Are you a man, an animal, or an insect? BK teachings for men

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Are you a man, an animal, or an insect? BK teachings for men

Post05 Dec 2021

From, which it appears is popular among Indians in contact with BKism. An account & analysis from an ex-surrendered BK who spent 6 months at their headquarters in Mount Abu.
Why do people say "Brahma Kumari organisation brainwash people"?

Short answer: Yes, they do brainwash people. In fact, they dry clean the brains of the people without them ever even knowing that they fell into their trap.

A Fun Example of BRAINWASHING by Brahmakumaris

Though it won't sound so funny, that is what they preach to their unmarried followers (aka Kumars and Kumaris). Such narratives are what creates hatred amongst these followers about marriage, family life and other married people.

The narrative goes something like this;
    - Bachelors have two legs ... Hence they are humans
    - Married guys are now 2 humans together ... hence they are 4 legged animals
    - Married guys with kids now 3 or more humans together ... makes 6+ legged Insects

    (And then these insane teachers ask these vulnerable bachelors if they want to live a life of humans, animals or Insects)
This narrative is just one example of how they brainwash the vulnerable group of individuals and trap them forever into a life of monotony and darkness (in the false hope of getting into some Golden Age aka Swarg/Satyug). In retrospect, this sounds to me like a kind of Jehad with less malicious intentions.

So please stay away from this madness as much as you can. And there are better ways to lead an inclusive spiritual life without being part of any such CULTS

Long Answer (read further to read a perspective of someone who has spent long stints at the Headquarters in an attempt to surrender and has followed them to the closest possible levels for more than 6 years):

Caution: It may be a very long answer.

Well, all the other answers that you see in the trial above would prove to any rational individual if they (those who answered) are brainwashed or not. Just looking at the answers I can tell you that they are BKs (the blind followers of the teachings of Brahma Kumaris). And, in fact, even a few of my previous answers can tell you that ;).

Disclaimer before you read further: I am not against the organization and I believe their teachings but with no dependency on them as such. I have my own personal spiritual practice independent of them.

How are people brainwashed? Or are they really brainwashed or not? These are a few things I want to touch upon based on my experience with them personally.

So Let Us Begin

This answer will talk about a few phases they take you through when you enter their centres after watching one of the programs by Sister Shivani or after having received their Gyan by any of the 1000s of programs and rallies that they conduct with an aim to make more Praja(People who will come in their kingdom after soon upcoming destruction)

Phase 1: Initiation
    They start your initiation as a BK(Brahmakumar or Brahmakumari as they call it) with a 7 days course which is mostly good if given by a sensible teacher. It talks about Soul, God, Karma, Virtues in life and ultimate goal. It also talks about more complex stuff like Life after death, rebirth, and purity(they will talk less about this stuff at this stage though). And yes it is all free of cost. And a lot of hidden terms and conditions apply. (more on that later in the answer)
Phase 2: Regular Beginner Student
    Once you pass through the previous phase of 7 days course(it usually may be more or less depending upon how strongly your teacher wants you to become their regular student). You will be initially encouraged for a year or so by everyone with a welcoming smile and special treatment. During this phase, the brainwashing process will slowly begin.

    What all ways do they brainwash?

    By telling you that this is the only true knowledge that ever existed and God has come only to give knowledge to his children here. ( and rest of the people are just wasting their time and will eventually come to Brahma Kumaris someday)
    By subtly telling you that your parents or family who may not want you to go there are your true enemies and you just need not worry about them as you have found your true Father (God) here.
    The world is coming to an end and there is no point in pursuing your career or goals. The only goal is to Remember God.
    By making you believe that only you and the other BKs are pure souls and everyone else is impure, so you shouldn’t eat anything they cook and even try to avoid water given by them.
    Eating onion and Garlic is as bad as killing someone and drinking their blood direct from their heart.
    The only way to meditate is to listen to their songs and enjoy them with open eyes in a room filled with red-golden light resembling the Soul World.
    Everywhere you go you should try to talk about the gyaan by revealing that you won’t eat anything cooked by them as they are impure and if they have to become pure they need to become BKs. Some fanatics don’t even eat the food cooked by their mothers. Some even more fanatic level people (which I was once) would go everywhere in a white dress with a badge having Om Shanti written on it. The aim of dressing up like a cartoon is that someone may ask you, why are you dressed as a cartoon and then you can vomit whatever they taught you to brainwash others. Mostly no one would get brainwashed and eventually realize your fanaticism. They will all start to keep a distance from you and you will be socially isolated

    The only remaining social circle for you would be the other fanatics and this takes you deeper down into this vicious circle.

