Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Oct 2008

arjun wrote:A visit to Pakistan to search the records related to Om Mandali for the period from 1936-1947 by one or more of the members may also help unearth new facts or to confirm known facts.

... and indeed to India, in order to document the period immediately post- the 1950 Destruction Episode when they decided to introduce God Shiva. Who, how, where, why and when?

The fact is, salient truth is so 'out there' now that any individual writing about the Beaks cant exclude it any more ... but the interesting bit is the leadership's 'position of denial', a further repetition of their stance on other controversies. One, I would say, is of doing nothing for as long as possible, and weathering it out, whilst unquestionably holding onto their positions. Is that divine?

And into all this fits Janki Kripalani ... what was she, and her family, doing back then? Certainly not what it says in the blurb about her.

I am sorry but, to miss quote the beer advert, "I am only here for the sincere". And I need to see deep evidence of it.

    What about Mama's diaries? Great emphasis was placed on her ability to write (probably quite rare amongst the women) and take notes, chests full were meant to exist. Where did they all go? What remains of them? What did she make of the changes in philosophy? Surely one so "advance" would have been astounded by the revelation that her God, Lekhraj Kirpalani, was not god nor Gita inventor at all.
Let us not make the mistake of writing history according to the lives of a few notable figures ... what happened to all the women that left Kripalani during his God Brahma-God Krishna Period. We understand their figures dwindled from 300 to 400 to, what was it, 70 or 80 by around 1950. It is re-sold as a "testing period" but surely only the deluded, most vulnerable or psychotic would have remained? A testing period for conscienceless psychopaths within to propagate falsehoods and a castes of submissives to support them? Surely any rational person would have thought Lekhraj Kirpalani was nuts. How much money did flow from outsides to keep it all afloat ... we read about them learning to sew in order to support themselves ... but did that ever happen? I don't think so.

The only business they turned to was the well trod one in India ... religion; "Our God ... your money and free labour".
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Re: 2012

Post12 Mar 2009

ex-l wrote:Re: 2012

If it is so, they will have to fit another part of The Knowledge to suit. That will make only him 24 in 2036 when he is crowned and meant to marry Om Radhe to become Emperor Narayan of the Golden Age.

Any insight into Lekhraj Kirpalani's fascination with Om Radhe? I wonder what poor Mrs. Lekhraj Kirpalani might have gone through. Also, one of my liberal teachers used to say that in the days of Brahma Baba, they were more physical - e.g. Brahma Baba used to sit Sisters in his lap etc. Did anyone else hear this?

Looks like talibanization of BKWSU kicked in after Lekhraj Kirpalani passed away.

(That warped reference is by intent :D. Let me also add that sensationalizing is definitely not the intent here).



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Re: 2012

Post12 Mar 2009

deccani wrote:Any insight into Lekhraj Kirpalani's fascination with Om Radhe?

Just like the PBKs set up a Baba & Mama, and many other groups do, the need for the Mother & Father archetype is behind it. We mammals are "hardwired" genetically for it. Christianity had to divinise the Madonna as Mother of God - and the Catholic church in doing so was able to serve the needs of certain parts of its following, and rejuvenate itself.

Maybe her appearance on the scene rejuvenated the Om Mandli at a crucial time. Descriptions of her are that she was bright, beautiful, charismatic, insightful, even helped BB develop his "story" (she did let herself go though - and in this I think she set up a pattern that is still followed, an overweight Sister is less likely to be the object of lust - I have heard this said overtly).

(I'd be interested to read a list of Indian sects that have mother & Father figures).
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Re: 2012

Post12 Mar 2009

deccani asked - of my liberal teachers used to say that in the days of Brahma Baba, they were more physical - e.g. Brahma Baba used to sit Sisters in his lap etc. Did anyone else hear this?

Yes. Also, part of the story I was regularly told back in the early 80s was that people used to line up to be hugged by Mama/Om Radhe, and that this was stopped because "impurity" crept in to the ritual.

