Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improving!

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Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improving!

Post14 Mar 2021

Dadi Gulzar.jpg

3 weeks after the Brahma Kumaris announced that Dadi Gulzarji’s health is gradually improving in order to fight "fake news", Gulzar dies. As the only official "medium of god", her passing signifies a major changing for the BKs. Will it mean a new spirit medium is announced, & the god of the BKs will come in a new "Chariot", or will it lead to the religion becoming even more abstract with no more personal meetings with god on earth? And what does this mean to the internal political dynamics of the BKWSU?

Funnily enough, the press releases don't mention her role as spirit medium.
IMPORTANT Update on Dadi Gulzarji's health - please read fully
20 February 2021 - sent on 18th February

Dear Beloved Avyakt BapDada’s jewels of light, all BK teachers, Brothers and Sisters in this land and abroad, and all the members of the divine family,

You will be pleased to know that our supremely respected Dadi Gulzarji’s health is gradually improving. After some intense checking, doctors have informed us that all parameters are normal. I spoke to our beloved Neeluben today who also gave the good news that Dadiji is conscious and is responding when spoken to. Doctors are looking after Dadi with a lot of love.

Dr. Pratap Midha (Director, Global Hospital) stayed with Dadiji for one week, and after co-ordinating with other doctors, has now returned to Mount Abu. At this time, respected Dr. Ashok Mehta, B.K. Ashaben (Om Shanti Retreat Centre), Dr. Brijesh (Gwalior), Dr. Kavitaben (Hyderabad) and Dr. Benarasi continually have discussions with experts and all of them believe that Dadiji’s health will improve quickly and she will return to Gamdevi centre.

We have been receiving everyone’s messages for Dadiji’s good health, and extend many, many thanks in return. We request that you continue to cooperate with your vibrations of tapasya, and Dadiji will surely be discharged soon from Saifee Hospital, and return to Baba’s Centre at Gamdevi, Mumbai.

Please do not pay attention to all the false rumours that have spread about Dadiji. We will continue to keep you up to date about Dadiji’s health in the future.

It is our firm faith that Avyakt BapDada is looking after His chosen Chariot very well and is giving His blessings for her to get well soon. Many, many thanks together with Godly remembrance to all Brothers and Sisters.

In Godly service,
B.K. Nirwair
Dr. Pratap

18 February 2021

Dear All, Greetings from Mumbai,

Since morning there have been loads of FAKE messages being circulated across various social media platforms with regards to our Beloved Dadi Gulzar ji - kindly see attached image for reference. As a result of this chaos, we have been flooded with calls and messages from all over the world. Hence, we requested Dr. Ashok Mehta to give us proper and authentic information with regards to Dadi Ji’s health as he has been present in the hospital from day one. Being a senior Dr. and also the one who has treated Dadi Ji over years, it was best to ask him to give us proper information.

So here is what he has said today at 3 PM (IST)

"Dadiji is recovering, and her general condition is improving. She is haemodynamically stable, and passing adequate urine. She is conscious, responding to verbal commands. She is being weaned off the ventilator."

We hope the message is clear. Also, we would request all to PLEASE do not believe and circulate any messages on any social media platforms if it has not come from any official source.

On Behalf of Karuna ji

2021-02-Dadi Gulzar-Health related FakeNewsReDG.JPG.jpg
Dr. Dadi Hridaya Mohini, Global Chief of the Brahma Kumaris, the world’s largest spiritual organization run by women, passed away at the age of 93 after a prolonged illness. She breathed her last at 10.30 am on Thursday, 11th March 2021 at Saifee Hospital, Mumbai. Her last rites will be performed on Saturday, 13th March at Shantivan Campus of Brahmakumaris Headquarters, Abu Road, Near Mount Abu (Rajasthan).


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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post15 Mar 2021

I remember a class by Sr. RajYoga Teacher Usha Didi who very confidently said that the Chariot will last till the end of The Cycle and remain with us (Brahmins) to encourage and boost the purusharth of all new and old Brahmin souls.

This is yet again deceiving statements by Seniors. I expect unlike Suraj Bhai’s claims of end of the world in 2000 and 2012, now Usha Didi will show her honesty and apologize for making such fake statements among the masses.
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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post15 Mar 2021

It's a serious issues that the entire religion is in denial about. Indeed, I would argue that IT IS THE RELIGION! By which I mean, making whatever **** up you want, then changing it, & no one saying a word about it. There is zero accountability about matters that are supposed to "Godly", but what is it going on in the minds of followers that allows them to tolerate it?

