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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 07 May 2019
by vlakshmi
Hi Pink Panther,

Words having one meaning in the beginning and having another (mostly distorted) meaning later is the proof of entropy which rules the system of things on earth. Everything we see outside is the expression what is within us.

When I did post graduation on Indian Philosophy, my professor used to say: In ancient India everything was perfect. Hospitalization was free, women had the freedom to choose their husbands (swayamvara), women handled important portfolios such as Defense, Education, Finance (a fact that is at the root of portraying mythical characters such as Durga, Sarswathi and Lakshmi) ... A king used to be disqualified if one beggar is found in his kingdom, and he would peacefully hand over the kingdom to another accepting his failure to ensure livelihood for one of his subjects. Hence Kings were known as Janak (Father) because kings' fatherly qualities were so dominant that their personal names were forgotten by people. Hence Indian Puranas mention around seven kings by name Janak (which means first half of the Kalpa was perfect, and second half became imperfect--so were the words and their meanings)

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 07 May 2019
by Rita
You are an expert of mixing up everything to prove your point. How would you explain “sati” and “widow rituals” of India in terms of entropy?

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 07 May 2019
by Pink Panther
I see that this nationalist mythology of an advanced ancient Bharat is endemic. The nature of mythology is something most modern psychiatrists and even psychologists do not learn about anymore, yet is so important to understanding how people react to the culture they are in. Stories aside, where's the hard evidence? Otherwise truth becomes a battle of unprovable claims from ancient scriptures.

"My mythological archetypes are real, yours are just stories...". The BKs would say "My mythological archetypes are real, yours are just memorials from last Kalpa" - This takes consciousness back to 19th century religio-nationalistic claims of superiority from all sides that led to major conflicts (and it seems the world is going through that again).

Heres the thing, not really a secret - nations are just as real as gods. If no-one identifies with them, believes in them, they cease to exist

As you have the aptitude for accountancy vlakshmi, consider that one main difference between India and the other major ancient asian culture , China, is that Chinese culture has a far longer tradition of accurate accountancy and bureaucracy. They have detailed family and other civil and historical records going back millenia , while India is all legend, scripture and hearsay.

Maybe a kind of fear or a jealousy is why China does not seem to figure in any of the BK iconography ( or other Hindu nationalists for that matter) - Tree, Cycle, etc. Where's China? Tao? Kung Fu Tzu (Confucius) or Japan and Shinto? Where's the world shaping empires of Egypt, Mesopotamia, the ancient greeks? Why is not the first recorded monotheist, the Pharoah Akhenaton, mentioned?

Back to China - a nation with 20-25% of the population of the planet and some of the oldest traditions and pioneering technologies were written out or ignored by Western historians and religious authorities, especially in the 19th century when Lekhraj Kirpalani was a lad receiving his education, which we can see is what he shared when he became worthy of Godhood (as Prajapati God Brahma) before being demoted back to God's chauffeur (Prajapita Brahma) where even after a few wars post-India's independence and three wards with them, China stays hidden from God's view (does it only take a bamboo curtain to blindside God? )

China just does not exist in the BK God's eye view of this world. No worries though, the Falun Gong are teaching almost the same stuff to the Chinese, just replacing India with China and their own leader for Lekhraj! (Did their founder know of and copy BKs? )

Surely there's a whole lot of fascinating phenomena for a serious psychiatrist to study and publish!

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 07 May 2019
by vlakshmi
Hi Rita,

Sati and widow rituals are obviously the next phase of degradation.

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 07 May 2019
by ex-l

If you want to understand HOW the Brahma Kumaris have managed to
    a) short-circuit your mind,
    b) hack into it, and
    c) turn you into a robot and control and exploit you
I am very happy to explain.
vlakshmi wrote:Sati and widow rituals are obviously the next phase of degradation.

Rita's point was that sati has been banned (by the British) and has been almost complete eradicated ... therefore things did not get worse, they got better.

Ditto, one could look at the huge number of animal sacrifices the Brahmanas used to make during the early period ... and how they were eradicated, again getting better.

There are example after example ... eg literacy, life expectancy, women's rights (albeit small), deaths in childbirth, dalit rights, rule of law etc ... of how things have been getting hugely better.

In all fairness, your old philosophical teacher was clearly deluded between Indian history and Indian mythology, aka fairy stories in English and you remain so, adopting the Brahma Kumaris shortened, simplified, "easy reader" version of them.

In addition, you appear to be in denial about how Indian history and mythology contradicts BK history and mythology, and vice versa.

In short, the structure of your mind is the same as it was before ... illogical, disconnect, faith based ... it is just that the labels and concepts have change ... eg "blind faith" is now called "Gyan" ... and your family and tribal loyalties have shifted to BKism, instead of your birth families.

Belief is BKism is just blind faith as no proof, no evidence, no explanation can be offered as to how the 5,000 Year Cycle could possibly exist.

You could not even do the simple arithmatic to prove their population predictions.

I hope that you can understand that.

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 08 May 2019
by Pink Panther
And, to add to ex-l’s questions, you still have’t responded to why China is so absent?

