Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post09 Jul 2014

Lekhraj’s lowest point was when he died.

Apart from that, it was the day he confused ego with soul.

Save Innocents

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post09 Jul 2014

ha ha ha :-)
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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post10 Jul 2014

I wonder if it was really that late?

I know the PBKs believe he died of a heart attack - grief - at his treatment by the BK inner circle.

In a way, I feel sorry for him. He blew his fortune on feed a circle of women and hangers on who went to on to oppose his wishes and fabricate stories about him.

How can you be an "Ocean of Truth" and permit, allow or encourage your adherents to brew up a "Tide of Falsehood" about you? How can you build an Age of Truth on Lies?

You cannot.

At what point did Lekhraj Kirpalani stop needing that circle of women to fluff up his ego playing god to? The answer appears to be ... he still does from beyond the grave.

I wonder if there was ever a point where he asked himself, "What on earth have I done?" ... "Why on earth did I say all that?" ... or "How on earth did I believe all that?". Or feel bad about what he and his followers have done to so many individuals and families now.

If he has not ... and does not if you still believe he is conscience and alive in the spirit ... then it just proves that some mental illnesses are not caused by and in the brain.

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post10 Jul 2014

The main problem is that BKs are not ready to understand the problems going on in their follower's family. They see it as their karma. It is so easy to say that way, do they not consider it to be their responsibility to address grievances? That is much harsh on their part. Even rich ones are not spared or rather most affected. What kind of responsibility you owe towards your followers. Make it clear.

If a Dadi is going through these posts, then I would suggest you to at address the problems of their follower to a minimum extent. It is not detachment to show your back to real problems but is ignorance, and surprisingly that is towards your own followers. Don't be that harsh to them. They devote everything for you people, at least work it out like NGOs. The Holy Trinity can wait, solve the current issues first. OK, it is a request.

When someone dies, showing grief is far better (even if you don't feel it) than saying "Eat halva & enjoy" (detachment in your terms).

Baba has gone, now Dadis rule. One day, Dadis will also be gone, then who will come to save your Holy Trinity?
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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post11 Jul 2014

Yes, you can look at this in two ways.

On one hand you can believe, "Yes, it's their karma ..." and pretend to know or that it means something.

On the other hand, you can just see it as an expedient way of achieving something else ... that is, instilling in individuals the idea that ... "When something like this arises, don't think about it or get involved in it, don't ask question or analyse it, just stop any thought with this mental plug called 'it's their karma ...' and move on to something or someone more important".

They separate individuals from other sources of advice like family or therapists especially those outside of the BK circle.

The main problem is that BKs are not ready to think about anything they doing or saying and the individual, familial, or ethical implications of it. For them, it's just all about keep the money rolling in by keep as many adherents as possible hooked up and addicted ... for them it's just like a keeping plates spinning in a circus show.

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post12 Jul 2014

Ex-I wrote:"When something like this arises, don't think about it or get involved in it, don't ask question or analyse it, just stop any thought with this mental plug called 'it's their karma ...' and move on to something or someone more important".

Definitely, this principle or plug "Its your karma" requires a high voltage protection circuitry which BKs fail to provide & then a shock comes & blows up everything. It is simply misuse of Laws. Everything has both aspects : A good one & a bad one. BKs are utilising good one for their own benefit while playing with a bad one. In their psyche, they think themselves to be highest & that is what make them lowest among all.
They separate individuals from other sources of advice like family or therapists especially those outside of the BK circle.

This is nothing but misuse of theory of detachment. Ruining family life, social life & then individuality of person is not a good idea.
The main problem is that BKs are not ready to think about anything they doing or saying and the individual, familial, or ethical implications of it.

That is major drawbacks of their system. Who is accountable for all wrong things they have done to others? Some virtual Baba which do not exist the way they portray is not accountable for this, rather those who are currently in the authoritative position are wholly responsible. But worst thing is that no one there takes responsibility of any bad thing as if they are different from human beings. Mm ... actually they are different, & you all know how is it so?


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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post12 Jul 2014

ex-l wrote:At what point did Lekhraj Kirpalani stop needing that circle of women to fluff up his ego playing god to? The answer appears to be ... he still does from beyond the grave.

Very good.

