Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elderly

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Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elderly

Post24 May 2015

Incredible. Hot on the heels of the multi-million dollar fraud funding Brahma Kumari businesses and projects in India ... Dutch Brahma Kumaris are reported by the Netherlands' equivalent of the FInancial Times in € 27 million fraud.

At least, bit by bit ... or rather Rupee by Rupee ... the Brahma Kumaris name is becoming synonymous with fraudulent activities on ever continent. (Original document and approximate translation below, if anyone can help me with it or more info, please do. It's not clear to me but the name Harold K. comes up. Does anyone know who it is?).

I suppose when you believe the End of the World is coming to save you from prison and all you have to do is "Remember Baba" to clear away your bad karma ... anything is possible.

And what do we hear from Baba's divine Angels ... the 108 highest souls of all humanity (their leaders) ... about all this?

Ah, yes ... that's the "Power of Silence" folks. Or "Omertà" as the other mafia calls it.

Targeting the elderly and inexperienced ... seduced by beautiful brochures ... yup, all sounds very BKWSU to me.

The question is ... for how long were both individuals sitting in the Brahma Kumari centre together, one knowing that they were defrauding the other.

And where was "Baba's Protection" in all this?
"Bonds VSM would be a great investment'

Eva Rooijers, October 2014

More than € 27 million in bonds sold Solid Realty Corporation (VSM) up to 581 investors. Money which would largely be invested in Dutch real estate, promised the prospectus. In reality, VSM was only had about € 10.8 million in business premises and offices according to the reading of the Public Prosecutor (OM). € 12 million of the investment would disappear. The defendants argue that this sum was to keep the business going. Against six suspects, prosecutors demanded punishments ranging from four years imprisonment to community service sentences for crimes such as fraud, money laundering and forgery. The in Almelo court decided in a October 17 statement.

Stroke Victim

A large part of investors have lost some of their investment, or maybe even all of it. Many of them were elderly, inexperienced in the art of investing and not have too much power. They were seduced by beautiful brochures and promotional references to intermediaries or the suspects themselves. One victim, a "Jan" aged 62 from Naaldwijk (the victim does not want his name in the newspaper because he fears being threatened by the suspects) worked in office supplies when he was hit by a severe stroke in 1994. He tried to work a few more years, but end up claiming DIsability Allowances in 2001. In 2003, his wife also became incapacitated and their income dropped 25%, so he looked for opportunities to boost income.

Brahma Kumaris

Around that time he attend courses of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University where he met the former financial director of VSM and one of the suspects in the fraud. "I went there to find your peace", says Jan. "I came from a lousy time. After my stroke I could not walk any time, not talking, not seeing ... The Brahma Kumaris say students learn to be honest and open. It is a movement that is intended to bring out the best in people".

You can drive to it

The two get on well and Jan trusts the BK follower who recommends investing in VSM. "He's cam to his at home to explain the plan. VSM bonds would be a great investment. "The monthly return was between 4.5% and 9%, and the money was only invested in Dutch real estate". "He did it very well" John recalls. "You can drive to it, see it." In addition, the prospectus bears the stamp of approval from the AFM. The BK told him that his money can be retrieved at any time.

Jan and his wife did not have much in the bank to invest with. However, they have a house they bought in 1978 and which has appreciated considerably in value, so taking a second mortgage on the house he invested in VSM. "€ 75,000 in In 2006, another € 20,000 in 2007.

BK disappeared

In 2007 and 2008 Jan neatly gets paid a monthly return that is above 4.5%. But in 2009 the payments stop. John looks at the site of VSM and notice that the name of the BK had disappeared, leaving the company. Jan called many times to VSM and after much insistence, he still gets paid what returns. "Calm down. It's all good", Jan is told by employees of VSM.

He even had a new brochure mailed by the real estate company. "We strike while the iron is hot. Are you in?" VSM asks investors. The recession is over according to the CBS, said the leaflet and therefore VSM smells opportunities. "The name of the game is currently the purchase prices are under pressure. This means that we can now conveniently buy real estate. "Who are loading at least € 10,000, gets a luxurious weekend of pampering for two gift.

