Surrender Your Life, Wealth & Property; End up in Care Home

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Surrender Your Life, Wealth & Property; End up in Care Home

Post17 Jul 2021

Surrender your life ... & presumably wealth & property ... to the Kirpalani Klan, & what happened at the end of it, when Destruction does not happen (again)?

Answer, you end up in local government care home for 5 years but, hey, that's no so bad ... according BK leader Jayanti Kirpalani, you're "not as a patient but more of a resident".

What does that even mean, & why is it better?

If anyone is in doubt about the ethos of the Brahma Kumaris, the best point of view to analyze them is from a financial side. Let's be honest, we all know Lekhraj Kirpalani was deluded that that he was god. Or rather gods; Brahma, Krishna, Vishnu, Shankar & Shiva to mention a few. Destruction did not happen in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000, 2012, & the BK timeline for his reincarnation as Krishna & the start of a high tech Golden Age in 2036 has completely fallen to pieces. All those 108, "84 birth souls" have pretty much all died by now proving they weren't.

So what more was it all about than the money, property & other wealth they have acrued from deluding decades worth of adherents?

At the beginning of one's adult life, from an economic point of view, what is the advantage of adherents not having children? The cult benefits from a considerable percentage of the cash, time & energy having a family costs.

And what do we see happening at the at the beginning of one's adult life, have "surrendered everything" & worked building their empire for free? Do you as a BK even end up with a pension, or are you looked after as you might have been by a loving family?

Of course not. That would cost the cult. So except the chosen few 'fee earning' leaders ... you end up in a local care home for the government, or rather tax payers, to pick up the bill for instead. The BK cult again saving all the money, time & energy looking after you.

The BKs are not only milking society direct, but milking society from a second time indirectly, taking grants & tax relief from the government (25% on top of every £1 donation), & then palming off any external cost it can on to the rest of society.

Do not "Follow the Father". Follow the money.

I wonder where the property went ... standard 'BKs get everything' Will held by Baba Bhavan as usual?
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News of Passing Away of Sr. Sarla Nijhawan of London, UK
13 July 2021

Dear Brothers & Sisters,
News of Sister Sarla Nijhawan (1.1.1922 – 9.7.2021)
Sister Sarla was born into a family of Chandokes in Kashmir. and moved to Lahore and then Lyallpur after marrying Krishan Kumar Nijhawan, a Ceramic Engineer, and a graduate of Banaras Hindu University in 1938.
After the partition in 1947 the entire Nijhawan clan moved to Delhi and then settled in Calcutta in 1950.
In mid-1960 the family left Calcutta and settled in England. Within months he received a job offer from Royal Doulton in Stoke-on-Trent, where he worked uninterrupted until retirement. 
After retirement, in early 1980 they sold the car and their comfortable five-bedroom house in Alsager, Cheshire to come and settle in Northolt, Middlesex, determined to lead a simple, frugal life. It was at this stage they began questioning the meaning of life. Human beings know how to make machines. But what kind of machine is a human being? What is reality? What is consciousness? Is there a God? What is love? Why live? There were many questions in the agitating minds to which they sought answers. 
Co-incidentally, this was also the time when her son Arun Nijhawan and his wife Sybil had got exposed to Raja Yoga in Trinidad. There was a period of sharing such information between them, until they took the plunge to start a correspondence course of their own in London.
Sarla and her husband Krishan soon became full time members of the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre in London, after which there was no looking back for them and the rest is history. They were closely associated with the Southall and the Greenford Centers and got involved in all sorts of service to the family and community.
After the passing of Krishan, Sarla went and spent 5 years in India with her daughters before returning to the UK 5 years ago. She went on to stay at a local Care Home, where she was, not as a patient but more of a resident. She became an unofficial counselor for the Care staff, giving advice on practical life and sharing the BK knowledge freely.
The BK family is welcome to join by Zoom ...
We send all good wishes, in Baba’s remembrance, to the soul and her family.
In Baba’s Yaad,
BK Jayanti

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