Arson attack causes £22000 damage to Brahma Kumaris business

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Arson attack causes £22000 damage to Brahma Kumaris business

Post18 Jan 2015

How terrible ... or, really, how wonderful because - according to their own philosophy - the Brahma Kumaris have "purified" some of their ample bad karma. It must truly be a Yagya sacrificial fire and a sign that the end is near and that the whole world is going to be engulfed by the flames of Destruction !!! (Zzzzzzz ...).

Someone tried to burn down the Chelmsford Inner Space shop on the day after Christmas. Strange they specifically targeted the BKs. I wonder if it was because of some problem the BKs had created for them, their marriage or family? It seems their meditation alone is not enough to clear their karma.

One can only hope it does not inspire copy cat attacks on other Brahma Kumari money making enterprises ...
Boxing Day arson attack causes £5,000 damage to Chelmsford shop

A Boxing Day arson attack on a mediation shop in Chelmsford caused £5,000 worth of damage. Detectives have today issued a description of a suspect they want to trace, following the incident at Innerspace in Gloucester Avenue. Firefighters found the shop's doormat had been set alight when they reached the scene shortly before 5pm. Considerable smoke damage was caused inside the shop.

The suspect is believed to be a white man, who was wearing a beanie hat, cream coloured coat, blue jeans and black trainers. Investigating officer, Detective Constable Dan Bennington, said: "The motive for this attack is still under investigation and if anyone saw anything suspicious in the area at the time or has any information that could help our enquiries I would ask them to call me at Chelmsford Police Station on 101 or ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”
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Mr Green


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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post18 Jan 2015

How fortunate they are to have cleared more karma
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post18 Jan 2015

"White man wearing a cream coloured coat ..."

Could it be a BK or ex-BK?

They will be insured ... how does that effect karma? ... and they have an army of free cleaners willing to work for nothing. I wonder who Steve Willis peed off?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post19 Jan 2015

Who is Steve Willis?
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Mr Green


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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post19 Jan 2015

Steve Wills used to be centre in charge of Chelmsford, no idea if he still is

Last I heard he'd bought a big motorbike and spends his time touring europe
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post20 Jan 2015

No doubt doing a "balance of service & self-service" ... aka enjoying oneself.

His name still crops up on BK service events. He basically robbed you, did not he ... had you in am abusive relationship pouring everything into his house, his centre etc?
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Mr Green


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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post20 Jan 2015

correct, I know of 3 others at least who left Gyan after being abused by him
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post20 Jan 2015

Mr Green wrote:correct, I know of 3 others at least who left Gyan after being abused by him

No mention of that in how the Brahma Kumaris promote Steve Willis ...
Sunday Talk: Not Angry, Just Assertive

Venue Lighthouse Retreat Centre, 99 Marine Parade, Worthing

Suppressing negative emotions which don't fit the image of tranquil perfection to which we strive, is a common trap. We can underestimate the value of frankness, assertiveness and courage enabling us to calmly and clearly express our standpoint.

Our speaker, Steve Wills has been practising Raja Yoga meditation for over 25 years and coordinates the activities of the Brahma Kumaris in Chelmsford. Steve has a very realistic and humorous approach to life and a unique way of sharing spiritual matters in a light-hearted way.
Difficult Days, Irritating People - Hove Town Hall

It is said that anyone can handle a crisis, but it’s the day-to-day living that really tires us. Sometimes it is easier to forgive and cope with the big things, but living with the day-to-day habits and weaknesses of others can sometimes make us miserable.

We’ve all heard that other people are just mirrors – the problem is really with us. But when someone else’s seemingly illogical or selfish behaviour is ‘right in your face’, how can we truly ‘let it go’ without condoning it or suppressing our feelings?

Speaker - Steve Wills

Steve has been practicing Raja Yoga meditation for over 20 years and co-ordinates the activities of the Brahma Kumaris Inner Space shop in Chelmsford. He has worked in many penal institutions, teaching meditation and positive thinking to both staff and inmates.

Steve has a very realistic and humorous approach to life and a unique way of sharing spiritual matters in a light-hearted way. He was also the managing director of a successful engineering company.

