Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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working towards unification

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post17 May 2014

Pink Panther wrote: if God exists, he is so petty as to involve himself with such pathetically parochial narcissists as BK or PBK?

yes i agree,if it is Goddly knowledge it has to be unlimited and impartial, not downsized to a group of soul called BK or PBK. Not possible.

ex-l wrote:As to Murli Kirpalani, do you have any information on his involvement, Warrior?

There is a video of an interview that proofs what I suspected before of the Jayanti's family. Their business were based in Japan. I will try to upload the video here.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post17 May 2014

Pink Panther wrote:
But what I really want to know is - you say you are exPBK but you talk like current. What’s your position? Do you really think that if God exists, he is so petty as to involve himself with such pathetically parochial narcissists as BK or PBK?
Dear Brother Pink Panther.

First one has to understand that GOD is just an observer(sakshi) both in the Broad Drama of 5000 years (which moves through 4-ages) and in the subtle Confluence Age Drama (which also moves through 4 stages)…God does not interfere in the karma of souls in both the Dramas…HIS part is just to give Godly knowledge about the World cycle and the Law of Karma through Murlis-vanis…..Just as HE does not interfere in the establishments of various religions in copper & Iron ages, HE does not interfere in the actions of souls in Confluence Age…Every soul in Sangamyug is free to interpret the murli-vanis as per his intellect and perform karma as per his wishes and if a soul is not following Shrimat, then he will reap the fruits accordingly…..GOD is not responsible for the administration of the Yagya and if Dadis-didis-senior Brothers are misusing their powers, then they will have to pay for it...…It is said in Murlis: “The gurus ( Dadis-Didis-Vdd etc) of Sangamyug are punished the most”....Mu : “Jo yahan rajayee karegaa , usko wahan gadayee milegi.” (“ those who become Dictators here, will do the donkey’s work in future”).

So it is not correct to say that GOD is behind all the irregularities happening in the bk-pbk world today.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post17 May 2014

You failed to answer my question about whether you are really "ex-”. Your language betrays your faith, even if you don’t like the administators of either cult.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post17 May 2014

As I understand it, he thinks the BKs only got so far, then the PBKs a bit further, but to really understand you have to go even further into the philosophy ... but not discard it as, say, we have done.


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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post17 May 2014

I do appreciate that Shivsena study the Murlis and try to make sense of it.

Since long Brother is claiming that Om Radhe is some kind of super soul or super shakti divine. She no doubt had good qualities.

But observe the Drama. The Drama is quite open giving chances to everyone till the end. See how much Dadis, dadas and Didis done so far and still they fall short here or there or by losing body. The "original jewels", as the BKs call them, those had the best opportunity in the Confluence Age by being there from beginning and still ... see what's happening.

Drama is open! Not giving chances only to small group or to one particular soul but to all of us. For that reason, Drama can be called beneficial and perfect.

And here is the video about Sr Jayanti and her family (sorry for being offtopic maybe move it to some other section):



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post17 May 2014

Pink Panther wrote:You failed to answer my question about whether you are really "ex-”. Your language betrays your faith, even if you don’t like the administators of either cult.

Dear Brother Pink Panther.

I am neither a BK nor a PBK ... I was a BK for 10 years and a PBK for 10 years ... since last 10 years I am an independent seeker of Truth studying the murli-vanis in search of truth ... I do not agree with the interpretations of murli-vani points of both orgs ... but as per drama plan both admins. are playing their part perfectly ... only it has to be understood properly.

BKWSU Gyan is half-truth since it preaches only about Father Shiva and AIVV Gyan is body-conscious Gyan since it teaches PBKs to remember Father Shiva in a physical body. I feel that real Gyan (nectar) for salvation (sadgati) lies hidden in the murlis-vanis, which have to be churned deeply and tallyed with Bhakti-scriptures-pictures.

I believe in Shaktism, ie Shiva and Shakti are one and the same and the two cannot be separated (just as sun and its rays cannot be seperated ... Powerhouse and electricity cannot be separated) ... Without shakti, Shiva is a corpse (cannot express itself) ... and shakti without Shiva has no existence.

If you wish to ask any more query about me, you are most welcome.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post18 May 2014

One aside, to note, is that the BKWS so called University really has no room for deeper reflection and opinions. Most of the organization is bottled up by the limitations of the "original jewels" who want to stay at the top and not let others ahead. They appear to want to keep things as they were, re-live the Om Mandli and early Abu periods, and keep the entire movement at their intellectual kindergarten level.

