Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

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Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post21 Oct 2019

So this is the best you get if you ask the BKs advice.

A friend rips you off for $250,000 and does a runner to India ... the BK Shivani's answer?

BK Shivani wrote:"... Consider this as good. Something better will happen for you now. Since it is a divine universal law – whatever you give out, you will get back ... this money that you have to pay on behalf of your friend, might be because of your both’s past life Karmic account. So think now that this account is being settled. As it settles, you will become free from this".

Going on to proclaim that having "done the right karma" the victim of the fraud
"will never sleep with empty stomach"

Despite the victims facing paying someone else's $250,000 student loan debt off (on top of her own).

You're life's falling to pieces, you're burdened by someone else's $250,000 debt, and the BKs turn around and tell you ...
BK Shivani wrote:"You are instead very lucky ... You have everything to live happy".

What on earth is she going on about?

As a tool of the BKWSU, BK Shivani is surely a dangerous, unfeeling moron. A egotistical robot to believe she can make pronouncements like this. A hook to try and attempt to capture people in at the most vulnerable. And it's really irresponsible of the BKWSU to exploit issues such as this.

On the other hand, the BKs could have just used their 1,000,000 plus supporters and government contacts in India to track the fraudster down and shame his family into paying up ... but actually do any good? Get their hands dirty? Oh, no. That's not the BKs way.

There is, of course, no follow up to what happened next. How the victim responded. I would not be surprised to read that the individual committed suicide.

From an Email Letter Responded by Sister Shivani.
Pranam Sister Shivani,

I am reaching out to you today as I am in dire need of help with an extremely difficult situation ... a school friend of mine asked me to cosign a private student loan for his friend, who was looking to pursue his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from New York University. Being still new to the US and in my early 20s, I did not realize the consequence of what it meant to cosign a loan and agreed to it. I thought I was doing an act of kindness ...

The private student loan that i cosigned was for a total amount of $252,000 ... He started repaying the loan from 2013 by making bare minimum payments and even with 4+ years of minimum payments, the loan amount has increased instead of decreasing. He stopped making payments in Feb 2018 and the bank informed me about the missed payments and asked me to make the payments on his behalf since I am the cosigner. After several attempts of reaching out to Pankaj, I found out that he has fled the country and has been living and working in New Delhi, India since Nov, 2017.

I doubt he has any intentions of coming back to the US now and might not even be able to due to the criminal charges and debts on him in US. I have had to work very hard for everything that i achieved in my life including funding my own education and establishing a career and i feel that it is now all under jeopardy.

I am in desperate need of help as I can’t take any legal action against him in India or US since I am legally responsible as a cosigner. I am crying for help as I need a miracle to get me out of this loan situation and i strongly feel that you could help me in someway possible.

Please help me get justice as i feel cheated and betrayed for a noble intention of helping someone from my motherland to get an education ...
[quote=BK Shivani]To: Everyone reading (concerned persons)

Your situation is not difficult as much as you are thinking. You have to first find your friend from New Delhi and tell him what happened. If he understand, then will pay you the money, so that you can pay to the bank as a cosigner. Because you have contacted us, so you would have heard many talks and Awakening TV episodes on ‘Law of Karma and living, secrets of how life work Law of attration, etc.

Your heart is good. You have helped someone with a good intention. There is something that you need to know. As also written in the Shrimat Gita, that: ”The one who does good my friend, is never ever overcome by any misfortune.” – this is the TRUTH. Even if you feel cheated, then also consider this as good. Something better will happen for you now. Since it is a divine universal law – whatever you give out, you will get back.

Also know that this money that you have to pay on behalf of your friend, might be because of your both’s past life Karmic account. So think now that this account is being settled. As it settles, you will become free from this.

You also understand that money is not everything. If not money, you have got the hand of God. What is of more value? God is for the poor. You have done the right karma, with a right intention and hence you will never sleep with empty stomach. If you think yourself misfortunate because you live in a one bedroom flat and have to pay other’s loan, then also think that this might be your past life karmic account with that soul (Pankaj) for which he cheated you in this life. Any big event happen for a reason. Those who are simple in the nature are nearer to God. Human beings prays for peace in life.

