Brahma Kumaris Still Targeting Vulnerable Women for Property

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Brahma Kumaris Still Targeting Vulnerable Women for Property

Post05 Dec 2021

Answered Oct 9, 2016

How do I free my Sister out of the brainwash done by the Brahma Kumaris sect?

It happened to an office colleague of my mother’s.

Now understand this woman's situation. She was quite beautiful by conventional standards, and had a well paying job as an officer in a Central Government ministry.

I exactly don’t remember what happened, maybe her husband passed away or left her, that she fell into depression. She had a pretty big house in a nice area, and still had her job to care for herself and her daughter.

Until she fell in with the Brahmakumaris.

Her behavior became erratic, she stopped sending her daughter to school. Now, as it is in a government office, employees are more concerned and helpful about each other’s lives, which is not something you will find in a private company. So people asked and inquired about her, and it so emerged that she was completely neglecting her child. had stopped sending her to school, and spent practically every waking hour at an ‘Ashram’.

People who tried to talk to her were answered in cryptic riddles and incomplete answers. This went on for 6–7 months, until some colleagues visited her home and found it to be in a very sorry state.

An year after her husband’s leave, she up and quit her pensioned government job, and with it all the critical facilities one without any family support may need.

It was later found out that the sect had completely brainwashed her into naming her house and property over to them. Once this was done, she continued her life at an ‘Ashram’. Her daughter was legally adopted by her husband’s parents (who claimed in court that the mother was psychologically unwell, and the neighbors also testified to the same). The judge, apparently found the actions of the mother to be negligent enough to take her own child away from her.

End result? No job, an uncertain future for the already traumatized child, and of course, brand new property for this cult.

Back to your question; you see, the problem is that if your Sister is above 18, there is not much that you can do. I will not encourage you to take and violent or threatening action. Ii will only tell you to talk to her- to explain cases like the one above. These sects are primarily targeting property, and will pressure your Sister to give over to them her salary, share in your family property, or any jewels she may own. They will do this by slowly pulling her away from her only support system; her family.

They target vulnerable women, like widows and estranged wives. But these women are strangely, never poor or in need of help. They target only those who (at present or in future) have property or jewelry. And they WILL take it from these women, right out of their hands, by brainwashing them.

If your Sister is a minor, I think you can take legal action- but you will have to prove wrongdoing, or intent hereof.

Look, better than any legal/illegal action, the best thing is to talk to her. If she has been going there for 6 years, it means that she finds solace and peace there.

It also means that she has not found that same solace and peace at home, as she should have. Is there anything at which she may be angry at you? Anything that you stopped. banned her from doing?

Find out why she is not happy at home. And change that. You can lock her up in chains all you want, but if you really want her to come back home, correct any mistakes you may have made with her.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Still Targeting Vulnerable Women for Prop

Post05 Dec 2021

Anil Kumar Mv

Sister Shivani's program is like a TV marketing ad where the purpose is publicity and there is no relation with the actual product. You cannot relate with the teachings of BK with respect to her public speech.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Still Targeting Vulnerable Women for Prop

Post06 Dec 2021

From: Mangesh91. Consumer Complaint Board, India. Oct 15, 2021.

This is total fraud their motive is to just caught of people specially Women for teaching meditation and RajYoga. Then slowly after that they start playing with the mind and steadily try to take all the property of that person.
My grandmother is an strong follower of this cult it has its centers in Pune Maharashtra, beacuse of these peoples teachings my family has been broken they have fill-up my grandmother's mind with negativity she searches negative in each and every thing and in every person and always quarrel with me and my grandfather Situation is such that there are only many members in home and we do not talk to each other much. She also gives money foodstuff every week to Brahma Kumari centre they have hypnotized her mind and have captured mind. My grandmother also wants to donate all my grandfathersfather's property our and all things to them.

They are totally fraud after reading all the complaints also I was unable to stop her from donating he recently donated 10000 sq.ft of land along with construction to Brahmakumaris.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Still Targeting Vulnerable Women for Prop

Post06 Dec 2021

srak Jun 18, 2021

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University

This cult is total fraud their motive is to just caught of people specially Women for teaching meditation and RajYoga. Then slowly after that they start playing with the mind and steadily try to take all the property of that person.
My mother is an strong follower of this cult it has its centers in bareilly Uttar pradesh, beacuse of these peoples teachings my family has been broken they have fill-up my mother's mind with negativity she searches negative in each and every thing and in every person and always quarrel with me and my Father Situation is such that there are only 3 members in home and we do not talk to each other much. She also gives money every month to Brahma Kumari centre they have hypnotized her mind and have captured mind. My mother also wants to donate all my Father's property our home and all things to them. Also very important point before joining my mother was a Yoga teacher she was very Fit and fine she left all that and got fully involved in teachings of this **** cult, now she has been diagonosed with Cancer and i have done lot research and found that in many of the families in which someone is following Brahma Kumaris there is one or another person with these diseases like CANCER, TUMOR and more deadly diseases, I personally researched this and have talked personally to many families. Same situation is there in there families they are broken.

There is some very big conspiracy going on they are mixing some very toxic thing in their offerings (Baba KA PRASHAD) and making body weak for years slowly and it works on some or another member of the family, then they convience them to donate their property to them beacuse ultimately they are going to die and this is because of their KARMA they tell its KARMABHOG and by donating Baba will help them die peacefully and will take them to heaven. Till this point person gets so invested in their teaching that he has been totally brainwashed in those years and as a result whole family is finished.

They are criminals Govt should look deeply into them and ban this organization as it was done before independence in 1940 it was declared that the group was an “unlawful organisation.” Yet, the movement continued its activities secretly.

Govt should do something before it's too late.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Still Targeting Vulnerable Women for Prop

Post09 Dec 2021

It would be interesting to have data on the health and disease conditions of BKs, to see if various conditions are occurring at a greater or lesser rate than the general population. Given their numbers in India especially, a survey of 10,000 from different demographics - urban, rural, age, sex, income group etc - would give an indication.

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