Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

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Save Innocents

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Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post16 Oct 2014

Do you think this cult will end by 2036?

Given the belief system & orthodox followers, it seems more like people under tension, family & relation problems & other mental illness who will resort to such cults which at least give them a space to rest & daydream along with others for a few hours.

The family & relation problems can be solved in two ways, first by understanding everything & taking rightful decision & other is to end all relations. BKWSU prefers second method for its followers. It not only removes family & relations related problems but also insures full dependency of followers on them. So, in a way most followers find that peaceful seeing that their problems are vanishing due to so called Gyan. In fact, it is not going alone but vanishing all forms of relation knots with itself.

The family break up (external ones which one can see) may not be very large as compared to total number of followers but those which happen internally where people have no emotional connection with other family members but still stay together due to some dependence, say, financial or psychological.

A mother or Father after joining BKism, & after following it for years, cannot love his children in same way they used to, which is very certain if you understand the psychic pressure that BKism creates on them. And I think those BKs who separate from their family leave their relatives in much better conditions than those BKs who stay physically within family but are emotionally & mentally somewhere else - in BapDada dreams or at BK centers.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post16 Oct 2014

I think those BKs who separate from their family leave their relatives in much better conditions than those BKs who stay physically within family but are emotionally & mentally somewhere else - in BapDada dreams or at BK centers.

That cannot be quantified, i.e if someone separates physically, can it be said it would be definitely be better if they’d stayed? Common sense suggests that it will be different in each and every case. What would be better or worse is, by default, predictive, not able to be substantiated until after the event.

It may be that it is bad that BK so’n’so stayed or left, but can we, in the abstract, say for sure that it would not have been even worse if they did the opposite?

To your main question - the BKs are not different to any other religious group, and can continue to have followers well into the next century. "What they believe" is not as important as ”that they believe”. We have documented evidence of the changes in BK beliefs and we see every day how this is easily accepted by those who believe/belong and want to keep believing/belonging.

The successful religions & smaller religious groups have all changed their original beliefs. But you may consider it more difficult for a group whose beliefs are built on very specifically defined time lines. That’s not necessarily the case.

The specific definitions for the BKs are not just of a predicted apocalypse - such apocalyptic beliefs have likely been going on ever since mankind was able to conceive of his own mortality and became cognisant of Time as past, present & future - apocalypse anxiety that isn’t confirmed today can always be renewed tomorrow!

(Early Christianity was based on the belief that it would be in the lifetime of the first generation that Jesus would come again, the old world would end, all bodies would be resurrected as Jesus was & his kingdom would be established).

Even the BKs’ specific definitions of total years available to humanity, i.e. to history itself (5000 years) and the very specific limit on the number of ‘reincarnations’ possible (84) - that have already been used up by the self-proclaimed no. 1 soul (if ever there was an example of ego-inspired revelation that’s gotta take the cake!) - these precise definitions may seem more problematic in terms of logic and reason - but religion has never been troubled by logic and reason.

Logic and reason are but two small aspects of the human psyche - albeit important ones. As most psychologists will tell you, a person’s logic and reasoning tends to be moulded by other drivers and needs. That is, logic and reason give a framework for the emotional and other psychodynamic forces to function by (e.g. survival mechanisms, of which ego is one fundamental of the human condition that juxtaposes with others).

As long as ego is not realised for what it is, as long as people feel anxious about mortality or the state of the world, as long as people feel something lacking, then any group that can provide something that feeds such needs will find ”customers” willing to sign a contract with them.

Whether the BKs continue in the same form as today, or morph into something different, whether they change the name or not, even if they do fall apart and disband, you can be sure there’ll be someone to fill ”market demand”.
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Oct 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Do you think this cult will end by 2036?

The BK system, method or even philosophy is not the "Knowledge". This is not obvious, especially to those of us educated to think of knowledge as facts.

BK system, method or philosophy is the ability to morph, adapt or change without question or second thought whilst remaining focused on their aims and objectives ... which are primarily social climbing and income/money/revenue.