A very rich person also may not have peace of mind. But you, who have done good in life, will have that. You you are rich in that sense. Peace cannot be bought. Inner happiness cannot be bought. If you had more than enough money, than you might indulge in any bad habits. Instead you are now saved from all that. You are instead very lucky. More sin are done by rich people. Isn’t it? You have everything to live happy. Even the one with billions of money does not have a peaceful sleep. We are on a journey. Our past actions (karma) will influence our present and the future.

Karma is of 3 categories – THOUGHTS – WORDS and ACTIONS. So god explained us – Think good for all, speak very sweet and less – Do beneficial service for all. You will get whatever you have given. Also do not blame anyone for anything. Just be happy. . As explained, you are instead lucky. Baba (God) wants to see smile on your face. Just wait and watch – whatever will happen, is for your good. Have faith. You also know that a good karma has a great result. All we need is ‘patience‘.[/quote]
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Pink Panther

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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post21 Oct 2019

Those who are privileged don't have a clue.

Current debate in Australia about unemployment benefits - they have been cut to a very low level relative to cost of living and for which recipients need to fulfil onerous conditions.

The rate is $270 a week, less than $40 a day. The smallest room to rent in any city where there is potential work is rarely below $250 a week, so lots of people are homeless. Yet a Government MP, who receives a daily allowance of $288 for food and travel when parliament is sitting, on top of salary, said it was easy to live on $40 a day, then when questioned, her reply indicated she thought this $40 was after basics were paid for, not before. She then callously implied that homeless people therefore had more spending money as they saved on rent.

To be saddled with debt of $250,000 with compounding interest that is not even yours is a very heavy burden. I hope the victim of this deceit has managed to find proper counselling and support.

Nope. They don’t have a clue.
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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post21 Oct 2019

Pink Panther wrote:Those who are privileged don't have a clue.

To be saddled with debt of $250,000 with compounding interest that is not even yours is a very heavy burden. I hope the victim of this deceit has managed to find proper counselling and support. Nope. They don’t have a clue.

It's worse than not having a clue.

It's a sort of banal, idiotic, feelingless evil ... and I really mean that last word.

It we strip away Hollywood exaggerations of the word "evil" and take just its original meaning, as "profoundly immoral and wicked" or "harmful or tending to harm", the BKs specialise in banal, idiotic, feelingless form of it.

For me, and I am not an Indian but like in one of the wealthiest Western city, the idea of saving up $250,000 of my own is basically unthinkable. The idea of having to pay off someone else's $250,000 debt ... plus interest ... on top of having to do whatever is necessary to survive and establish one's own life is enough to push anyone to suicidal thoughts. 10,000s in India - I am thinking of farmers here - are committing suicide for a tiny fraction of such debts.

Of course what's missing from that first reply - the bait - is the steel of the BKs' hook - the unwritten sub-text - that goes ...
But come to our centre and submit to our god and give us the rest of your time, energy and wealthy in order to purify yourself from all this bad karma you've obvious got ... we're the only shop that offers such a karma cleaning product!

I would not be surprised to discover Shivani on the Autistic spectrum, otherwise she's just lost her mind to the ego (in BK terms) - the conceit - of actually believing in what she spouts and that she has some kind of all knowing intellect. The danger of her is, she is portrayed as some kind of role model to other women both inside and out of BKism.

What is she doing, what are they condoning, here?

