Storm Clouds in Madhubhan ?

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Storm Clouds in Madhubhan ?

Post30 Oct 2020

It is interesting and strange to see the BKs asking for support for Madhubhan family, through "collective meditation" by Double Foreigners!!! Is there something brewing in Madhubhan that they are asking for Meditation in "their favour". Normally, they do this towards any calamity, trouble around the world, but now the situation has reached Madhubhan itself ???

The same thought and question has been raised by someone, "someone who is bold enough to question the leader ... wow!!!". Towards that the BKs have provided the following reply, (same nonsense jargon).
Further to the note about sending Yoga vibrations for Madhuban sent a few days ago, some of you have reached out, asking why we would especially focus on serving Madhuban at this time. We know Bharat is to become satopradhan heaven, and Madhuban is our pilgrimage place. As Baba has said in the Avyakt Murli of October 25, before Bharat becomes heaven, it will be the scene of many things including upheaval.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Storm Clouds in Madhubhan ?

Post31 Oct 2020

I have heard about two weeks ago that there is a big outbreak of Covid-19 at Abu Rd BKs so it has probably also infected Madhuban. That's my guess, don't know for sure.

Apparently, also hearsay, there’s a lot of disquiet as to why "Baba’s canopy of protection" did not extend to viruses. This tells me they are not teaching the Gyan in the same way they used to, that they allow ”Bhakti” ideas to be perpetuated so they can maximise the number of adherents.
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Re: Storm Clouds in Madhubhan ?

Post31 Oct 2020

Like it makes any difference ... what drama queens. A "call to inaction", more time to sit down, stop thinking, and do nothing. In one message, I read Mohini exhorting them to do "traffic control" meditations once an hour now, from 1 to 5 minutes a time. It also emphasises, "During these times of the end, Maya will make a full attempt to create storms in various ways ... the boat of Truth may rock but it will never sink ... Do not go into the past", so something must have happened.

Don't see anything online, except a note that non-Indians won't be able to travel to Mount Abu this year. A message from Nirwair mentions Covid-19, so may be that's a hint? I have no idea. It's hard to re-interpret their flowerly language.

What do they mean, what are the "big changes".
"and can help us move beyond any disillusionment we might have felt in the past few years when witnessing big changes in Madhuban."

The lack of tourists must be hitting their donation income.
As all of you can see, the Coronavirus has put a stop to all types of service programmes. In Madhuban, in all three complexes, all programmes have been stopped for the past six months.

From public Internal News Releases. From ordinary media services, the press is talking about a rush of Covid Tourism.
Double Foreigner family to support Madhuban between this Sunday, October 25, and Diwali on November 14
26 October 2020

Dear Divine Family!

Further to the note about sending Yoga vibrations for Madhuban sent a few days ago, some of you have reached out, asking why we would especially focus on serving Madhuban at this time. We know Bharat is to become satopradhan heaven, and Madhuban is our pilgrimage place. As Baba has said in the Avyakt Murli of October 25, before Bharat becomes heaven, it will be the scene of many things including upheaval.

We know that the pure and elevated thoughts of the Brahmin family are very powerful. Since the double foreign family cannot be in Madhuban this year, we are asking for you to bring your powerful thoughts and deepest good wishes to Madhuban in a special bhatti of 21 days, from now through Diwali.

This is the time to support Bharat in general and Madhuban in particular so that Madhuban is not affected by the vibrations outside and is instead a fortress of peace and stability.

Thank you for your loving support,
In Baba’s loving Yaad,
Dr Nirmala for the RCs
Collective commitment by the Double Foreigner family to support Madhuban between this Sunday, October 25, and Diwali on November 14
26 October 2020

Dear double foreign children of the worldwide Brahmin family, Om Shanti and greetings of love.

Our thoughts have been with Madhuban.

Baba has given each Brahmin a diamond birth, touching us so deeply that we experience the impact of our connection with Him throughout The Cycle of time. In the same way, Madhuban has played a special role in our eternal divine lives. For most Brahmins, Madhuban has impacted the soul deeply and shaped our entire Brahmin life. We recall profound moments we had there, knowing that each experience traced a line of elevated fortune and ignited a sacred flame in the soul.

