope you the reader will study these versions, churn them deeply and experience spiritual progress in your life.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
11th December 1958

The one Supreme Soul is the only One who takes everyone back and who knows the beginning, the middle and the end of the world.

The entire world is at present in extreme darkness and therefore, wherever they go, they only experience the stumbling of sorrow. The first darkness is that they do not have any knowledge as to who they are and where they have come from. So they stumble and the result is further sorrow because they do not know the true path. Only the One who has the enlightenment of the beginning, the middle and the end knows this. Only He who does not have a beginning, a middle and an end can know the beginning, the middle and the end of everything. How can someone who comes into the beginning, the middle and the end know about the beginning, the middle and the end of the world? Only the Supreme Soul who is a detached observer can know this. He does not come into The Cycle of birth and death. Only He has the entire knowledge. Those who come into The Cycle of birth and death cannot have total enlightenment. And even the religious founders are at present in The Cycle of birth and death. So who can enlighten you??

The Resident of the faraway land is the One who knows about all the religions and He is the One who will take us back. He does not belong to this world. Since we say that this world is false, the body is false, Maya is false and the whole world is false, then the Traveler who takes us away from this world cannot belong to this world. Everyone in this world is false. We have to go beyond this false world. Although this world will be created again as a new world, there is no trace of Him in the new world. That world is completely different from this world. So we definitely need the Traveler to that world who can take us beyond. Only the One who does not come into this cycle can have enlightenment. No one can return home until this cycle has completed its beginning, middle and end. Nor is there anyone who has received mukti and through whom you can receive enlightenment. No one can go there. We now know the complete difference between the Creator and the creation. Since we have to start The Cycle from the beginning and reach the end, how can anyone return home in between? The Cycle also has to change its stage numberwise. So no one can return home until it is the end of the last part of The Cycle. Only the One has this entire knowledge. Only the Creator would know the beginning, the middle and the end of the creation. Human beings cannot be Trikaldarshi (knowers of the three aspects of time). Human beings also go through their beginning, middle and end numberwise. You cannot instantly go into the old age from childhood. All these are the predestined laws. So now your intellect is enlightened. You now know the complete cycle, and you know it now when it is the time to go into the beginning of The Cycle. If we were to be Trikaldarshi at the beginning, that is, if at that time we were to know that we would descend, there would be no experience of happiness. So we only know everything now, at the end. The deities do not need to be Trikaldarshi nor do those of the Copper Age need to be Trikaldarshi. The Supreme Soul comes at the end when the game of the three aspects of time is to be finished. Whilst the game is still continuing, there is no pleasure in seeing it from in-between.

The Supreme Soul is now explaining that the story is about to end. It is now the end of the end. Then a new story will begin. This cycle or this story is predestined. There is only one world history. All this knowledge is in your intellect and that is why you have the happiness that you have a part in the story that is starting again. We experience total happiness in that. We know that the One who knows this entire knowledge is the Traveler from the faraway land. He Himself comes to take us back home. Human beings cannot do this. If human beings did this they would not come into The Cycle of the beginning, the middle and the end. They would have to be separate from The Cycle. But only the Supreme Soul, the Master, is that. Human beings think that there are many incarnations and that there is an incarnation at every age. But there is no need for Him to come at every age because The Cycle still has to continue to spin. We understand the law of The Cycle. So what should we do to create our reward? What stage is needed? No one can relate the full knowledge of that. No one has been able to give The Knowledge of what all the stages of human beings are, and how we can attain those stages. Everyone just gives us a little explanation about something according to their own understanding. Only the Creator can explain what the elevated stage of human beings is.

We now understand about the darkness because we also know about the light. The world does not know that we are in darkness. They think that we are now progressing and becoming enlightened. But that enlightenment is such that it takes them towards degradation. We can only know this when the One who uplifts us explains to us. The world is now totally ruined; people understand this, but only the Supreme Soul knows the method to reform the world. How could those who are themselves degraded put this method into action? Everything of the whole world is degraded. Even the five elements are degraded. The reformation of everything is now in the hands of the Supreme Soul. Achcha.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by john
Thanks for posting that Abrahma.

As far as BK classes go I thought it was very good. The reader is reminded of The Cycle and ShivaBaba and for BKs they are important topics.

PostPosted: 24 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
12th December 1958

Purity is connected with Karma Yoga; Karma Yoga is more elevated than liberation.

All human beings speak of righteousness and irreligiousness, happiness and sorrow, knowledge and ignorance and right and wrong, but they are totally ignorant of what these things really mean. The Supreme Soul has to come to establish a religion and to destroy irreligiousness. Only the Supreme Soul can carry out the task of establishment and destruction. Since only the Supreme Soul can carry out this task, He must also know about religion and irreligiousness, knowledge and ignorance.