Some kind of fearful paralysis in the face of a crisis of faith & the acceptance that all they have invested in a waste of time?

I suspect all of us here have, and have to have had, accepted that.

There are other moral/philosophical conflicts that will also be ignored, eg does that mean she's only an 83 birther and not an "all rounder". Remember, they used to say stuff about how the highest souls were meant to remain with Lekhraj Kirpalani for the entire cycle.

Will she now take rebirth by the power of lust? Some young non-BK couple, humping & sweating about in India or Nepal where they believe[d] other dead leaders had reincarnated.

If she won't take rebirth but, instead, remain the "Angelic Region" how and by what mechanism?

If the world is supposed to be destroyed and rebuilt into heaven earth by 2036, a mere 15 years, how is a 0 to 14 year old going to survive that upheaval ... then what, is she going to die again in order to be born into a Golden Age body, the child of one of the Emperors ... which will make her a second birth Golden Age soul.

How would a 0 to 14 year old "lead the Advance Party", which is the other patch up they started to use when leaders started dying? (Dead senior BKs that were suppose to reincarnate into to practically lead and manage the reconstruction of the Golden Age).

All this time, they have promote the idea she is "One of the 8" top souls in the world, a future Golden Aged emperor or empress. Now what? Technically, if we ignore the magic wand effect of make it up as you go along BKism, she appears to have been at best an 82 or 83 birth soul.

Of course, all such questions will be swept under the rug, a new story invented to plug people's minds, a new conformity to adopt if one wishes to protect one's position & remain in the cult, & business will just carry on as usual.

She'll become a demi-god in their pantheon for them, her image plastered all over their buildings & centers. They'll be busy doing a huge PR push as we write, followed by gradually diminishing annual rememberance days where they'll show the video tapes ... and it will all be consigned to "Drama". "Baba testing the faith of the children". "Baba encouraging the children to come to him in the Subtle Region now" (AND DON'T LEAVE US NOW BECAUSE WE NEED YOUR MONEY AND FREE LABOR". LAST GO FAST, YOU CAN NOW BECOME ONE OF THE 8 BECAUSE IT WASN'T HER AFTER ALL!!!).

Is the "lokik part" {worldly mediumship) of god now over?

Really, legions of BKs and ex-BKs should now be suing them for false representation.

At the end of the SHE did not speak up & tell the truth about the religion. SHE remained one of the conspirators & manipulators going along with the con. And that's not spiritual at all.
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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post16 Mar 2021

If you ask any nurse, they will tell you it's not uncommon for the chronically ill to go downhill then suddenly appear to improve just before they die. In fact, the experienced ones can often tell when the recovery or improvement is the sign of death coming not far behind. So it may not have been fake news, just unrealistically optimistic.

As for how they will re-spin the Gyan, when you are dealing with such matters as God, reincarnation etc, these are such malleable terms which have no concrete objective consensus that they mean just as much (or as little) after re-interpretation as before re-interpetation.

There is so little left of the original Gyan, either in content or those who really knew it, that most current BKs wont trouble themselves with the latest inconsistencies reality presents to them.
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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post17 Mar 2021

My comment was meant more ironically, given the BKs' predilection to fake news themselves, & given this time the accused "faker" was clearly right.

I never actually meant Gulzar in person, you've spoken about her fairly positively in the past (on an individual level) and her relationship within the leadership. Despite her special role as spiritual medium to Lekhraj Kirpalani and their "god", she never seemed to carry the same weight or standing as the other Seniors. She went from being that young girl in the top picture to spending her entire life within BKism that for the first 40 years or so, was a very small & limited world.

We heard that in the last few years her cognitive abilities declined significantly with is fair, given her age. Should her role as "god's chosen medium" made a difference to that or contributed to it? What's the latest gossip about developments to come?

The channel below documents her last rites. Seems like they flew her body up to Abu by private plane. Clearly Covid-19 social distancing went out the window.

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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post18 Mar 2021

I don't really know much about what goes on these days in terms of what BKs are thinking or rationalising when real events upset the apple cart of their Gyan.

From what I have ascertained in the last decade or so, they really don't care about consistency, as long as they feel good within themselves, and not thinking through such things helps them maintain that state of wilfully ignorant bliss.
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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post18 Mar 2021

because.parmeshwar wrote:Sr. RajYoga Teacher Usha Didi who very confidently said that the Chariot will last till the end of The Cycle and ... Suraj Bhai’s claims of end of the world in 2000 and 2012.


have you heard of any internal reactions?

What happens now, a steering committee meeting & some other older Sister will have to be bumped up the list to have her turn wearing the title of "global chief"?