After being served and sustained by Madhuban so well for so long, we find that now Madhuban may benefit by our returning this love. Our collective elevated thoughts, good wishes and pure feelings for our sacred home can provide valuable support for Madhuban as it faces obstacles of this time such as covid and can help us move beyond any disillusionment we might have felt in the past few years when witnessing big changes in Madhuban.

We are requesting that students from each centre dedicate 15 minutes after class each morning for mansa seva for the benefit of Madhuban. We are asking that you begin this on Sunday, October 25 and continue for 21 days until Diwali.

Keeping the flame burning with our sacred love will naturally send a special and pure current to Madhuban. Returning to our memories of magic moments spent in Madhuban that ignited a sacred flame in our hearts can be our way to serve Madhuban now.

This year is showing us a signal of time. Instead of just consuming programs from Madhuban online, we would like you to experience Madhuban and BapDada’s Season in a more elevated and uplifting way, by serving this place, our spiritual home, with your good wishes and pure feelings. We remember BapDada’s words, asking the Dadis to recreate a Madhuban wherever they go to serve, and we feel there is a mini-Madhuban living in our hearts.

This is an invitation to Centres, classes and the entire Brahmin family all over the world to emerge this vision now and create a connection with Madhuban such that all Baba’s children become a rosary of living lights, flames in which we can see and serve Madhuban.

With love and appreciation,
In Baba’s remembrance,
The RC’s


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Re: Storm Clouds in Madhubhan ?

Post31 Oct 2020

collective elevated thoughts, good wishes and pure feelings for our sacred home can provide valuable support for Madhuban as it faces obstacles of this time such as covid and can help us move beyond any disillusionment we might have felt

No better than the begging and bargaining that goes on at the temples. At least there, the people call themselves Bhakts, where the foundation is singing praise, asking for health, wealth, etc etc ... and then also do bartering - whereby they tell their "God" that they will do "X" when "God" does "Y". If their "God" doesn't do/give them "Y", then too bad for "God" he becomes a loser too.

Here with the BKs it was supposed to be "don't ask for anything", calling the Self as Spiritual Leaders and Spiritual Organization ! I had read that Manasarovar was being used as a Covid-19 patient center, don't know if it is the entire complex or a part of it.

All of this, along with lack of tourism (aka BKs arrival from India and abroad) must be really hurting them. So, with no spiritual power whatsoever, and neither having no faith in themselves and their path either ... it has come down to begging from Double Foreigners. Oh, by the way, we still have pride, cannot beg from local BKs. This begging will soon transform into asking for money contributions ! Keep watching ... the DRAMA as BKs would like to call it too.
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Re: Storm Clouds in Madhubhan ?

Post01 Nov 2020

So, covid is causing a cash flow problem! Not only no visitors doing ‘spiritual tourism” and leaving donations but also many BKs who give a percentage of incomes as regular donations will have lost their incomes.

Those letters sound like a cunningly composed appeal for money based on a sense of psycho-emotional dependency. Rather than admitting the BK organisation depends on their members’ hard work (or family inheritances), it makes the members think they are the receivers, reminding them of ”all the good things I gave you, the good times we had together”.

It's saying not very covertly "we gave you this (identity, experience etc) and now its time for you to give back” perpetuating various BK myths, nicely exposed by Alan Watts’s line about gurus, that they are like pickpockets who sell you your own watch.

It’s all euphemisms.

Have the BKs given any reports as to any covid infection clusters or outbreaks in any of their centres? Would they announce it if they had or see it as bad PR and keep it as quiet as possible?
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Re: Storm Clouds in Madhubhan ?

Post01 Nov 2020

Yeah, for a cult that's supposed to be based on remember God only, they sure do expect to be remembered a lot.

I agree it's a simple, "keep thinking about us ... and if you can spare a $100". It's a wonder they've not be as blunt as to say, "Well, you're saving $1,000 on travel costs, so just send us that!".

I don't know. I remember a BK coming on this forum and boasting they had at least 5 years worth of cash/gold/gem stone reserves in hand.

Of course, no ones knows outside of the inner circle but I could believe it.

Can you find out, OldBK?