I'll offer some alternative answers for her, starting with honesty and going on to actually making a difference.
    I am sorry, that's so terrible ... but I am afraid that is not the kind of problem we deal with.
    I am sorry, that's so terrible ... but I am afraid that I just don't know why such things happen.
    I am sorry, that's so terrible ... but I am afraid that you really need to find yourself some good legal advise, speak to your family or find a counsellor.
    I am sorry, that's so terrible ... but I am afraid that you really need to speak to some other kind of women's or social group that will actually help you. We cannot. In fact, I am not allowed to by our god and leadership (true BK position).
Or may be even ...
    I am sorry, that's so terrible ... tell us the name of the individual and his family's address and I will go and speak to them.
    I am sorry, that's so terrible ... tell us the name of the individual and his family's address and we will go protest outside of his business to shame him. We will bring this to the light of public attention.
Now why don't the students of the Supreme Godly University - children of the Lord Bholenath - think and act like that?

Why would not you help someone if it was within your power and influence to do so at no cost?

I mean, let's face, most of them are just sitting around all day doing nothing ... and it looks like Shivani is putting on the pounds ... they may as well go and meditate outside of a conman's business than in one of their own conmen businesses.

What do you see in these eyes?
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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post22 Oct 2019

But come to our centre and submit to our god and give us the rest of your time, energy and wealthy in order to purify yourself from all this bad karma you've obvious got ... we're the only shop that offers such a karma cleaning product!

Ha ... ha ... ha ...

The subtext is more conveyed though not spoken directly through the speeches/classes or actions. Once you are hooked inside they will milk you in every possible way.

The BKs Law of Karma changes with the incidents.

Even if one surrender their time, energy and wealth but did not worked out as per BKs' desire it's bad karma on the part of the giver and the in-charges stand aloof and detached.

I know once a Mata surrendered her hard saved money to the BK centre and unfortunately the money is lost by BK in-charge Sister. She remained calm and put the blame to the Mata, saying your money was rejected by Baba, may be because it was not pure/ not earned by legal means.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post22 Oct 2019

The way BKs especially interpret ”karma” philosophy is absurd, even worse than the standard vedantic Hindu ideas of karma.

For example in this case, why does Shivani presume that the person who has now been saddled with the debt has had this happen because they have past karma?

Why not consider what is obvious and more likely, that the person who absconded has now CREATED bad karma by saddling another person with their debt? The absconder has today caused more suffering, not alleviated it.

The BK view that everything is about clearing past karma (because it is the "end of The Cycle” blah blah) leaves every person without agency, without the ability to act freely from new, current inspirations or motivations.

We are all simply subject to the inertia of the past, and the only way free of it is to submit to BK beliefs. It requires a whole house of fairy tale cards to be built up to rationalise their mechanisms of karma. Stupid.

When I was a new BK I heard Dadi Janki was an expert teacher about karma and that was one reason I decided to move to London. Being young, inexperienced and trusting, I became familiar with the BK view but after a few years of contemplating it all. I found the whole BK explanation of karma very unsatisfactory. I formulated my own which had, in my opinion at least, a sounder and more reasonable foundation philosophically (it's all abstractions and ideas anyway). I did offer the view to a number of people but you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. Even if people say "yes, that's really interesting, insightful" they will resume their patterns of thinking. My understanding evolved, or if you prefer, drifted, further and further, until I realised I wasn't a BK, that was just a game I chose to play for a few years.

Just like the whole Hindu Brahminic caste system, Karma philosophy (as they peddle it) is used as a justification for hierarchy and conformity, to explain away injustices and whatever else can’t be dealt with, because they are unwilling or unable (not that they will ever admit to either).
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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post22 Oct 2019

because.parmeshwar wrote:I know once a Mata surrendered her hard saved money to the BK centre and unfortunately the money is lost by BK in-charge Sister. She remained calm and put the blame to the Mata, saying your money was rejected by Baba, may be because it was not pure/ not earned by legal means.

You see, this is the value of this forum ... documenting snapshots, little stories that give a far sharper, more accurate view of what goes on inside the BKWSU and it *real* attitudes that are invariably idiotic, callous or even corrupt.

That is so disgusting. The BK center-in-charge was incompetent and so instead of accept responsibility and replacing what she lost (her karma), she blamed and guilt trippeed the funding follower instead for being impure!