    And now you are heading towards Phase 3, i.e becoming a Blind Follower.
    And many many more such rubbish points that subtly start to convert you into a fanatic
Phase 3: A blind follower
    The true targets of BKs are emotionally susceptible people who have not found enough love and respect in their lives and are dying to get attention, love, and care. They give you all of that along with subtle training to convert you into a Blind Follower.

    If you too are emotionally susceptible and are in search of some love and care from someone, you have already fallen into their full trap in Phase 2 and have become a blind follower. You now are ready to fight the world and tell them that Shiv Baba has come and the world is coming to an end shortly. You now don’t believe any science and the only use of science for you is to use their silly experiments to prove their point.

    Although the concept of God or Shiv Baba is something I still believe in and still meditate upon, I have managed to go to Phase 4 (more on that below) and continue on my spiritual path silently and in an independent manner. What you become as their blind follower is a parasite who survives on their grace. If at all you try to tell them that you are going to go against their teachings they will start to disown you and take back all the love, care, special attention etc. They may even ask you to never come to their centre, as they already know that you have become a parasite and won't be able to survive alone. Remember they already helped you get isolated from all other social circles. So in this fear of being expelled nobody really thinks rationally about anything anymore as they tell it is all against shreemat (God's will) and is manmat (your personal will). Now with this guilt of disobeying good nobody cares to think logically and remain in phase 3 forever)

    Signs that you have become a blind follower of BKs

    You want to leave everything including your job (if you are working) to go and do sewa at their centre or at the Mt Abu headquarters. In the severe stages of Phase 3, you may even leave your job and go to their HQ assuming that you are going to Heaven (only to later realize that you have arrived amongst a bunch of crooked people, each one having their own personal agenda that has got nothing to do with spirituality)
    You see no reason to study further and want to just sit and remember god without taking any family responsibility and even by boycotting your own parents.
    You donate almost 50% of your salary every month to them as they told you this will get transferred to the Golden Age (remember the free of cost terms and conditions). :D Seems funny right. But Blind followers (like I was once) do it.

    Celibacy Theory: You tell your parents that you won’t marry if you are not already because only by being Celibate (only from outside) you will be able to reach heaven and get the best kingdom there in SatYuga. Celibacy is a very hot topic here and most of these so-called celibate Brothers have lustful desires which they would express through their malicious gestures towards various new students etc. This is something not so talked about but that is what the ground reality is. You will never get to know this maybe if you do not personally know a victim of such incidents. I do, and I highly believe now that instead of showing off celibacy these bad***** should live a family life and channelize their energies in the proper direction. Again not all are like this but even if 10% of them are doing such things, they should stop calling themselves Brahmakumars.
Phase 4: Eye-Opening
    Only if you are very very fortunate you may find situations that reveal this trap to you and you may then decide to come out of it. This entire BK stuff is a big trap and people waste their whole lives and lives of their families following these bunch of self-directed unspiritual people claiming to know God. All they know is how to delude people into believing their trap to be true. And no doubt you will experience a lot of positivity there initially but eventually, when you find these people playing with your emotional susceptibility you will not see a way out and you may either spend your life in self-guilt or continue as a Blind follower.
    Please try to have your own personal spiritual journey and take a silent path. Never ever disown your own family because of such institutions. Nobody can replace your own family. The so-called people who claim to be your family will never stand by you in the bad times.

    Have a rational approach to spirituality and save yourself from such cults.
Please Note:

While the teachings overall are all good and have good intentions, they have fallen into wrong hands of the centre heads and zone heads who are there to increase the reach of their centres, open more branches and hire more people (that too for free).

They can be compared to just any other Sales manager in the corporate world who by hook or crook wants to increase the sales of the company and expand the territory to as many branches as possible.

