Version of God Almighty - 1969

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Version of God Almighty - 1969

Post11 Dec 2007

New download thanks to incognito donation;
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abrahma kumar

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Versions of God Almighty - September 1969

Post11 Dec 2007

THANK YOU Admin for facilitating this. And Om! ... to the unknown but yet very well known incognito donors! "By their works we shall know them". The true VIPs of the Confluence Age? Wah, what a part to play. What a service!

Avyakt BapDada says in the Avyakt Vani's that Brahmins can not give to Brahmins. Because any thing that any Brahmin could have to give to another Brahmin would have firstly come from Baba. So it is not possible for one Brahmin to give to another Brahmin. So a Brahmin can only donate to a Brahmin. Donate and receive blessings.

Jah Om, Rastafari!

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Post11 Dec 2007


Thanks to Admin for uploading the document and to those who have contributed the document.

An interesting aspect of Yagya history as mentioned in the foreword by the Editor of the booklet is that there were more than 150 completely dedicated mothers and Sisters in the Yagya at the time of writing the booklet, i.e. in September, 1969.

It shows that the number of Sisters and mothers had actually reduced over the years from 1936-37 to 1969. If the BK version of Yagya history is to be believed there were nearly 400 dedicated members at the beginning of the Yagya. The list of members uploaded by the Admin. on this site also supports this number. Considering that the majority of that number would have been mother and Sisters (even if we guess it to be about 300) the number had reduced to almost half by 1969. This reduction might have been triggered by various factors like the shifting from Pakistan to India, sending out of Sisters and mothers for service from Mt. Abu to various parts of India, Mama's demise, Brahma Baba's demise.

It is surprising that although the strength of dedicated mothers and Sisters got reduced from about 300-400 to just about 150 in 33 years (1936-69), BKWSU takes pride in having been established/existed since 1936, but even though the strength of dedicated mothers and Sisters has increased from 0 to about 400 in the past 31 years (1976-2007), BKWSU refuses to acknowledge even the existence of AIVV.

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Post11 Dec 2007

arjun wrote:It is surprising that although the strength of dedicated mothers and Sisters got reduced from about 300-400 to just about 150 in 33 years (1936-69), BKWSU takes pride in having been established/existed since 1936, but even though the strength of dedicated mothers and Sisters has increased from 0 to about 400 in the past 31 years (1976-2007), BKWSU refuses to acknowledge even the existence of AIVV.

Yes ... interesting ... I noticed that too. Was there another exodus after Lekhraj Kirpalani died, reducing the number of Brahma-kumaris, do you think? It is dated September 1969.

Also, is this the first work of Jagdish Chander or an earlier pen?
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Post11 Dec 2007

ex-l wrote:Yes ... interesting ... I noticed that too. Was there another exodus after Lekhraj Kirpalani died, reducing the number of Brahma-Kumaris, do you think? It is dated September 1969.

Yes, it is possible, because Mama's demise is referred to as the ringing of first bell and Brahma Baba's demise as the ringing of the second bell in BKWSU. I think it is also mentioned in Avyakt Vanis.

This quote from the PBK section is also relevant:

Murli Pt. No. 68 (Remembering Mama and Brahma Baba)

“Did Mama bring anything? Children remember Mama so much. Father says that you remember her; that is all right; but now you must not remember the name and form of Mama. We must also inculcate virtues like her. We should also become nice like Mama and become capable of sitting on the throne. Will you become capable just by praising Mama? Father says, remember only me and keep performing the journey of remembrance. You must narrate knowledge like Mama. The praise of Mama will be proved when you too become worthy of such a praise. Your stomach will not get filled just by uttering ‘Mamma-Mamma’. Your stomach will even start touching your back (i.e. become emaciated). Your stomach will get filled up by remembering ShivBaba. Your stomach will not get filled up by remembering this Dada also. You must remember one. Credit goes to one.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 17.10.05, page 2 & 3 published by BKs)

The above Murli point proves that there were certain souls in the Yagya who were followers of either Mama (Om Radhey) or Baba (i.e. Dada Lekhraj) and not ShivBaba. They definitely must have been shocked by the demise of Mama and Baba respectively and must have even left the Yagya when both of them left their bodies in 1965 and 1969 respectively.
ex-l wrote:Also, is this the first work of Jagdish Chander or an earlier pen?

Most probably it appears to be the work of Jagdish Bhai. The foreword/introduction by the Editor describes personal experiences, but surprisingly the name is not mentioned.
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Post11 Dec 2007

arjun wrote:Most probably it appears to be the work of Jagdish Bhai. The foreword/introduction by the Editor describes personal experiences, but surprisingly the name is not mentioned.

I also noticed that and thought it was admirable. It reminded me of the naive old days, pre-personality cult. For many recent BKs, it will be a good education of the way things were. But, still, let us consider ... 1969 equals 150 BK Sisters and a only handful of Brothers?