Largely, it seems they were at least in awe of Radhi Pokardas Rajwani. Whether they were afraid or jealous ... I don't know ... but I think collectively, to some degree, they must have lived through her. She playing the part of the divine and chosen consort of Shiva/Krishna/Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Correct me if you think I am wrong, but given how the movement pretty much stalled in its philosophical and intellectual development after her death ... and instead converted into a marketing machine doing PR and re-whitewashing its history ... it suggest to me that
    a) she did have a leading role in the philosophical development (to her level), and
    b) possibly the rest of them just did not understand how and what she was saying, nor where it was coming from.
What I would like to know is if she ever developed any honesty and integrity and if she was mature. Do any videos of her remain?

Since then, the greater part of the BKs' attention has been getting people to conform to their model ... mostly via 'acceptance through repetition' and a bit of 'carrot and stick'-ing people into their place.

Reformers, philosophers, other psychically sensitives ... even genuine mystics ... are not welcome in the BKs' Walmart stores selling Lekhraj Kirpalani's paste jewellery.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post19 May 2014

Good to see you play good cop ex-l and I can be bad cop for a change!

If Shivsena has outgrown the BKs and the PBKs but still thinks in their terms, then any thinking can only travel along such pre-formed channels.

It appears s/he has yet to examine the first principles of this kind of thinking, the foundational premise from which the rest arises, and seeks to support.

Like most vedic philosophers and vedantin scholars who try to rationalise the problems inherent in what is unquestioned and accepted as a ‘given’ from their certain cultural/religious inheritance & conditioning, that premise is accepted as valid or true, when in fact most is unfounded and unverifiable - a castle in the air.

What is unverifiably claimed can equally be dismissed with unverifiable counter-claim. I am talking about the whole notion of atman, paramatman, eternal self, brahman, Shiva and Shakti, reincarnation of self, caste etc.

Although I will grant him/her this - with a little bit more contemplation, his/her current way of thinking may evolve into a modern form of pantheism that is not incompatible with physics etc - it’s poetic counterpart if you like.

Or s/he may care to really study - without prejudice - the master critic of vedic thinking - Shakyamuni (the Buddha) who enjoyed deconstructing the whole Brahmin mythology.

Time to burst the banks shivsena.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post20 May 2014

Pink Panther wrote: If Shivsena has outgrown the BKs and the PBKs but still thinks in their terms, then any thinking can only travel along such pre-formed channels. Time to burst the banks shivsena.

Dear Brother Pink Panther.

There is a small poem in Hindu-mythology:

Asato ma sad-gamaya. [Lead me from the asat(untruth) to the sat(truth)]

Tamaso ma jyotir-gamaya. [Lead me from darkness to light.]

Mrityu ma amritam-gamaya. [Lead me from death to immortality.]

(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad — I.iii.28)

The road to Truth passes through’ half-truth(bk-gyan) and untruth(pbk-gyan) ... unless we know what is half-truth and untruth, we can never reach the Final Truth ... in one av-vani it is said: “Asatya ko asatya siddh karo, toh satya apne aap siddh ho jayegaa”. [ meaning: “ Prove what is untruth, then Truth will reveal itself”]

Time for a revolution in Sangamyug ... After the revolution, will come the REVELATION.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post20 May 2014

Your poem and exposition supposes :

a) that Truth can be attained using the same terminology and conceptions of the half-truth or the untruth (as you name it) which has brought you to where you are now. To use the old aphorism, once you've crossed the stream, to carry the raft with you is only a burden

b) that there is some final truth to be attained, a particular destination up ahead waiting for you to reach it, like some external object.

The Tibetan Dzog-chen masters say, ”The ground is the path is the goal".
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post20 May 2014

The BK philosophy is just a mirror for the mind ... and a smokey imperfect one at that, which you will admit Shivsena.

There's another aphorism in India about two monks on a pilgrimage who have to cross a great river. The younger monk worries about how they will ever manage to do so. The older tells him not to worry ... something will happen when they reach it. The other continues to carry his worries all the way to the river but when they get there they find a boat waiting for them to cross it, which they do.

I cannot remember the rest of the story, but the punchline happens several days laters on their pilgrimage when the older monk turns to the younger one and asks ... "why are you still carrying that boat?".

Just as the young monk was burdened with worries, illogically, he picked up the boat and kept carrying it ... even after they had crossed the river and did not need it any more. He was trapped by a "what if" worry ... "what if we meet another river?" The wiser monk would say, "don't worry, something else will happen and everything will be OK".