As a humorous aside, I recently learned that Gujarat has been a 'dry' state since 1958 - where, in theory, the manufacture, sale and consumption of alcohol is banned - and so, consequently, Rajasthan - and Mount Abu in particular - has become a haven for booze tourists seeking intoxication, along with on call prostitution services. So much for Mount Abu being the purest place on earth.
Gujarat: Drive for drink

The economies of the Union Territory of Daman & Diu as well as Mount Abu, a hill station in Rajasthan, thrive on liquor tourism. And the tourism department can prove it.

In 2015, 22.6 lakh tourists visited ... "Of these, 18.2 lakh were 'non-registered', which means they did not stay the night but came, boozed, and drove back. Nearly 90% of such visitors are from Gujarat," says a senior tourism department official.

"We prefer to go to Mount Abu or Udaipur to entertain clients and return by evening rather than arranging liquor in Ahmedabad," said Kalpesh Parmar, 41, a businessman.


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Re: Storm Clouds in Madhubhan ?

Post02 Nov 2020

I remember a BK coming on this forum and boasting they had at least 5 years worth of cash/gold/gem stone reserves in hand.

I don't have specific information on the wealth hoarded by the BKs. However, any hoarding by the Sr. Srs./Brs. is not going to be shared with others. They will sing the song of austerity for everyone and continue to enjoy their comforts. To feed and care for the lower rung, they need outside money, not touch their share. It's like the Middle East ex: Saudi. The royal family has billions of dollars of gold, etc etc but still they have introduced austerity measures for the common, singing the song of global downturn.

The BKs are severly impacted by COVID-19.
    1. No tourists (aka. BKs from out of town/country) - a main source of income
    2. No continuous conferences - another steady source of income
    3. No "puppet shows" - another drain on revenue
    4. No revenue from the "other" tourists who come to Mt Abu. The drop-ins who also "drop in" a few rupees on their way out
    5. Without face to face contact, it is not easy to squeeze the wealth from the wealthy, through property transfers, cash donations etc. Or even go out canvassing for it.
    6. Also a "Manasarovar" BK facility is being used as COVID-19 isolation center
Incidentally, Mt Abu has started getting by from August, "other" tourists are coming and the hotel prices are at pre-covid rates. Unfortunately, BKs cannot cash in on that, because of restrictions still in place for indoor gatherings.
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Re: Storm Clouds in Madhubhan ?

Post16 Nov 2020

May be this was it.

Dadi Ratanmohini and her assistant got Covid-19, so it's made its way right into the centre of their camp. Ratanmohini was a very early convert to BKism, circa 1938 (aged 13). Guess she must be the last of their "original jewels"?
Further note re collective commitment by the Double Foreigner family to support Madhuban

Dear Divine Family!

Further to the note about sending Yoga vibrations for Madhuban sent a few days ago, some of you have reached out, asking why we would especially focus on serving Madhuban at this time. We know Bharat is to become satopradhan heaven, and Madhuban is our pilgrimage place.

Baba has said in the Avyakt Murli of October 25, before Bharat becomes heaven, it will be the scene of many things including upheaval ... This is the time to support Bharat in general and Madhuban in particular so that Madhuban is not affected by the vibrations outside and is instead a fortress of peace and stability.

Given that "Baba" spoke that back some time in the 1950s, is it not a bit of an extension to suggest it is relevant today?
Update on the Health of Dadi Ratanmohini and Leelabehn
10 November 2020

To the Jewels of the Brahmin Clan, Avyakt BapDada's Centre Coordinators and the entire BK family, Please accept loving remembrances from BapDada's unlimited home.

Drama continues to show different scenes. This is to inform all of you that Respected Dadi Ratan Mohiniji has tested positive for COVID-19 on 8 November 2020. Dadiji developed high fever on the 6th morning, and was treated immediately. Leelabenji, her Companion, was found to have
moderate COVID Pneumonia a few days earlier, and was transferred to Apollo Hospital, Ahmedabad for treatment.

CT Scan of Dadiji done on the 6th morning suggested mild COVID Pneumonia. A team of doctors and nurses, headed by Dr Satishbhai Gupta is looking after Dadiji's health round the clock. Dadiji is in isolation in her own Cottage in Shantivan, where cardiac monitoring, tests and precautions

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