Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post14 Sep 2019

Pink Panther wrote:the appreciation of the gift of life (why it's called ’the present’ ;-) ) ... All the rest is fluff, ribbons and wrappings.

And, yes folks, the big thing about the present being a present is ... you cannot take it back to the shop and get a refund for your money, so you need to appreciate it in the moment.

Meanwhile, an Indian rice farmer uses controversial method for record crop. A Tamil Nadu farmer produces a bumper crop four times larger than average using system of rice intensification. No cult beliefs required.

It is called the SRI Method.

I wonder who is winning the rice growing wars?

Here's where it offers a challenge for the BKs ... if the BKs are pursuing this yogic farming for the sake of the farmers, and the SRI method is producing better results than theirs, will they drop theirs and adopt and promote SRI?

Or, at worst, add theirs on top of SRI to see if it can make a reproducible difference? Apparently, farmers using SRI in Nepal have consistently doubled their yields.

At that point it gets a bit silly. SRI was developed by a French Jesuit priest Henri de Laulanié. Does rice therefore respond better to Christianity than BKism?

I wonder if BKs in the West have approached their Ministry of Agricultures and Farmers Unions to tell them about the good news?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post15 Sep 2019

ex-l wrote:SRI was developed by a French Jesuit priest Henri de Laulanié. Does rice therefore respond better to Christianity than BKism?

Oh that’s an easy one for the BKs to get around (pardon the pun, which will become obvious).

The BKs simply make a point of ”doing service” of De Laulanie and say it was his memory of last cycle’s (there it is) Gyan, or say its sanskaras re-emerging from when he was farming during the gold or Silver Age birth as their subject or some such nonsense, or that he has been ”inspired” as is the scientific yadavas community by "Yoga power” to invent the technologies for those who, ahem, deserve it in the next life ... yadda yadda.

The BKs can take the credit for anything that way if they want.
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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post15 Sep 2019

But, but, but ... if the law is we reap what we sow, is not the size of harvest just the fruit of our good or bad karma?

I am still trying to imagine the response of Farmer Weekly magazine to the suggestion of OMing over your seeds before you plant them.

Plus, what we have not addressed yet, is how does it scale up? It's fine to demonstrate it with a tuft of wheat grass but how many senior Sisters do you need to cultivate a prarie?

There's probably a joke in there somewhere.

What acreage can an average BK yogically fertilize? How big a bag of seeds?

I remember BKs telling me how BK bathwater, from washing themselves before Amrit Vela, was going down the drains and out into the world "purifying it" with BK vibrations (how on earth did I ever listen to this stuff even if I did not completely believe in it).

Therefore, are they also not going to make similar claims about the power of yogic poop? BK Humanure? Surely anything if it has come from within, it must be superpowerful. I am going invite a Dadi to take a dump in my garden to make it grow.

And where does Mount Abu dump all its dump? Are the bhilis taking it away in buckets? If so, why is not the Thar desert overgrowing with abundance by now?

But seriously folks ... what is this really all about?

It's about a big corporate religion, picking off and preying on individual peasant farmers who are steeped in superstition and possibly cannot even afford good seeds, fertillizers, tractors etc; trying to virtue signal to the United Nations, and a certain demographic in the West (who probably could not last a day actually working on the land).

It's another ... "they will serve us" scenario for the BKs. "We will sit and do nothing (Yoga), and they will come back and serve us multi-millions time over". Another exploitation of individuals' curiousity in their alleged magic.

Meditate on this.

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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post17 Sep 2019

Hmm ... Wonder if the BKs have tried this yet ?

Have a bunch of Currency Notes in front of them. Have Yoga with the Currency Notes. That should increase the currency notes in front of them !!!!

Did this not Work ?? Was the Yoga not powerful enough ??

I see ... They are actually having Yoga with the wallets in the pockets of people! And pulling all that money into the BK fold.

Now ... I have to agree with them ... Yoga to increase Agriculture Production Will Work !!!

Jai Agriculture Yoga ! Jai Money Yoga !

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post22 Sep 2019

There is a question the proponents of yogic agriculture need to answer, including those in academia: How much is the yogic agriculture theories and practices in harmony with ecosystems health, including the health of soils and optimal climate, and weather conditions? China, for instance, has been using genetic engineering to increase crop yields of rice in harsh environments. However, there has to be a consideration for weather and climate in the quest to increase crop yields by questionable metaphysical means or by genetic engineering.

There is a novel gene editing technology called CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat/Cas9), which when cleared by ethics committees and perfected, will increase crop yields and may enable the BKs and similar groups to populate the world with humans having limited anthropogenic traits.

CRISPR has a place in the ethical gene therapy to correct potential birth defects in humans and animals, prior to birth. However, the technology needs to be implemented, with a careful consideration for ways it will help to make the world a better place for humans, animals, and ecosystems.

Core Concept: CRISPR gene editing


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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post24 Sep 2019

It is amazing to see how the word "Yoga" is now being used for all things. In particular, the BKs who tried to distinguish themselves with their definition of Raja Yoga. Looking up their currentmeaning of Raja Yoga (Meditation), quoted below, and how they have digressed to Yogic Agrictulture (aka Agriculture Yoga ... it is appalling. Glad that I have brown bag with me to throw up ...