I guess that was when all his money gone.

Yes, there is so much cry for the truth, and if this is the truth he should come from beyond grave and clear this mess.
Does he has the power to enter and speak the truth? I do not know. Maybe if he realises the mistakes and his part of cover up he could repair it. After all we cannot catch the ghost, so why does he fear to just tell the real story? Instead of giving all that blah blah as BapDada, he could just take a day and say ... listen what really happened was ...

The latest I heard is that Jayanti said in class this week that Yagya has started more than 80 years ago. Yagya started much earlier. Ahammm, this must be due to the pressure she is getting from all sides and the evidence that is out there staring at her face.

Good job everyone!
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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post12 Jul 2014

Politician learn how to walk in front of flock with one eye over their shoulder in order to appear if they are leading it.

If the sheep change direction, or are forced to change direction, the politicians quickly skip in front again to maintain the impression of their position as leaders.

I was re-reading a quote from Om Radhe, yesterday. It was dated 1954 ... it suggests that both Jayanti, and Shivsena, have some distance to go in understanding the events of the cult's history and its messages' inner meaning.

22nd October 1954 from "Goddess Mother Saraswati", also known as Radhi Pokardas Rajwani or Om Radhe to the BKs.
Mama wrote:"One can turn to be even the very mother and Father of God himself! ... God Almighty Himself, the sole owner of Vaikunth (Deity World) as well as of Brahm (Infinite Godly Light)" and as part of the triumurti refers to "God Sri Shiv Shankera Mahadev".

"Beware! Delay is dangerous. The outbreak of the next atomic war and numerous Natural Calamities very soon and destruction on a large scale ocurring for ever if not taken by the forelock" ... "in near future in which most men will be roasted".

"And at the age of about 60, when he became God Brahma, (one of the Trinity God Almighty), he wound up his jewellry business immediately and began to deal in jewels of vicelessness, of peace, of true knowledge of 'Self' and of the 'Father-of-the-Self".


"Those degraded men of today, diving deep into the ditch of the poisonous sensuous pleasures malign their Lord Brahma as having become lustful to his daughter re-incarnate Saraswati."

We all are children of one Supreme Soul. Our Soul-Father is one God Almighty." "This Supreme Being performs the function of Creation in the incognito Corporeal Form of Brahma in the beginning of the Universe at such a time. He then sustains, or promotes it, in Subtle Form (of which there are two Corporeal forms of Lakshmi & Narain) and finally destroys it in the Subtle Form of Shankar ...".

"... then comes our Father, our dearest Daddy. He is the Hero of this World Drama, who re-opens the play Himself ... when the glory of Father Almighty was unveiled to his relatives, 'God', 'God' were the words that slipped sweet wonder from their mouths. In this meaning, he started religious discourses, first at his own home where came rushing men, women and children attracted by the sweet versions of this sweet Daddy, the Flute-Player of Godly Knowledge."

"The world philanthropist God Brahma, devoted all his wealth to finance this institution which was significantly named as 'Rajasva Asvamedh Avinashi Gyan Yagya' (A hermitage for total surrender of all one's vices to gain complete Godly Sovereignty through Godly Knolwedge). Here did the Creator and the World-Preceptor start to play the role of the founder".

"we, Brahma Kumaris, or otherwise called Bharat Mother Shakti Incarnations".

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post13 Jul 2014

ExI wrote:
22nd October 1954 from "Goddess Mother Saraswati", also known as Radhi Pokardas Rajwani or Om Radhe to the BKs.

Seriously, they are mental. Such an impure person (Om Radhe) is named as Goddess Saraswati. Are they out of their senses? If this fact comes out open in India, a large part of Indian population will make BK Dadis & their followers run for their lives. It is clear now why they are not bringing theory to public & prefer to give it behind closed doors in Red light.
Can you tell Ex I, what are other BK dumb Dadis called, I mean which Goddess they try to be? [ Remained there for just 1 month, so don't know much detailed designation & stupid classification BK have in thier system].
They are not only stupid but foolish & idiots too. They are just playing with religion.

