What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to followers?

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019

In what ways you are different than Brahmins in India? They also claim that God is giving them special privileges. And they follow certain practices and follow rules.

So why do you see such divide in the Indian caste system? It is the same reason, you think you are special. They brainwash you to feel special and divide you with rest of the human beings.

If there is no difference between positive and negative thoughts, why do your leaders propagate these things to the innocent people who are already living in ignorance and running away from a troubled life, and give false hope and escape from the reality?

If you say you don’t divide, why do you preach to cook your own food with positive energy and not eat food made of shudras?

How discriminating it is when own mother says, "I will not eat food cooked from you because you are not pure".

Who is dividing the family, how different your organisation is from ancient Indian caste system, and why do you think you are Brahmin?



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019

Hi Rita,

The division on the basis of food is inevitable. Even the US Administration had problem when PM Mr. Modi visited President Mr. Trump because Modi was pure vegetarian. They lovingly cared for him instead of harping on about Modi’s choice of food. Differences in food tastes often create division even among best friends and spouses even though they are religiously united.

BKs prefer food cooked in remembrance of God, the Ultimate Provider. This is primarily done out of gratitude to Heavenly Father. View this from the perspective of Provider — then you would also appreciate this.

Suppose you gifted a house to your friends, and later you find them residing there years and years — even decades after decades — without even remembering you. Then you will feel within your heart, what kind of people are these? I am in a better position to compare the benefit of eating ordinary food (which I ate more than half of my life) and BK food (which I have been eating for nearly two decades).

BK food is far more nourishing and healthier, and makes me feel good than the ordinary food.


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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019

You always bring God to your level.

Do you think appreciating and not appreciating make any difference?

Don’t talk about politicians propaganda to prove your point. We know about PM Modi more than you (I hope you are aware of Gujarat massacre) Because we do not know what are they up to exactly. Please clarify these points from BK point of view.

How are you different from ancient caste system? And Christian beliefs?

Or to make your point you will mix up all belief system?

Don’t answer based on Hindu, Islam and Christian beliefs.



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019

Hi Rita,

1) I was not talking about Modi, I was talking about how US Administration condescended to lovingly care for one whose food taste differed from them.

2) Ancient Caste system has nothing to do with BKs. BKs understand it as what each name signifies. For us those four names are four phases of history which flow in four continuous successions which have to do with entropy:

Brahmins (brah=broad/open + man/min = mind) = Phase of history (or Sangama Yuga) where the sorrowful (shudras) are elevated into JOYFUL PEOPLE OF BROAD-MINDEDNESS of viewing everyone as child of God.

Devi-devas (Golden Aged people), from div = to shine; phase of history where people who shine with divine qualities, who manifest their qualities naturally, with ease, WITH NO STRUGGLE at all.

Kshathrias (Silver Aged people) = phase of history where people who STRUGGLE to bring out their divine qualities live.

Vaisyas (Copper Aged people) = phase of history where people with barter-mind (attitude of doing anything if there is a return, or asking always : WHAT WILL I GET IF I DO THIS?)

Shudras (from shok = sorrow) = phase of history where the complaining and SORROWFUL PEOPLE live.

The willing Shudras accept teaching from Baba and transform themselves into Brahmins—and cycle revolves again.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019

vlakshmi wrote:BK food is far more nourishing and healthier, and makes me feel good than the ordinary food.

Well, why are so many BKs so sick and obese that they had to start heart and diabetes programs for them?

I am amazed by how offering rice and dahl to their god spirit might increases its nourishment value. Or, say, how it reduces its sugar and fat content and make it healthier.

Scientific evidence please.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019

Vlakshmi/Golden Heart,

Your definition of BK Brahmins as being "BROAD-MINDED" is your own manmat. It's not BKism and it is not broad-mindedness as generally understood. It is your own definition pertaining to a belief in the 5,000 year cycle. "Broad in your terms" means believing that the world goes round in a 5,000 years, identically repeating cycle.

Stop perverting the meaning of words. It's not Hindi, it's not sanskrit, it's just made up.

And, as Rita has pointed out, BKs will not allow their "Shudra" (non-BK) children to "lovingly prepare food" for them. Non-BKs' (shudras) "love" is too impure for a BK to eat their food. This belief for BKs is a fact. I know it as I was told it by the Seniors, and saw it happen many times. It is part of the Maryadas.

Ditto, BK children will not allow their "Shudra" (non-BK) parent to lovingly prepare food for them for the same reason ... it is designed to divide and separate BKs from their families and outsiders based on BKs' belief in their own superiority ... just like caste Brahmins.

I doubt the chefs in the White House "loving cared" anything. My guess is they just did they job. Catering for vegetarians is no big thing in the USA, there are many in the government, and vegetarian and vegan options on United States Capitol building canteens already exist.

