BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

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exiting BK

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BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post26 Aug 2019

Here Suraj Bhai, again sure of Krishna's birth in 2036. Earlier he predicted it in year 2000 with the same confidence

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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post26 Aug 2019

because.parmeshwar wrote:Here Suraj Bhai, again sure of Krishna's birth in 2036. Earlier he predicted it in year 2000 with the same confidence

These people are total crapbags.

In our days, the Murli said 0:0:0 - the start of the Golden Age - was at Krishna's coronation aged ... well, that age changed as well. He should have been born by now.

What is happening with Lekhraj Kirpalani/BapDada, has he stopped coming? Not heard about Gulzar for a while.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's new birth date

Post26 Aug 2019

It used to be said that 2036 would mark the beginning of Sat yuga i.e. Krishna marrying and becoming emperor. Now it is being said that he will be born in 2036? So the ‘coronation of Lakshmi and Narayan” will not take place till 2057?

There is no way they can justify this rationally on the basis of any of the Gyan teachings given between 1930s and the last Avyakt Murlis. They are now just making things up as they go, very Trump like!

Maybe the Gyan is now revised according to how they ‘feel’ about things.
    So again the question - was ”God wrong or being tricky?”
    Do you prefer to trust a trickster god or one who gets it wrong repeatedly?


exiting BK

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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post27 Aug 2019

What is happening with Lekhraj Kirpalani/BapDada, has he stopped coming? Not heard about Gulzar for a while.

BapDada is not coming for last 2-3 seasons. They are running the recorded videos of previous seasons.
The above video is explaining the same.

A few senior Sisters are claiming that Krishna is born somewhere secretly and so Bap-Dada is not coming because the soul is incarnated as Krishna. But Suraj Bhai rejecting all such propagation and clearing the adherents that Krishna will be born in the year 2035, ie after finishing 100 years of Brahma as mentioned in the scriptures also. Nearly 3/4th of the earth will be merged under water and only India will be seen as the ficus leaf from above, where Krishna will take birth (here he referred that the scriptures says Krishna came on the earth sitting on the ficus leaf).

You may notice that thousands of new people joining the institution because of their PR policy of destruction. People in the world are experiencing the phase of chaos, uncertainty, depression etc. The economy is coming down in India, the clouds of Indo-Pak war is again coming which boost their marketing policy. Moreover, people ARE getting the immediate solutions for their problems through Murlis or otherwise. Many young Brothers and Sisters are surrendering in the system because they are getting all the luxurious lifestyle including food, shelter, men and materials to rule upon.

On the other hand, I am witnessing the old BKs (especially Kumars) who could not cope up with the system and are side tracked and left alone. In their old age, they are struggling alone with their medical issues and life’s requirements. They are not supported even by their lokiks.

Dadi Gulzar is not well and she is under constant medical supervision.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post27 Aug 2019

What you describe because.parmeshwar sounds like another wave of what has happened before at every ”crisis”. The fear that is brought on sees people ”turn to god” - not just the BKs but other beliefs as well, especially apocalyptically -oriented religions.
    Civil strife and agitation for independence before the war.
    The famines and desperation in India during WW2
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.
    Civil strife then Partition.Withdrawal of British, a whole new world of uncertainty.
    Border wars between India & China and India & Pakistan - coming around again
    The post war famines and poverty
    The cold war between USSR & USA - peaking in the late 70s and early 80s with Reagan’s ”Evil Empire” speech
    The fall of the USSR and internationalising of Indian economy led to a period of respite, then -
    The Y2K fears and general millenarianist anxieties as the calendar flipped to a new millenium.
    The 2012 Mayan calendar hyperbole
At every turn, the ”End" seems possible within a few short years. All the focus on calendars, overlaying ancient scriptural references in the modern context, calculations of this or that, 100 years of Brahma, makes me think that human fear of mortality manifests as Calendar-phobia!
If I’m gonna die, so's the whole damn lot of you gotta die too!

T'aint fair otherwise, it makes my mortality a little more acceptable! :D


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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post28 Aug 2019

ex-I wrote:These people are total crapbags.

They don't care what you call them. Baba taught them to become shameless.

In India it is said, "Mard Ki Jaban". It means when the real man speaks the words he mean it. And if it fails then he is ready to pay the compensation. But BKs don't. They keep on saying the bull-shit without care what impact it is causing on the naive ones.

Also the mustaches of man means a lot and most of the BKs don't keep it. Perhaps because of the above reason. :D ;)
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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post28 Aug 2019

because.parmeshwar wrote:They don't care what you call them. Baba taught them to become shameless.

Have you, or anyone you know, ever tried?

Are they so conceited, so well armoured, that it does not make them ask why?

I regret not taking the opportunity to do so. I really think they should hear it. At the time I left, I think I was still very much subjected to their conditioning and confused. In fact, I've said this before on this forum, even after I left I was still confused and partly controlled by that conditioning for perhaps 10 years.