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post13 Jul 2014

Murli :

No one can be seed of humanity. This marks origin of Universe which is known to be eternal, so it is a complete contradiction. Their is no such dynasty of Gods in fact. Boring theory or can be called fantasy. It does not qualify to be even called a philosophy.
"Those degraded men of today, diving deep into the ditch of the poisonous sensuous pleasures malign their Lord Brahma as having become lustful to his daughter re-incarnate Saraswati."

This theory was more of symbolic significance which those money maker is not able to understand. Moreover, it can be one of the reasons why Lekhraj fell in lust with her adopted daughter cum wife.
We all are children of one Supreme Soul. Our Soul-Father is one God Almighty.

They are so confused about their parents identity. Why?
"This Supreme Being performs the function of Creation in the incognito Corporeal Form of Brahma in the beginning of the Universe at such a time.

Stupidity has really crossed the limits. There is no creator, only creation exist. If their boss is creator then we should punish him for creating such bad creation which is full of sufferings. Alas! he also suffered in his own creation.

He then sustains, or promotes it, in Subtle Form (of which there are two Corporeal forms of Lakshmi & Narain) and finally destroys it in the Subtle Form of Shankar ...".

Definitely he was trying to copy religious theory without understanding what it actually means. Is it not remarkable that they have separated Lord Shiv from Lord Shankar? BKism is a fools paradise.

Now, they do not support their destruction theory as well.
"... then comes our Father, our dearest Daddy. He is the Hero of this World Drama, who re-opens the play Himself ... when the glory of Father Almighty was unveiled to his relatives, 'God', 'God' were the words that slipped sweet wonder from their mouths. In this meaning, he started religious discourses, first at his own home where came rushing men, women and children attracted by the sweet versions of this sweet Daddy, the Flute-Player of Godly Knowledge."

Some words have been wrongly used like: Daddy (deady), Hero ( Villain), re-opens the play( fools), Father Almighty ( Miser Lobhi), slipped sweet wonder(vomitted), religious discourses (money hacking courses), attracted by the sweet versions( attracted by opportunity to take over biggest businessman round the world ), the Flute-Player of Godly Knowledge( rude player of world monetary knowledge).
Here did the Creator and the World-Preceptor start to play the role of the founder".

Is there any current Murli in which they talk about creator? He played the role of founder of BKWSU, not the whole world. Even a 5 years old kid can tell that, then why these grown-up-grannies are not able to see the truth?
"we, Brahma Kumaris, or otherwise called Bharat Mother Shakti Incarnations".

You all Brahmakumaris are called by rest of the world as "Dhongis", "Pakhandis", "self proclaimed Updeshaks (preachers)",egomaniacs .... the list is very long. So, better you BKs now regain your conscious & start repenting for all your evil tricks or the next birth will automatically teach you the truth.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post13 Jul 2014

Save Innocents wrote:What!!!!!

Seriously, they are mental. Such an impure person (Om Radhe) is named as Goddess Saraswati. Are they out of their senses? If this fact comes out open in India, a large part of Indian population will make BK Dadis & their followers run for their lives.

Well, I wish they would start.

Do the BKs teach that Om Radhe is Goddess Saraswati?

Yes, literally and absolutely.

But it goes further. The Brahma Kumaris teach that Om Radhe is the real Sarawati and the Hindu version is wrong and just en erroneous "memory" of Brahma Kumaris from the last Kalpa 5,000 years ago.

They teach they are the deities the Hindus worship. That Hindus worship them.

If you think about it, it's some kind of bizarree Sindi supremacist cult ... them ruling over all the Indian Hindus.

Lekhraj Kirpalani believed/believes and taught that he was and will be Krishna. Was "God Brahma". And you will find pictures with his face on Brahma, Narayan, Vishnu and ShivShankar all of which they believe he also was.

The Hindus, they teach, cannot understand this because - quote-unquote - "their intellects are too impure".

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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post14 Jul 2014


OK let me cool down. May he get good vision in his next birth & again guide those Dadis & Didis to surrender to humanity forever & repent for their mistake.


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Re: Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post24 Jul 2014

Oh yes what happened to Om Radhe? What did she do?

"They have so much love for Krishna, but what did Radhe do (that they don’t love
her as much)? The Father says: You are sitting here in the Company of the Truth. When you go into bad
company you forget Me. Maya is very powerful. Even an elephant was swallowed by an alligator."

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