Via via

In 2009, the phone ringing at VSM. Not with investors who want to put money in again, but investors who wonder why no return is being paid anymore. The company is now collapsing and came in sight of De Nederlandsche Bank.

VSM has insufficient equity more. A lot of money was transferred to a parent company Apex through VSM. Apex and through the example of the various defendants, according to the OM. According to the suspects all the money that was spent to Apex actually delivered to work and stuff. Anyway, investors are a big part of their lost investment.

Financial Advisor

Like Jan, there are many more investors, says Ruud Nägele (70), secretary of the Foundation which represents the interests of aggrieved bondholders. "I am such an investor who had no business sense. Therefore, I had a financial advisor who advised us strongly to this product. He assured me that it was a very safe investment and that I could ask the money back prematurely".

Nägele put in € 45,000. That would be within ten years to become € 54,000. Return he did not receive. "I wanted the money after ten years to be paid out once, so my wife on her sixtieth could retire. She is in fact thirteen years younger than me; so we would have some time to enjoy our old age together. "Now working his wife until her 67 th. "Then I am 80. My joy will be no more to come."
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumaris in € 27 million Fraud

Post24 May 2015

Harold K is probably Harold Kops. A Brahma Kumaris follower of 20 years and responsible as the coordinator for the BKWSA's activities in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

So, he was actually a teacher or centre-in-charge? His LinkedIn profile still lists his BK involvement. See also, "Eindhoven Dialoogtafel". Harold Kops offers, "Soul Care" seminars ... "People are increasingly looking for authenticity", says Harold.
Harold Kops wrote:As a volunteer for almost 20 years involved in Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Academy. Activities of Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Academy are focused on the development of spiritual understanding and awareness of the individual and is committed to helping shape this in attitudes, behavior, skills and values ​​in personal, social and civic life. Take responsibility as a coordinator for the activities Eindhoven.

Verantwoordelijk voor de business development bij VermogensPartner B.V. Mijn ervaring ligt op het gebied van financiële dienstverlening, financieel management, het opzetten en in de markt zetten van alternatieve investeringsstrategieën. Mijn kennis van de Wet op het financieel toezicht en inzicht hoe hier in praktijk mee om te gaan, zijn een belangrijke basis voor de unieke opzet van VermogensPartner. Vanuit mijn bedrijf Netwerk voor Alternatieve Investeringsstrategieën B.V. ben ik een duurzame samenwerking aangegaan met VermogensPartner.

Als vrijwilliger bijna 20 jaar betrokken bij Brahma Kumaris Spirituele Academie. Activiteiten van Brahma Kumaris Spirituele Academie zijn gericht op de ontwikkeling van spiritueel begrip en bewustzijn van het individu en zet zich in om dit te helpen vormgeven in houding, gedrag, vaardigheden en waarden in het persoonlijke, sociale en maatschappelijke leven. Neem als coördinator verantwoordelijkheid voor de activiteiten regio Eindhoven.

Coördinator binnen Eindhoven in Dialoog. Initiatief van en voor inwoners van Eindhoven en omgeving op basis van sociaal kapitaal. Neem hier binnen als vrijwilliger de verantwoordelijkheid voor de trainingen van de gespreksbegeleiders en lever een bijdrage aan het behoud van de methodiek van de Dag van de Dialoog.
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post25 May 2015

It is reported that the BK center-in-charge of 20 years sold his obligations but the shareholders, including BK student/s, were paid next to nothing.

It is said lived of the money that came in buying an expensive cars, houses etc. The BK left the company, took the shares but did not alert the BK followers.

Nice ... 20 years purifying BK Raja Yoga and this is what you get.

Underlines my position that the BKs don't teach, understand or care about "ethics" whatsoever.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post26 May 2015


Well, sounds like authorities are on the case and time is up for BK Harold K.
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post26 May 2015

Indeed, and it's not India so the BKs won't be able to bring their way out of it with toli, rakhi and sweet young Sisters ...

However, it's not clear to me *exactly* Harold's role in this yet. What is clear though that he financially exploited his position as a BK and, in my opinion, his undue influence over the BK follower/investor center-in-charge.