I was still imprisoned by the prediction that Destruction would happen by 1986 or 1996 which was drummed into us.

The joke is, sub-conscious parts of me probably still are ... while they don't even indoctrinate today's adherents into them!


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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post28 Aug 2019

ex-I wrote:I was still imprisoned by the prediction that Destruction would happen by 1986 or 1996 which was drummed into us. The joke is, sub-conscious parts of me probably still are ...

Are you completely out of it now? What did you do for getting the dogma out of your mind?

I started the Gyan actually when you left it. From 1996 to 2010, I was strict follower with all the Maryadas. Gradually, I lost interest by seeing the baseless Murli points and the behavior of the senior Sisters and Brothers. I did not find any one who can convincingly answer my queries. I noticed that many of them are under the possession of BapDada and the Seniors, which I denied for myself. I can accept that I was getting the peace and loveful feelings after meditation and, yes, I was getting answers to my current problems through Murli class.

After 2010, I could not cope up with the Maryadas of food etc and started eating outside food which gradually came down to eating onion, garlics and sometimes eggs too. Coming down further, I started smoking also. Gradually, I started losing my BK friends and find myself separated and lonely.

The BK dogma is still continuing in my mind. I do watch their videos of recent classes but my involvement in the centers is almost nil. Life is very lonely, so I do some BK stuff which gives me instant relief but I hesitate to proceed further and mix-up again with the BK circle. In a way, I am using BK meditation to keep myself going but at the same time I hate such preachers who use Destruction and coming up of deities in the world, because I know they have fooled many earlier and are still continuing without facing any opposition or challenge.
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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post28 Aug 2019

because.parmeshwar wrote:Are you completely out of it now? What did you do for getting the dogma out of your mind?

Intellectually? Sure. I think cussing out the cult leaders and beating your own head for being so stupid helps achieve that.

Doing all the historical research, that prove how much they had changed and falsifed their beliefs, and interacting with the BK leadership since - and discovering what a bunch of conceited, dishonest crapbags they are - also helped.

It's hard to admit you are were bitten by a snake but once you build up the anti-bodies to its venom, it sort of helps to be bitten again just so you realise what it was.

We were like the people who are conned by the Nigerian fraudsters an could not bring themselves to believe in it and, hence, kept investing more just on the chance we would get our "multi-millions" return. Luckily I never got in so deep that I lost everything.

What I do find is that if I see the imagery, or hear the meditations etc, it still starts to trigger the experiences and I am very uncomfortable with that.

Unlike, say, Pink Panther who sees them as something universal or can overcome them and have other experiences, I see them as something very specific to BKism and consequently it has remained a barrier to me attempting other religious meditation practises.

I don't see the psychism of BKism as something positive. However, on the other hand, I would not say I had other gross addiction, like smoking or drink/drugs etc, to need to use as a "methodone".
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post29 Aug 2019

ex-l wrote:Unlike, say, Pink Panther who sees them as something universal or can overcome them and have other experiences, I see them as something very specific to BKism and consequently it has remained a barrier to me attempting other religious meditation practises.

OK, just to clarify, what I have said is universal are the ”motherhood” statements around virtues and some practices - peace, humility, paying attention to one’s thoughts and actions, sitting quietly and giving oneself time for reflection, taking care to cook proper food etc. That would benefit a lot of people, can be doen and is doen by people of all different ”faiths”.

As you have said yourself ex-l, anyone who is looking for a change in their life who adopts a different routine that sees them rising early, meditating, studying a new set of ideas, changing away from old bad habits, meeting a new network of people, such a person will feel enthused and benefit from it.

What happens over the longer term however is any imbalance starts to impact. And with the BKs it’s what is not universal that creates the imbalance. It's what makes them BKs and not anything else; the artificial constructs of their theology, history, values.

All humans are meditative at different times in their lives. BK meditation is about ignoring what is happening in the world, or to you physically, emotionally and mentally, and to stay focused on BK affirmations. As I've said, BK culture is that if life is going wrong it must be your fault for not understanding or practicing properly, not enough BK-ing. It's a bind.

And, unfortunately, it is very hard to find any organised practice or group, even in the secular fields of life, where there is not a group dynamic that seeks to pull you and make you an adherent. And any meditation practice is also going to remind you of what you did as a BK. I was fortunate in that I was meditating before I met BKs so I was able to go back to that fork in the road and start again.

For anyone who’s been a BK for any length of time to sit around in 2019 and listen to Suraj’s revisionist Gyan uncritically, without question or concern as to why ”The Knowledge” is so different nowadays compared to the original teachings or the teachings before 1976 or the teachings before 2000 etc, has to be pulling the wool over their own eyes.
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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post29 Aug 2019

Hi Pink Panther,

I agree with your points, it never really made much sense, but then you must have faith in what the supreme has said. Watching that video did take me back, I did enjoy my visits to Madhuban!