That was from a Western teacher who signed up in the 70s and mixed in circles of very early BKs.
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Re: 2012

Post12 Mar 2009

deccani wrote:Any insight into Lekhraj Kirpalani's fascination with Om Radhe? I wonder what poor Mrs. Lekhraj Kirpalani might have gone through. Also, one of my liberal teachers used to say that in the days of Brahma Baba, they were more physical - e.g. Brahma Baba used to sit Sisters in his lap etc. Did anyone else hear this?

Yes, I have heard and seen pictures of this. I get the feeling that it was a much warmer, more natural, liberal and fluid experience than the Islamic BKWSU of today.

In writing "Islamic BKWSU", I am giving full credit to the Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs for that concept, as it is one of theirs. that the Islamic referred to in the Murlis are not the Arabs but elements within the Brahma Kumari movement. I relish the image of a rampant "BK Mujahideen" going about blowing to smithereens any icons from the past that remind them of other histories than the one their are trying to create.*

Yes, I have asked the very same question of Mrs Jasoda Lekhraj. I remember there were little hints at her discomfort at taking on menial services, I think the Brahma Kumaris also went through a bit of a "Gandhian phase" and attempting self-sufficiency without the exploitation of servants like they have now. Again, I would like confirmation of that too.

I imagine Jasoda to be a simple woman who did what an "honorable" Indian of her caste and generation would have done ... treated her husband like a God unquestionably ... even before he claims to be "God Brahma". I cannot imagine, however, that the mother of his children would have been utterly devoid of feelings, when her place as his eternal partner was usurped by the attractive, talented early 20 year old. Remember the state of Indian women of that era.

I am pretty sure we have not heard a fraction of the truth about all this.
terry wrote:Just like the PBKs set up a Baba & Mama, and many other groups do, the need for the Mother & Father archetype is behind it. We mammals are "hardwired" genetically for it.

Genetically? ... I am not sure how far genes carry tendencies, or if it could apply to all mammals, but deep socially conditioning, or sanskars? Certainly, without any doubt. (That would be back to the 'soul versus no soul' debate).

My question would be in this case, is it a "need" or is it an exploitation of a "coded in" vulnerability? The use of the power of those archetype. Obviously, in that, there is the additional suggestion that it is not a simple "hardwired" feature and that it can be further nurtured or abused.

In the PBKs ... is it not just a simple matter of having to replicate the codex of the BKWSU, and no deeper than that? Virendra Dev Dixit had his problems with his originally Mama leaving and, arguably now projects over BK Vedanti of Africa. How she feels about that is another question.

* Metaphor: The real Mujahideen destroying real world heritage sites.



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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post15 Mar 2009

... the need for the Mother & Father archetype is behind it. We mammals are "hardwired" genetically for it ...

ex-l, mammals, and some birds seek a mother and Father as soon as they are born. There are famous photos and experiments done by Nobel prize winner "Konrad Lorenz lived on a farm with his beloved greylag geese. He noticed that young goslings followed the first thing they saw after hatching. Lorenz called this phenomenon imprinting. In normal circumstances, this "works" because the first thing a baby bird sees is the mother goose. However, if the gosling sees a human first, they follow the human as if it were the mother. In a famous picture on the cover of Life magazine, Konrad was shown walking on his farm with a string of goslings following him. Imprinting is found mostly in ground dwelling birds and prey species such as goats and lambs. It keeps the young in close proximity to a protective parent."

I will add that human newborns are among the most vulnerable of creatures. Many stories exist of abandoned babies being raised by other wild animals, and vice versa. Even "Mary had a little lamb" is a statement of fact!

The oedipus complex also is about the strong need /attraction for mother & Father figures - not necessarily, or only, incestuous attraction as popularly understood, but other conditions caused even by absent parents can be related back to that. Issues of substitution, transference etc.
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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post15 Mar 2009

terry wrote:ex-l, mammals, and some birds seek a mother and Father as soon as they are born.

