Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kumaris

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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post08 Sep 2014

It is disgusting to see followers not minding everything about BKWSU or just picking the selective items presented by BKism. Dates, timimg etc are integral part of BK theory, how can one ignore it. Someone who ignore those figures must also forget 16,000, 8, 108 etc.

These dates are a source to catch BK manipulator cum Murli writers' mistakes & thus becomes important.

Also I think their Baba says that remember everything told in Murli which includes dates & other numbers. Even there were tests related to the Murlis at the center where I used to go. Quite funny, marks in those tests denote spiritual level of followers. It was very simple to score good one, just cram the facts they tell & learn the philosophising techniques, praise Baba in each answer & you get full marks.
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Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

Post08 Sep 2014

Such questions are critical in analysing the true nature of the Brahma Kumari leadership. If you are satisfied with no answer ... or being told not to think or question ... then you are completely brainwashed.

Did you notice something else in that video? I noticed two things ...
[list[a) the "rugby scrum" on the stage surrounding Gulzar completely blocking the view of the 12,000 mothers in the audiences. They were even knocking one of the old Brothers in the head and pushing his neck over to grab a sweetie.

How inconsiderate and self-absorbed. Is that "spirituality" to you?

b) the manic little Sister on the right pushing her sweeties into the hand of Gulzar/Prakashmani. Did you notice how the other Sister sitting next to Gulzar/Prakashmani got irritated and then used her elbow to try and push her hand away aggressively? And then the Sister just kept on pushing her tolis.

Does that really come across to you as "divine" and enlightened behaviour? It's pretty uncool, unclassy behaviour for me.[/list]
These events appear to me to be like some kind of play acting by the Seniors, play acting how things used to be for all the BKs who never saw it for real. Was anything really deep, valuable or interested said? Was any great proof given? Did anyone address anything important? What evidence was given that it was really Prakashmani? How could you tell it was not the same spook who call themself BapDada?

It was the same act.
kumar28061972 wrote:They teach how to be content in lacking of materialistic things and many people are benefiting from their teachings.

They teach how to be content in lacking of materialistic things whilst amassing millions of dollars and 100s of properties.

What benefit have the BKs really brought to the world ... or even India ... in comparison to how much benefit they have brought to themselves?
    Do you know how much money they take in every year?
    Will they even tell you if you ask?
    Will they even tell your centre-in-charge if they ask?
Perhaps you should wonder, "why?".

BKs often use the word "benefiting". It has taken on a new meaning for BKs.

Whether "earning" or "benefiting" it seems to amount most just to 'personal advantages' rather than doing anyone else any good ... and what will it all add up to in 10 or 20 years?
    Will it pay someone to look after you when you are sick or old?
    Is it feeding the hungry or uplifting the poor and educated?
    Is it saving young women or lower castes from abuse?
What then is it doing?

Oh, Dadi Janki was given a private airplane to fly to hospital because the expensive hospital they built for old BKs in Abu was not good enough. Not so long ago, we saw a Dadi sitting in a white Rolls Royce with a Baba badge on it. They have laser shows and private gardens and many centers have and computers, sound systems and flat screen TVs.

Many people are benefiting from BKism ... but almost entirely they are BKs. BKism has made many elder Sisters fat since Lekhraj Kirpalani's money ran out in the 1950s. Therefore what is BKism really for?

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