Here are some other points I can recall on the subject:
    * all souls have to return home to the Soul World before coming back in Satyug
    * the doors to return to the Soul World remain closed until the time of Destruction
    * at the time of Destruction souls will return home like a swarm of mosquitoes
    * I recall that one of the Dadis used to say that she will hold a new born Krishna in her lap in Madhuban.
    * The Golden Age will officially start on the coronation of Lakshmi and Naryan, which will be around when they are over 50 years old. Well it was said that men would get married at that age in Satyug. And the coronation occurs after the marriage.
    * At the end Babpdada will come and give only dristi to all. A large open stadium will be built for just this purpose. With the recent no shows this project may need to be scrapped.
    * When the world discovers that God himself comes in Madhuban there will be long queues from Abu Road to there.
    * BK souls who have departed will come back onto the stage as part of the advanced party and help establish the new world
    * there are some single birth souls who will come down at the end of The Cycle to create the palaces of the deities and then must leave before the Golden Age officially starts as they are impure (poor souls what kind of life is that for them)
Some do believe that Brahma Baba has already taken birth and that is the explanation of the lack of presence at the recent BabpMilans, I cannot say I believed it.

What happened to Mama's soul, she took birth a while ago into the advanced party has she now taken another rebirth to match the Krishna soul?

But if all souls must return to the Soul World and no one can return until destruction takes place then how can Brahma Baba's soul take birth as Krishna already? Does his soul not have to return to the Soul World to then return as Krishna?

Let's not forget the world will need to be purified all the elements must be purified no traces of kulyug or Kali Yugi souls should remain. How long will this take?

Just working with the numbers that are mentioned, it doesn't make much sense.

Destruction or not, I am going to live my life normally. The BKs will continue weave their predictions and reword their past statements.
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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post29 Aug 2019

Pink Panther wrote:For anyone who’s been a BK for any length of time to sit around in 2019 and listen to Suraj’s revisionist Gyan uncritically, without question or concern ... has to be pulling the wool over their own eyes.

I think there's a simple, human tendancy here ... like kids, we like to hear the same stories over and over again.

I see it in religion, I see it in politics, I see it is 'history wars'. I see it in basically any culture, eg rock and rollers living retro lives, as though they were in the 1950s, repeat TV shows, or old friends meeting in a pub to tell stories about their time at school.

I've never worked out what is going on or read up on it, but humans like the familiar. Again, and again, and again. And I think it tends to gets simpler and simpler each time it's retold.

I have, however, read up that our memories are unreliable and keep changing each time they are re-told too.
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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post29 Aug 2019

son_goku wrote:Here are some other points I can recall on the subject ...

Thanks Son, I was sure the marriage of Lakshmi and Narayan was supposed to happen at an advanced age and noticed that it had been modified down to 21 and then 18 as Krishna's rebirth and Destruction in 2036 kept becoming more and more unlikely.

I remember too they are supposed to give birth to the next generation of baby Krishnas ages 75 years old.

Om Radhe died in 1965, therefore - if reborn - she must be 53 by now.

Therefore, unless she way into IVF treatments, she's too old to give birth to Lekhraj Kirpalani - which is what they claimed.

Also, as an aside, we were told it was not just queues of people from Abu Road up to Mount Abu (22km) but that the Thar Desert would be full of people seeking salvation and, really crazy **** like BKs would be circling around in helicopters giving them dhristi. Seriously.

Of course, at that time it was also said that BapDada would only come in Madhuban on Mount Abu ... then they moved him down to Abu Road.

Bottomline is ... you cannot believe a word they say let alone base life changing decisions on it ... because they are prove to keep changing it to suit the circumstances, just to keep you hooked, and to continue to feed off your time, energy and material resources.

I make no apology when I state that the Brahma Kumari leaders, and the BKWSU in general, are spiritual parasites feeding off individuals and other host societies. Think of them and their god spirit like some sort of alien collective lifeform that sucks soul energy out of others to survive.

Correct me if I am wrong.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post30 Aug 2019

Son Goku,

Thanks for reminding us of more of the improvisations, variations and interpretations that have gone on.

I'd like to remind readers of the excellent Library section on this web site (see menu at the top) where you can read documents and view posters that were officially authorised by Brahma / Lekhraj / God/ God’s Chariot himself.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK Suraj Bhai predicts Krishna's birth again

Post31 Aug 2019

When extra-special souls or super-souls are born into families, officials or high priests or high priestesses will by meta-physical means to locate the super-soul who has reincarnated. This protocol is exemplified by practices of lamas locating the Dalai Lamas and the three magis visiting the infant Jesus when he was born.

Do the BKs have a similar protocol?

I am also sure that rishis and sadhus would also be on the look out for the rebirth of Krishna, though the BKs only tactfully respect the sages and saints.

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