The Preordained War of Mahabharata (now in Hindi & English)

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Post22 Mar 2008

Just wondering when the letters sent to Adolf Hitler will emerge, after all, the Reichschancellor must have got his inspiration from somewhere. If all the world dignatries from that era recieved the 'Godly message', I cant see why the Nazi party did not also receive 'the message'. Perhaps the The Fuehrer took notice, and incorporated aspects of the 'Godly Plan' into his plans for a 'New World to last a thousand years.' ... oops ... :lol:.
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Post23 Mar 2008

Funny you mention that ... I am looking into at the moment. I am hoping that my Raider of the Lost Murli hat wont be beaten to the material by the BK Whitewashing Wing.

I can say that there definitely are original documents from that time in Germany. Whether they got there at the time or later I am not sure yet. My fear is that so many records were destroyed and it is not exactly historical information or prime importance and so it might just be buried ... buried just like all the other original Murlis, they say.
andrey wrote:These could be letters from the past. In the past they had been sent but we are the recipients now that we are able to read them. It is also possible somone who had been there at that time and now he reads them and this could unlock some memories.

Its a funny thing but when you are good, you are good, andrey, and come out with some very acute observations. I agree with you. Also, from a PBK point of view, they make a little bit more sense, e.g. it being Prajapati Brahma not Krishna who is the "Gita sermoniser". Krishna being Lekhraj Kirpalani. How does the timing work out from the PBK POV? 1942 ... what war was going on in the Yagya at that time? Was it around then that Sevakram left?

I still wish we could get a little more feedback from PBK HQ on this Parajapati business and the old days. There is still so much more to excavate.
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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata

Post29 Mar 2008

Just as continued evidence that this is all real and to give others a vision. Printed in red ink on yellowish paper.

If it is set to scroll on your browser, click to enlarge.

bkwsu_military-marshalls.jpg (98.88 KiB) Viewed 17736 times
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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata

Post31 Mar 2008

1942 ... "science proud European Yadvas" in a mission to eradicate the vicious, and with the swastika (world drama wheel) as their logo!! ... sounds like the Nazis to me!
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nazi age

Post01 Apr 2008

Swastika, race supremacy, superior to even God... and all this aptly in 1942! The rest will be exterminated / purified in the Mahabharat war's crematorium.
Enough to give one the creeps! :shock: Not until we believed we were also part of the chosen ones though! :oops:
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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata

Post01 Apr 2008

I am loving these postings about the history. Thanks for putting them up - it really gives the reader a feel of what it must have been like in those days. Wonderful. Thank you.


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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata

Post13 Apr 2008

Very interesting indeed but none of what is written in those decrees seems divine to me!
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1942 Preordained War of Mahabharata in Hindi

Post23 Aug 2008

Thanks to another incognito donor, there is a new item in the Library, an original 1942 document of 'The Preordained War of Mahabharata' in Hindi this time.

When someone has the time and interest ... I'd appreciate a translation and to clarify the terms used for "God", concepts and difference between the English version etc. Thanks. Below is a low resolution version (1.7 MB) suitable for view on the internet. In the Library, there is a high resolution (39 MB) suitable for finer detail or print.

Needless to say, this has not come from any sources within the BKWSU nor BKWSO, organizations who have to date given or offered nothing in this area, despite being requested on many occasions. Nor have they sought to clarify, excuse or officially inform their financial supporters of their considerable historical revisions to the best of my knowledge.

1942 Mahabharata War (Hindi).pdf
(1.9 MiB) Downloaded 796 times

A few interesting asides;

    56 crore is mentioned ... 560,000,000 ... what does that relate to?
    References to K.C.I.E. (Knight Commander Companion of the Indian Empire) and C.I.E. (Companion of the Indian Empire) which relate to 'The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire', an order of chivalry founded by Empress Victoria in 1878 of which, e.g. the Nepalese Maharajas were members.
    There are intriguing reference to "SO-CALLED Christian 20TH CENTURY" and SCIENCE CIVILISATION.

    I also noticed was the exact number to a HMV record, number 15633. I imagine this was an 'HMV India' serial number. So, for those diligent gopes and gopis out there amongst you ... top prize is offered for anyone that can find the exact title and artist. This is not it ... but it would look just like this;

    his_masters_voice.jpg (27.44 KiB) Viewed 17376 times
How does this one differ from the message sent to the British?
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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata (now in Hindi & English)

Post24 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:Thanks to another incognito donor, there is a new item in the Library, an original 1942 document of 'The Preordained War of Mahabharata' in Hindi this time. When someone has the time and interest ... I'd appreciate a translation and to clarify the terms used for "God", concepts and difference between the English version etc.

Thanks for uploading the document from Yagya history. My internet connection is not working since last two days. Hence it will take some time for me to study the document and provide the translation as required. But on just browsing through the first two pages I find that they have used the word 'Prajapati' as in the English documents uploaded on this forum earlier.