Would an Ocean of Knowledge, Ocean of Love, Supreme Father forget one of his four children?

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 08 May 2019
by vlakshmi
Hi ex-l,

You wrote: "sati has been banned (by the British) and has been almost complete eradicated ... therefore things did not get worse, they got better." You are taking this as a proof that there is no entropy.

Banning sati by the British was, indeed, a good legislation. Numerous laws have been made, number of prisons was increased, we filled earth with CCTV cameras—still even the worshippers do not feel safe even in their places of worship. This is because entropy of the mind is like an avalanche against which legislation has its own limitations, and entropy is not easily seen, and it is better seen with your third eye of the intellect.

For example,

1)Technology has added to our pleasure and comfort, but spoiled the air we breathe, water we drink, land we cultivate our food. In my school days, we were all drinking water from the well directly whereas now we have to buy purified water. So will be the case soon with the air we breathe. Instead of protecting the environment, people pollute it, destroy forests and build concrete jungles ....etc which is so illogical as though cutting the very branch one sits on.

2)We have on earth poverty because there is extreme greed on other side: “World's eight richest people have same wealth as poorest 50%” ( ... t-50#img-1) This is what the “dog-in-the-manger attitude” is. Also, Many people eat in such a way that they gain weight, and then they go for weight-loss spending much money and time. This is like breaking your bones just because your dad is an orthopedic surgeon who can repair them.

3)Religions speak against ego as the root-cause of all evils while they themselves have to be egoistic to safeguard their identity and to keep the followers with themselves. Religions also claim to explain great mysteries of life and universe, yet adherents do not understand even the simple statement such as “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13) as they enjoy killing fellow humans, other species for food, and even kill the joy of others. All Gurus summed up the essence of religion as “Doing to others what you expect them to do to you.” (Mathew 7:12) Yet people base their lives on expectations about others and make their lives a hell. [Religions tend to break up, and adherents also copy this trend]

4)In frustration, people replaced dynasties with political parties; yet political parties are different only in form yet same in function. Political parties are funded by the rich and the mighty; thus in many places Governments are controlled by the rich. For example, instead of strictly banning the very production of harmful substances such as drugs, tobacco, alcohol …etc Governments prefer to remain as a scarecrow putting statutory warning on their labels such as “smoking/alcohol is injurious to health.”

5)Good examples, experience etc often exert no influence over others. Example of reunited countries, non-warring countries, India's independence through non-violence ...etc has often no effect on individuals. Similarly, history of every country proves nations reap what they sow, yet individuals do not often take this very important law seriously.

6)Diseases are like STOP signal on the road of life as they tell us to make certain changes in the lie-style; yet people prefer medicines to changing their life-style. Thus diseases keep repeating and number of diseases is also increasing. When some scientists are engaged in gene-editing for therapeutic purpose, there are others who are engaged in the same for causing diseases to be used as biological weapons.

7)Bhagavat Gita (6:22) defines Yoga as “refraining from all actions that ultimately lead one into pain or sorrow” which is the very essence of Rajayoga as being practiced by Brahmakumaris. Yet the world understands it as just some bodily exercise.

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 08 May 2019
by Rita
Do you believe in evolution?

May be there is nature's way of evolving species. Whenever there is increase in entropy, we adapt to the environment and evolve as a better species. That’s called evolution.

There are disadvantages of technology and advantages too. In previous eras, there were different challenges like diseases, world wars etc. In the coming years, who knows we will be able to tackle the global warming issues. When there was no technology, people used to be cheated more often. When you say religions and religious leaders have ego, then why are you a part of the same (don’t you consider brahmakumaris a religious organisation?).

You have been cheated by this organisation, but you ignore inspire of sharing so many examples. (You don’t know to use technology even for yourself).

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 08 May 2019
by vlakshmi
Hi Pink Panther,
Pink Panther wrote:... you still have’t responded to why China is so absent?

The famous statement by Winston Churchil “History is written by the victors” explains many things — including that of China’s history. The history most countries have is not to be taken literally. Many histories are like Piltdown Hoax. Historians often work like the paleontologists. One must envy them. Here is one classic example: The first dinosaur that was fabricated and named Iguanodon in the 1825 in England was not from several hundred individual bones but FROM JUST A SINGLE TOOTH brought to Dr. Gideon Mantell, English obstetrician, geologist and palaeontologist.

Hi Rita,

If you believe that "I have been cheated by this organisation," no matter how sincerely I answer to your queries, it is not going to have any effect.

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 08 May 2019
by Rita
Hi vLakshmi

Thank you! Because your theories re flawed made up to convince that you are on the right path, even 10th std student can clarify that with evidence.

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 08 May 2019
by Pink Panther
vlakshmi wrote:You wrote: “you still have’t responded to why China is so absent?”

The famous statement by Winston Churchil “History is written by the victors” explains many things—including that of China’s history. History most countries have is not to be taken literally. Many histories are like Piltdown Hoax. Historians often work like the paleontologists.