Robert Chen, who was 2nd Chinese convert to BKism after his Brother I think, appears to have had a change of heart and is now back to being friends with the BKs. He has his own churnings about it, assuming this now means The Cycle has official ended. BapDada is not coming back. And we're headed for the Golden Age.

I don't expect the BKs will be listening.


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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post19 Mar 2021

ex-I wrote:have you heard of any internal reactions?

Well, I am no more a regular student and I can only presume what’s going inside the BK centre as per the talks with my friends, who still are regular students and some classes uploaded on the youtube.

However, I can point out following personal views.
    1. The BKs do not encourage or avoid the talks over the past claims of Destruction, Krishna’s birth, the 84 births, the Confluence Age time period and so many like this. If ever asked, they keep mum or they only insist to focus on self efforts and Seva

    2. The current popular speaker Sachin Bhai never speak on the BK beliefs of World Cycle, the Radhe-Krishna Birth, the Deity Kingdom etc and his classes especially focus on explanation of Avyakt Murlis with the topics of Purity, vairagya, satwik diet etc.

    3. Those who have achieved positions in BK centres and achieved some ranks over there, do not speak with the old BKs and their focus is to hook the new students with their sweet talks and tolis.

    4. As the Indian calendar is full of religious festivals and now the dates of demise of senior BKs are added up in the calendar so they busy in organizing Brahma Bhojan and "get together" type of events to celebrate/paying tribute on those days.
Summarizing it, they go with the flow, whenever and whatever happens they mould and twist their Gyan accordingly. They never challenge or oppose the present system’s laws but mould as per the need arise keeping their own agenda unharmed.

If there is pandemic then it's sign of destruction, if there is financial crisis – it's bound to happen, if there is some natural disasters – Bap Dada already warned about it.

If there is any positive development or scientific inventions – Science is achieving its purest form which will serve them in coming Golden Age.
What happens now, a steering committee meeting & some other older Sister will have to be bumped up the list to have her turn wearing the title of "global chief"?

Dadi Ratan Mohini is now official Head of Brahmakumaris
assuming this now means The Cycle has official ended. BapDada is not coming back. And we're headed for the Golden Age.

Who knows? In coming time a new Chariot will get ready with the justification that “oh ... Baap Dada is ocean of mercy so in order to shower his mercy on newly joined BKs he took a fresh Chariot to continue his shower for yet another 100 years."
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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post19 Mar 2021

That’s a good summary becuase.parmeshwar that i think applies globally.

As i said earlier, with such belief systems, they are not obliged to even adhere to their own internally consistent and cohesive logic, let alone correlation with objective facts and evidence. So now that the new chapter waits to be written, for those willing to suspend their faculties, anything can be written and it will be fine with the devotees.

I would not be surprised if the BKs do a Sai Baba and we get a new Brahma incarnating or appearing somewhere. They may simply announce that Krisna has actually been born somewhere or other but its secret. Anything goes.

Religion is a psychological and emotional impulse that finds its narrative and rationalisation wherever it can
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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post19 Mar 2021

Parmeshwar, where to BKs congregate and discuss matters on the internet these days? Do they have their own forums, or is it all on Facebook etc? I was surprise they were allowed to engage with such social medias.

As far as titular heads go, are they just going to work their way down according to seniority?

Strikes me, most individuals - & I don't exclude myself during my early BK days - are just mostly concerned with conforming to the overriding societal norms, & the rewards that doing so will bring them; & within India, for many, particularly women, conforming to the BKs mutable societal norms is actually the better option to conforming to whatever grumpy, stinking old men might run the local temple?

Clearly I don't believe in BKism, nor think they are right in virtually anything, but I can see how to a large part of India they are a better option than the alternative (more simple, more stripped down, less demanding etc)?

I not sure what's in it for Westerners these days.

In the old days, I would have said there was an orientalist appeal of the exotic for many. Clearly the celibacy aspect appeal for those who were sexually and emotionally damaged (the BKs offered community with no one trying to jump on you) and, of course, there was the narcissistic/egotistical attraction; an escape from the responsibilities of reality into a fantasy world where one was "the hero actor" on "the world stage".

Really BK life was not that far removed from the hypnotic Ras Lila dancing they used to in the middle of the night at Clifton Beach, just around Dadi Janki & other senrios rather than Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Has the hypnosis all worn off yet?


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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post20 Mar 2021

Parmeshwar, where to BKs congregate and discuss matters on the internet these days? Do they have their own forums, or is it all on Facebook etc? I was surprise they were allowed to engage with such social medias.