Also there are some mistakes in Hindi which suggests that the writer was not good at Hindi. I suppose it was written by someone whose mothertongue was Sindhi.
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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata (now in Hindi & English)

Post24 Aug 2008

arjun wrote:I find that they have used the word 'Prajapati' as in the English documents uploaded on this forum earlier. Also there are some mistakes in Hindi ...

I was wondering about the word they used for God ... although if it is already a translation from Sindhi, perhaps it will not yet be clear. Also "Aham Brahm asmi", as they used too.

Often Aham Brahm asmi is translated as, "I am God" but I wonder if it should be translated as "God is within".

Obviously, saying something like 'God is within me' could easily be misunderstood. The move from Aham Brahm asmi to God Shiva is such a big one, there must be some later documentation of it.
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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata (now in Hindi & English)

Post25 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:I was wondering about the word they used for God ... although if it is already a translation from Sindhi, perhaps it will not yet be clear. Also "Aham Brahm asmi", as they used too.

The heading of the document that you have produced is: "Vartamaan mahabhari Mahabharat Laraai aur unka parinaam" - Bhaag 16

The English translation available on the above document:
"This preordained war of Mahabharata"

The actual approximate translation of the original Hindi heading:
"The present mega-Mahabharata war and its outcome" - Part-16

The words written at the bottom are:

    "Divine sheva may,
    Avinaashi Gyaan Daataa, Divya Chakshu Vidhaataa,
    Divine Father Gita Author,
    Prajapati "Brahmakumariyaan".
The approximate translation:

    "On divine service,
    Bestower of Imperishable knowledge, Bestower of divine eyes,
    Divine Father Gita Author,
    Prajapati "Brahmakumaris"
On the second page there is a mention of "Divine Father Gita Author Prajapati Brahma"
and "Aadi Sanatan 'Aham Brahmasmi' Dharma'.

Page 2 &3 contain some general messages of knowledge.
Page 4 contains a message (aakaashvani) for the Military Mashals and Commanders.
Page 5 contains a message (aakaashvani) for the Sanyasis.
Page 6-10 contains transcript of conversation between BK Sistes Sundari, Meera, Ganga and Jamuna.
Page 11 contains a Divine Decree (the word being used in Roman script in the document).
Page 12-13 again contains transcript of conversation between the above mentioned BK Sisters.

In one of her conversations, BK Meera uses the word 'Niraakaar Parmatma' (incorporeal Supreme Soul), which I suppose they later on named as Shiv.

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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata (now in Hindi & English)

Post25 Aug 2008

arjun wrote:In one of her conversations, BK Meera uses the word 'Niraakaar Parmatma' (incorporeal Supreme Soul), which I suppose they later on named as Shiv.

Well, this strike at the essence of it although I suspect that they were using the words "Nirakar" (formless) and "Parmatma" for the "Brahm element" (classically speaking, the Brahman and being situated in the heart of every individual jiva) and not Shiva. As in the religion of "Aham Brahm asmi" or the god within.

Do we know if BK Sisters Sundari, Meera, Ganga and Jamuna made it through the Beggary period and still exist? Could Ganga and Jamuna be mediums and those mentioned in Murlis, e.g. the "river that disappeared" or whatever?

If you find it interesting, please share with us any original jewels that you find.


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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata (now in Hindi & English)

Post25 Aug 2008

Dadi Ganga was introduced to the class during one of my visits to Madhuban. That must have been 10 years ago or so. I do not know if she is still alive.

She told us a bit of the history of her early days and that she used to cry a lot because her family would not allow her to attend the classes.
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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata (now in Hindi & English)

Post03 Sep 2008

Omshanti. A new thing that I observed from the above document is that in the drawing of cycle (as swastika with Aum in the center) they have used the word 'Brahmin clan' in the space for Golden Age instead of using the word 'deity clan'. For Silver Age, CA and Iron Age they have used the words Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra clan respectively.
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Re: The Preordained War of Mahabharata (now in Hindi & English)

Post10 Oct 2008

English translation of a page from the document 'Mahabharat laraai':

13th July, 1942 Aum P.O.Box 381

“A divine communication for the Military Marshalls and Commanders.”

It has been observed and experienced through divine vision that as per the plan of the eternal predetermined huge film, being the junction of the end of the Iron Age and the beginning of the Golden Age, through the last one of many wars, i.e. the Mahabhari Mahabharata war (This last and the greatest world war) irreligiousness and unrighteousness prevalent on this Kurukshetra (world) is bound to be destroyed through the armaments of the science-proud European Yadavas through the ‘scorch the Earth’ policy. As per the plan this task has been entrusted to the military marshals and commanders. That is why the civilian law is to abdicate entirely in favour of martial law. After the complete cleansing of this Kurukshetra the completely joyful and peaceful kingdom (supreme peace, law & order) of the divine (angelic) dynasty will begin, which has already been established by the bestower of imperishable knowledge, the bestower of divine vision. The divine Father, Gita Author Prajapati Brahma and his divine dynasty.

On divine service,
Bestower of imperishable knowledge, the bestower of divine vision.
The divine Father, Gita Author
“Prajapati Brahmakumaris”

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