for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Post15 Jan 2022

Has anyone read this book?

Does anyone know if it is a genuine document? ... h/mode/2up
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Pink Panther

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Post15 Jan 2022

Certainly looks genuine and the content is exactly what they were teaching at the time (and still do, esoterically).
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Post15 Jan 2022

Upaya wrote:Does anyone know if it is a genuine document?

Yes, I found it in the British Library where it had been unseen for decades, & was beyond the reach of the BKs to remove or destroy like other copies. I also photographed & uploaded. The story is documented on this website somewhere. That copy was taken from here.

It's doubly funny because it correlated with myths, I think written in the book Adi Dev or perhaps the Sakar Murlis, that Lekhraj Kirpalani had sent "golden books" to royalty & dignatories around the world. It wasn't "gold". It was just cardboard covered in gold coloured paper.

It's a remarkable document evidencing the extent of Lekhraj Kirpalani's delusion of grandeur. You'll notice in it there's no mention of God Shiva, just he himself as God Brahma, despite all the revised claims that God Shiva manifested himself to the BKs in 1936.

There was no mention of God Shiva in the cult until around 1955 or 56 (that's to say, there are other original documents showing that they were still referring to Lekhraj Kirpalani as God Brahma, with no mention of Shiva, up until 1954/55. This fact throws out many of their other "origins stories", e.g. if you can only "purify your karma by remember Shiva, how were they purifying their karma when they did even know he existed?" The whole "preparation" myth falls apart.

The inner circle lied & covered up, & misled the entire following about the truth history until we found & explosed it, forcing them to start to admit it but also leading to a "new, improved" historical revision. In fact, we still don't know the entire true story despite the efforts of many to uncover it, & won't know due to the deaths of the final Om Mandli members.

It was not, however, written BY Om Radhe, but was rather written in her name.

It was in the "Indian Office" collection and, hence, I guess it came to the UK from India when the British civil service left during Independence along with a handful of other documents they must have sent to the Viceroy. They show copies of letter sent to young Princess Elizabeth (now Queen). I checked the Buckingham Palace archive but apparently nothing was kept, or they never got through. She'd be about 16, 17 at the time.

Other copies of other original publications in various countries have gone "missing" from collections.

It wasn't easy to find due to a change in the nomenclature, from Prajapati Brahma to today's Prajapita Brahma. That may appear just like a spelling error but Prajapati has significant different meaning from the later Prajapita in Hindu mythology. Prajapati was the supreme creator in the Vedic period of Hinduism, who was responsible for the creation and preservation of life.


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Post16 Jan 2022

Thanks Ex-I for the work you did in finding this document.

Does it come up in a search of the online catalogue link you posted?

You say,
It was not, however, written BY Om Radhe, but was rather written in her name.

who do you think is the author of the document?

From my research, it in the early days the Western students were made aware that;
    The Doctrine had changed and been clarified over time
    That there was an early confusion as to Dada Leck Raj being God or a Vehicle for God
What's very interesting up front about this document are the mantras (mahavakyas - great sayings) as goals and aims for the students.
This Preordained World Wide-War of Mahabharata and it’s Result
Karachi August 1943
Prajapati Brahma-Kumari
Om Radhe
According to the preordained plan of the Eternal Creative play, Divine Father Prajapati Brahma Gita Gyan Inventor, incarnates Kalpa after Kalpa in the country of Bharat at the time of confluence of the end of kali yuga and the beginning of Sat Yuga or at the conjunction of the cessation and the progression of the Kalpa, organises the Divine Yagya of Imperishable Wisdom and creates Brahmins and Kshetriyas through his oral orifice, unto whom he ordain thus ... Dear Divine Ones, if you strive to acquire undaunted faith in the Divine Doctrine of ‘Man Mana Bhava, Madhyaji Bhava, i.e. Aham Brahm Asmi or Aham Chaturbhuj’ (I am the Creator of Creation) through this Grand Divine Yagya and ultimately attain the ideal of karmateet (immunity from action) each one of you shall obtain the highest status of Jiwan Mukt Chhatrapati Deities

Aham Brahm Asmi is know as one of the mahavakya's (great saying the students memorise and study that in a nutshell encapsulate the philosophy) in classical vedanta. One of the six main schools of Indian Philosophy.

There are other school with differing interpretations of the vedas and Indian Scriptures.

Here Aham Brahm Asmi says practice ... I AM (A) Brahma as it is linked with Aham Chaturhuj I AM Vishnu, Madhyaji Bhava I AM THE MIDDLE ONE (Vishnu) not I am brahman, the element of Brahman, the absolute oneness ...(which is the classical vedanta school meaning).

So I am the Creator of my own Creation ... don't blame others ... you create your own life and world ... so live and act in that self respect and empowerment, I AM the powerful creative being

Often in groups there is the feeling that the oldest students have some kind of secrets inner knowledge that they don't share with the new students.

