BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, RajYoga

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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post24 Oct 2014

When I was a BK, the impression the leaders gave was that God enter Lekhraj Kirpalani and spoke his wonderful wisdom through him complete and perfect for 5 years and that was it.

Yes, this is an interesting phenomenon, this change of when the ”knowledge’ was at its most perfected form. Of course they thought so in 1936 then in 1944 then in 1955 and so on. Just like the personal ego, we each think what we now know and now believe is right.

Seniors used to be more open about the development of the Gyan in some aspects, for example the change of thinking on the soul, a thumb shape became a ”point” form, the change from Lekhraj considering himself God to there being separate ”Shiva” entity. Yes even that used to be common knowledge but it was never ”publicised” or taught, so later BKs come along and innocently defend a belief that such ’tales’ are anti-party propaganda but when the evidence shows they're in error, they are embarrassed or compromised (but never wrong!).

So, it's then put out that the last five years of Sakar - after ”Mama” died, her "role completed" after helping refine the Gyan - was the perfection of The Knowledge. (She didn’t die because of cancer, she died because of her role - which has since had to be redefined a few times by those left behind who believe in her).

That inevitably raises the question as to why, if Sakar Murlis are the ”completion” of Gyan, are they so re-edited, re-revised, abbreviated, truncated, decimated? Why are many BKs embarrassed by them or prefer the ”Avyakt Murlis” which do not add to or alter the Gyan but effectively ignore the ”controversial” areas to focus on platitudes, encouragements, niceties and generalities of ”being spiritual” and ”becoming worthy”?

So, because earlier predictions were made before the Gyan reached its completion they could be excused of being in error. If the 1964-1969 Sakar Murlis are the complete form of The Knowledge but have since been repeatedly shown to be less than completely true in their teachings and predictions, especially after 1976, can we say that most of that can be jettisoned? Much is ignored, but who are we mere mortals to decide which part of God’s truth is not truth?

BTW, BKs - listen up. ”Perfect” and "perfected" is literally a synonym of ”complete” and "completed” - it does not mean "without fault". So if the Gyan reached its completed form, it is by definition ”perfected", but even though ”complete"; it can still be ”inadequate” and even wrong, e.g. a theory can be developed then completed over many years, it can be cohesive and logical within itself, all its internal inconsistencies ironed out. But when reality proves otherwise, that theory needs a serious rethink because any adjustment to a completed theory entails making it less complete again.

Like an arithmetical formula - if the conclusion proves to be wrong in application, one must re-examine all the factors that went into it. And if they seem fine, then it indicates there are factors missing from the equation.

"Gyan” (aka BK Theory) is supposed to be complete, i.e. a body of knowledge that covers all aspects of time and existence, must therefore be seen as inadequate, for Time has extended well beyond its claims (the Kalpa is now 5040 year long) and existence itself has changed, as well as the forms in which we continue to flourish as a species (e.g. the only technological explanation for what differentiates such things in SatYuga was nuclear power, an existing technology at the time, whereas computer technology was not anticipated at all but it is at the heart of all new developments that BKs would like to anticipate as being "for them").

All changes in reality itself since 1976 are well outside Gyan’s complete/perfected form. But BKs still won’t change their claims despite so much being in contradiction with events and evidence, and continue to behave ignorantly in the overweening conceit that it is all for them and about them.

Save Innocents

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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post25 Oct 2014

Pink Panther wrote:"Gyan” (aka BK Theory) is supposed to be complete, i.e. a body of knowledge that covers all aspects of time and existence, must therefore be seen as inadequate, for Time has extended well beyond its claims (the Kalpa is now 5040 year long) and existence itself has changed

Right. As BK Gyan is Buddhi Janit Gyan or Intellect borne knowledge, so it is bound to change with time if they want to prove it consistent with current & future trend. It is so unstable.

If it would have been truth, then there would not have been any change, or even the need of it, but they keep on modifying it as per their requirements. And when they make a claim/prediction which comes out be wrong, their response is ...
"This is your test. All this was done to motivate followers & to keep them in line with our commands. Most of you passed it except those questioned".

Affected BK

questioning BK

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Re: BKs Trademark Trimurti, Lakshmi & Narayan, The Tree, Raj

Post25 Oct 2014

save innocent wrote:And when they make a claim/ prediction which comes out be wrong, their response is "This is your test. All this was done to motivate followers & to keep them in line with our commands. Most of you passed it except those questioned".

How long they will continue fooling people in this way?

Lives are being wasted from believing in them.

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