In fact, at worst, many chefs are likely to resent it.

The joke is, when Ivanka Trump came to India, Modi "loving" prepared meat kebabs and spicy chicken for her ... and Modi went to the USA for an arms deal ... so much for the value of his "purity".
vlakshmi wrote:The case of James Lovelock is a case of peer pressure.

How amazing that you know Lovelocks mind and research better than he did?

I tend to believe James Lovelock knew his mind better. Particularly because he wasn't a mainstream scientist and deliberately crafted a life independent of the mainstream scientific system.

He also admitted he made many mistakes.
vlakshmi wrote:Brahmins (Brah=broad, open + ma = mind); thus Brahmakumaris would literally mean daughters of broad/open-mindedness because they see EVERYONE as child of God. Even their motto is “One God, one world family.”

I am sorry but that is total crap on several counts.
    1) the word Brahmin does not broad minded. Which you have now repeated.
    2) Kumaris does not "literally" mean daughters, it mean princesses. The "princesses of Lekhraj Kirpalani" would be a better literal translation (as Lekhraj Kirpalani was not Brahma).
    3) BKs may "see EVERYONE as child of their god spirit, but they most certainly do not see everyone as an equal child.
    4) The BKWSU motto is not “One God, one world family” and has never been. It may have been adopted as a public relations slogan for some conference or another but to suggest it was their universal motto is an outright lie.
It amazes me how much distortion you can add to the shortest of statements.
they take money [from] fellow BK members put their contribution out of love for Baba and the world depending on their capacity — absolutely self-motivated.

How "self-motivated" is a brainwashed and hypnotised person ... manipulated by center-in-charge and senior Sisters, and theoretical concepts of karma (getting rid of bad and acruing multi-million fold return in an imaginary "next 5,000 year cycle")?

Have you've seen how well hypnotists can manipulated their entranced subjects?

To some extent you are posting what the BK theory is; here we are deal with what the BK reality is.

Can you accept that there have been any abuses within the BK system?

What would you say to those individuals who gave away their fortunes and properties having been told for 10 years that the end of the world (Destruction) was going to be in 1976? Or 1986? Or 1950? Or during WWII?


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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019


I am saying without taking reference of Hindu, Christian or Islam philosophy. Don’t you guys have anything of your own?

Just copying the other beliefs and interpret something of your level. If you are believing in words why can’t you believe Hinduism as whole? Your half knowledge is flawed and they are taking advantage of you.


You pointed out right. These aren’t the right meanings. I am a Hindi scholar myself. I have never encountered someone making wrong interpretations and not admitting it.

Most of the BK writings are so baseless that there is no meaning of it and the usage of Hindi is not accurate. It is to confuse people.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019

Rita wrote:Most of the BK writings are so baseless that there is no meaning of it and the usage of Hindi is not accurate. It is to confuse people.

From my experience and continued study of BKism, I would say it is a specific kind of confusion.

They have develop a language - words and concepts - to deliberately and dishonestly trick and fool outsiders, and to hide their real beliefs that they know are insulting and bigotted towards them.

Vlakshmi is giving you a good example of this.

Often this BK PR language - whitewash, I call it - is the diametric opposite of their true beliefs, the conversations they have within BKism, and what is said by their god spirit in the Murlis, eg Destruction becomes Transformation, "you are pure and everyone else is impure" (true quote) becomes, "we see the divinity in each person" etc.

You have to know BKism as well as a BK to understand it precisely ... but someone with good intuitions will pick up the deceit and conceit quickly.

Where I take offence at the BKs, and BKism, is - as you point out - how they will not admit it when caught out and will try and deceive and manipulate the non-BKs. These re-wordings were often made up, literally, by ex-advertising men and PR types within the cult.

At least when I was a BK, I was an honest BK.

When an outsider hears "we see the divinity in each person", they think it means the same as in Hinduism ... that god is within everyone, that everyone has equal potential etc.

But for the BKs it has a different meaning, "divinity" means the soul according to their concept, and not all souls are equal. You get the highest 84 birth souls (them, of course) and you get the lowest 1 birth soul who they consider to be like "flies on a dung heap" (literal quote, the dung heap being today's world).

In fact, they liken all non-BKs as worms or maggots on a dung heap. They claim to be the Brahmani buzzing around them to waken them up. This analogys is also based on false understanding of science ... like their belief that peacocks get each other pregnant via their tears.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019

This language has also arise because almost all of the Seniors were uneducated - uneducated in secular studies and uneducated in Hindu/Vedic studies - and BKism developed outside of any educated reference ... no peer review, no examinations etc.

