The Cycle, belief in identical world events every 5000 years

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Post21 Mar 2007

It is said that in the early periods of the Yagya, Shiv Baba was not remembered as a Point of Light. May be because of this reason, it is not shown in the figure.

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Post21 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:This might interest a few scholars. It is an early Brahmakumaris 5,000 year Cycle illustration from the 1940s.
    Please note ... there is no Shiva. I wonder how that could be?
Did not Shiva incarnate along with the shining red light bulbs in Dada Lekhraj's eye in approximately 1936?

Yes, it's of great interest.

It certainly adds to my theory that Gyan has progressed over time and wasn't always available in the prepackaged form we know of today.

The words used on it are the same as what Om Radhe was using in the other post. Actually it's quite startling, any more evidence like this and I think we should go knocking on Dadi's doors and asking for some serious answers.
Mitra wrote:It is said that in the early periods of the Yagya, Shiv Baba was not remembered as a Point of Light. May be because of this reason, it is not shown in the figure.


Maybe now you will be more inclined to join us in revealing the truth of Murlis and the true history of the Yagya?

Hopefully more BKs will join in, especially the ones who like to think they will come here to 'service' ex-BKs, but the reality may be quite the opposite way round.
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Post21 Mar 2007

Very interesting the words 'merges' and emerges' and 'infinite divine light', did they believe souls merged into the infinite divine light and then emerged or what?

"Aham Brahm Asmi", does that mean I am Brahm?

From that it appears there is no acknowledgment or understanding of Shiva.

When did Lekhraj Kirpalani get the name Brahma Baba was it before or after 1942?



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Post21 Mar 2007

"Aham Brahm Asmi", does that mean I am Brahm?

Exactly so. Only thing is that I am ignorant of my true nature. But then my ignorance and the searching of my true nature is also not real. It is just my sport.
From that it appears there is no acknowledgment or understanding of Shiva.

As per vedanta, I myself am Shiva. In fact there is nothing that is other than Shiva. Just like "Aham Brahm Asmi", there is another famous vedantic aphorism, "Shivoham", which literally means "I am Shiva". Understanding my true nature is understanding of Shiva.
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Post21 Mar 2007

Mitra wrote:It is said that in the early periods of the Yagya, Shiv Baba was not remembered as a Point of Light. May be because of this reason, it is not shown in the figure.

I would very much like to explore this futher ... thank you very much Freefall for sticking around and for your critical input at this moment. I think it is very important. We white punks have been complete hoodwinked through our lack of knowledge of the Sub-continent. its myth, mythology and language.
    Mitra, there is NO MENTION of Shiv Baba AT ALL. They thought they were god, or manifesting the infinite energy of god.
"Prajapati Brahma" is considered to be the "Inventor of the Gita" and Om Radhe instructs us to remember him. See the quotations on, this topic

This is in 1942. Do you realise what this infers?
    Unless you can produce evidence to the contrary, the 1936 incident is so some degree a fabrication made to fit what the Hindu market demanded via its attachment to the Krishna, Arjuna and the Gita ... which, of course, we know Lekhraj Kirpalani and Saraswati were reading and using as a basis for their teachings.
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Post22 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:This might interest a few scholars. It is an early Brahmakumaris 5,000 year Cycle illustration from the 1940s. Please note ... there is no Shiva. I wonder how that could be?

Did not Shiva incarnate along with the shining red light bulbs in Dada Lekhraj's eye in approximately 1936?

First of all congratulations for this research. But it would be better if the Hindi version of the same could also be located/uploaded.

Not only is Shiva absent from the picture, Brahma and Saraswati are also missing, which proves that Dada Lekhraj and Om Radhe might not have got the title of Brahma and Saraswati during the (early/middle) 1940s.

The use of word 'Prajapati' (husband of subjects) along with the religious fathers is also interesting and tallies with the Advanced Knowledge where ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has said that every religious Father is a Prajapita for his dynasty. The use of the word 'Prajapati' also shows that initially the word 'Prajapati' (husband of subjects) that is more popular in Hinduism was used as it is, but was later changed to 'Prajapita' (Father of subjects).

It would be interesting to know how this change from 'Prajapati' to 'Prajapita' came about. ShivBaba through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit has said that the reason for the word Prajapati being more popular in path of worship is that at the end of the Confluence Age, ShivBaba through Prajapita plays the role of Prajapati, i.e. husband of all subjects. The word Prajapati is also linked to the concept of every Hindu husband being considered as 'Pati Parmeshwar' (Husband is God).

I could not understand the importance or otherwise of the word 'Sabre' in the picture. The meaning for the word given in Compact Oxford Dictionary Thesaurus & Wordpower Guide (Indian Edition) is as follows:
    "1. a heavy sword with a curved blade and a single cutting edge.2. a light fencing sword with a tapering curved blade."
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abrahma kumar

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Post22 Mar 2007

Ah well yet more light. Thank you all.