Specifically, I'd actually say mammals seek a breast, or may be even just milk food. What conception do they have of what is attached to it? Freud would probably agree with me on that ...

You could open up an entirely different conversation relating to the Brahma Kumarism from that, e.g. how similar is the position of the Brahma Kumari adherent, sitting below the Senior Sister and staring lovingly into her eyes, in order to receive "nectar" on Thursday mornings. Many often receiving heavy breasted hugs from matronly senior Sisters. What part of child-mother sentiments does that play out for both givers and receivers?

(This is a ritual the BKs do where once a week, adherents will queue up to be fed directly into the mouth sugared water and receive dhristi ... a transference of psychic energy ... from their Senior Sister. A memorial of when "The World Mother" Om Radhe did the same. Lekhraj Kirpalani certainly uses and pushes 'the mother archetype' within Brahma Kumarism, even taking the title himself. It would be god to ask the PBKs what the "orthodox" point of view on such ritual is and open another topic on it).

Just to clarify for you, my question was, "is the programming in the meat (the DNA) or is it in the soul?". I would say the answer is far simpler, duckies have duckie souls. What's spiritual for the goose is spiritual for the gander ... Lorenz, in whose scientific and philosophic works there is great virtue and value, was an evolutionary biologist. For him, essential, humankind are just animals. A scientist in the materialist tradition, he was also colored by his time.

As an aside, as we are headed off topic here ... and this is discussion that might take place once you have offered us your major "no soul" opus, there is an interesting article on cult behaviour that quotes him and his work "On Aggression", here.


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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post22 Jun 2009

A Life’s Journey from Radhe to Mama! This is what BK has to see about it.
Call it a coincidence of history or the anguished SOS cry of a distressed, degenerated and dehumanized mankind, that after the horrible holocaust of the First World War, a divine messenger of love and peace descended upon the holy land of India, in 1919. Jewel of a girl, Radhe, was born to mother Rocha and Father Pokhar Das at Amritsar. In the midst of elder Sister, Parvati, and younger Sister, Gopi, a little doll swinging in the cradle of love and affection, bloomed from a tiny bud into a flower.

Parvati had been married earlier. Pokhar Das was a big merchant of gold and silver and also a wholesale dealer in Desi Ghee. His business empire extended to as far as Bombay, Madras and Ceylon. He suffered such a huge loss in business that he turned a bankrupt. This caused a massive heart attack to which he succumbed prematurely. Therefore, Radhey and her family had to shift to her maternal house at Hyderabad (Sindh), when she was barely fourteen.

Right from childhood, Radhe had a razor-sharp intelligence and personality of multifaceted splendour. She always topped in every class and was equally adept in singing and dancing. Radhe alone got the first prize in every competition in school. Her favorite song was: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star ...”, to the tune of which, she danced a perfect sequence. She was fond of wearing English Dresses – white frock of different designs and an effeminate hat on her head.

She was fond of latest fashion; whenever new and excellent dresses appeared in the market, Radhe was the first to buy and wear it. Everyday she had a new frock as the school dress. Radhe had very long, dense and black hair, a plump body, fair complexion, attractive features, a supernatural glow in her eyes; a soothing smile always illumined her face, her look was very sweet, full of warm affection. When she spoke, which was little, it so appeared that flowers of wisdom trickled down from her mouth. She was full of vigour and vitality. All in all, Radhe owned a very powerful, wonderful and attractive personality.

Radhe had studied in Kundan Mall Model School at Hyderabad (Sindh) up to Matriculation. Dadi Prakashmani, who presently is the Chief of the Brahmakumaris organisation, was her class fellow and they used to sit on the same bench but there was no close friendship. What a contrast! One was a doll of fashion, while the other was simple, plain, straight, modest girl – yet there was definitely a mutual attraction and spontaneous affection between them.