There you go, folks, welcome to the real world of BKism.

I suppose the only way for her to "purify" herself was to give even more?

Take the stories above, and then take another example set by Sister Jayanti of London, who is set up to become Dadi Janki's heir and a leader of the cult.
    a) Her Father "donated" a property - her dowry in essence - to the movement.

    b) Then his business collapsed and he was in grave financial difficulties.

    c) So quickly and without question, some Sisters were thrown out of the property where they were living, that was being used as a centre, so he could have it back and it be sold.

    d) Then consider the case of a wealthy Russian who during the "intoxication phase" donated an apartment to the BKs ... but when he sobered up and saw through them and demanded it back ... and he was told he could not have it because once it was donated to charity it could not be given back (something I've heard them say in other circumstances) and they fought him in court to keep it.
    i) If it was this woman's "bad karma" .. or good luck as BK Shivani is basically saying ... to lose $250,000,
    ii) Why was it not BK Jayanti Kirpalani's Father bad karma/good luck for his business to collapse? Why was he not told "he had everything to be happy"?


    iii) If BK Jayanti Kirpalani's Father could have *HIS* property back ... why could the Russian not have *THEIR* property back.
No replies necessity ... the answer is simple. They are clueless, corrupt, inconsistent and self-interested ... in everything, except money and property grabbing. They are making it up as they go along ... to how ever it suits their interests the best.

That last element is BKism ... the art of expedience for BK self-interest.
Pink Panther wrote:The way BKs especially interpret ”karma” philosophy is absurd, even worse than the standard vedantic Hindu ideas of karma ... why does Shivani presume that the person who has now been saddled with the debt has had this happen because they have past karma?

Why not consider what is obvious and more likely, that the person who absconded has now CREATED (new) bad karma by saddling another person with their debt?

I added a "new" to bad karma to underline the obvious statement in your comment. Yes, BKism is most certainly sub-Hindu or sub-Buddhism.

If "Karma" exists ... and to a very large extent I am a non-believer in it, like you said, it is very largely just a tool of social control to enforce conformity, especially within the BKs ... are we not all still subject to new and random actions of others and the cosmos?

How in the BK so called "Law" of it would we not be? Through what mechanism would we be protected from "new" bad and accidental karma happening to us?

It's at an idiotic, simplistic, Chicken Little. And BK Shivani has a chicken sized brain.

The BKs turned us into Chicken Littles running around believing the world was going to end.
“The sky is falling!” exclaimed Chicken Little after an acorn fell on her head, causing her to undertake a journey to tell the King that the world is coming to an end.

The reason I question whether BK Shivani may be somewhere on the autistic scale is that she appears to have a good memory for repeating BKism, and all the second hand New Age platitudes she and the BKs have borrowed, but she comes across as completely lacking in empathy and insight ... and, to me, as with other senior BKs I have encounter - Dadi Janki and Denise being two - she appears to become quite irate and controlling when questioned or challenged.

It may be good for business to have their own 'inhouse' Oprah or Chopra, but I just think it is high unethical of them to dangle false hopes under the noses of desperate people who watch her shows and email into her.

I'd love to see her face anyone from this forum in a Question & Answer session ... or even anyone with half a brain and little commonsense logic who is not seduced by the whole "so spiritual" facade.

The sort of encounters the BK avoid like the plague.



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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post30 Oct 2019


It is obvious question which comes in my mind and must be coming in the minds of thousands of those who are affected by ridiculous and unscientific teachings of senior BKs like Suraj Bhai etc ... who keeps on telling young minds to give up their career and their future because destruction is round the corner and everything including their family and friends are going to be destroyed in few years of time.

In the name of seva, they are provoking people to leave the present social system which includes the institution of marriage, the taking care of family and friends, celebrating events and festivals with your ”lokiks". Their teachings completely change one's attitude towards their ”lokiks" and anyone else who is not following BKism.