In that kind of model, it does not even matter whether the most central tenets of faith change.

Any change is projected as a test of faith, not even a challenge, and the greatest social rewards within their system are given to those who morph, adapt and changing accordingly the quickest, easily and most economically ... and become instruments of changing others within the cult (e.g. silencing criticism or doubts) ... without question.

Therefore, I fully expect them to be celebrating their 100th Anniversary with great pomp and expense and inviting all sorts of VIPs to it ... the followers sitting 'mum' (silently) not questioning the morals or ethics of doing so, nor asking why they are celebrating their failure to invoke the, nay, build the Golden Age on Earth.

BK spin doctors and groupthink setters will be wheeled out and go, "Wah Baba ... how amazing ... how wonderful ... Baba was testing our faith by telling us the world would end and now we can spend another 100 years with him in Confluence Age!!! How luck we are!!! Baba you said you were going to leave us but now you are going to stay with us forever ... and the world is not 5,000 years long after all!!! Wah Drama!!!".

And that's it. Business will carry on as usual. A few more BKs will drift away broken and disillusioned, a few new need or curious individuals will be suckered in. No further explanation will be given.

2036 is not the final date ... the final date has already past several times. 2036 is only 22 years away ... how are they going to Destruct the world, allow the continents to sink, India to have a blood bath civil war and then be swept clean by tidal waves and rains, and then build a high tech nuclear powered heaven on earth?

How long does it take to build a single nuclear power station? According to phys.org, it currently takes 6-12 years to build one nuclear station. The BKs claim not just to have nuclear power station but nuclear powered flying machines etc. How long does it take to build factories that build mind controlled, nuclear powered flying machines?

Oh, and they've still got to invent the technology yet ...

Brahma Kumarism died, probably with Lekhraj Kirpalani in 1969. Since then it's just all been about the business of feeding and clothing the old dears and their unpaid servants ... and now the corpse has attracted a whole bunch of parasites who are having a feeding frenzy off it.


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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Oct 2014

The BK will go on as long we have no access to real world wide media. No one wants, or dares to come forward. Any anonymous forum is not taken seriously. We can stay here on this forum for a hundred years but if no action is to be taken it will be and stay as it is. The BK cult should end right now! Any suggestions?

ex-bk Jan

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Oct 2014

BK will end by 2036, from BK converted to other name ...

As last time, Om Mandli converted to BK ...

Correct me, if I said wrong.
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Oct 2014

jann wrote:The BK cult should end right now! Any suggestions?

Even if you shot Dadi Gulzar so BapDada could not longer perform his puppet trick, I think they would still carry on. It some angry ex-husband lost it and gunned down or killed most of the inner circle in a terrorist act, it would probably shatter a lot of people's faith, but others would re-group and re-vitalise believing it to be a 'sign' that The End was near.

But you'd pay a heavy price for doing so and it is illegal, so you just cannot. As tempting as it might be, I am sure, for some who have lost everything to the parasites.

The pen, rationalism and logic, are the only options we really have. And they say they are mighty. The problem is, now the BKs have a virtual and fanatical army of irrational, illogical and limited intellects, and they have created an army that needs fed, clothed, houses and watered, as much of it does not work and does not have any real skills. That army is also driven by those needs. If the leaders were to fail, or fall, what would they do?

Therefore, as in any way, you need to attack the 'supply lines', i.e. where the BKs gets its money and free labour from.

You cannot physically attack them, therefore it can only be done on the level diplomatically - contacting VIPs, organisations, informing media - creating a consensus amongst non-believers and allow them to see the BKs for what they are.

I think it could be worth protesting and leafletting the general public outside of big BK public events but one would have to be careful about that because the leadership would use it to excite the BKs claiming it was evidence they were near 'The End'.