Another Sister of Radhe’s mother, named Dhyani, too had lost her husband and she also had come to her parental house at Hyderabad (Sindh). There was much grieving at home since two Sisters had lost their husbands. Whenever the two widows met each other, they used to exchange their tale of woes and cry in grief. The whole atmosphere was immersed in sorrow and the mood was surcharged with gloom and depression. Their third Sister was the mother of Dadi Shantamani, who is now In-charge of BKs’ Shantivan complex. Mama’s maternal house was in the same locality in which Dada Lekhraj and his wife Jasoda Mata lived. Dadi Shantamani’s mother would often visit her two Sisters to console them. Once, when she was returning after meeting them, she had a chance meeting with Jasoda Mata on the road.

On hearing the tale of woes of her Sisters from her, Jasoda Mata invited her to attend “Gita Satsang” by Dada Lekhraj at her house. She also advised her to introduce The Knowledge to her Sisters so that they might also experience peace of mind. Dada Lekhraj used to elaborate the essence in the verses of Gita, in simple words, easy expression and interesting manner. He used to explain the relationship of physical body, the soul and the Supreme Soul in such a simple, easy and forceful manner that it got permanently embedded in the mind and heart of the listeners.

Both at the start and at the end of the Gita Satsang, Dada used to articulate the humming sound of “Om,” in such a mystic manner that it produced a celestial vibration in the physical body. The listeners experienced that they were the soul, as distinct from the physical body. Dadi Shantamani’s mother attended the satsang and found it quite beneficial and her whole family got interested. On her persuasion, both her Sisters also attended the satsang and got mental peace and spiritual enlightenment. The Supernatural realisation brought about such a miraculous transformation in the life of the two widows that
they stopped bewailing and crying. A wave of joy and zeal, of vigour and vitality, of hope and will to live, returned in their life.

On seeing such a miracle in the life of her mother and mausi (mother’s Sister), Radhe was so much influenced that from the very next day, she began to accompany them to Gita Satsang. Her interest turned from being a doll of fashion to becoming an angel of love and peace. When Dada saw a new girl in the Gita Satsang, on the very first day, he obtained her introduction out of curiosity. Dada instantly realised that she was the very Radhe who had to become the
torchbearer of the Gyan Yagya. Dada began to administer special dosage of Gyan upon Radhe and entrusted her the work of singing hymns in Gita Satsang. Radhe had cultivated such a perfect art of articulating the humming sound of “Om” that the listeners became spell bound, landed into a world of meditation through a celestial vibration in their physical bodies, and came face to face with their soul.

The attendance in Gita Satsang progressively increased. The spell of Radhe had clicked. People started addressing her as “Om Radhe”. Dada too called her “Om Radhe” and sometimes “Beti”(daughter). Om Radhe was an accomplished singer. Her oratory skills were also powerful and logical. After some time, Dada had to go to Kashmir along with his family. In his absence, he had entrusted the entire responsibility of running the Gita Satsang to Om Radhe and she discharged the same with admirable success and popularity. One day, when Om Radhe was humming the sound of “Om”, Gopi went into a trance, had a divine vision of Sri Krishna and began to dance in joyous radiance. That was the first divine vision in a state of trance in the Satsang. Later, several others had such an experience.

When Dada returned from Kashmir, he felt elated at the incredible success and popularity of the Satsang. Gopi saw in him the vision of Sri Krishna and in Om Radhe the vision of Sri Anuradha. Gopi began to perform a circular dance around them (Ras Leela), associated with the legend of Sri Krishna. At that time, Dada proclaimed: “Children, you have to go to heaven, the capital of Sri Krishna and hence you have to lead a life of purity (Chastity). That stirred up a hornet’s nest among married women, whose husbands vehemently protested against such a distress, leading to frequent quarrels in their house.

There were protests, opposition, picketing and coercive encirclement etc. Dada in such critical and trying circumstances, used to depute Om Radhe to convince people and to pacify their frayed tempers. She invariably succeeded in her mission with her sharp intelligence, tactful approach, argumentative skill and disarming courtesy. Dada took the stand that whatever the Supreme Soul directed, he uttered and did; nothing of his own. That was in 1936, when
Radhe was just 17.

