Average Age of UK BKs is 61

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Average Age of UK BKs is 61

Post03 Feb 2023

The UK national census allowed people to write in the name of a religious group that was not part of a list of the main religions; Christianity, Islam etc.

Among those who wrote in a group, people in England and Wales who identified as “Brahma Kumari” were the oldest group, at the average age of 61 years. The Office for National Statistics notes that the BKs are "a very small group of 235", accounting for less than 0.01% of the population. Although, in fairness, perhaps not all filled in their forms or identified themselves as such. However, I suspect we can accept it as an estimate of "the faithful ones".

By comparison to other small religious groups, the average age for Rastafarians was 42 years old (5,950 people); Jains 43 years old (24,990 people); Pagans 43 years (73,735 people); Scientologists 45 years old (1,860 people); Taoists 45 year old (3,725 people); and Druids 53 (2,490).

All those millions of pounds, and millions of hours running around VIP chasing, and their official number is still about the same as would come to a once a month sunday class in the 1980s. Clearly an ageing demographic is a design fault for a religion in which its god spirit does not encourage adherents to "go forth & multiple" biologically.

Of course, what that also hints at, is that unless Putin's ambitions in Ukraine incipiate a world war to end all wars that they've been praying for for 90 years, it's looking like that within a decade or so, the BKs will simply die out ... from old age.




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Re: Average Age of UK BKs is 61

Post04 Feb 2023

If Vinash does not take place by 2036, then as per the report, the first generation BKs will die off due to old age naturally, so it's clear that they are fake, with the naive and innocent followers who joined the group keeping full faith in Baba.

We, being the second generation, got some awareness, although late, but, yes, we understood the reality.

Similarly, the coming followers will be told some new version of Gyan and their show will go on.

Perhaps they will change the teachings of following brahmacharya and eating habits in order to catch new adherents. They will lie to any extent for sure.
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Re: Average Age of UK BKs is 61

Post04 Feb 2023

Arun1968 wrote:Similarly, the coming followers will be told some new version of Gyan and their show will go on. Perhaps they will change the teachings of following brahmacharya and eating habits in order to catch new adherents.

They will lie to any extent for sure.

Your response made me laugh even though it is not a laughing matter. Yes, absolutely, "the BKs will lie to any extent for sure"! That is what they do. That is their religion.

Some time ago, I came to the conclusion that Brahma Kumarism is not the Gyan ... it is the ever changing, shape shifting nature AND DISHONESTY that is Brahma Kumarism.

We were fooled into believe that the marketing and advertising was the product or service but the product or service is the telling people whatever they need to hear in order to dream or be afraid, so that they can extract their money, labor and property from them. Brahma Kumarism is the art of extraction from others.

However much the BKs can get; a little bit once, a modest bit regularly, or everything all of the time. They're not fussy. Every little bit is a profit from nothing to them. I see all their websites have "donate now" buttons and links on them. That used to be specifically against the Maryadas.

Actually, they have already loosened at least the marriage side of things. Many of the first and second generation Western BKs married off, even started sexual relationships with each other, and were still accepted by the cult. In once case, the woman from Relax Kids, they even allowed the her to have her wedding at their property, and she blogged about how she went to Baba's room to meditate in the morning before it. They are blessing weddings too.

Unthinkably in my day.

Remember the Murlis where Baba called it a brothel, or slaughter house, that sex worse than murder etc?

And, yes, we are already hearing changes in the Gyan as far as Vinash or Destruction. It was supposed to have happened LONG AGO. There were supposed to be little baby deities running around by now. Krishna's coronation was supposed to be in 2036, which would mean the Golden Age construction should be happening right now!

Where is it? In Dubai and Saudi? Because it certainly is not happening in India.


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Re: Average Age of UK BKs is 61

Post04 Feb 2023

And how they going to reconcile the suicide cases of Ranjana Patel, and then many like her, who threw away their lives out of severe guilt of having a boy friend and having sex after getting into BK-Gyan, when BK indoctrinated in her mind that having sex is like falling from 5 storied building?