You can see them destruction-or-transformation
Their official forum
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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post20 Mar 2021

Really not changed that much at core, it seems. Amazing they can still believe in it all. Rational engagement is hardly worthwhile. They are really still just at a magic wand level of conception.
BKs wrote:Atom bombs are made not to just keep, but they will surely be used in future. As the world reaches its downstage, countries will fight for nothing. In such a nuclear war all manmade things will be erased. This is in the Drama and hence is no one's fault. This atomic energy will rise a new sun on the earth itself. The temperate can rise upto 8000 degrees for a little time. This will melt down all the elements and they are purified within this great fire. This will create lots of clouds and when it rains, it will calm the fire and fire will be swallowed by the ocean.

By all such manmade and natural activities, there will be a complete renewal of the earth and five elements of nature (air, water, land, fire and space) will be purified. Only one continent Bharat will be visible on the surface which also will be washed by heavy rainfalls and earthquakes to get it ready for the deities (residents of the coming Golden Age/heaven) to live.


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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post22 Mar 2021

As long as they manage to hook new adherents they won’t mind in stating all this "end of world" Gyan to the new comers. In the initial 2-4 years of their BK birth, the newcomers don’t bother much about the Gyan which is being injected into their minds by senior BKs as they enjoy their Honeymoon Period of BK life. Later on, when they discover the truth, they either struggle to stay inside the BK circle by adapting the BK manipulative system or they silently move away from their circle and spend the "neither here nor there" type of life.

BK propagators themselves accept the fact, as per the following calculations, and it is clearly stated in their classes.

if you reach 100,000, 1000 will listen, 100 will say to come centre, 10 will come to centre, and 1 will stay.

The 1 who stays will again reach 100,000 and the game continues.

Those who leave don’t think of them, let them go to hell.
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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post22 Mar 2021

because.parmeshwar wrote:Those who leave don’t think of them, let them go to hell.

The nice thing about living in ex-BK "Hell" is that you can get to choose who you hang out with, what you read & watch, what & when you eat, when you want to get up or go to bed.

It's heaven in comparison to hamster wheel of "efforts" people put themselves on surrendering to the BKs. No wonder the illness or death of a senior figure is so exciting to them. It's the only new thing that happens in decades. Well, that and speculating over which VIP they might suck in for a meal and a rakhi.

I suppose they spun the news of Gulzar's death all across the media and into politics, and got their politicians' letters of condolences back. That's the other part of the game ... convincing their following that they are special because some VIP writes to them. I predict that will now wear off as their elders become increasing insignificant.

The BKs are still suffering from Fake News attacks. No idea what it was. Must be the Russians ...
It has come to the notice of the PBKIVV Management Committee that a message regarding Respected Dadi Ratan Mohiniji, Respected Dadi Ishuji, and Dr Nirmala Didi has been circulated on Whats App on 16 March. This message is incorrect.

In the Meeting of the PBKIVV Management Committee on 14 March 2021, it has been decided that Respected Dadi Ratan Mohiniji hereafter is "Spiritual Head of the Brahma Kumaris" and Respected Dadi Ishuji is "Additional Spiritual Head of the Brahma Kumaris". Only these two positions have been appointed.

The rest of the message is false, which may be kindly noted.

The spirit messages are becoming more boring too. Hard to believe "god" bothers himself with such triviality.
News from Jayantiben in Shantivan: 18 March
20 March 2021

Thursday morning, we offered Bhog to Dadi Chandramani and Dadi Nirmal Shanta, and the Bhog Message via Rukmaniben said that it was as if Baba also emerged Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar with the other two Dadis. Baba emphasized how much love the Dadis had for each other, and this led to the state of unity where they were able to harmonise their ideas very, very naturally and easily. Baba also mentioned how Dadi Janki, Dadi Chandramani and Dadi Nirmal Shanta all stayed together on the ground floor of Indraprasth in Pandav Bhawan, and they would meet frequently and express their love with heart-to-heart conversations in Indrapasth. Just across the window was also Dadi Gulzar’s room, and so she would also often join them, so it was a very lovely reminder of the past and also of the present continuing bond of these souls who are the original jewels of the Yagya.


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Re: Fighting Fake News: Gulzar's Health is Gradually Improvi

Post23 Mar 2021

So, all set now. Get ready to meet baap Dada again in new Chariot as guessed before.

On 22.3.2021, Baapdada re-entered in new Chariot (Sister Vedanti) along with Dadi Gulzar. Dadi Gulzar Bhog Message. See from 11:20 onwards


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