When Dada’s daughter, now known as Dadi Nirmal Shanta (presently In-charge of Eastern Zone), influenced by the divine knowledge came to stay with him, with the aim of following the spiritual path, Dada placed her under the affectionate care of Om Radhe. Dada told his daughter to consider Om Radhe as her Mom, because she was looking after her as a mother does. Thus Dadi Nirmal Shanta used to call Om Radhe as Mama and also treated her as such. Such was the
motherly instinct of Om Radhe even at that tender age that in course of time everyone used to address her as Mama, and Dada too called her so.

Gradually it became clear to the followers of this divine path that Incorporeal God Shiva was disseminating the esoteric knowledge through the corporeal medium of Dada Lekhraj. With the passage of time, Incorporeal God Shiva revealed through Dad Lekhraj the secrets of the Eternal World Drama, the secrets of Creation, Operation and Destruction of the world, the Time Cycle of 5000 years and other spiritual mysteries, hitherto unknown and renamed him Prajapita Brahma. His divine discourses (Shrimat) held sway over myths, dogmas and rituals. Mama imbibed this spiritual knowledge and propagated it so lucidly that it captivated the listeners. Thus, the mission of Brahma Kumaris grew in acceptance, recognition, strength, success and popularity Mama came to be known as Yagya Mata Jagdamba Saraswati.

Such is the legend of Mama, in short, very-very short, as her mystic contribution in a life span of 46 years would fill the pages of volumes after volumes. She left her mortal coil on 24th June 1965, now celebrated as Mama’s sweet Remembrance Day.-: Om Shanti :-


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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post22 Jun 2009

MY Mama (Experiences with Mateshwari Jagadamba) THE IMAGE OF SERENITY AND STABILITY - Dadi Nirmal Shanta

Mama was very mature and silent. Mama would speak the Murli as well as look after the Yagya’s responsibilities. While performing all her duties, she always remained cheerful, peaceful, sweet and focused. When the Yagya faced financial hardships, there were times when there was absolutely nothing for anyone to eat and this made a few faces fall sullen. But Mama’s unshakeable and unbreakable faith in Baba would keep her constantly smiling and free from worry. Even when Mama’s mother left her mortal coil, she maintained her mental stability and inner calmness. I never saw Mama reprimand anyone for making a mistake or get angry even to the slightest degree; I never saw her upset or angry. Sister Santri used to stay with Baba (to take care of his needs) and I with Mama, and therefore I have watched Mama very closely.


Mama was a perfect blend of simplicity and royalty. She never laughed loudly but merely smiled. She would say, “Lust, anger, ego etc. are the doorways to hell and so you children should not become angry. Anger is said to be a ghost. When I get angry, a ghost enters me. So children, never become a ghost yourself; never become furious. No matter what happens, never get angry.” If someone spoke too loudly, Mama would explain to him or her lovingly – “You live in an ashram. It is not good for you to speak in a loud tone. You should speak softly and peacefully”. Even if someone had committed a big blunder, she would tell him or her, “Is this really true? Please pay attention in future. Don’t let this mistake be repeated.” Mama never asked the soul why the mistake occurred but she would lovingly give a method and the strength to bring about change. In this way, she would transform them with love and gentle caution.

Whenever I looked at Mama, I felt she was definitely going to become Shri Lakshmi, Empress of the Golden Age. Mama would inspire me to serve: “Go, daughter. Explain The Knowledge to people. If you do seva (service), you will receive meva (reward)”. Mama taught me how to serve and give knowledge to others.

