Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post17 May 2013

jann wrote:Brahma Baba instructed Dada to draw Brahma Baba at the roots, and when Dada completed it and returned to show Brahma Baba, Baba replied "Yes, it is correct". Brahma Baba then told Dada to draw the following 8 next to Brahma Baba and Mama ...

Reading between the lines then ... they worked out to have a "top 8 souls" was either a good way of asserting their authority or an inducement for others to make efforts ... and then when they died off, they reinvented them with Janki Kripalani being one?

I wonder where the myth actually started? I distinctly remember it being said often. Whether or not she is a good meditator I have no idea but intellectually I never found her that stunning. And now we know that morally or ethically she is a joke.

Against, it is a ... "it's not what they say, it's what they do that matters" situation. They tell you to follow the Murli without question as if they were the words of God, and then when someone does completely an opposite thing ... like Janki demanding a picture of her beloved Lekhraj Kirpalani and instituting a system of having them in every center (and every devotee's home) ... they ignore it and make that person the top.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post18 May 2013

I remember seeing the paintings that included those dadas and Dadis. There was one in the small hall next to the tower of peace (was it renamed the "history hall"?)

Another aspect of the early list of the top 8 and something not explored yet (or not fully at least) is, how many of them were related by blood or marriage. Something which Dadi Janki, Jayanti and other Sindhi wallahs could throw light on (or is that too "telling'?).

Has this ever been fully itemised? Rather than the genealogical Kalpa tree, a geneological Mandli tree?

I remember one conversation in Madhuban, after a class in which quite few of these relationships were related by one of the Dadis, Brother "savva" said something like "Man, it's just like the other "Godfather"! (the movie trilogy was big at the time) ... as long as you are related. Even Fredo gets a top gig because he's a Corleone!".



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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post18 May 2013

May I add correspondent Jann that correction to the book is required. As we see in Karachi pictures and dates on them we can say that Cycle came first and later Tree. Also earliest Tree appears to have drawing more resembling Roosevelt president of that time, then altered to resemble Truman, e.g. hat added for later Tree. I find this book not so accurate in BK early story, do you think, in light of discoveries. Thank you
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Re: Ask Dadi Janki (censorship of questions to BK elite)

Post18 May 2013

leonard wrote:I find this book not so accurate in BK early story ... in light of discoveries. Thank you

You are quite right. What it reveals is not the accurate history but either their abysmal efforts at historical revision, or that lack of informed opinion and understanding of their own history.

Sadly few of the original except Janki survive now and most of the influential BKs joined the religion long after the events.

Perhaps even after the famous "secret" meeting at which it was decided to re-invent the religion and introduce Shiva, e.g. I think Nirwair, Shetty, Jayanti, Mohini et al all came afterwards. Do they even know what the truth is? Were they told. The middle management and juniors practise sincerity sincerely repeating what they have been told to say not what happened.

It's a religion populated by robot parrots not programmed to think and question but repeat ad nauseum. You don't get real answer to real question, you get fortune cookie soundbites which are increasingly coming from somewhere and someone else than their god.
Pink Panther wrote:I remember seeing the paintings that included those dadas and Dadis. There was one in the small hall next to the tower of peace (was it renamed the "history hall"?)

Another aspect of the early list of the top 8 and something not explored yet (or not fully at least) is, how many of them were related by blood or marriage. Something which Dadi Janki, Jayanti and other Sindhi wallahs could throw light on (or is that too "telling'?).

Has this ever been fully itemised ... a geneological Mandli tree?

Given that the Kirpalani Klan have had their minions scouring the Sindhi community internationally and Janki and Jayanti are going around shutting down independent sources of information ... yes, it is *obviously* too telling. But it is also something we already know from the list of Om Mandli members if one can be bothered to decipher the clandestine naming conventions. They are basically all related to each other ... and that is what the philosophy also used to say, that the highest souls would remain the closest to Lekhraj Kirpalani for the entire Kalpa.

Just why they would want to, instead of getting out and seeing the world a bit and meeting new people, I have no idea.

It's fascinating how egotistical Lekhraj Kirpalani was, and the inner circle BK still is, to believe that his minute coterie *really* was the center of the humanity and around which all events in history orbited ... e.g. the cause of WWII etc ... and why this does not raise the eyebrow of any reasonably intelligent person.

He and they really, really, really believe it all.

I'd find a genealogical tree interesting but I could not be bothered doing the work. The thing to remember though is that neither the Kirpalani Klan, nor any of their obeisant minions, can be trusted over such information and records as they are still *actively* revising and censoring their history. They seem obsessed at burying any evidence, especially any which would either fuel the PBKs and support their interpretations of the Murlis, or 'open up old graves'.

The last comment is literal. It seems there are more than "skeletons in the BKs closets", and there were more than old books and diaries left *buried* behind in Pakistan.

Any serious historian has to accept as a starting point that the BK elite have and are concertedly censoring not just inconvenient questions but also their history and philosophy for all it might reveal.

Despite that, however, enough of the truth is still seeping out in order for us to get a better understanding of the real history and to see them as they truly are ... the suppressors, perverters and resellers of truth.

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