Aim to weaken or complicate their fInances and stop new recruits being sucked in and used. Give them more work to do by contacting VIPs etc and telling them the BKs real agenda. Don't confront them openly, act like 'guerilla intellectuals' where they cannot see and do not know you are active, plant "mines" of informations to blow the BKs plans apart, e.g. telling other groups what to think and ask the BKs, tunnel inside and underneath the BK movement making them start to ask questions again and destablising it. Harry their leaders.

Basically, study something like the Vietnam War and learn how a small group of dedicated individuals with a good cause can defeat the biggest army.

Unfortunately, the biggest fight is in India and that is up to Indians. Already social media and the PBKs are chipping away at the BKs foundations, but there are a lot of superstitious and uneducated people in India for them to feed off and, in a way, for them BKism is a better, more modern seeming nonsense to many of the rest of their nonsense cults and religions.

And, lastly, I suppose you could always try "making love not war" ... sexually seduce a BK today!

Is there no one in India to come forward and lead a defence against the BKs attack and pillage OK Indian society?
ex-BK Jan wrote:BK will end by 2036, from BK converted to other name ...

I think there is some truth to this. You could say the BK movement, or even establishment, is splitting up.

You have the BKs and the PBKs, who are attempting remain loyal to the original purposes and form of the movement. You have the Living Values service programme splitting off and becoming a separate organisation. You have the business BKs going off and starting up their own companies; OLA and others. And then you have the various "Wings" run by different Seniors which claim some kind of independence. And you have some rivalry or division between them, e.g. BK being warned off from the 'SPARC' group. Amongst Westerners you have the Environmental Initiative ... I suppose each is like the beginning of its own church or tradition and they will more further apart, like in other religions.

Save Innocents

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Oct 2014

Pink Panther wrote:That cannot be quantified, i.e if someone separates physically, can it be said it would be definitely be better if they’d stayed?

You may be right, anything is possible. What I said is based on 8-9 years of horrible experience with someone who is in a belief (it's not this BKWSU cult) which has destroyed almost all family bonds. The family member is hell bent to not follow what is told rather modify it for his/her own benefits. In this case, I cannot even complain the authorities as they may simply reject it by saying that he/she is not following what we tell, so how are we responsible for it? And this is also one reason why I can easily connect with all those family disturbances that BKism may create. In my case, I feel it would have been better if the concerned family member would have surrendered and left us on our terms, at least we (me & other family members) did not have to go through all that hellish phase.
The successful religions & smaller religious groups have all changed their original beliefs.

I think religions are very much different than these cults in number of ways though all cults try to incorporate the similarities or concepts that attracts followers.
(Early Christianity was based on the belief that it would be in the lifetime of the first generation that Jesus would come again, the old world would end, all bodies would be resurrected as Jesus was & his kingdom would be established).

Whether you believe it or not but it's true, it's not a belief but a reality. Jesus crossed 5th stage of spiritual state & someone like that becomes fully omniscient within maximum 15 births. He is definitely coming (if one considers reincarnation) as he has karmic accounts with people here & Earth but not in next 80,000 years. His next birth is said to be in heaven where life span can vary from thousands to lacs of years. The only person who will be here before end of Kalyug & onset of GhorKalyug (after some 18000 years) is Maitriya Buddha. It is said that Maitriya Buddha will be the last hope in Kalyug to revive meditation path & bring back the integrity which is lost for now.

Lekhraj who was very immoral person is nowhere close to any religious founders, he is just breaking the known meditation paths.
Even the BKs’ specific definitions of total years available to humanity, i.e. to history itself (5000 years) and the very specific limit on the number of ‘reincarnations’ possible (84) -

One can understand how this 84 births concept is completely wrong. The second last Gyani Purush Shrimad Rajchandra who got enlightened at a very tender age witnessed his 800 previous births after attaining Jati Smaran Gyan & all his 800 births happened within a span of approximately 2500 years.

His first birth among all 800 births was that of a renunciate who took diksha from Lord Mahavir but just his slight mistake of urinating without taking permission from Lord bound him karma for 800 births. We can even see how nature works if there is inner integrity to follow a vow or violate it.