The eventual aim of these people is to become the head of the largest possible branches. So is the aim of these Centre and Zone Head Sisters. These Sisters have supposedly left everything behind but only to get anything and everything from the rest of the world. Not everyone will be like that, but more than 90% of people who will find here are like this. And I don’t see a reason why who should waste your life here.

I have spent almost 8 years of my life learning and then unlearning their teachings.

To be honest, the latter part was more difficult. I have lived in their centres as well as their headquarters for times varying from a few weeks to almost 6 months. All my views are personal and not against any specific individual.
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Re: Are you a man, an animal, or an insect? BK teachings for

Post05 Dec 2021

What is the truth of the Brahma Kumaris?

*Godly University Mount Abu India*

True Hindus never like people who belongs to this Fake University because of:
    1. Spreading wrong information about Hindus festivals, GOD and Hinduism Philosophy.

    2. It is an organization not university.

    3. They teach *How to die alive?*

    4. Physical they live, drink, eat and sleep in present world but Mentally they are dead and live their hypothesis world which has no existence.

    5. One day you might die but their lessons (Murli) has no end.

    6. They wish every second for destruction of this world.

    7. They use you and your money behalf of Godly services.

    8. For them marriage is very big sin.

    9. Their main target are young and teenagers girls hostel, Very high rich people, Celebrities and politicians are their prime target.

    10. They took advantages of Rich people, Famous personalities and high politicians for donation, protection and capture land as much as possible.

    11. They force you to call them Sister. So that you have to protect them like you protect your own Sister.

    12. *Raksha bandhan and Bhai dooj* are the two Hindu's festivals are their "Golden" opportunity.

    They tie "Rakhi" to every body. It is like hidden emotional one side life time bond between you and them.

    Therefore, after this they have rights Legally, Mentally and Emotionally to use you as their personal slave until your death.

Yoga(a) gives you energy. It keeps you fit; physically, Mentally and Spiritualy but many Sister's of BK's are living with numerous disease's.

Also, understand ...
    If a very remote area there is a very small village which has only 10 houses then sure one belong to this cult.

    Second the king or Mayer of this village is a perfect and obidient servant of this cult.

    This is the secret art and power of this cult.

    You know this cult is harmful for all society but the problem is they appeared like white angel to the welfare of humanity.
*Brainwashed art of BK*
    1. They conduct wings.

    2. These wings are categories of our society like *Doctors, Politics, Business, Advocates, Religions, Sports, Arts & Cultures etc.*

    3. These wings have 5 days activities.

    4. From the beginning till the end of all wings they feed their *7 days hypothesis philosophy* in the perception of each wing categories.

People who joined these wings are 90℅ Brainwashed; rest 10% depends on the *Sister* whom they are with in their local areas.

*प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्वविद्यालय mount abu का नज़रिया*

१. दादा लेखराज ही *ब्रह्मा* हैं जिन्होंने संगमयुग में सच्ची गीता (मुरली) का ज्ञान दिया।
२. इन्हीं का तपस्वी स्वरूप *शंकर* है।
३. यही सतयुग में प्रथम १६ कला सम्पन्न *श्री कृष्ण* (एक राजकुमार) के रूप में जन्म लेंगे।
४. इनका यकीन है कि सतयुग २०३६/३७ में आएगा ही और इसके २१ वर्ष बाद जब इनका स्वयंवर होगा तब यही *श्री नारायण* बन जाएंगे।
६. इनके लिए वर्तमान में विवाह करना एक बहुत बड़ा पाप है। यदि करना हो तो *शिव(बाबा)* को ही अपना पति बनाकर स्वयं पर्वतियाँ बन जाना श्रेयस्कर है।
*७. जो युगल विवाहित होतें हैं उन्हें ये भाई और बहन बना देतें हैं क्योंकि जब दोनों के पिता शिव(बाबा) हुए तो एक पिता की सन्तान आपस मे पति/पत्नी कैसे हो सकतें हैं?*
इस तर्क से कई युगल भाई/बहन बन गये अथवा उनका वैवाहिक जीवन नष्ट हो गया।
८. जो अविवाहित इनके सम्पर्क में अधिक समय तक रहतें हैं वे बाद में विवाह नहीं करते क्योंकि *इनके हिसाब से जो वर्तमान जन्म पवित्र रहकर श्रीमत का पालन करेगा वही सतयुग जाएगा।*

