Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud now!

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Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud now!

Post16 Sep 2019

On what I understand to be the official Brahma Kumaris website, the birth of Krishna has now been pushed back to 2036 and with a new correlation that Krishna Janmashtami (birth of Krishna) happens 100 years after Shivjayanti (birth of Shiva into Lekhraj Kirpalani).

This is, of course, yet another new revision of their predictions as, until recently, Year 0/0/0 - the start of the Golden Age - was supposed to start at his maturity and crowning as Emperor Narayan, and Krishna was already supposed to have been born.

Further more, numerous predictions were made of Krishna being born in Hell, prior to Destruction (which itself was supposed to have happened in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000, 2012 and else when).

And new characters are invoked ... of a king and queen of the Sangam Yug (Confluence Age). Who have miraculously become a blonde and a red head!!! But wasn't Krishna black haired with brown eyes? He's now got blue eyes.

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Furthermore, invest in Sound Cloud now as ...

The Advance Party has now been split into three; the Inspiration Party, the Practical Party and the Planning Party, and by 2026 there will be a one world, direct rule by the BK Advance Party. A one world divine government will be established and single king and queen will rule all of India ... India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh having been united to form one great land of "Bharat", all done by Godly instructions!

Whew ... I better call up Imran Khan and tell him not to bother about the Kashmir conflict ... It's all going to be fixed by the Brahma Kumaris with 7 years time ... and should I call up Beijing about the Sino-Indian border dispute. And what about poor Burma/Myanmar, is it being left out this time?
Shri Krishna - Birth of the first prince of Satyug

Shri Krishna takes birth after the destruction of the old world (Kaliyug) through natural calamities and nuclear war. Upon this, only one continent (Bharat) will be visible on the surface, and all the gold under the Earth will come on the surface and it covers the entire Indian continent (Bharat). This world transformation and birth of Krishna happens exactly 100 years after Shiv Jayanti (decent of God). World transformation takes 100 years. Thus, it can be estimated, that in or around 2036, the birth of the first prince - Krishna will take place in a sacred place beyond all sorrow that the world offers.
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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post16 Sep 2019

As part of these new developments, the BKs usurp Google's trademark with their own BK Google search. I cannot imagine that will last long as soon as Google finds out about it.

Even more shocking is ... they even say something nice about the still fugitive Virendra Dev Dixit!!! And usurp his "advance" clarifications!!!

The BK leadership while overtly attacking Virendra Dev Dixit have also been studying his thoughts covertly and adopting them where they feel like it - along with coordinating attacks on the PBKs.
Here are few selected VCD* made by PBK (Advance Party aka Shankar party) formed by Virendra Dev Dixit ji to explain The Knowledge of Shiv Baba’s Murli in an advance manner. We respect his love for Shiv Baba, our Father and his effort to awaken many souls from darkness. Adhyatmik Vidhyalay students are learning the truth of Shrimat Gita verses by relating those ancient verses with Gyan Murli. PBK family is also a creation of that one. We present this with hope and love.

What on earth in going on?

is not life great when you don't have to prove anything, and you don't have to stick to anything you've said in the past ... because not only does "God tell you to do so" ... but that you can make up what God is telling you too!!!
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Pink Panther

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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post16 Sep 2019

Wow, just wow. We have been waiting for the all new official ”Gyan’ predictions to be formally presented, and here it is.

I cannot believe it, or rather, I cannot believe anyone who’s known the BK Gyan for more than 20 years could continue to give them any credence. It’s absurd, a Trump-like thought bubble tweet.
... only one continent (Bharat) will be visible on the surface, and all the gold under the Earth will come on the surface and it covers the entire Indian continent (Bharat)

This reminds me strongly of the story of King Midas.
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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post16 Sep 2019

It's terrible and disgusting. The blatant audacity of it all.

With Janki, Jayanti and all of the senior monkeys in "Rama's army" sitting back knowingly, absolutely fine what is going on, while the middle management and junior ranks make up another layer of sh*t to go on top of the pile.

There is no other word for it. Fresh sh*t from habitual sh*tbags. Here, people, are the BKs and BKism in action. Time has just rolled on and the destination is still, "just around the corner".

"Keep holding on to your faith for another 5 or 6 years, only 5 or 6 years, short enough to gamble on (long enough to cut you off from your family/the world and habituate your behaviour), and then all will be revealled in front of the entire World!!!".

Like they said it was going to be in 1950, 1976, 1986 ... before any of the current crop were even physically born.

"Gold, gold, gold ... there's gold in them thar hills devotees".

It's the new BK gold rush ... to extract as much wealth as possible from them with new fairy stories.

Bearing in mind that they are people who probably only came into the cult a decade or more after the failed predictions we gave our lives away for, and who are going through the same cycle of delusion and expending their talents to delude others as we did.

People like Shivani and a load of the talented and attractive Westerners - especially the "wheaten" skinned blondes - still propping them up.

It's really about time we pulled the like of Jayanti up on all this. She's presumably living off it all too.


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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post17 Sep 2019

It's terrible and disgusting. The blatant audacity of it all. I fully agree "It's terrible and disgusting. The blatant audacity of it all. With Janki, Jayanti and all of the senior monkeys in "Rama's army" sitting back knowingly, absolutely fine what is going on, while the middle management and junior ranks make up another layer of sh*t to go on top of the pile.