A selection of meditation CDs and books will be available to purchase - cash and cheque payments only.

The Brahma Kumaris do not make charges for their seminars, workshops or retreats – voluntary contributions are gratefully accepted.

Silence should be simple, but in our fast technology drenched world, it is one of the hardest things to achieve. Even if we can take our eyes away from the ‘screen’, the screens of our minds continue to be filled with images, judgments, comments and ceaseless empty chatter. How can we can turn off, and really tune into the deepest centre of ourselves? How can we find and be comfortable with inner silence?

Speaker: Steve Wills

Steve has been practising Raja Yoga meditation for over 20 years and coordinates the activities of the Brahma Kumaris in Chelmsford. He has worked in many penal institutions, teaching meditation and positive thinking to both staff and inmates.

Steve has a very realistic and humorous approach to life and a unique way of sharing spiritual matters in a light-hearted way. He is the managing director of a successful engineering company.

At some point we’ve all said, “I’m burned out”. It seems to be the affliction of our time, as we juggle the demands of career and personal life. So many of us go over a certain emotional, mental and physical threshold; stalling like an old car on the side of the road. If we were to recognize the symptoms of burnout earlier, would we have a better chance of avoiding it? Can you recognise when you’ve crossed from a rough patch into burnout? Does burnout stem from doing too much? Or is it from our perception that we’re doing too much?

Speaker – Steve Wills

Steve is the Co-ordinator for the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre and Inner Space shop in Chelmsford, and has been practicing Raja Yoga meditation for over 22 years. Blended with humour and a very ‘down to earth’ approach to life; he has a very unique and simple way of explaining deep spiritual matters. Steve also is a managing director of a central heating company.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post21 Jan 2015

And that’s why he’s still practicing!

Reminds me of the character of a few other pukka BK "bovver boys” - all jolly, smiley and humorous PR face but treacherous to anyone or anything not working for "the cause” as they see it.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post23 Jan 2015

He has a serious anger problem.

Essentially he is a good hearted person, like many BKs, but he is not well and shouldn't be in a position of authority. He cannot handle it.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post23 Jan 2015

Mr Green wrote:Essentially he is a good hearted person, like many BKs, but he is not well and shouldn't be in a position of authority.

This is a tangent ... but what percentage of BKs would you say that applies to?

I mean, the BKs have made many moral and ethical compromises in their rush for rapid expansion.

What proportion of center-in-charges were driven by ambition, and what proportion landed in a position of authority merely by happenstance and are not at all ready or suited for it?

What's the BKs bottomline when it come to authorising individuals?

I know my answer would be 90% to do with money and property. Plenty of case where those involved were not even following principles never mind enlightened.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post24 Jan 2015

Slight tangent - the comments about Wills and the quotes about his ”public speaking persona”. A friend lives in a place where a few properties back on to a common driveway and they share a laundry. The one person who, out of about 12 involved, they all feel is a real R-soul makes his living as a motivational, positive-thinking speaker.



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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post25 Jan 2015

Guy has been charged for the deed.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post25 Jan 2015

Any story about who and why? It says, "religiously aggravated criminal damage". A looped out BK/ex-BK type?

All I can find is a Stephen Finch followed Brahma Kumaris UK note on Twitter. Great Fox Meadow a BK address?
A MAN has been charged with arson and religiously aggravated criminal damage in connection with fires at a Chelmsford meditation centre and a house in Brentwood. Stephen Finch, 52, of The Street, Croxton, Norfolk was arrested at his home on Sunday (January 18) by police following investigations into a blaze at The Inner Space meditation centre, in Gloucester Avenue, Chelmsford on Boxing Day. There was a second fire on Friday at a house in Great Fox Meadow in Kelvedon Hatch, near Brentwood. Both properties were also damaged with spray paint on October 19. Mr Finch has been charged with two counts of arson with intent, two counts of religiously aggravated criminal damage and two counts of criminal damage. He appeared at Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court on Monday (January 19) and was remanded in custody to appear at Chelmsford Crown Court on March 30.
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Mr Green


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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post26 Jan 2015


Stephen Finch, let me shake his hand!!!

He was one of the three I mentioned, poor old chap.

He was an extremely devout BK when I joined.

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