इसका प्रत्यक्ष उदाहरण है Indian actress ग्रेसी सिंह। यह बहुत समय से इनके संपर्क में थीं और अब उनका विवाह*शिव(बाबा)* से हो चुका है।

दूसरा उदाहरण नीचे इस link में है:

*शिव जी से विवाह*

जो कन्या पूर्ण रूप से इस संस्था में समर्पित हो जाती है, उसका विवाह ये लोग शिव जी से करवातें हैं और ऐसी समर्पित सभी ब्रह्मकुमारियाँ विवाहित होती हैं, जिनके पति भगवान शिव हैं।

*साप्ताहिक पाठ्यक्रम*

१. यह सात दिनों का पाठ्यक्रम होता है, इसे जो पूरा करता है, वही इनकी मुरलियों को सुनने का अधिकारी होता है।
२. यह पाठ्यक्रम एक प्रकार से *चक्रव्यूह* की रूप रेखा होती है जो बड़ा सुंदर प्रतीत होता है, किन्तु जब कोई regular मुरलि classes स्टार्ट करता है, तब वहाँ से निकल पाना असंभव हो जाता है। जैसे: चक्रव्यूह में अभिमन्यु फंसकर मर गया उसी प्रकार यह भी आपको जीते जी मारकर मरजीवा बनातें हैं। इसे यह नष्टमोहा कहतें हैं।
३. इनमें यदि कोई अर्जुन होता है, तो वह इस चक्रव्यूह से निकल आता है किन्तु हर कोई अर्जुन नहीं होता क्योंकि अर्जुन की नज़र धर्म/अधर्म को भांप जाती है।


१. दादा लेखराज को शुरुआत में बाबा फिर ब्रह्मा बाबा और अब प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा बाबा के नाम से सम्बोधित किया गया।

२. मुरलियों में दो शब्द विशेष हैं "बाप और दादा"।

बाप अर्थात शिव (बाबा) और दादा अर्थात दादा लेखराज (ब्रह्मा बाबा)।

३. कई बार जब मुरलियों में सिर्फ़ "बाबा" शब्द आता है, तो कई बार ब्रह्माकुमारियाँ confused हो जातीं हैं कि -
कौन से बाबा?
ब्रह्मा बाबा या शिव बाबा।


१. मुरलियों को ही यह सच्ची गीता मानतें हैं।
२. दादा लेखराज जो अपना ज्ञान सुनाते थे उन्हें यह note करते थे, फिर प्रत्येक दिन के सत्संग को "बाबा के महावाक्य" मुरली कहकर संबोधित किया गया।
३. इनके लिए मुरली ही इनका एक प्रकार से भोजन/पानी है।

*ब्रह्मा कुमारी का लक्ष्य*

१.मनुष्यों को भक्ति करने से रोकना।
२. वे कहतीं हैं, अब आपकी भक्ति पूरी हो गई क्योंई भगवान आपको मिल चुके।
३. जब शिव (बाबा) से आपकी शादी हो गई तो भक्ति कि क्या आवश्यकता?
व्रत करना/हवन करना/मन्दिर जाना/दान देना/भागवत कथा में जाना घोर पाप है और मूर्खता की निशानियां हैं।



१. हमारा तीर्थ abu पर्वत है।
२. जब भगवान आपको मिल गए तो यह सब आडम्बर किस लिए?
३. हमारे सेवा केंद्र और गीता पाठशालाएं ही मन्दिर हैं।
४. दान देना है तो अपना "तन/मन/धन" सब कुछ बाबा के यज्ञ में लगाकर सफल करो जैसे अन्य ज्ञानी तू आत्मा करतें हैं।

बाबा अर्थात ब्रह्म बाबा क्योंकि यही आपको परमधाम में शिव बाबा के पास लेकर जाएंगे *विनाश* के समय जब तक सतयुग नहीं आ जाता।

ठीक ऐसा ही ईसाई भी कहतें हैं कि जब *rapture* होगा तब *प्रभु यीशु* हमें अपनी गोद में लेंगें और जब *paradise* बनेगा तब वापस छोड़ देंगे।