Yes but, surely Supreme God Father Shiva and the Father of the People, Brahma the Baba, is not susceptible to hoax?

They should know about China and its crucial place in the ”World History and Geography”. Why are they so comprehensively notable by their absence?

Do you think the existence of China, ¼ of the world’s population, don't really exist because God Shiva never mentioned them, that they are some hoax?

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 08 May 2019
by Rita
Baba knows only about India and British. Because he was born in British India.

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 08 May 2019
by vlakshmi
Hi Pink Panther,

In the concluding part of each Kalpa when God plants the seed population for the Golden Age, it is not necessary that this seed population should have full and detailed knowledge about individual countries such as China.

What is needed in the Confluence Age is The Knowledge to become Golden Aged people which God Shiva is, of course, providing in abundance.

For example, when He explains the history as endless cycles of Kalpa, the aspirants have an infinite view of matters, hence view all happenings in his life as too insignificant which rules out the possibility of developing ego, the root cause of all problems. Thus divine KNOWLEDGE produces PEACE. In peace, he acts in such a way that he does not disturb the peace of others which is what LOVE means. When he acts in love, the result is JOY. When acts out of joy [not for joy which is the ulterior motive which makes action impure], then his actions are PURE.

    If one doesn’t have this divine knowledge, he would think that he is this body, having limited existence, hence want to grab as much as possible before his expiry date.
    If his desire is fulfilled, there it becomes attachment, and will crave for more both of which would reinforce his ego.
    If his desire is not fulfilled, it results in anger.
    In other words, without having no divine knowledge one would make his life a hell.
Note how divine qualities automatically flow from divine knowledge effortlessly, and vices disappear effortlessly.

This is what God Shiva is interested in, not in teaching a comprehensive and detailed history of all individual nations.

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 08 May 2019
by ex-l
As I said before, as tempting as it is, and as much as they may deserve it, I don't want this to be a "Beat on a BK" session. They are not responsible for all the BKs' crimes.

I don't think that works as all it does is makes vlakshmi do is withdraw within the hard - safe, simple - shell of BK fundementalism and provide robotic responses. I would like to try and get them to look at the shape and nature of their mind.

Personally, I believe they know perfectly well there are problems with BK theories.

I believe they know perfectly well there are problems with population, evolution, space, archeology ... even the simplistic concept of entropy BKs exploit.

They are not stupid.

Yes, the sati example was to show how things get better. If BK theory was perfect, then India would be killing even more widows, all women even ... (BK theory is everything keeps getting worse and worse until Destruction in 1976 or 1986).

As a start, try this sincere scientist who has actually studied the data and is not trying to finance an end of the world cult ... Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers by Steven Pinker ...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

PostPosted: 08 May 2019
by ex-l
vlakshmi wrote:Note how divine qualities automatically flow from divine knowledge effortlessly, and vices disappear effortlessly ... no matter how sincerely I answer to your queries, it is not going to have any effect.

But you are not answering questions sincerely ... so why is not this divine qualities flowing?

This is very important to see. Your answers are not sincere just because you say they are sincere (a typical BKism of circular reasoning). They must first pass testing as sincere in their nature by others.

OK, let's forget the "simple" population problem you refuse to address, and the problems with recovering space technology and returning it to its original position as metal ores deep within the earth, and let's look at the logic in answers above.
"Dinosaurs aren't real because the one that led to the development of the field was a single tooth".

What is your point, to cast doubt upon the science because the first fossil was not a complete animal? Why would that discount it?

Was the BKs' Knowledge™ delivered pure, perfect and complete in its first emergence?
    By your logic, if the first fossil was not complete, therefore archeology/paleontologists is false ... then is not The Knowledge™ also false?

(I was not the first fossil, just recognised to be a huge tooth of am unknown herbivorous creature - in a rock - that no one could recognise and knew existed at that time. It led to people looking for more/the rest of it and an almost complete dinosaur fossil was found a few years later).
The Piltdown Man was a hoax, therefore human evolution is false.

Actually, it was deliberate joke. The clue being that it was found with a rudimentary cricket bat suggesting that the earliest man was an Englishman who, of course, played cricket.

Dawson was a known fraudster, desperate for acceptance and attention, and a group of sincere intellectuals decided to play a joke on him.

The fact is that scientists themselves doubted it and were skeptical from the being and worked to exposed the hoax and fluorine dating technology discovered that the Piltdown remains were only 50,000 years old.

Still a problem for both Creationist and BKs.

Again, as with words, 'context' is important ... the environment of racialism and nationalism within the British Empire and conflicts between the Church and the rise of science that challenged Creationism. European and American scientists immediately recognised it for what it was.

And Churchill wasn't the original source for that quote. Another fallacy (Appeal to Authority), that makes even less sense when applied to the BKs' China Problem.

Part of that China problem is, eg why no mention of Confucius, Laozi, Mozi etc whose influence was just as great or even greater than the "Divine Fathers" in the BKs Tree ... the other *BIG* problem is its recorded history that blows apart BK history.
    Therefore, I ask you in all humility ... were your answers "sincere"?