Mama was an intense yogi. She appeared to be ordinary but was in fact a mine of virtues. She had a unique way of sustaining others. I called her “Ma” (Mother) or “Mama” and addressed my lokik mother as “Jashoda Maiyya” (Mother Jashoda). I had been brought up with much affection like a princess; we had servants who attended to every task at home. But Mama taught me to do everything, be it driving a vehicle, sharing knowledge, cleaning utensils etc., and it was her power of love and patience that made this possible. It was these elevated sanskãrs, sweet nature and divine virtues that made Mama, Mother of the Yagya. Mama always spoke about how we can claim the inheritance of Baba’s throne: Firstly, we should not make any mistakes. There should not be a trace of lust, anger or body-consciousness. Constantly remain in the bodiless stage, remember Baba sincerely and then do service.


Sweet Mama, whom we used to call Mateshwari, was the goddess of our hearts. Her expert organizational skills in creating the new world were unique and incomparable. Mama sustained so many young girls like a mother and was adept at bringing about transformation in their lifestyle. Whenever Mama heard something wrong had occurred and the person involved was hesitating to come before Mama out of shame, her parental affection would emerge. She would gather all the children of the Yagya together and make them aware of the incident, so that they would see it as an insignificant incident. The person would then own up to his or her mistake and reform themselves forever. The mirror of their heart would become clean.

When Mama analyzed The Knowledge, it seemed as if goddess Saraswati was speaking. Once in Secunderabad, some citizens were opposing the BKs. When Brahma Baba asked Mama to visit the place, Mama accepted the Shrimat whole-heartedly and set on her way; I accompanied Mama to Secunderabad. Mama met with the opposition party. Hearing her sweet and meaningful words, they literally melted. It was their experience that Mother Saraswati herself was speaking to them. Witnessing this form of Mama they said, “Mother, forgive us. We did not know who you are. Knowledge heard through your lotus-mouth is unique and worth contemplating on. Whether or not we follow the Gyan, your presence has opened our inner eye.”

-: Om Shanti :-


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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Jun 2009

24/06/09 Morning Murli Mateshwari Madhuban 21/06/64

Sweet elevated versions to be read in class on the day of remembrance of sweet Jagadamba. The third eye of knowledge (wisdom) is the basis of happiness and peace in our lives. In order to develop the power in yourself to become satopradhan, constantly continue to perform elevated actions. By doing so, the burden of sin, bondages and obstructions will continue to move away. Song: This is my tiny little world.

Om Shanti. The unlimited, knowledge-full Father speaks to souls. The original stage that souls had has now become something else. You cannot say that a soul always stays in the same stage. Although souls are eternal, their stage changes. As time passes by, the stage of a soul continues to change. In fact, souls are eternal and imperishable, but souls receive fruit according to the actions they perform. So, the soul that performs those actions is responsible. So, the Father now speaks to souls. It is in everyone s intellect that the Father of souls is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul.

When you say Father!, you are definitely then His children. It isn t that He is the Father and we are also fathers. If souls are called the Supreme Soul, then souls should also be called the Supreme Father. However in terms of the relationships between Father and child, He is called the Father. If all of us were fathers, who would call us the Father? Definitely, the child and Father are two separate beings. The term Father! is only applicable when He has children, and the children are only said to be children in connection with the Father. So, He is called the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. That Father now sits and explains everything very well about how there is a difference between the stage you have now and the stage that you had at the beginning. I have now come to finish that difference.! The Father gives you understanding and explains that you now have to catch the original stage that you had. He is giving you The Knowledge and also the power for catching that stage.

He says: Remember Me and you will receive power to perform elevated actions. Otherwise, your actions will not be elevated. Some say that they want to do something good, but that they don t know what happens because their mind cannot concentrate on anything good. It goes in another direction because the soul doesn t have the power to perform good actions. Because our stage is tamopradhan, the impact of impurity is even stronger and it suppresses us. This is why the intellect quickly goes in that direction and is prevented from going in the direction of doing something good.

So, the Father says: Have Yoga with Me and, with the understanding that I give you, continue to clear your path of the burden of sins and the bondages and obstructions that come in front of you. Then, if you continue to perform elevated actions, you will develop the power to become satopradhan and, on that basis, you will once again attain the stage that you originally had. Then, as is the soul, so you will receive a body accordingly and the world will also be like that. So, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is creating such a world and this is why He is called the World Creator. However, it isn t that the world didn t exist and that He sat and created a new one; He creates such a world and He does it with this method. No one else can be called the One who created the world.