Rapture मतलब विनाश और paradise मतलब सतयुग।

*ब्रह्मकुमारियों का भ्रमजाल*

जो इनका support करता है यकीन मानिए वह पूरी तरह brainwashed हो जाता है, जिससे बाहर निकलना लगभग नामुमकिन होता है, क्योंकि *मुरलियों* में दो बातें आती रहती हैं:
१. Fullstop जो हुआ इसी क्षण भूल जाओ और बीती को बिंदी लगा दो।
२. धूतिपना मतलब complain करना।
यदि कोई भी किसी भी प्रकार की complain करता है, तो उसे बताया जाता है कि यह आपका *देहभान* है, जो मायारूपी रावण के कारण है।
अपने शरीर को दधीचि की तरह हड्डी मिसल (की तरह स्वाहा) कर दो।
यही वजह है, की यदि कहीं कुछ गलत होता है, तो इन points से उन्हें दबा दिया जाता है और यदि कोई नहीं मानता तो उसपर सामाजिक तौर पर लांछन लगा दिया जाता है।

*इनकी मुरलियों की व्याख्या अलग रूप से भी निम्न दो वर्गों ने किया*

१. Advance Party (शंकर पार्टी) फरुखाबाद।जिसके संस्थापक हैं, वीरेंद्र देव दीक्षित। जिसे अब दुनिया जानती है। ... uKnHeaLH2g

२. बापू जी जिनका वास्तविक नाम है, दशरथ भाई पटेल जो अपने पुत्र अनंत और परिवार के साथ अहमदाबाद में *परम् शांति* के नाम से जाने जातें हैं। ... lLrxo_9rFU

दोनों की philosophy speech का आधार *मुरलियाँ* ही हैं।

*इसकी वजह?*

मुरलियों में point आता रहता है कि आप सभी hospital cum यूनिवर्सिटी खोलो जिसका नाम कुछ ऐसा रखो की दूसरों को यह *आध्यात्मिक और इश्वरीय लगे।*

*बाबा मिलन*

वर्ष १९६९ से पूर्व जब दादा लेखराज उर्फ़ ब्रह्मा बाबा जीवित थे, तब इनका यकीन था कि परमपिता परमात्मा (शिव/so called बाबा) इनके शरीर में प्रवेश करते थे।

*एक तरह से इनका शरीर उधार (loan) के रूप में लेते थे।*

जब दादा लेखराज को ह्रदय घात का एहसास हुआ मृत्यु के कुछ क्षण पूर्व तो इन्होंने यह कला (ईश्वर के अपने शरीर मे प्रवेश कर बोलना) जिसे *इस संस्था* से जुड़े लोग *योगबल* कहतें हैं को राजयोगिनी ब्रह्मा कुमारी *दादी गुलज़ार* को देकर अपना पार्थिव शरीर त्यागा।

*तब से लेकर जब तक गुलज़ार दादी जीवित हैं जब तक* इस संस्था से जुड़े हुए लोगों का यकीन है कि अब गुलज़ार दादी के शरीर में बाबा आते हैं अपने मीठे सिकिल देह बच्चों से मिलने।

इसे ही *बाबा मिलन* कहा जाता है।


प्रतिवर्ष इनके बाबा के आने की dates/तारीख़ पूरे १२ महीनों की आ जाती है।

तय तारीख़ पर इस संस्था से जुड़े लोग इनके भारत में स्थित मुख्यालय पहुँच जातें हैं।

आजकल गुलज़ार दादी का स्वास्थ्य बिगड़ने से ये लोग dates आने पर पुरानी recording दिखा कर लोगों को बेवकूफ़ बनाते हैं।

*ईश्वर जब सब जानते हैं तो उन्हें तो पता होना चाहिए कि जिस तारीख़ को उन्होंने मिलने को कहा, उस वक्त उनका रथ (गुलज़ार दादी) का शरीर ready नहीं है, तो क्या अब तक जिन्हें लोग भगवान समझने की भूल कर रहे हैं, वे वास्तव में भगवान नहीं बल्कि इन ब्रह्माकुमारियों का एक बड़ा भ्रमजाल है*?

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