From BK website
Raja Yoga meditation is a form of meditation that is accessible to people of all backgrounds ... Meditation is a state of being in that place just beyond every day consciousness, which is where spiritual empowerment begins.

So, now is Agriculture Yoga, going beyond everyday consciousness or going into the depth of every day living ... food for the stomach ???
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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post24 Sep 2019

Raja Yoga meditation is a form of meditation that is accessible to people of all backgrounds ... Meditation is a state of being in that place just beyond every day consciousness, which is where spiritual empowerment begins.

It's also total garbage from a Gyan point of view, is not it?


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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post24 Sep 2019

It's also total garbage from a Gyan point of view, is not it?

Very true. Another one of those "feed the general public" with the "tasty fast food style. Generic enough to pass through different countries, orgs (UN etc), different faith, different religion etc ...

No special place in hell or heaven ... these **** will experience their "karmic results" reflected through their "own statements about karma".
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Pink Panther

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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post25 Sep 2019

Raja Yoga meditation is a form of meditation that is accessible to people of all backgrounds ... Meditation is a state of being in that place just beyond every day consciousness, which is where spiritual empowerment begins.

So, "Raj Yoga meditation" and ”meditation" - are they the same or different? They imply its the same but other meditations are not "accessible to people of all backgrounds”. I call BS. Anyone can meditate anytime and many people do it quite naturally, without naming it as such.

Then we have ”that place just beyond every day consciousness”.
So, as your everyday consciousness broadens and deepens, there’s a place just beyond that again? That is, Raja Yoga will shift the goal posts as needed - whatever you have, be dissatisfied, we have a product for you. This is the carrot in front of the the donkey, the promotion of desire and dependency.

”accessible to people from all backgrounds....that place just beyond every day consciousness”
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GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post26 Sep 2019

Pink, as I read the way you analyzed the BKs' idea of baby steps outside of every day consciousness, I thought of the illustration and article on consciousness published in the September 18 issue of New Scientist. ... your-mind/

Even the BK system of meditation elicits the relaxation response, the antagonist to the emergency response. It is the sub-cultural context in which the BK system of Yoga/meditation is practiced, ultra-short, long term, and ultra-long; i.e., 40 plus years.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post26 Sep 2019

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Even the BK system of meditation elicits the relaxation response,

Yes. My point was that. BK meditation is not the proprietary product they present as being exclusive to them. One can get similar benefits and experiences elsewhere without being harnessed to draw the BK cart as their workhorse, or rather mule (sterile and bred as a beast of burden). Their product differentiation is based on promises and word games, not actualities.


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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post29 Sep 2019

Yes. My point was that. BK meditation is not the proprietary product they present as being exclusive to them.

BK meditation is not and does not "seem" to present any uniqueness anymore. It is aligning itself more and more to the main stream "corporate gurus", churning out "corporate topics" - all generalized topics, of relaxation, peace, love ... They even cater to the armed forces, with these mixed masala ... since they have deeper relationship with the Indian government.

An army of apostles, like Shivani, Suraj and more are out there spinning the wheel and generating revenue along the way. At the same time, enjoying their "elite" status within the BK organization !
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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post29 Sep 2019

Do you think they "believe" any more?

Do you think the inner circle believes any more?

Do you think believing is a requirement for accessing the inner circle?

Or is it all just about "bums on seats" and keeping the income stream coming in?

Does the BKWSU provide access to the overall accounts to followers?

It must cost a fortune just to maintain all their properties, surrendered individuals and staff.


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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post03 Oct 2019

Here is my answers (opinion) to the questions ...
Do you think they "believe" any more?

Yes. The difference is in WHAT they believe in ... and we all know what that is ... Money, Power, Comfort.
Do you think the inner circle believes any more?

This would be partial, depending on who you are looking at. Easier to who doesn't believe anymore.
Do you think believing is a requirement for accessing the inner circle?

Again, YES. Not in the sense of traditional beliefs of BKs, but in the New Age thinking ... marketing, sucking up to VIPs etc.
Or is it all just about "bums on seats" and keeping the income stream coming in?

Those who can generate income, talk smoothly, be a billboard for the BKs (eg VIPs) are all welcome.
Does the BKWSU provide access to the overall accounts to followers?

This would be the JOKE OF THE DAY ... very funny.

It must cost a fortune just to maintain all their properties, surrendered individuals and staff.
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Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

Post03 Oct 2019

Does the BKWSU provide access to the overall accounts to followers?
oldbk wrote:This would be the JOKE OF THE DAY ... very funny.

Glad to make you laugh ... only I am guessing no one but the inner circle is.

Someone came on here and said something like the BKWSU has enough cash and gold reserves to survive 12, I think it was, years without donations.

Why when they tell their suckers adherents the world is going to end in 2 or 3 years?

This to be defines the Kirpalani Klan. Not just the money raking and gold digging ... but the secrecy and multi-caste nature.

If it is God and we are all God's children ... why would they not be truthful and honest?

Perhaps it is just a sanskar of producing so much bullsh** that attracts them to natural agriculture?

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