What I am trying to say is that ... at best ... BK-ism, and PBK-ism, and Post-BK-ism or post-PBK-ism are just boats to get us over certain difficult times in our lives but that after one has cross them, one should discard or leave the boat and carry on ... not carry it with one. Don't worry about life ... if you met another "river", you'll find another boat.

Meanwhile, India is still the number one country with the largest number of public defecators (600 million) in the world.

The government provided tremendous amounts of money, billions of dollars, for sanitation for the poorest but due to corruption and bureaucracy, it never reached the poorest who are still suffering.

I say that, if The Knowledge is true, this is also a symbolic memorial of the Brahma Kumaris in Confluence Age ... and what India needs most, is not more god men or god women but sanitary engineers.


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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post20 May 2014

There are many groups, NGOs and individuals persistently & dedicatedly working towards improving sanitation, child education, condition of rural women and many other social issues prevalent in India but unfortunately they aren't very well known because they do not waste time in aggressively promoting themselves like the BKs do.

These social workers are doing 'social service' in the real sense of the term without any expectation of money or fame. They actually go, live & work in conditions and with people, BKs cannot even think of hanging out with. Actually BKs are too 'weak' to dedicate their lives to doing real social service because they just don't have the strength to give up their comfortable lives & the habit of living off people's hard-earned money.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post21 May 2014

Pink Panther wrote:
The Tibetan Dzog-chen masters say, ”The ground is the path is the goal". have quoted correctly.....Holy Bible also says in John 14:6 :Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."....Similarly in Sangamyug if we have to reach Father and Holy Spirit(mother) combined, then we have to accept Dada Lekhraj-krishna's soul-brahma as the Chariot....that is why it is said in Murlis : "Krishna aur Christ ki raashi milate hai".
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post21 May 2014

.Similarly in Sangamyug if we have to reach Father and Holy Spirit(mother) combined, then we have to accept Dada Lekhraj-krishna's soul-brahma as the Chariot....

This is known as a non-sequiter. It does not follow. That is, although ”if X ... then Y ...” is a verbal sequence which implies Y is the same as, or a consequence of, or related to X, there is no connection in reality other than your assertion.

Nor is there any testing of the premise, "that 'we have to reach Father and Holy Spirit” or that there is some Father or Holy Spirit that is also mother. These are unsupported assertions with no basis in fact - or are word-symbols for some abstract concepts or metaphors. Which?

If you use Christian quotes to support that Jesus is the only way to God the Father, how can you then say you have to accept Lekhraj? Nearly every word in your statement is not based on anything other than someone’s conjecture and your acceptance of that conjecture.

You may as well say, ”Lekhraj is the final prophet of Allah in this age because Mohammed is the final prophet of that time” - they cannot both be the ”final" or the "only".



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post22 May 2014

Pink Panther wrote:If you use Christian quotes to support that Jesus is the only way to God the Father, how can you then say you have to accept Lekhraj? Nearly every word in your statement is not based on anything other than someone’s conjecture and your acceptance of that conjecture.

Divine Brother Pink Panther.

You are right ... what I am expressing is a conjecture-assumption -- my perception of what the Truth is and how it is going to be revealed in future (based on the study of murli-vanis and scriptures). Recent Murli :5-4-14 also says in last line :" Vastav mei yeh padayee(bk-gyan)ishaare ki hai.'("The whole study is based on hints").

The whole bk-gyan given in murlis-vanis is a game set by God Shiva in a mysterious impartial way for the all students to solve ... even those who come in the end have the same chance to inherit the kingdom of God, as those who have come in the beginning ... there is absolutely no partiality towards anyone ... every bk-pbk and ex- is interpreting The Knowledge as per his intellectual capacity and forming groups (Bks-pbks-Vishnu Party etc) which is going to make the students numberwise.

As long as the absolute truth is not revealed to the world, evey thing describing the truth is a conjecture-hypothesis-theory-assumption-speculation-philosophy, etc, etc ... just as a person who is passing through the night has not seen the sun, can only share his views to others (who are in the same situation) about the intensity and power of the sun ... similarly we all are passing through the night of Brahma in the Confluence Age and we all (bks-pbks and ex) are just sharing our views about what is the final truth and how it will be revealed ...Only when the day of Brahma starts in the near future, then the Truth will reveal itself in all its splendour and glory.

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