Christ came, Buddha came # they established their new religions, but the task of changing the world and creating the world is of that One who is the World Creator and the World Almighty Authority. It has to be understood that His task is different from those of all souls. He also carries out His task or act in the same way as other souls by coming into the human world. Each soul s act is his own. You cannot say that all is the activity of God. Each soul has his or her own individual account.

Whatever someone does, he receives the return of that. In that, there are some good souls such as Christ, Buddha, Abraham and Gandhi etc. All the good souls that came and played their own parts then went away. In the same way, you souls also have a part of many births. You shed a body and took another. Whatever the account of however many births there are, a soul plays that part. A soul plays the role that is recorded in him. This is the place where the role is played. That is why it is called a play or a drama. There are also the acts of

God once within that, and this is why the praise of His acts is the highest. However, what is He the highest in? He comes and changes our world. This is the field of actions where each human soul plays his own part. God also has a part in it, but He doesn t enter The Cycle of birth and death as souls do. He doesn t accumulate an account of wrong actions as souls do. He says: I simply come to liberate you souls and this is why I am called the Liberator, the Bestower of Liberation and Salvation, who frees you from bondage.

Souls are tied in bondage by Maya and He breaks those bondages and makes souls pure and says: My duty is to liberate souls from all their bondages and take them back home. So, the eternal laws and principles of the world have to be understood. Then how the human world increases has to be understood and also how the time comes when it becomes small again. It isn t that when it increases, it just continues to increase. No, it also decreases. Everything in the world has a principle. Even your own body has a principle: first it is a baby, then a child, then a youth and then old. You don t get old so quickly; you gradually become old and you reach a state of decay. Therefore, for everything to grow and then for it to end is also a principle.

In the same way, there is a principle for the generation of the world. There are stages in one lifespan and then stages of many births, and then there are also stages of generations. In the same way, there are stages of all religions. The religion that exists at the beginning is the strongest one, and then the strength of those who gradually come later, continues to be less. For the religions to divide, for the religions to continue, everything continues according to its principles.

All of these things too have to be understood. According to this, the Father says: I also have a part in this. I too am a soul. I, God, am not anything else. I too am a soul, but My task is very great and elevated and this is why I am called God. Just as you are souls, I too am a soul. Your children are human beings and you are human beings and there is no difference in that. Similarly, I too am a soul and there is no difference between souls, but there is a huge difference in our duties and this is why it is said that My duty is completely different from anyone else's.

I am not a founder of a limited religion. I am the Creator of the world whereas those others are creators of religions. Just as those souls carry out their own work at their own time, in the same way, I too come at My own time. My task is unlimited, My task is great and different from that of anyone else and this is why it is said: Your work is unique. He is also called the Almighty Authority, the One with all powers.

The most powerful task is to liberate souls from the bondages of Maya and to plant the sapling of the new world and this is why, in English, He is called Heavenly God, the Father. Christ is called the Father of Christianity; he is not called Heavenly God, the Father. The Supreme Soul is the One who establishes heaven. So, heaven is a world; heaven is not a religion. He is the One who establishes the world and in that world, there will be one religion and one kingdom. All the elements will have changed and this is why the Father is called Heavenly God, the Father.

Secondly, it is said God is Truth!. So, what is the Truth? Truth in what? This is also something to be understood. Some think that those who speak the truth are God. God is not anything else # it is just that one should speak the truth. But no! God is Truth!, means that God has come and explained the truth to us about everything. God is Truth!, means God alone tells us the truth. He has the truth in Him and this is why He is called knowledge-full. Ocean of Knowledge, Ocean of Bliss, God knows. So, definitely there is something special to know.