As the investor said, he trusted him because of all the guff the BKs are well practised at spouting about their own divinity.

That the BK center-in-charge bailed out, leaving the BK follower to bite the dust says a lot about BK loyalty.

It was obviously "his karma" ... his own fault ... for not having sufficient Yoga otherwise, surely, Baba would have "touched him" something was not right and Baba's umbrella of protection would have saved him!?!

No, I don't believe that either. BKism is far more likely to switch off your intuition and make you gullible. They want you gullible and switched off so *they* can exploit you too!

It's just that the Kirpalani prefers the 'long con' (a little time, money and energy over a long time) ... to a short one (a lot of time, money and energy over a short time).

Has the BKSA in the Netherlands issued any statement? Would someone care to approach them?

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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post06 Jun 2015

Did Murli contained notes on corruption ever? Well, its time to give some classes on it to BKWSU by legal authorities.

I guess how BKs till now interpreted such big auspicious fraudulent activities? "Behold these grand roles in drama, Baba is working for us, he is directing us to bring more money to built Golden palaces. It is 'Subtle work' - lokik will not understand this special part of knowledge- too indulged in Maya to be at our level" ;)
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post08 Jun 2015

If anyone has stolen any money, or not paid taxes, all they have to do is give me a minimum of 10% donation and I will wipe the negative karma from their souls!!!

It's true!!!

Well, OK, I don't believe it but that's the system the Brahma Kumaris have been running for decades.

And if you give cash-cash to Dadi Janki, she says she'll take it "directly to Madhuban" and you will receive an even higher return.

Amazingly, there are people who are sucked into believing this.

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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post10 Jun 2015

Like Harold, a BK cannot be trusted ever. As their span of stay with BKs increases, they go on becoming less reliable.


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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post10 Jun 2015

PP, surely attacking is different to burgling or theft. I have commented on the part where FS like many headline makers in India portrayed this whole Church episode as "attack" but they turned out to be "theft or "burglary". A majority of Indian media these days is tabloid journalism.

Some facts for those interested to clear perception of so called Church attacks:

http://www.firstpost.com/India/crying-w ... 01105.html
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post10 Jun 2015

Back on topic please ... start a new one for this.

Modi is a BK favour ... but can you name one "pure" politician in India these days?

I thought corruption, criminal associations and populism were required qualifications for the job.

Make me wonder why "God" is so interested in them rather than those involved in social upliftment.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post11 Jun 2015

Not that far off topic.

Discussing the culture of corruption, opportunism, leadership, and how BK examples parallel the ”ethics” they are changing through Yoga and Gyan (mbahahahaha).

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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post11 Jun 2015

Pink Panther wrote:Not that far off topic.

Discussing the culture of corruption, opportunism, leadership, and how BK examples parallel the ”ethics” they are changing through Yoga and Gyan (mbahahahaha).

Do you mean ... if he had not been meditating for 18 years (or whatever it was) and a BK center-in-charge, he would have ripped off *more* people, or just the *same* people for *more* money?

The victims should be grateful for Baba's good influence.

I wonder what his official status with the BKSA in Netherland is now?

Did they chuck him out ... or just make him sit at the back of the class and do more manual service (aka housework).

That's the usual level of punishment within the BK system for "shamed" BKs.

I heard BK Julian went from doing VIP service to repairs after the Ranjana affair. No updates on that story for a while though ...
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post12 Jun 2015

Off topic posts about Modi moved to new topic, The Brahma Kumaris courting Modi and other politicians.


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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post25 Sep 2018

I am following these posts for quite sometime. But when these complaints will reach to the authorities and action would be taken against this organisation. I am losing hope.
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post26 Sep 2018

Rita wrote:But when these complaints will reach to the authorities and action would be taken against this organisation.

Mentioned in another topic.

Unfortunately, none of us are in India. We need activists in India to take up the challenge.

There is an ongoing investigation into Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs or AIVV, a BK splinter group. It has reached a high level in Delhi.

See; Swati Maliwal, Chairperson for Delhi Commission for Women.

Someone has to make the connection between the BKs and the PBKs are make the authorities realise that the BKs are causing the same damage.

For example, see here (article in Indian language).

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