I wonder what it meant to be one of 150 when there were only 108 places in the Rudra Mala? Did you pick up anything else?
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Post11 Dec 2007

ex-l wrote:I also noticed that and thought it was admirable. It reminded me of the naive old days, pre-personality cult. For many recent BKs, it will be a good education of the way things were. But, still, let us consider ... 1969 equals 150 BK Sisters and a only handful of Brothers?

I have come across a point in the revised Sakar Murli published by BKs recently in which ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) has praised Jagdish Bhai. I will try to quote the same.
I wonder what it meant to be one of 150 when there were only 108 places in the Rudra Mala? Did you pick up anything else?

I have not gone through the booklet completely. I will try to go through it by taking a printout since reading and quoting from a pdf file is comparatively difficult.

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abrahma kumar

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Post11 Dec 2007

I also, wondered whether this was a work of Jagdish Chander. My conjecturing that it is a work of his, was triggered by the style of writing and the trademark way that the author works Shiva's utterances into his writings.

(I first encountered this style when reading Eternal Drama of Souls, Matter and God which is accredited to B.K Jagdish Chander as author).
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Post11 Dec 2007

From the first time I heard B.K Jagdish Chander speak, on tape of course, I admired him. He was very unique in his interpretation of the Murli and he lived a very admirable life, pursuing truth and God from a very young age with a passion that is hard to imagine. When he died I was not happy at all, I was a bit disturbed. If I remember correctly there was something wrong with his liver or stomach and this was his cause of death. The BKs said it was karma and drama, but I saw that it was preventable and that his death was not necessary if only he would have taken care of his physical health in a different manner.

There are people who make mistakes, and there are people who learn from the mistakes of others. People who learn from others save themselves a lot of time, work and pain.
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Post11 Dec 2007

arjun wrote:I have not gone through the booklet completely. I will try to go through it by taking a printout since reading and quoting from a pdf file is comparatively difficult.

I can convert to MS Word if anyone wants.
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Post12 Dec 2007

I wonder how much Jagdish shaped the manner of presenting Gyan and the Murli? If we take it from when the Sandeshis delivered the Divine Decrees to Lekhraj Kirpalani and then he spoken/gave discourse to when he, allegedly, became/acted as the medium, do we see an evolution in the way the message was spoken. I am still wondering about how and when Shiva was meant to have started speaking through Lekhraj Kirpalani.

uddhava, can you convert the recent Murlis posted on the site as well?

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Post12 Dec 2007

ex-l wrote:Can you convert the recent Murlis posted on the site as well?

Which Murlis (URL?). Also have converted Versions of God Almighty 1969 but upload section not working.
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Post12 Dec 2007

uddhava wrote:Which Murlis (URL?)

Try, here.
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Post12 Dec 2007

uddhava wrote:Which Murlis (URL?). Also have converted Versions of God Almighty 1969 but upload section not working.

Thanks for your co-operation.
bro neo wrote:When he died I was not happy at all, I was a bit disturbed. If I remember correctly there was something wrong with his liver or stomach and this was his cause of death. The BKs said it was karma and drama, but I saw that it was preventable and that his death was not necessary if only he would have taken care of his physical health in a different manner.

Avyakt BapDada echoed the same sentiments when he spoke to BKs after Jagdish Bhai's demise. ShivBaba had spoken through Brahma Baba also that one should take care of the body as well because it it through this body itself that one will be able to see the final revelation of God Father at the end of the Confluence Age.
I wrote:An interesting aspect of Yagya history as mentioned in the foreword by the Editor of the booklet is that there were more than 150 completely dedicated mothers and Sisters in the Yagya at the time of writing the booklet, i.e. in September, 1969. ... If the BK version of Yagya history is to be believed there were nearly 400 dedicated members at the beginning of the Yagya. The list of members uploaded by the Admin. on this site also supports this number. Considering that the majority of that number would have been mother and Sisters (even if we guess it to be about 300) the number had reduced to almost half by 1969.

The above figure of 150 dedicated BK mothers and Sisters in 1969 should include many of such mothers and Sisters who dedicated their life to the Yagya from various part of India (and not from Sindh, Pakistan) after BKWSU shifted its activities to India and started spreading the Godly knowledge. So, the original number of 400 must have reduced to less than 100 in 1969.
ex-l wrote:Did you pick up anything else?

Everyone must have observed that the black and white version of the picture of Lakshmi and Narayan is probably a photocopy/pencil drawing of the original picture of Lakshmi Narayan prepared during the time of Brahma Baba (available elsewhere on this site). Between the feet of Lakshmi and Narayan it is written 3000 BC to 500 BC in Hindi numericals & words.

Another point to be noted is the name of the Institution. The word 'Prajapita' is conspicuous by its absence, although BKs had been directed several times after the demise of Mama to use the word 'Prajapita' without fail in the name of the institution as well as in their names, i.e. as a prefix to BKs.

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Post12 Dec 2007

uddhava wrote:Also have converted Versions of God Almighty 1969 but upload section not working.

Still cannot upload :shock:.

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