Lord Mahavir did not demand for anything but it's one's own integrity which matters most. Whatever be the reason, he at last became partially omniscient in this birth & has disclosed several things about soul, it's nature, properties which if one reads can get clarity & understand how BKism preach a false philosophy, not just 84 births but every other concept is equally wrong.

There is no number 1 or no.2 souls, all are same in elemental form. Gulzar has tremendous yashnaam karma that's why she is famous among her followers. No one would know where she will be in her next birth though Seniors may still play same old stories about her.

Save Innocents

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote:Therefore, I fully expect them to be celebrating their 100th Anniversary with great pomp and expense and inviting all sorts of VIPs to it ... the followers sitting 'mum' (silently) not questioning the morals or ethics of doing so, nor asking why they are celebrating their failure to invoke the, nay, build the Golden Age on Earth.
ex-BK Jan wrote:BK will end by 2036, from BK converted to other name ... As last time, Om Mandli converted to BK ..

Amazing powers of observation & prediction. These are 99.9999% possible, still 0.0001% space available for those idiotic tricks played by Murli team, Dadis, Seniors, Didis & BKs themselves.

22 years left. Many Dadis would be gone by then & their virtual image will again be created like rebirth as a boy etc etc. And Shivani may become the head of Indian wing by then, given her wide acceptability & PR skills. I came to know about another trick which is played in parallel that Golden Age for BKs will arrive only when all BKs will be ready & have done efforts to spread BKism everywhere otherwise ...
And, lastly, I suppose you could always try "making love not war" ... sexually seduce a BK today!

That's awful. Worst idea. Seducing a BK not possible unless it involves huge money. It's opposite is definitely possible, I have seen how newcomers are projected to good looking Didis as a bait. If theory does not interest newcomers, Didis may.

By 2036, it is also possible that BKWSU sets up its own business & industries using money of its followers, most of them are irrational, so some other explanation will be given to pacify their queries. For example, due to repeated mistakes of BK (as no BK will be perfet free from their inner dirt, they will be same as they are now), Shiv Baba has now refused totally to build a Golden Age for you. Earlier he kept on postponing the dates to give followers a chance but now it's over. Pack up & enjoy lokik life which you always wanted.
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote:And, lastly, I suppose you could always try "making love not war" ... sexually seduce a BK today!
Save Innocents wrote:That's awful. Worst idea. Seducing a BK not possible unless it involves huge money.

I like your answer ... but it's not entirely true. More than a few male and female BKs have given in to the need or desire to feel loved on a human level and many, at least in the West, are already pairing up in "virtual" partnerships. I would expect them to become more real and less virtual the longer the BKs fail to deliver the goods, e.g. Destruction. Sooner rather than later any BK with half a brain is going to have to realise that there is just not enough time to build heaven, that there is not the technology to do so, nor can the 'nursery story' version the retarded Kirpalani Klan tell possible come true.

For example, how can you build palaces of Gold and nuclear power stations without metal foundries, engineers, technicians, waste and pollution? Are you going to cast the Gold in one or stick it together ... with what? The "power of the mind" like making babies?
By 2036, it is also possible that BKWSU sets up its own business & industries using money of its followers, most of them are irrational, so some other explanation will be given to pacify their queries.

And, more to the power, with the free labour of its followers.

Yes, I think this is the way it will go and have to go in order to remain economically sustainable.

The world we live in is changing. Capitalism polarises finances. The rich and becoming richer, the laws and systems to protect them and their wealth more powerful, the poor are becoming poorer and more vulnerable, and the laws and systems to protect them and their lives are becoming more weak.

In short, if you are not an ethical persons, the choice is between becoming rich or poor and, on a material level, it's better to be rich. That is what the Brahma Kumaris have written in their DNA since the 19th Century in impoverished, unequal and backwards Sind when they saw the power and wealth of the British/Westerners and make it their ambition to have a bit of it.

