Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post14 Oct 2013

dany wrote:The mysterious "Sadhu" definately holds the key to expose the secrets of his relation with Lekhraj and The BKWSU as a whole, but I presume it is long since he is gone !

Yes, long time ago. Some of the holy man were invited by Lekhraj to Hyderabad Sindh to conduct the sangathans. It was a way to gather attention of the society on the new adventure of Lekhraj's. He initially stated the gatherings in his own home and as the followers were increasing so he purchased new place in 1931, built a 3 store building to accommodate the members. The sadhus definitely played an important role in the foundation of the Om Mandli.
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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post14 Oct 2013

I heard that yet another copy of this book has gone missing from publicly held records in mysterious circumstances. Can you confirm this?

Are there any other interesting development in the history department ?


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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post24 Oct 2013

ex-l wrote:I heard that yet another copy of this book has gone missing from publicly held records in mysterious circumstances. Can you confirm this?

Are there any other interesting development in the history department ?

Yeah, the vanishing book is a good story that I personally experienced in India/Pakistan.

One ingredient for this is that as soon as a foreigner becomes interested in a rare book, as this one, it raises the eyebrows of the librarians. The librarian or library workers hide the book out of curiosity, so they can read later on. An incident like this happened in Karachi with this Om Mandli book.

Yes, no doubt the BKs surveyed all libraries also.

The history department is moving on slowly due to lack of cooperation.



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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post24 Sep 2014

I had a few questions about the BK history post these court cases. Hopfully someone can answer, or point me in the right direction.

Why was Dada Lekhraj not summoned for questioning since most allegations were against him and not Om Radhe or the Om Mandali itself?

Did he respond to any of these allegations?

Why did these court cases peter out? Were there more?

After these allegations, how did Om Mandali continue to operate? Did these cases infuriate more parents? Did they try harder to take their children away?

A few posters and one or two books by Om Radhe give some idea of the Om Mandali thinking in the 1940s. But unlike these court cases of 1930s there appear to be no independent accounts of how the Om Mandali conducted itself in the 1940s. Are there more documents or indications of more documents?

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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post24 Sep 2014

Have you read the whole of the reply to 'Is this Justice?' by the Bhaibund Om Mandli committee?

From memory, I think the simple answer is it never got the stage of a court case with witness called, i.e. 'had' to attended. There is reference to someone speaking to Lekhraj Kirpalani and lot of wrangling over the legal status of the Tribunal and it's right to demand individuals to attended. It's seems to have depended on individuals goodwill to cooperate, which Lekhraj Kirpalani did not. Or perhaps was in no state to?

To answer your last question, yes there are more papers and research and - I think two criminal cases - but it's not public yet. Making things public tends to lead to things disappearing, or doors being closed by the BKWSU.

I'd have to go back and re-read the book which I do not have time for right now. The strongest conclusions I took from it was that
    a) Lekhraj Kirpalani/the Om Mandli's lawyer was very wriggly and they do not play it straight at all
    b) The setting up of the committee and the transfer of Lekhraj Kirpalani's assets and wealth to it was a facade which was done to protect them from individuals within the community who were legally threatening him ... and not any divine or feminist reason as the BKs re-interpret today.
With reference to a) I did have his name written down somewhere, perhaps even here on the forum, but the legal defences etc were clearly not written by Om Radhe. She was just being used as a obstruction/distraction and mouth piece.

You could help us find out by asking the BKWSU for their latest official position ... I won't hold my breath but thank you in advance if you do.


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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post20 May 2017

Anyway, I feel my soul more pure after getting attached with BKs.

Moreover, the negative karmas which I used to do are vanishing, which is the best part of the life to get spiritual.

So, is the proof to be a BK for me.

Om Shanti !! :D
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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post20 May 2017

BK Hritik,

yes, one can experience benfits from BK lifestyle but like any fast or feast, exercise regime or sleep, work or holiday - there is a question of cost-benefit to be weighed up along with dose and duration. You can have ‘too much of a good thing”. Even too much pure water can kill you.

Addiction usually begins with a great experience or series of great experiences, then once that wears off, the rest of the time is chasing that again , and again - and it reminds you and you keep chasing it. Not so bad if it stops you doing worse things, but not so good if you are now taking your eye from the next thing you SHOULD be doing to improve yourself, which may not be BK-oriented - but the BK will try to keep you spending your capital in their shop. They will NEVER say to you - you have taken as much as you need from here, go elsewhere to another teacher. No, it will always be - this is the only place.

Enjoy it while you are new and feeling the benefit of some discipline but look out for the entrapment language and behaviours, the peer group coercion ...


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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post15 Jan 2020

Based on reading all of this as well as forums from other groups such as the Hare Krishna, BAPS, Shree Ram Chandra Mission etc. All of them seem to have opposition. The bottom line is that if it improves your life then follow it but don't get forced into anything you feel uncomfortable with. There is a lot of hate here too and there is also facts not proven like Lehkraj starting Om Mandali in PAKISTAN. Pakistan will do whatever it takes to stop something like this. Also it is said that woman and children were turned against husbands, is this not what a country like Pakistan do by converting people towards their beliefs? Where are the facts to prove that Lehkraj did this? The facts is that he was a threat to Islam and was pushed back as expected.
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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post15 Jan 2020

sky8lade wrote:there is also facts not proven like Lehkraj starting Om Mandali in PAKISTAN. Pakistan will do whatever it takes to stop something like this.