So, what is that knowledge? Not that when someone steals something, He knows. Although He knows everything, this praise of His is based on Him knowing how the world that has become degraded can become elevated again. He knows the things of this cycle and this is why it is said: God knows . So, in this way, God s praise is different from that of human beings because His knowing is completely different. What human beings know is limited; it is said that human beings know little, and for God, it is said that He has all knowledge, and, in English, He is said to be knowledge-full. That is, He knows everything about everyone. The One who is All-Knowledge-full can know the truth.

The One who has the accurate knowledge of everything would definitely give it to others. If that One himself knows, but does not give it to us, what benefit would that be to us? We have benefitted from His knowing, and this is why we sing praise of His qualification. We chase after Him. Whenever something happens, we say: Oh God! Now, You should do this! Forgive me! Have mercy! Remove my sorrow! we ask all these of Him. We have some relationship with Him. This is why we remember Him in that way, as though He has done us a great favour. If He had never done anything for us, why would we beat our head for Him?

When someone helps you at a time of difficulty, you feel in your heart that that one helped you at a time of great difficulty, that he protected you at the time of need and so you have love for him in your heart. So, there is also such love for God because He helped you at a time of need. However, it is not that when something good happens for a person, you say that God did that, that God does that all the time. His work is great work, it is the work of the world. It is a matter of the whole world. It is not that, when someone receives a little money, God gave it. We can also perform good actions, and so we receive the fruit of that. There is the account of good and bad actions; we continue to receive the reward of that. However, the fruit of the actions that God has come and taught us is something different.

Temporary happiness is also received on the basis of the intellect. However, through The Knowledge that He gave us, we receive constant happiness. So, God s work is different. This is why He says: I come and teach you the accurate knowledge of actions. It is said: Karma Yoga is elevated. There is no question of renouncing karma or your household etc. I simply give you The Knowledge of how you can purify your actions (Karma). So, you have to purify your actions, not renounce them. Actions are eternal. This field of action is eternal. Since there are human beings, there are actions, but, I come and teach you how you can make those actions elevated through which your account of action remains neutral. Neutral action means that there is no bad account created.

To the sweetest, very good children of BapDada and Maa, to the ones who remain cautious, love, remembrance and good morning. Achcha.

Blessing: May you be wealthy and constantly experience contentment by being full. The wealth of self-sovereignty is knowledge, virtues and powers. Those who have a right to being a master of the self and are full of all these types of wealth are always content. There is no name or trace of anything unattainable. To be ignorant of limited desires is to be wealthy. Such souls are constant donors; they would not ask for anything. They have a right to a sovereignty of unbroken happiness and peace. No type of adverse situation can break their unbroken peace.

Slogan: Those who know the three aspects of time and the Three Worlds with the eye of knowledge are master knowledge-full.

***Om Shanti***

21/06/64 Can any say if this is accurate??



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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post25 Jun 2009

If souls are called the Supreme Soul, then souls should also be called the Supreme Father. However in terms of the relationships between Father and child, He is called the Father. If all of us were fathers, who would call us the Father? Definitely, the child and Father are two separate beings.

William Wordsworth : "the child is the Father of the man" ... I am my Father's child, I am my child's Father. What is so hard about that? And many say that " Man created God in his own image" ... Only absolutists, or those who need a Father surrogate would really find such Murli "logic" compelling. And again we see how one Hindu concept - atma and paramatman (self & supreme self) - get mistranslated, misconstrued and twisted to suit someone's mistaken philosophy.
This is the field of actions where each human soul plays his own part. God also has a part in it, but He
doesn't enter The Cycle of birth and death as souls do. He doesn t accumulate an account of wrong actions as souls do.

And therefore is totally inexperienced and unqualified to advise those who live on the field of action. You only have to look at most BKs to see they are not the healthiest of specimens.

The tone of the Mama Murli is interesting though. It is so similar to the Sakar Murli, isnt she a great mimic? Goes to show that the Murli is not inimitable (I soon found them boring and repetitious, never developing any theme deeply).

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