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Post22 Mar 2007

Now what about this ...

I discussed with my dear friend The Cycle, as we all know it now. I told him that it would be a good ideal to make a box, some type of time capsule and put in some stuff, i want to put in some money ... and go out to hide it somewhere.

If The Cycle is true, it would be at the exact same spot as we put it 5000 years ago. And find the box we put there before and we would have twice as much money because the money would still be there.

What a fantasy thing to think ... :roll: :lol:
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Post22 Mar 2007

It's all made up :wink:
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Post22 Mar 2007

arjun wrote:I could not understand the importance or otherwise of the word 'Sabre' in the picture. The meaning for the word given in Compact Oxford Dictionary Thesaurus & Wordpower Guide (Indian Edition) is as follows:
    "1. a heavy sword with a curved blade and a single cutting edge.2. a light fencing sword with a tapering curved blade."

Sabre is sword. It threw me as well. May be it just means the mantra, used in the broadest sense, to cut through the Maya etc

Here is a very early Cycle. Note the Gold and Silver Ages are called Angelic. No Subtle Regions. Oh
    ... and no God Shiva. This is from Karachi Period.
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Post24 Mar 2007

8) At the top of the picture a Point of Light is shown. 8)
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Post24 Mar 2007

Mitra wrote:At the top of the picture a Point of Light is shown.

Its an arrow pointing to an asterix, it leads to a note at the bottom of the page that states (typed exactly as printed);
Om Radhe wrote:_____________________________________________________________
* This point represents the SANGAM(Confluence) of Kali-Yuga (Iron-
Age) and Sat-Yuga(Golden Age).

It goes on to say, "Divine Father, the Gita Author, PRAJAPATI Brahma(NOT Sri Krishna) who incarnated on this Kuru-Kshetra(World).
    Mitra, all she talks about is Divine and God Father Brahma. There is no mention of Shiva.
In fact, talking about the Brahm, she says,
Om Radhe wrote:"The Imperishable, Uncleavable, Supreme LIGHT (Incorporeal God) and this variegated Bioscope of the Creative Play, are both ETERNAL. We could simple say that Imperishable, Omni-Present, Omni-Potent, Omni-Scient Divine Light is Eternal."

And taling about the creation of the most Supreme Brahman Deity Dynasty in the Brahm-Puri (for which she is describing the Golden Age) she states;
Om Radhe wrote:... through the power of their faith in "Aham Brahm Asmi" (I am GOD Eternal and My Maya is also Eternal

So Mitra, please explain when Shiva actualy entered the BKWSU philosophy and when they changed it from Divine Father God Brahma (who incarnates in all 4 ages) to God Shiva?

If you do not know, can you check with a Senior Sister, please?

I will tell you know that as far as I can see, it must have been at least after 1949, but I would like a specific date back and the circumstances for the change.
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Post24 Mar 2007

Its an arrow pointing to an asterix, it leads to a note at the bottom of the page that states (typed exactly as printed)

Maybe that's how Shiva the point of light came about, somebody mistook the asterix for a symbol of Shiva :lol:.
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Post26 Mar 2007

Hinduism shows us to be in the Kaliyuga year 5147 (or 5170 perhaps) - by the way it's also called the Year of Excitement - we also could perhaps look at the point that many other followings/religions also refer to a cycle of time but not everyone shows it to be 5000 years.

I have heard the ascended masters talk about the cycles of time, and my understanding is that perhaps it has taken us 5000 years to lift the vibration or consciousness to a high enough level for transformation (ascension) to take place or perhaps that it took 5000 years for those that are helping us to attain their own perfection before they could assist?

Perhaps someone reading this and has knowledge of ancient texts or scriptutal reference let us know if these cycles are shown in their experiences too? How many years per cycle of time? If these points exist in our historical manuals (and maybe we could even say that the Sakar Murlis are historical - considering when they were 'spoken' - so it means that history could provide us with the answer, but that we may only need to look at in terms of a different reference / belief? Up and Over to anyone who cares....

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Post26 Mar 2007

Ancient Hindu text Manusmriti deals this topic in some detail. As per Manusmriti Ch.1 verse 69-74.

1 day of gods = 365 days of humans
1 year of gods = 365 X 365 days of humans

SatYuga = 4000 god years + 400000 god years preceding and suceeding twilight.
Tretayuga = 4000 god years + 40000 god years preceding and succeeding twilight.
Dwapar = 4000 god years + 4000 god years preceding and succeeding twilight.
Kaliyug = 4000 god years + 400 god years preceding and succeeding twilight.
Total = 1 age of gods

1000 age of gods = 1 day of Brahma

After the end of his day when Brahma sleeps, the whole creation goes into annhilation. At the break of the day, when Brahma gets up, new creation starts.

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