Brahma Kumaris fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

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Brahma Kumaris fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

Post04 Nov 2019

Sounds familiar? Were we not just reading about the case of Eric Swaffer? Another country, same modus operandi.

The Brahma Kumaris have been making constant but unsuccessful attempts to stake its claim over a property belonging to the family of a deceased member again. BKs using lawyer to make threats against family.
Brahma Kumaris fined Rs 10,000: Brahma Kumaris were “thus abusing the process of law.”

The High Court has imposed a fine of Rs 10,000 on the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Bengaluru, for once again claiming ownership of a portion of a building though their claim was dismissed earlier.

The Brahma Kumaris approached the High Court seeking a direction to a civil court to allow them to implede as an additional respondent in a property case. The children and other legal heirs of one S Veerabhadrappa were fighting a property partition case.

The civil court had in 2015 passed an interim order disallowing the application of the Brahma Kumaris. The partition suit has been going on since 1995. Brahma Kumaris sought to implead in the case claiming that the second floor of the building that was being partitioned had been willed to them by Veerabhadrappa in 1993.

The civil court dismissed their application.

In the HC, the advocate for Brahma Kumaris argued that the lower court’s dismissal of their application would compel them to file a suit that would lead to multiplicity of proceedings.

The respondents (heirs of Veerabhadrappa) argued that the Brahma Kumaris have “been making constant but unsuccessful attempts to stake its claim over the property belonging” to them.

It was pointed out that the family members had concluded a civil case in 2010 itself. The Brahma Kumaris challenged it in 2011 which was dismissed after being withdrawn in 2012. The trial court judgement of 2011 was then challenged in a review petition. This was dismissed in 2014. They had also filed an application for impleadment in another case in 2011. It was also dismissed. The 2015 dismissal by the trial court was yet another impleading application.

The heirs alleged that the Brahma Kumaris were “thus abusing the process of law.”

The High Court in its judgement said, “A careful analysis of the facts leads to an irresistible conclusion that the petitioner has made untiring, but unsuccessful attempts in staking its claim over the second floor of the Schedule ‘A’ property. Counsel for the respondent no.1 is right in his submission that, repeated application for impleadment, in the facts of this case borders on abuse of process of law.

Imposing a fine of Rs 10,000 on the respondents, the HC said, “Petitioner is not diligent in prosecuting its case. The respondents are being drawn to court time and again on the same application and deserve to be compensated.”
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Re: Brahma Kumaris fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

Post05 Nov 2019

"By their actions you shall know them” Matthew 7:15-20

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Re: Brahma Kumaris fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

Post05 Nov 2019

The important point to underline in this case is that the Brahma Kumaris have devolved from mere opportunism, to a systemised persistent willingness to abuse the law in order to grab the wealth and property of other individuals.

Wealth and property they did not work to earn.

Bear in mind also that each time to Brahma Kumaris gouged at this family's wealth and property, they were reminding them of the loss of their loved one, and prolonging the pain of that loss. They were disallowing the family gaining closure and inflicting on them the emotional and financial costs of having to legally defend themselves, causing them further pain.

Given we have two almost concurrent cases ... one in India, one in England ... one can only conclude that this agenda without conscience is being communicated across their international networks.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

Post05 Nov 2019

Given we have two almost concurrent cases ... one in India, one in England ... one can only conclude that this agenda without conscience is being communicated across their international networks.

Given the distributed nature of this business entity, in the model of a franchise and/or pyramid scheme (ex: Amway), these vultures are preying upon the dead.

Any semblance of spiritual endeavour is completely dismissed by these 2 incidents in different corners of different countries. Of course, there are many others, that have been either locally known and did not get attention and visibility.

Let these Souls suffer the Karma (1000 fold) of their actions through their own pseudo-teachings ...
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Re: Brahma Kumaris fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

Post05 Nov 2019

The problem seems to be another part of their teachings which encourages them to believe that 'if they think they are remembering their god spirit' as they carry out an activities, they are somehow exempt from any karmic returns of any wrongdoing.

Or, indeed, if that they are carrying it out in his service it is not wrong, like stealing.

I think the 'us' and 'them' mentality within BKism (BK = Brahmins, the rest of the world = devillish shudras), encourages such partisan behaviour.

They even believe they are benefiting those that they rip off or exploit, allowing them to "earn their inheritance" in future lives ... by handing it over to the BKs to spend in this life.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris fined Rs 10,000 for False Property Claim

Post05 Nov 2019

Another day, another legal dispute over property ownerships within the Brahma Kumaris movement.

B K Sunil vs Prajapita Brahma Kumari in the Karnataka High Court.

A dispute over whether the sale deed with which the scheduled property was acquired was incorrect, the premises being kept under lock disallowing the petitioners access to the property.

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