Reading the traumatic stories of ex BK students there seem to be a theme of disempowerment and being made to feel weak and being controlled and dominated.

In classical training of spiritual students in Indian tradition qualities of surrender and obedience are made prominent for beginners.

Secondly this quote
Emanating from this Divine Yagya is the huge conflagration in the form of this world war, hereafter called the War of Mahabharat

This is a very radical teaching that the Yoga power emanating from the Om Mandali was the cause of World War II.

Today, this would be classed as a terrorist doctrine.

On investigation, there is also a BK teachings listen to the radio if you hear broadcasts of war and catastrophe you know your state of Yoga is good and producing its results

Perhaps Eugene and Louis kicking back under the Pandav Bhavan in London in 1977 had a different perspective on Brahma Kumaris teachings. It's all about becoming the creator of our own part ... self-respect ... we don't let ourselves get bossed around by silly controlling women who think they know best or bossy egotist big heads or become a devotee of Dadi Janki or Jayanti ... that's weakness and left over Maya from the old path of Bhakti making us act and misinterpret the teachings, the trap of not thinking for ourselves, grinding our own ingredients. We are Princes of heaven ... let get on with it and get the job done and build a new creation with Yoga power from Baba ... Aham Brahm Asmi
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Post16 Jan 2022

The thing about spirituality and God is that they are very subjective. They can be whatever you want them to be.

Even within any denomination, let alone a religion, you will find many differences of views of what a teaching means, how it should be interpreted or applied.

Now when you are dealing with 'evolution" of ideas, eg straightforward processes of learning where progress is made by adding incrementally to existing knowledge which effectively changes you or by "compare and contrast" to illuminate truth, or like science, you really make a name for yourself by proving the previous understanding to be false ( the fallibility principle - all knowledge is provisional, "as far as we currently know..." ). And even better, coming up with a theory that not only shows the old view was mistaken, but better explains the reality. In these cases, learning, progressing science, changes to understanding are what you want.

When you are dealing with "divine revelation" which is supposedly an absolute truth directly from God, the desirability of any changes to the teachings is different. There are many implications.

If a person or entity claims to be omniscient (Ocean of Knowledge) and teaches "this is how it is folks" but then the teachings changes, you have to ask "Is this God"?

If not omniscient is s/he arrogant to claim to be omniscient and is not that simply more proof they are not omniscient!? Maybe "god ' is not omniscient, or omniscience is not a quality of god?

If they are actually omniscient - did they lie to us? Are they lying now?

I could keep going about the implications of any of the many changes that happened in the BKs - or any supposedly divinely inspired source fo t=knwledge that then changes to suit circumstances, but the main point is that Truth is not about convenience. And divine revelation is meant to be a priori, not post-facto..

"I was just kidding, I move in mysterious ways, haha!"
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Post16 Jan 2022

Upaya wrote:Does it come up in a search of the online catalogue link you posted?

It does now if you know what you are looking for, it did if you did not know it existed. The problem with the shift from Prajapati Brahma Kumaris to Prajapita Brahma Kumaris. They hid all this history from us & manipulated us on the basis of whitewashed historical revision.
who do you think is the author of the document?

I forgot now but it is documented in earlier discussions in this forum. There was an English speaker, an advocate I think it was. Neither LKs nor Om Radhe's English could have coped with writing it. This tradition then carried on later when Jagdish Chander came along & became the official scribe putting words & concepts into Lekhraj Kirpalani's & ShivaBaba's mouth, & re-writing the history.
From my research, it in the early days the Western students were made aware ...

Tell us about your research & the materials you refer to. I think you're referring to the current historical revision of the organization itself, which hardly has a reliable reputation in the matter.

Why speculate, you have "early Western followers" here, not invested into the system for their status, ask them.

The current party line of "clarified over time" or the 'gradual evolution theory' is contradicted by the original documents, of which this is only one. What's more remarkable is how little it has changed except for the marketing. If you read all the current & recent BK materials, it's all "God Shiva came in 1936 & announced himself, blah blah blah". We can see clearly that is not true.

It's made to sound like the development of the beliefs is something terribly high minded & noble. It sounds reasonable & rational. Until you look at the evidence & see how plainly bat **** crazy he, Lekhraj Kirpalani, & they were.

I especially refute the idea that you can "gradually" evolve from believing Lekhraj Kirpalani is God Brahma, to introducing a second party called God Shiva (& then feel the need to bury all the old teachings so no one would see how wrong you were, including about the End of the World that your cult was dependant on). It's an either or moment.

Then considered it logically. If I told you "I was God, Brahma, Vishnu, Adam, Krishna & the Lord of all Creation" etc, & it took me 20 years to work out that I was not but there was someone else in my head, how crazy would you think I was?