Baba is their family ... and in-charges are their authority of body-mind-wealth (Tan-Man-Dhan). The senior BKs can hug each other but the adherents are looked upon as shameful if they hug their ”lokiks" family/friends. Is it a shameful act and deserve punishment as per BK Law of Karma?
    The destruction did not happen and it will never happen as per BK's propagation ...
    They completely killed off the scientific methods, theories and researches of world's age ...
    They completely challenge the belief systems of all religions, including Hinduism ...
    They completely betray the feeling of those believers who blindly follow the words of senior BKs
According to BKs, God is not omnipresent and he only serves to transform the world through BKs. All others are called shudras and of low grade. This deserves heavy punishment and very low status in the eyes of God... Is it not sin to indulge such thoughts in the minds of God seeker ...

What punishment does the above sinful acts of the so-called deity souls deserve as per BK-law of Karma?

Will BK-Shivani Answer this in public ...?
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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post30 Oct 2019

because.parmeshwar wrote:What punishment does the above sinful acts of the so-called deity souls deserve as per BK-law of Karma?

Will BK-Shivani Answer this in public ...?

Ah, well, you see ... the BKs' lawyers wrote a exception to the Law of Karma that states that BKs, and especially BK leaders, are exempt from the reaction of karma if and when they remember their Baba.

As long as you can remember Baba, you can cheat on taxes, steal from widows and families, carry out mortgage, immigration and other frauds and you will always get away with it! Or so they believe.

You raise, of course, a perfectly serious issue that you will NEVER get an answer for, let alone an explanation of how the mechanism of karma, and the BK 'karma reduction' and 'karma multiplication' works, by which I mean how they tell their followers that giving worldly charity is limited and binding, e.g. on a one to one exchange rate; whereas giving money to them gives a multi-million fold return.

Even more, have they ever explained the mechanism by which, e.g. giving money directly to Dadi Janki rather than the local centre, so she can "take it to Madhuban”, gives a higher karmic exchange rate, as she tell them.

Shivani would never dream of answering such questions directly, it's beyond her pay-grade and she knows it. She's on a big ego trip and it's perfect example of how fame and ego corrupts within the BK world. She seems to believe in her own elevated status and wisdom, which is always a dangerous thing, and joined the corporate dishonest team.


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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post01 Nov 2019

BK Shave-aani says lots of such beautiful things. And she is quite experienced, I don't know why you guys are saying ill things about her. She is so experienced in her topics that she recently took part in the discussion and shared her views about PREGNANCY WELFARE on NDTV.

My God! I saw in her eyes she was nailing it with so much of ease and experience. The experience was very much visible in her glaring eyes and experienced voice. And I saw the wink at last.

The way she delivers lectures on PARENT CHILD RELATIONSHIP AND PREGNANCY WELFARE, I am sure she must have had some very good practical experience of it, must have been pregnant quite a times, must have had some beautiful little kids. (Ignore that little thing, maybe you can replace it with grown-ups). She is literally so admirable. Ohh Gosh! I request everyone to listen her PREGNANCY WELFARE lectures. It will give you some good refreshment.

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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post01 Nov 2019

I see the Brahma Kumaris are climbing on yet another bandwagon, this time of "Garbh Sanskar" (Prenatal Education Experiments)". It's not new, it's not their idea, it's not in "The Knowledge" ... and what the hell does a cult of sexless spinsters - who have actually encouraged women to have abortions in the past, who god spirit call young children born at this time "scorpions and snakes" and has encouraged generations of young women to give up motherhood - know about pregnancy and child rearing?

Examining Shivani's form, we see an argument based on one fallacy after another.

"We all know the mind affects the body" - Appeal to Widespread Belief Fallacy. Do we really? How, and to what extent?

"Medical doctors tell us today most diseases are psychosomatic" - Appeal to Authority Fallacy, also plainly not true. She does not understand the use of the term. "Most diseases are psychosomatic" means they involve both mental and physical elements. "Psychosomatic disorder", meaning a physical disease that is thought to be caused, or made worse, by mental factors" is something else and very difficult to prove. There are very few clear psychosomatic disorders and it's a contentious concept.