Should not they sued by the law ?
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Re: Average Age of UK BKs is 61

Post04 Feb 2023

Arun1968 wrote:And how they going to reconcile the suicide cases ... when BK indoctrinated in her mind that having sex is like falling from 5 storied building?

Laws do exist, it's called "undue influence" and is further covered by coercive control, a crime under the Serious Crime Act 2015. but the problem is, law costs money and takes great strength to pursue, most victims are impoverished, and/or families are weak from dealing with the terrible trauma. For coercive control, see below*.
"[T]o protect people from being forced, tricked or misled in any way by others into parting with their property is one of the most legitimate objects of all laws; and the equitable doctrine of undue influence has grown out of and been developed by the necessity of grappling with insidious forms of spiritual tyranny and the infinite varieties of fraud."

- Allcard v Skinner (1877) LR 36 Ch D 145, per Lindley LJ

We need someone strong enough to come forward and be willing to sue them who has left recently, e.g. a centre-in-charge or surrendered Sister who wastd their lives running after the Seniors in order to become a their servant in the Golden Age.

The BKs are worse than Indian politicians who, once they earn themselves a seat, can never be removed from power, and use the system to make themselves fat.

The system is literally criminal in nature. What you see in the Charity Commission is a fraud, a scam of which the leaders have to keep spinning, in order to bring in the money to afford their comforts. BKs always say, "the Dadis live such simple lives", but continuous central heating and air conditioning, cooked meals 3 times a day, free shelter, clothing, unpaid servants and drivers to look after them, holiday retreats all around the world, is living like a princess by Indian standards for untrained, uneducated widows with no families.

According to the business structure by UK law, the BKs "have no members" and "no paid employees". How then do the Dadis, Didis and middle management live? They don't have no outside jobs. Their income is hidden. Some in general donations, other in untaxed, unaccounted, 'cash-cash' donations.

In theory, the charity trustees should be superior to the BK Seniors, they are the BK Seniors "bosses". But, in truth, we know they are the Seniors' juniors. They are chosen by the Seniors because they following their commands. The real authority system within BKism is hidden, like a mafia system. There is nothing on paper, no democracy in its great sense, i.e. accountability. They claim to have no influence and everything is the individual's responsibility, when - in reality - the system is highly coercive and mentally manipulative.

Unfortunately, I only found out about Ranjana's death many years later. Too late to do anything by law, I think. Her Brother Sharad ALSO committed suicide. That has to be connected. Perhaps her parents or BK husband could have started a case, but he too was swallowed up by the cult.

In my own case, I was mentally trapped in the concept of Destruction for perhaps 10 or more years AFTER leaving and it took perhaps 25 years before I discovered that it was all a fraud and that they had change prediction and done this many times before.

I suspect (but do not know) that there are legal limits as to how long you after you can start a claim, it is called, "statute of limitations". For fraud, it is 6 years.

* Coercive control became a crime under the Serious Crime Act 2015. It applies in England and Wales. There is also a similar new law in Scotland, the Domestic Abuse bill, which outlaws abusive behaviour, including psychological abuse such as coercive and controlling behaviour. The bill was passed by a majority of 118 to one.

The perpetrator can be jailed for up to 5 years. Since 2015, the new law has led to 3937 arrests, of which 666 have been charged and 309 offences have reached a first hearing in court, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) says.

    According to the official Statutory Guidance, the controlling behaviour of the perpetrator can include:
    Isolating a person from their friends and family
    Monitoring their time
    Monitoring a person via online communication tools or using spyware
    Taking control over aspects of their everyday life, such as where they can go, who they can see, what to wear and when they can sleep
    Depriving them access to support services, such as specialist support or medical services
    Repeatedly putting them down such as telling them they are worthless
    Control ability to go to school or place of study
    Preventing a person from having access to transport or from working
    Preventing a person from being able to attend school, college or University
    Limiting access to family, friends and finances

BKism ticks everyone of those boxes.

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