They are tough cookies and real survivors. They'd had to be to survive all the conquests 'conquesting' over their lands; Greek, Arabs, Turks, Muslims, Christians, Mongols ... they seem them all and they learned to survive not by fighting but by keeping their heads down below the radar, flattering rulers and providing middleman services. They become rich by 'taking between' (entrepreneur). They are spiritual entrepreneur promoting their own brand ... other people's ideas as their own product ... and going international instead of struggling in an already full market place of ideas in India.

I actually don't think badly about Sindis. Many Indians, especially Gujeratis, do. There is no doubt that the Sind, or rather the Indus River (where the name comes from), is one of the more interesting and critical cultures in the history of our planet and, perhaps, unappreciated. And I think we have to be careful to narrow our vision down not to Sindis, nor even just to the Bhaidbands, but also the divisions between them, and their relationship with the Amils. In this way, one can start to understand their roots, their cultural and psychological DNA, where they came from, what it was like and how they rose and, by doing so, better understand the BKs.

To survive in that place and through those times certain skills had to be learned or you and your DNA would die. It has been marked by numerous hellish "Destructions", re-creations and, with the British coming, a sort of Golden Age.

The BKs are just recycling their psychologies, adopting their - the Sindi "original jewels's" mimetic DNA - as their own, replaying their myths and archetypes and exploiting the successful strategies learned by Lekhraj Kirpalani and others since in their struggles to survive and rise in society.

Here is a picture which illustrates the Brahma Kumaris world view. On the top, you have the Brahma Kumaris "serving the world" by constructing nice big buildings for themselves to live in. Below, you have the rest of India from whom the Brahma Kumaris take between 10% to 100% of their wages, and their virgin daughters to work as unpaid servants.

Which side of the river do you want to live on?

The Brahma Kumaris "serve humanity" by building themselves nice big comfortable buildings to "send out vibrations" of peace to the "impure" poor they exploit for free labour and donations; and only pay minimum wages to when they absolutely have to. (Fat bribes to officials and commissions on works by request).

Save Innocents

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Oct 2014

Another belief of BKism says that "Scientists or technology is working to fulfill their (the BKs) 75 years old dream. Scientist are discovery new ways to give comforts to BK community & signifies that Golden Age will be full of all forms of comfort for BKs." And BKs buy this one too.

The reality is science, technology, inventions, latest discoveries, etc etc are equally available to all those who can afford it. Moreover, scientist or engineers are not developing something especially for BK cult. They remain unbiased & represent a better form of impartial service to all unlike BKs & BKism.

Why are BKs unable to see such a simple truth?


Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Oct 2014

Yes, I think the BK Cult will end Before 2036.

Although they think/believe/are brainwashed into believing they are the chosen one's of God direct Himself ... and all other Life forms are degraded and 'unsalvageable' ... in "improved viewing", all Life Is One. They are not separate from the 'Whole' ... 'Brotherhood of Man' ... so to speak.

This behaviour is a trick of Cults since forever. In 'clearer viewing', there is No 'Lokik & Alokik! ... True authentic spirituality is journeying into living one's life in 'Oneness' with all That Is ... with all others around us, with nature, the planet, the cosmos, the stars and heavenly bodies, the oceans, all animals, & wildlife etc. It is in this Space, that we Human beings find our Oneness and true Union with God, Him/Herself. Yes, God is not just Father ... but, naturally speaking, encompasses masculine & feminine principles.

God is our Mother as well. (I don't mean Shiva, he's not God). There's a much bigger picture and hand at play here.

BKs see themselves as' big fish' in a otherwise dirty little pond of life. But, in 'Reality viewing', it is the opposite. They are just like 'silly little idiots' living on an Island in their mind called 'Fairyland' ... they think they are free but they are trapped. They are dying whilst living, in the ultimate illusion of "separation consciousness".

BapDada knows it also ... and he is now needing to 'jump ship'.

There's only so far you can take a lie. As my oldies used to say, "give 'em enough rope and they'll hang themselves!" ... such is life, ha ... that is what is happening. All ''things" that are not in harmony and truth with the Divine, & divine universal laws/principles will, in accordance with divine timing, disintegrate/disappear/dissolve itself ...