There are four main types of disease: infectious diseases, deficiency diseases, hereditary diseases, and physiological diseases. "Most illnesses" are probably caused by poverty.

"Since Ancient India we have known" - Appeal to Tradition Fallacy

Do the emotions of a mother have an effect on the body and mind of the foetus? There have been studies but they do not confirm her extrapolations.
what mattered to the babies was if the environment was consistent before and after birth. That is, the babies who did best were those who either had mothers who were healthy both before and after birth, and those whose mothers were depressed before birth and stayed depressed afterward. What slowed the babies' development was changing conditions -- a mother who went from depressed before birth to healthy after or healthy before birth to depressed after.

"We must admit, the strength of this finding surprised us," Sandman says.
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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post07 Nov 2019

ex-l wrote:what the hell does a cult of sexless spinsters....- know about pregnancy and child rearing?

It is spotting an area where people have anxiety or lack the confidence to deal with it themselves and will readily look to others for guidance and reassurance.

That creates a market for ”advice” much of which is unaccountable to actual circumstances, a series of generalisations and platitudes which, if things don't go quite right, can be excused or turned back on the parent.

Forget ”your child needs x units of protein, carbs, minerals for good health and we recommend breast feeding or in lieu of that, certain products”. No, you say, a mother needs to be soul conscious, love the child but know that the world will end soon so don't get attached. In fact, the sooner you wean the child off the breast the better, and never breast feed in public because humans are not really mammals ... ”

Then if there is difficulty, the mother is doing something wrong, or it is karma, or if it is become serious or simply bothersome, ”go see a doctor, it's not our field (anymore)".

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post08 Nov 2019

The BKs for decades have had the inaccurate ideas on the central role of mothers in families. In terms of soul mates, when a soul is about to enter the developing fetus of a pregnant mother, it has to negotiate with the mother to gain her acceptance. There has to be a soulmate relationship established between entering soul, the pregnant mother, and her current family members.
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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post08 Nov 2019

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:The BKs for decades have had the inaccurate ideas on the central role of mothers in families.

Probably because they originated from a culture in which the males left to travel for the sake of business, sometimes overseas and for anything up to years, leaving the mother and wife to manage the household?

I recommend that if we keep in mind BK culture is an extension of Sindhi Bhaibund culture, with a few superficial layers and modern facades on top, it becomes a lot less mysterious. EG the BK senior Sisters taking the place of mothers and aunties, the center-in-charge taking the place of the young wife doing all the work, serving them and looking after the "children" (BKs).

Not sure your theory works in every scenario, e.g. forced, unwanted or arranged marriages (but that's off topic discussion for here).


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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post08 Nov 2019

The BKs for decades have had the inaccurate ideas on the central role of mothers in families.

Rather they have zero or negative idea about who the real mother is. They have not experienced the labor pain which a mother experience while giving birth to a child. They never know how much pain, patience and tolerance is required while growing up the children. The responsible parents are worried throughout their lives for the upbringing of their children. Education, job, marriage etc are big responsibilities for them.

The BK just exploits these worries and cooks the food taking these ingredients just to suit their needs. Poor parents get a temporary relief from the counseling of their lectures. Senior BKs call themselves as alokik parents of the adherents coming to their centers but at the same time they gets detached if some follower discontinue coming or become against their teachings.

They don’t know even a pinch of true parentism. All they know is how to exploit their alokik children in the name of seva.

Poor matas bow down to young BK girls even after going through life’s up and down, upbringing the children and facing the reality of life. This is tragic in one sense.
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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

Post08 Nov 2019

Again, they concept of parenting is a development from the broken example of their founder, Lekhraj Kirpalani, who was willing to detach complete from the mother of his children and abandon her emotionally, to take up with an attractive, charismatic teenager, Om Radhe, who he took to be his eternal partner.

He also abandonned his own children.

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