Hi Skyblade, welcome to the forum. Have you had interaction with the BKs?

Best slow down on the speculation. The history of the movement is fairly well know. Om Mandali started in the Sind when it was still India and relationships were normal.

Do you have any specific questions you want answers for?


GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post21 Jan 2020

The wearing of the eye liner, I was told, was to protect the eyes from exposure from dust. I do remember on my first visit to India, as a freshly minted BK hearing chats about opposition movements against the BKs in many parts of India. In my innocence at the time 35-40 years ago, I dismissed the chats as natural opposition to a well meaning organization, I thought the BKs to be at that time.

Reading the post and responses on this topic I see parallels between the BK establishment and Bikram Hot Yoga establishment. The founder of the latter took flight from the USA after several female associates sued him for sexual assault, including rape. There were never any criminal charges brought against him and now he seems to continue to operate business as usual outside of the USA in Spain, Mexico and other states. Netflix has an interesting documentary on his rise and fall. One other theme illustrating the parallelism is the influence of super natural factors. The power of a guru or spiritual leader is partially super natural and it may not matter how pure the soul is the powers can be manifested through the soul to help others. However, there come a time when truth and purity prevails and the personality of the medium is separated from the super natural powers and laid bare for the public to see.

In the haystack of decades of fabrications by the BKs is the needle of truth and purity used for creating a false fabric, which is unraveling and the BKs are earnest in preventing the unraveling of the fabric. It would have been better to weave a fabric cloth of truth from day 1 with the needle of truth and purity instead of burying in a falsely fabricated cloth and the cloth is just a haystack.
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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post22 Jan 2020

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:The wearing of the eye liner, I was told, was to protect the eyes from exposure from dust.

I think that's just a add on rationalisation made by someone who had no awareness of the original documents or the actual history.

There was some "magical" or occult connection between the eye liner and the saddhu initiation Lekhraj Kirpalani had taken. I think, think it through rationally, a) how many men of his class, generation and status wore it, and b) how effective would that have been anyway?
Reading the post and responses on this topic I see parallels between the BK establishment and Bikram Hot Yoga establishment. The founder of the latter took flight from the USA after several female associates sued him for sexual assault ...

One of the interviews that stood out the most for me in that documentary, was the one with the Indian woman sociologist (I think she was) who likened Bikram's grandiose self-fantasies the like of the braggards she knew from the coffeeshop back where she came from in Bengal. Calcutta, where Lekhraj Kirpalani made his fortune and met his initiating saddhu was the capital of Bengal.

The documentary documents the extent of Bikram's self-exaggeration, making wild claims about his own status that were just not in any way true ... but no one in the West thought to question or challenge.

This, too, is the same with us and BKism.

Possibly Indians - and the younger generations - are more immune to gurus' delusions of grandeur.

However, as with the Nigerian fraudsters on the internet, gurus keep running their scams as they work ... there's always a small percentage of people who fall for them, sufficient enough to live off comfortably it seems.

Someone called them "dream sellers" to me the other day, they don't sell the product they say they are offering - whether the Nigerians and their million dollar bank transfers or the Brahma Kumaris and their multi-million dollar Golden Age karmic bank transfers - they sell the dream of it to their victims.

In Bikram's case, it was just the fantasy of a Yoga studio franchise and he still made multi-millions from it, and he still continues despite being exposed as an abuser of women, immigration and tax system (again, just like the BKs).

That, sadly, also teaches that the BKs are like to continue on their scam for as long as they can too. It seems to be that such people have the "power", or the 'third eye', of being able to recognise suckers and an inner knowing that "a fool and his money is soon parted".

I will end on the most serious conclusion I have made about BKism ...

The BK Knowledge™ is not "knowledge", let alone facts, it is a filtering system to filter out the most foolish in society ... in order to exploit them in some way, for as much as they can, and for as long as they can.

If you believe it, and stick around, you must be a fool* and ripe for exploitation in their eyes.

* definition: young, naive, vulnerable, in experienced, idealistic, damaged etc etc etc

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post24 Jan 2020

Ex-I, Thank you for your response. Furtunately, there is this website serving as a light house for those navigation the seas and oceans of spirituality, especially the BK sea. A few years ago after a presentation of the physiology of the mind during meditative states, several enthusiastic seekers of spiritual truths asked me to recommend centers in India where as young Westerners, they can be on the spiritual path. Twenty five years aerlier, I would have enthusiastically recommend the BKs. There were a few I recommended, the BKs not included, and some centers not in India with Indian spiritual leaders.

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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post25 Jan 2020

I think, several years ago, the BKs were developing plans to file patents for their system of Raj Yoga; there seems to be similarities to Hot Yoga. Were applications for patents file with the United States Patent Office or the European Patent Office?


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Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

Post07 Feb 2020

Good Information.

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