My friends, "the time is now" ...

Save Innocents

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Oct 2014

As my oldies used to say, "give 'em enough rope and they'll hang themselves!"

very funny :D
All ''things" that are not in harmony and truth with the Divine, & divine universal laws/principles will, in accordance with divine timing, disintegrate/disappear/dissolve itself ...


The BKWSU will definitely end but I cannot say when - whether by 2036 or later, only people or those senior Dadis may decide. But it will happen. If something as pure as a religion cannot stay forever, why such a cult would exist forever? NO chance. Even natural laws say that, evidences collect together for an incident to happen & when it is done, they disperse. It is law which holds on all matter whether carrying soul or not.

See even Lekhraj died. He may have claimed himself to be Brahma Baba or Shiv Baba or anything else but he had to leave this world. Even strongest kingdoms of past collapsed, so BKWSU is not a big deal when there is even no strong king like personality there who can accept his faults face to face.

Deceiving & cheating has made them weaker & it will continue to do so till its end.


Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post18 Oct 2014

Good points SI.

Yes, natural laws, as you said, 'evidences collect' etc. Divine Intelligence determines all things here. The BK Establishment is not above/beyond, the all knowing, all encompasing Mind of God, the Universal collective consciousness always strives to find it's balance/centre/harmony etc. The timing of events is both subtle and obvious. Change happens outwardly long after internal events have reached 'critical mass'. The Seniors/Didi's/Dadi's & BapDada, especially BapDada, knows that the presence/pressure of change is upon them. It is not essentially up to them, as such, to 'decide' if/when/how etc. They will change. Critical mass Is against them to remain in their current state. I think BapDada will/is, 'releasing' change slowly, gently, so as to not 'lose' a sinking ship with many holes in it.

Hah ... maybe even a great white has bitten the 'arse end off it' ... hah hah. In regards to Dadi Gulzar/trance medium/regular medium! ....messenger, I think obviously, the Seniors/Bapa etc must realize that her body cannot last forever ... yes, they will already be preparing a new 'medium'(s) for BapDada. It's not like when Gulzar goes, BapDada will have to 'be gone' with her! ... Hah ha.

And, on the subject of mediums, it is worth a look/study of it's own, both within and outside BKs. Full body trance is only one form of trance. There are several other forms which don't include full body. There is semi trance, and just regular channelling messages, (like talking on your mobile) + other varying subtlies.

My experience of Gulzar's recent channelling of BapDada was just that it was not her usual full body trance. It was more like semi trance. It's hard to explain the subtlties, as one has to experience the energies for one's self. It's an inner knowing from your own inner self according to where you are at any point in time.

Gulzar Dadi is a very rare medium ... but a rare medium, well done, none the less. Quite a bit of presure and stress is exerted within the body and mind during long periods of 'occupancy' ... not always easy. Just the body's vital signs alone are under a 'different presure' than normal. The heart feels presure, as do the lungs and breathing, blood presure and pulse is pressured. Not an ordinary or easy job. It is near impossible to 'match' the soul vibrations on the vessel and the occupier 100%. As each and every being is so unique, but a close match is the best choice for both.

Anyway, I think the choice(s) of any new messenger(s) will be decided by Bapa and Gulzar, not any senior big nobs. They will need to get that eventually ...
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post18 Oct 2014

Many years ago we were told that the BKs, under Mohni, were training up some young Sisters to become "official mediums". Since then we have heard absolutely zero about it and it does not appear to be news on the BKs gossip vine.

It would interest me just how they train mediums ... beyond just "offering them" to their god spirit and letting him decide. Presumably existing medium have a chat with their spirit guide and ask him, and the Sisters are checked out to see how pukka, virginal and disciplined they are? But that is purely informed speculation on my behalf. I suppose the BK might *not* advertise it in order to avoid giving said Sister ego or over exciting other adherents?

