Jayanti marking her territory

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Jayanti marking her territory

Post12 Jun 2020

Looks like Sr Jayanti is marking her territory in Mt Abu, establishing herself as the next "unofficial" head of BKs.

There is now a Daily Update of "News from Jayantibhen", which contains very important messages ... example ...

I was going to travel from Abu Road to Mt Abu, but couldn't because of COVID-19

I reached Mt Abu today ... good to see blah blah blah ...

It is like the animals marking their territory with their scent

News from Jayantibhen in Shantivan, June 9
News from Jayantibhen in Shantivan, June 8

and so on .....
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Re: Jayanti marking her territory

Post13 Jun 2020

You make her sounds like a cat.

I read the first Covid-19 cases have reached Mount Abu (links will go out of date quickly). Which Hansaben is she referring to? Raval or an Indian one?
News from Jayantiben in Shantivan: 8 June
8 June 2020

Om Shanti. We were planning to go up the mountain for a few days, as many people have been asking us to come up and spend time on the mountain top. We were all packed and ready to go, and then we got the news that they’ve discovered the first positive COVID-19 case (non-BK) of Mount Abu, in one of the little villages, and so we are still in Shantivan as they will be identifying the containment zone over the next day or so. We’ll see when there is the possibility of going up.

A Mount Abu family had gone to Gujarat for a visit, and one of the members caught the virus. The rest of the family are awaiting the results of their tests; the whole family has been brought down to Baba’s Man Sarovar, the new building by the riverside near Shantivan, which the Yagya had been asked to hand over to the Municipal Council to be used as an isolation/quarantine facility for COVID-19 positive and suspected cases.

A medical team is resident there as well as police, and of course people in quarantine as well as COVID-19 patients (a total of around 40-50) from around the Abu Road area. Food for everyone is being provided thrice a day by Baba’s home, Shantivan.


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Re: Jayanti marking her territory

Post16 Jun 2020

Jayanti continues to share and entertain the BKs with her spiritual endeavors ...

The bold and arrogant BK flaunting her vacation resort experience, while the poor lowly workers keep toiling to earn their daily bread ! The spirituality in Jayanti's experience is overwhelming, spreading the fragrance in such a beautiful manner ... BS
Everyone has been mentioning how beautiful the weather on the Mount is, but actually being in Gyan Sarovar and seeing the morning mist, and feeling the coolness of the atmosphere at 20-21 degrees Celsius is really beautiful. The mist clears mid-morning, and there is sunshine and it becomes about 27 degrees, but it really is a very big change from the 42 degrees Celsius of Shantivan in the daytime, and 31-32 degrees in the early mornings.
10th morning, Dr Nirmalaben took me to see some of the departments of Gyan Sarovar. She herself needed to visit some of the Stores; we also saw the Laundry and the Flour-Mill department. The cleaning of all the wheat happens here in GS with huge machines, and the cleaned grain is then sent to the other two campuses. There are normally trucks going every day, but with lockdown everything is quiet.
Many trees on the top of the mountain have beautiful mangoes dangling on them, but probably it’s going to take a few weeks for them to ripen, whereas they have already ripened in Shantivan.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Jayanti marking her territory

Post17 Jun 2020

Reads like the diary of a plantation owner from the days of the Raj. Maybe we should call them ”memsahib” instead of ”Sister"?

The BKs and many groups (and individuals) like them have been sucked into what Teju Coles calls The White Saviour Industrial Complex”.

From Wikipedia - "In essence, Cole's concept of the "White Savior Industrial Complex" refers explicitly to the damaging effects of white saviors who prioritize a "big emotional experience" achieved through minor acts of charity or activism over tackling larger issues like systematic oppression and corruption that plague many nations around the world"

"From Sachs to Kristof to Invisible Children to TED, the fastest growth industry in the US is the White Savior Industrial Complex."

"The white saviour supports brutal policies in the morning, founds charities in the afternoon, and receives awards in the evening."

"The banality of evil transmutes into the banality of sentimentality. The world is nothing but a problem to be solved by enthusiasm."

"This world exists simply to satisfy the needs--including, importantly, the sentimental needs, of white people, and Oprah."

"The White Saviour Industrial Complex is not about justice. It is about having a big emotional experience that validates privilege".


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Re: Jayanti marking her territory

Post21 Jun 2020

News from Jayantiben in Shantivan: 10 June

10 June 2020

No Daily News Update from Jayanti since June 10th ... Must be really having a swell time in the vacation resort !!!

Or ... is she reading or getting input on the updates on this site and realized that she is making a *** of herself and stopped this daily nonsense for a while ??
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Mr Green


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Re: Jayanti marking her territory

Post05 Sep 2020

Lord help us

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