How crazy do you have to be to believe it for a day or two before you're dragged off to the hospital & pumped with medication?
That there was an early confusion as to Dada Leck Raj being God or a Vehicle for God

Well, strictly speaking there was another female medium, we understand it was Dadi Janki's Sister, who was the spiritual medium for this other spirit who they called Piyu at the time. Truth me, we don't know if Lekhraj Kirpalani EVER became the medium for it. Was Piyu ShivBaba, were Piyu & ShivBaba BapDada, was BapDada really Lekhraj Kirpalani & ShivBaba combined?

We can never tell.

On the basis of my study & experience, the bottomline with spiritualism & mediumship is that, "the only thing reliable about it, is that it's unreliable".

Yes, BK beliefs at the time were far closer to classical Vedanta but I don't know where
I am the Creator of my own Creation ... don't blame others ... you create your own life and world ... so live and act in that self respect and empowerment, I AM the powerful creative being

comes from.
Often in groups there is the feeling that the oldest students have some kind of secrets inner knowledge that they don't share with the new students.

And sometimes they just lie to cover their asses for the sake of business. You're running the risk of projection preconceptions you've pick up from books on spirituality on BKism (which we all did to some extent, fooling ourselves). For example, a high proportion of early Western BKs had read books like "Autobiography of a Yogi" and wanted to live out such fantasies.
Emanating from this Divine Yagya is the huge conflagration in the form of this world war, hereafter called the War of Mahabharat

This is a very radical teaching that the Yoga power emanating from the Om Mandali was the cause of World War II.

Radical makes it sound positive. It was just part of Lekhraj Kirpalani's mental illness. We've broken this down before on the forum, so I won't go into it here & now. It all related to the conflict he caused within his community, & how he believe it was the source of the conflict engulfing the world at the time ... which was, of course, bat **** crazy. Put "delusions of grandeur" high on your list.
Today, this would be classed as a terrorist doctrine.

Yes, & BKism goes - or used to go before they revised it - much further than this. They were to directly inspire & "give courage" to the scientists to use the nuclear arsenal "purifying the world".

Add "infantile rage" to your diagnosis.
Perhaps Eugene and Louis kicking back under the Pandav Bhavan in London in 1977 had a different perspective on Brahma Kumaris teachings.

Best to ask them, they are both accessible from the leads I gave you. I knew both, lived with both for a shortwhile, hung out with Eugene for a short while. I could respond to a small degree, but it would be better get it direct from them.
that's weakness and left over Maya from the old path of Bhakti making us act and misinterpret the teachings

The teachings are lashed together garbage. There's no need to misinterpret them. It's better to just chuck them all out & start again where you are in the here & now, & work it out yourself as best as you can. I tend to think you're seeing something that's not there, idealising them on the basis of ideas about non-BK spirituality.

It would be better to find a better group of people to hang out with that not based on delusion, dependancy, & exploitation based on dishonest.

As I wrote a long time ago, "You cannot build an Age of Truth, out of a Mountain of Lies".

More later.
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Post16 Jan 2022

In BK terms, I'd say this.

What does "follow the Father meaning?" What did Lekhraj Kirpalani actually do? What he did not do is join someone else's cult & give his mind, body & wealth over to it. He acquire mastery over the real world, e.g. became successful, & established himself materially, then he carved his own path spiritually. Once he could afford to. After he had achieve security & independence.

I'd suggest doing precisely that. Following Lekhraj Kirpalani means finding your own way.


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Post17 Jan 2022

Thanks for the interesting discussion.

Yes, the document does bring up questions as to it's authenticity and actual origination.

There is another version in your library written in pen ... where does that come from?

The document may be a compendium of quotes from original documents.

Strung together with material inserted from other sources.

This is quite common.

Sometimes all that is left of an ancient philosophy is a text designed to refute and add disrepute to that philosophy.

Like Christian Gnosticism and so called Christian heretical teachings, many ancient authors would have been lost but for early Christian authors who quoted from the texts in there own works designed to show how wrong those other teachers were.

It's quite possible the origination of 'the preordained world wide war' lies with the Anti-Om Mandali group.
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Post17 Jan 2022

It's all genuine BK. There is no questions as to its authenticity.

There is also a copy of the Bhaiband Committee's response to Om Radhe's "Is This Justice?". It came from a different source in Pakistan.

Ditto, there were copies of BK original materials in a conference guide produced by an interfaith organization in Japan. Also a copy of other material in a library attached to Oxford University.

They all come up the same, in style & content, & cross reference to other works the BKs have produced, e.g. in a recent book, there is an account of Nirwair telling the story about the painting of the original Tree but not the actually illustration as it omitted Shiva. That was then also found in the British Library.

That's how one can be sure.

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