The use and role of mediumship within the BK has certainly reduced over the years but remain one of their key rituals. It's hard to imagine how they would define themselves without the "entrance of god" to make them feel extra special.

Therefore, I'd guess Gulzar dies and a new, younger BK is wheeled onto the stage fully indoctrinated and able to repeat the Murli spiel ... not hard to do really.

The question I would ask is ... which they skip a generation to avoid politics or conflicting roles, e.g. Jayanti Kirpalani in London was deep trance medium who used to perform every Thursday morning offering food to the Baba and on specially occasions when business advice from the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani was required, however, she's not universally liked and there are politics, especially with others more senior to her who lack her administrative and communicative skills.

Would they have to give one of them a go at being the "Medium of God" first, e.g. the Mohini who claims to channel other spirits like the spirit of Krishna?

Would they feel the need to separate the mystical element from the administrative element so as not to centralise so much power and influence in one individual? Would they chose a younger more controllable pawn to do so? A perfect Kunya (virgin) with little to no track record.

BapDada (the dead Lekhraj Kirpalani) appears to prefer entering virgins, and most definitely female ones, and why is that?

BKs do speculate about such things, "female sanskars of submission versus male ego" is the usual line .. but can BapDada not overwhelm that? Could he not enter a gay or effeminate male? Some BK females are pretty damned "alpha" (pack leaders).

No, of course he could not. He could not enter a male, a White, a Black, an Indian with too dark skin, or even a Mongoliod Asian. Why some deep and secret esoteric reason ... or just "marketing"? Who and how decides?

Something else is likely to arise ... language. Even a young Indian, especially a young Indian, is far more likely to speak English. Will "God" start to speak English? Possibly ... but heavens forbid Spanish, French or some other language.

Presumably Hindi would still be number one, after all, according to the BKWSU, it's the language of heaven and even predates Sanskrit.

Save Innocents

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post19 Oct 2014

Presumably Hindi would still be number one, after all, according to the BKWSU, it's the language of heaven and even predates Sanskrit.

Yes, that's very funny. Whole Bhagwad Gita, Vedas, Purana, Upanishads & most important literature are in Sanskrit but these uneducated leaders of cult tell their followers that Hindi is the language preferred in Satyug. Sanskrit is also called Devanaagri, i.e. the language used in naagri (place, here it refer heaven) where Deva (heavenly beings) live. Still, they say that Hindi is the language of Satyug. The reason behind is simple, Hindi is thousand times simpler to speak, understand & write. It is language commonly known to majority of Indian, even beggars can speak Hindi. Both language are significant in their own ways. Hindi is derivative of Sanskrit & Sanskrit is the root language.

But still BKWSU preaches in Hindi while on other hand, they say their Baba wrote Gita in Sanskrit. ;) It is only possible to attract large segment of Indians, who speak Hindi, by making it as their base language for Murlis or other work. As the cult belong to Sind region, or a portion of the Sindhi community being its important part, they add Sindhi words too. So, it's basically a crap work. When I used to read their Murlis, I always thought why they are not able to write a single Hindi sentence properly. I understood the reason when ex-l told that it is headed by uneducated people. Present Murli team consists of many uneducated people as still their Murlis portray grammatically wrong Hindi.
Would they have to give one of them a go at being the "Medium of God" first, e.g. the Mohini who claims to channel other spirits like the spirit of Krishna?

That's nonsense. Another BK who turns out to be more idiot than all others. Mohini is definitely out of her mind. Is that belief still entertained by BKs?

Given the possessive approach of all senior leader, most of them being Indians, I think they use non-Indian BKs as a medium to spread BKism in West & all other countries where they have spread their claws. When this cult start flourishing there, an Indian senior BK is sent to replace the top position there. For example, Jayanti is also Indian & definitely she is not the cause to spread BKism there. Many others who have dream to head a particular wing must be getting sidelined by these senior BKs. If these senior do not have greed, why do they jump to grab creamy position for all fame/respect & most importantly money it offers?

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