We know that, according to the law of nature, the world cycle is based on karma. The soul has to perform karma. Karma is eternal and this is why the Supreme Soul has taught us about karma Yoga. We have to know about that. Because we did not know what those really elevated actions were, we became separated and fell. The Supreme Soul came and taught us how to perform elevated action. He established religion throughout the entire world and destroyed irreligiousness. He did that by performing action. He established a religion through which the entire world became peaceful, pure and happy. The Supreme Soul explained about karma Yoga and not karma sannyas (the renunciation of karma). There should be knowledge about karma and whether something is right or wrong. When people say that it is good to be liberated, there is then no question of karma. God taught us karma Yoga – that whilst playing this part and on the basis of this karma, human beings can create that elevated stage. Everything applies to the human world. If liberation were elevated why would the Supreme Soul give more importance to karma? If He did, then He would say: You should attain that which is beyond karma and akarma. But the Supreme Soul has taught Raja Yoga. All the elevated versions of the Supreme Soul point towards family life. What kind of family should there be in this creation and through which there can be purity, happiness and peace? The word “purity” is connected with karma Yoga. It isn’t that liberation means purity. There, there is neither purity nor impurity. The words “karma Yoga” and “pure karma” apply to human beings. The soul has come onto this field of action to play a part.

Karma Yoga and family life refer to the human world. However, everyone will be liberated. God has explained only to human beings how those who were pure became impure. These words only apply to the game of the human world. The words “religion” and “irreligiousness” are also connected with a part. God explains how you can keep your family life pure. It is a question of karma. The soul cannot always remain detached. Only human beings make effort to make their household pure. If they were to be liberated there would be no question of any game, and therefore God has given more importance to karma Yoga. Through elevated karma you create an elevated reward. You can only perform elevated karma on the basis of this easy knowledge and easy Yoga. This is the last birth. We have to settle the karmic accounts that were created with the creation through the bondage of karma. There has to be transformation. It is said of this birth: Be pure. Later, you would actually be leading a pure life. The world still continues even while there is purity. There are memorials of this created eternally. There has been a creation of every stage. The stage of being viceless is also remembered, otherwise, there would not be the words “pure” and “impure”. If it were the law of the world to indulge in sin why is the term “impure” used? This is something to be understood. Now we are making this effort to make our household pure.

We must now adopt the karmateet stage. That world is completely different from this world. That different world is created only by the Supreme Soul. People think that the human world will continue to expand in the same way as it has done. But God says: I create the pure world and I also give to you the reward of it at this time. The world expands through being viceless. There, there is no question of vice. The world has expanded because of purity. God explains about the eternal household and the original actions. This is the field of action. You have to know about good and bad actions. You have to be liberated from the old karmic bondages. This is why we are making effort, and then there is just the reward. At that time, there will be no question of how the world population can increase or how they can remain pure. Only the Creator knows that. God has said: This is sinful action. You can see the consequences of the world having expanded through sinful action. The methods of God would definitely be unique. The intellects of the people of the world cannot even imagine that such a world can be created.

Baba explains: My world is pure. Actions there are pure. An impure intellect cannot understand how a pure world can continue. To be separated from your part is not a stage. The world of family life is remembered as being elevated. It has become difficult for human beings to understand this. This is why they have been falling. The karmic accounts of sorrow pull them towards sorrow, whereas the karmic accounts of happiness pull them towards happiness. You have to understand this contrast. Now there is no question of the world expanding any further. We now have to return home. In order to be liberated from karmic bondages, you have to imbibe complete purity. Achcha.

PostPosted: 24 Jan 2007
by arjun
Can any BK find out from the Seniors if these Mama classes used to be circulated among the BKs/BK centers even during the days of Brahma Baba or whether the circulation/compilation of Mama classes began after 1969?

PostPosted: 24 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Hi Arjun, A thought just crossed my mind and I wonder what you/the users of this site think of it.

Would it be an idea to keep the Mama's Classes part of the forum just for posting the classes rather than also interspersing it with questions and answers from/to BK's/PBK's etc etc. Not that the question you ask is without merit but you can imagine what will happen if in time the users have to trawl through lots of 'chit chat' before getting to the classes.

The classes themselves run from 1958 through to 1963 and though I have not given any serious thought yet about the benefits of posting all of them (and I am sure that others also have access to the Gyan Sitar book) the feeling is that according them an uncluttered space might be of benefit to all. What are your thoughts?

Maybe Admin can setup a time-limited vote on the idea. We could then have another topic in the Common Room dedicated to Mama's Classes Q&A perhaps? Otherwise we can just let the site develop as it is doing ... Maybe this post reveals my hitherto unrealised "Mama-bhagat" sanskaras ;) so forgive me.

In the BKWSU Mama's classes get a public reading once a year so to have 2 of them here within such a short period represents a leap into the hitherto unknown. If there will be a vote and the idea carries then we could leave the topic as is for the sake of posterity - i am an old romantic at heart ;) - but going forward we could revert to the suggestion.

Let's see what happens.

In Godly remembrance ...