Trustee Sanjay Tulsidas's Marriage to BK Sister Confirmed

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Trustee Sanjay Tulsidas's Marriage to BK Sister Confirmed

Post09 Nov 2019

There have been many questions raised in the past about the BKWSU (UK) Mauritus-born Sindi trustee - and football fan - Sanjay Tulsidas. I wonder if Sanjay Tulsidas is a Leicester City fan? Even if not, I am sure he knows of their great success.

One of those included the nature of his marriage to a BK Sister that many assumed could only have been a paper marriage for the sake of a visa. It was the subject of much gossip within the London BK family at time.

It turns out the Brahma Kumari Sister he married was BK Dipti Khatry who is on various committees for the BKs, including for the London Diwali celebration festival, and is promoted as "Dipti Khatri (Secretary, Brahma Kumari World Spiritual University UK)", the same charity for which Tulsidas is a trustee. Dipti's biography on that (non-BK) site states that has "been studying Raja Yoga with the Brahma Kumaris for over 25 years", which would date her surrendering to the early 1990s. Tulsidas's claim of 28 years would date back to 1990.

Therefore they were "married" after they became Brahma Kumari followers. I understand the woman's mother or family was involved with the BKs.
    To outsiders, this might appear perfectly normal and legal.

    To those of us who have been BKs, and for most BKs today still, this is unthinkable, and not a luxury widely afforded to the following. Indeed, the BK god spirit refers to marriage in highly negative terms, eg temples carrying out marriage ceremonies as "brothels", marriage as the "gateway to hell" and "bondage" and so on.
I suppose in a culture of loveless and arranged marriages carried out mainly for the advances of property, wealth and status, a loveless and - as far as we know - sexless marriage exploiting the British tax system would be perfectly normal? Presumably they could portray a "celibate" marriage as being normal within their "religion" to the British authorities, even we know how unthinkable it would have been to most BKs.

But does it appear ethical for a trustee of a BK charity to be able to exploit his position in such a way?

Ditto, BKs doing business amongst the BK community was also contrary to the BKs' principles (Maryadas) or Shrimat and yet it is understood that the "couple" have shared financial interests, perhaps in property?
Sanjay Kumar Ram Tulsidas (1967)
     Local Born, been in Mauritius till A Levels and then moved to UK for further studies and business.
     Chartered Accountant and Business Advisor in UK.
     A meditator and businessman for 2[8] years. Has developed techniques applying spirituality into business.
     Trustee of Brahma Kumaris UK, managing legal financial and property
    Coordinator of Brahma Kumaris International Governance and Charter.
     Advisor to many organisations on management and systems
Dipti Khatry (1971)
DIL Committee Member
Brahma Kumaris
    Dipti has been studying Raja Yoga with the Brahma Kumaris for over 25 years whilst supporting the work of investment bankers. Working alongside traders, Dipti has used the values developed through her spiritual journey to maintain a sense of calm in the fast-paced city environment. Dipti now spends more time supporting the work of charities and communities. Dipti has been a member of Diwali in London since 2013, helping the committee deliver a successful Diwali on Trafalgar Square.
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Re: Trustee Sanjay Tulsidas's Marriage to BK Sister Confirme

Post09 Nov 2019

I note at one stage, shortly after their "marriage", both were involved in a company called "GLOBAL APPROACH COMPANY LTD" - BKs love "global" - and registered at 18 St Annes Court 123 Salusbury Road, London, NW6 6RG.

Dipti was also a director of her own company QUIET CONTEMPLATIONS LIMITED but at a different address; MISS DIPTI KHATRY, 9 BIRCHEN GROVE, LONDON, NW9 8RT
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Pink Panther

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Re: Trustee Sanjay Tulsidas's Marriage to BK Sister Confirme

Post10 Nov 2019

I have only one question.


These two people are, we suppose, deeply involved in the BKs, part of the inner circle or close to it, long time adherents and students who surely understand not just the public face of the teachings but the deeper inner teachings and history, and the implications of their actions according to ”shri mat".

Have they consciously chosen to attach themselves legally to each other to become a couple (a unit) because they love each other? (You'd hope that was the reason) even though it means leaving less room in their hearts for Baba? It must work both ways because many couple separate to make more room for Baba. Maybe they're willing to sacrifice some future status in the next life and whole of next cycle for some happiness today? Would they be upfront about that?

Maybe its what ex-l said, some sort of visa scam, compromising either ethics or, if they don't have such ethics, their obligations as citizens to uphold the laws of the land, including marriage and visa laws?

Come on Sanjay - open up and tell us what you really think?
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Re: Trustee Sanjay Tulsidas's Marriage to BK Sister Confirme

Post10 Nov 2019

Pink Panther wrote:These two people are, we suppose, deeply involved in the BKs, part of the inner circle or close to it, long time adherents and students who surely understand not just the public face of the teachings ...

In Sanjay's case, he used to drive around Dadi Janki in his Mercedes.

So either,
    a) Why did not Janki sniff him out?
    b) She did, and she realised he was one of them.
The joke is, he's not only a "trustee" of the charity but "coordinator" of Brahma Kumaris International Governance and Charter, the nearest they have to an accountable set of ethics.

So if Janki and Jayanti cannot sniff him out, why could their god spirit sniff him and whisper into Jayanti's ear?
    See (b). They recognised him as one of them.
What I'd like to know is, is this official? Can any BK "Brother" marry his chosen BK "Sister" now? Is that Shrimat from the Kirpalani Klan?
You do not have any relationship among yourselves. The relationship of Brother and Sister and Brahmakumar and Brahmakumaris also sometimes leads to downfall. Relationship is only with One. This is the new thing. One has to become pure and return too.

[Sakar Murli 30/4/74 Pg-2]
Baba does not solemnize marriages to make them pure.

[Mu 30/10/90]
So Kumaris and Kumars should not marry at all. Otherwise they will become householders.

One must die but one should never become adharkumari (half spinster or married woman) ... If you do not marry then there will not be any bondage. A kanya (spinster)must study and should be very strong in knowledge.

[Mu 16/6/71 Pg-2]
Those who tread the Godly path, will not accept any post of this world. If anyone says that I am getting married then be becomes one who follows the demoniac path.

[Mu 27/1/75]

It is kind of explicit, is not it?
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Re: Trustee Sanjay Tulsidas's Marriage to BK Sister Confirme

Post10 Nov 2019

I suppose their answer is ...
If it is only a marriage to fiddle immigration, like another leader and trustee Hansa Raval did, or for the sake of tax and investment interests, it's not a real marriage, so nothing to worry about ... just remember Baba and hope the government lets you get away with it.

... And, of course, the Klan gets its 10% or more to wash the karma away. May be the woman gets to live off the rental income, so the cult gets a free worker out of it? Or may be it gives the leaders some leverage as they know they have some dirt on you?

Are those the Brahma Kumaris' real values?

If not, why do they give such a position to someone who breaks them?

Right under Jayanti's and Janki's nose too.

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