There is no other word for it. Fresh sh*t from habitual sh*tbags. Here, people, are the BKs and BKism in action. Time has just rolled on and the destination is still, "just around the corner".

Dadi Janki wouldn't know her left hand from her right hand. Likewise Dadi Gulzar is gone too. But then, starting from Jayanti and the lower rungs, they would be fully involved in this new fraud being perpetuated on the ignorant and the gullible.

Their greed and desperation, can also be seen by the change in the "Avyakt Season" plans, mentioned previously. Less crowd coming in these days, hence they have started using (renting) out for "Retreats".

With the current government in India, these junk philosophies are official positions too. Hence, the BKs along with many other pseudo-sh*t gurus/organizations are having a field day.

Google wouldn't give sh*t either, they would more likely be part of this scam, gathering the data from all the "hits" to this bkgoogle site and translate it into moola through data analytics, marketing, selling etc.


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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post17 Sep 2019

As part of these new developments, the BKs usurp Google's trademark with their own BK Google search. I cannot imagine that will last long as soon as Google finds out about it.

A little bit of digging, reconfirms what I had stated earlier, on Google being part of this whole approach. See below, (from Wikipedia)

BKGoogle site states
We have used Google's custom search (CSE) for this.
Google Custom Search (formerly known as Google Co-op) is a platform provided by Google that allows web developers to feature specialized information in web searches, refine and categorize queries and create customized search engines, based on Google Search. The service allows users to narrow the 11.5 billion indexed webpages down to a topical group of pages relevant to the creator's needs
Released on October 23, 2006, Google Custom Search allows anyone to create their own search engine by themselves. Search engines can be created to search for information on particular topics chosen by the creator. Google Custom Search Engine allows creators to select what websites will be used to search for information which helps to eliminate any unwanted websites or information. Creators can also attach their custom search engine to any blog or webpage. Google AdSense results can also be triggered from certain search queries, which would generate revenue for the site owner


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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post17 Sep 2019

Note the last sentence from the earliest post. The MOOLA, the biggest attraction for the BKs !!
Google AdSense results can also be triggered from certain search queries, which would generate revenue for the site owner
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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post17 Sep 2019

oldbk wrote:Note the last sentence from the earliest post. The MOOLA, the biggest attraction for the BKs !!

I notice that far from the old Shrimat "we don't ask for donations", there is a Paypal donation request link.

I have to say the whole thing looks so scrappy to me, I cannot even work out if it is really an official BK site.

If it is, their IT team appears to be in a decline too.


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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post17 Sep 2019

Future Predictions
The special part of Advance Party's main souls was started around 2016. As earlier explained, the special group of souls will do wonders in world service. They will form and run the world government.
    1. By 2026, the entire part of Advance Party will be in front of the Brahmin world. The names will be out. Those who were incognito, will be in front of all.
    2. After 2026, there will be a direct rule of the Advance Party souls and a one world divine government will be established. One king and one queen will rule in Bharat.
    3. Present India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh will be united to form one great land of Bharat. This will be done by Godly instructions.

What type of stuff is are these people eating and thinking, to spew this level of stinking sh1t. It shows two different angles on where they are heading,
    1. In sync with the Hindu fanaticism that is prevalent in India, Bharat this Bharat that...
    2. Doomsday Cult approach, taking their followers to eventually go to the point of no return
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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post18 Sep 2019

They will form and run the world government.

Have they told Putin and Trump, Israel and Iran yet?

In just 7 years with zero experience in actually governance?

It shows you how insane they are. The cult has hardly moved on since the Om Radhe days when she expect the world to come and surrender at their feet.
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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post18 Sep 2019

ex-l wrote:I have to say ... I cannot even work out if it is really an official BK site.

If you go to the ”Contact’ page it shows
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalaya (Godly Spiritual University)
Main Address :
​Om Shanti Bhawan,
Madhuban, Mount Abu
Rajasthan, India 307501

So unless the inmates have taken control of this part of the asylum without Nurse Ratched's knowledge, it appears this is all ”official”.

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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post24 Sep 2019

So unless the inmates have taken control of this part of the asylum without Nurse Ratched's knowledge, it appears this is all ”official”.

With the distributed franchise model of the BKs, similar to that of McDonald's and other fast food restaurants ... Wow - Wait a minute! Did I compare current BK model to a fast food chain, and it does match very well. They both taste good when you intake it ... but then give you all kinds of health issues in the long run.

What a pathetic downfall for this entity. Looks like "ignorance is bliss" than following a wrong path by the self-proclaimed righteous souls!
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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post24 Sep 2019

oldbk wrote:With the distributed franchise model of the BKs, similar to that of McDonald's and other fast food restaurants ...

You mean, individual and franchising holdings, with some autonomy, serving up the same product wherever in the world you are, within an overall brand image?

And a commission going back to the HQ "on every soul served"?

Fits quite well, but someone beat them to the trademark.

I wonder if some business people have looked at the model and wondered if it was investing in? Buy a shop or a house, find a Sister to surrender, get workers to work for free, buils up a territory that is your own ... live off it, with free servants to go.

I should have thought about and become a zone-in-charge earlier, instead of being a critic!

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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

Post24 Sep 2019

Can also relate this to a Pyramid scheme. The bottom rung continues to scrap the bottom of the bowl, while whatever they generate in terms of revenue shoots up to the top. In addition, all the other privileges like free service/servants, free stay (posh).

It will all end up with free pain and suffering, mentally and physically. We may not know it or see it.

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