They were free to make up their childish word plays and beliefs without any internal or external examination or criticism ... which is why they have always avoided public debates with pundits, and these days don't allow direct questioning of their Seniors (question must be given in writing first to be edited out).

And we, as BKs, were told and encouraged not to question them to deeply but just pretend their ditties were deep.

There is only one subject BK study and experiment with, it is "The Art of Fooling Outsiders" (They call it The Art of Revealing and Concealing).

Another example, the BKs don't cook, offer and give food dhristi in the remembrance of God "primarily out of gratitude to Heavenly Father".

This is total B/S from a BK point of view designed to appeal to non-BKs who do give thanks to god for food. In BKism, their god spirit does not give food.

The purpose is to "purify" any impure vibrations in it from all the dirty shudras who might have grown or handled it.

The idiots will even eat machine made food ... because they believe machines don't put impure vibrations into food ... when they won't eat the food made by their own mothers or wives etc.

Then there is the other joke ... according to Hindus (from where the BKs stole so many of their beliefs) tea and coffee etc ARE NOT sattvic (pure). But they could not ban tea because if they did, every BK would leave!!! (There was an attempt).

So instead they redifined "sattvic" to suit themselves!!!

Now you have BK Seniors off their heads on airport coffee, and drinking coca cola etc!!!

If you can prove to me that staring at your coffee (dhristi) can neutralise the effects of caffeine (or sugar, or cholesterol) ... I will get the BKs a Nobel Prize for their abilities.


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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019

Do you know what one of the Veda verse says...
मूर्खहस्ते न मां दद्यादिति वदति पुस्तकम्
'Save me from water, protect me from oil and from loose binding,
And do not give me into the hands of fools!'

I think the BKs are perfect example.
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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post04 May 2019

It would be a good thing is they could admit,
"we have been wrong and we may very well be being wrong again, and we do not really know what we are talking about"

instead of believing
"We are the Masters of the Ocean of Knowledge ... our Knowedge is Supreme and Unlimited™, all others are ignorant and limited".

You see, even there - and it is a very common BK mantra ... they create new meaning for "limited" and "unlimited".

They always have to be the greatest in the world ... they are encouraged to believe they and their The Knowledge™ are the greatest in the world and have no questions about it.

"The Unlimited Knowledge" ... what does that even mean? It is not even just extremely limited ... it has and is plainly wrong. They turn things upside down and back to front. "The is the Unlimited university ... all other are limited universities" (and a waste of time and energy).

"Don't think, don't question", was what their leader Dadi Janki taught.
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Pink Panther

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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post05 May 2019

Dear vlakshmi,

A philosophical question for you.

Can you show how any of these terms and concepts you redefine and advocate are any less arbitrary than the same terms and concepts when used by other organised religions, or any other concepts for that matter of any religious dogma?



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post05 May 2019

Hi ex-l,

1) “MASTERS OF UNLIMITED KNOWLEDGE” means they are taught by the Paramatma that history has no beginning because it is a cycle of Kalpa (5000 years which starts in perfection but ends in imperfection); and will continue to have infinite number of cycles; hence history has no beginning.

This knowledge does not make them proud, but makes them relaxed towards any happening in their lives because in view of infinity every happening is insignificant which rules out any possibility to rejoice over the pleasant and grieve over the unpleasant. Even when they read this site spilling venom against them in all directions, they still have that relaxed mind because they know that in every Kalpa you do the same — you come to BK and then enjoy turning against them.


BK concept of purity doesn’t stem from English, but from Indian languages. The word for purity in Indian languages is PAVITHRATHA (literally, right combination of three guns). Three guns mean:
    Sato (symbolized by the lifestyle of people like Vibhishana, Krishna, Vyas ...)
    Rajo (symbolized by the lifestyle of people like Ravan, Duryodhan ...)
    Tamo (symbolized by the lifestyle of people like Kumbakarna ...)
If a person keeps satvic qualities dominant and tamo qualities dormant and employ his rajo qualities in any work he is engaged in, it is like a music of three qualities in right order and combination — and this is what pavithratha means. Nature is the symbol of these three qualities in right order and combinations, hence nature is pictured as SThRee (acronym of Sato, Tamo, Rajo) or woman/female principle and God as Purush/masculine principle. Hence pure food would mean pavitr food, prepared by pavitr people in pavitr environment in remembrance of God, the Heavenly Father.



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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post05 May 2019

Pink Panther,

Any word should be taken by what it means from its root, etymologically. Philosophers and religious leaders may have added various shades to it later to suit their convenience which would only distort the original meaning.

For example, if you are using the word COMPASSION, then you will have to take the meaning as the French people because it is from French, from com- "together" + pati "to suffer;" when you see the suffering of a fellow human you too feel suffering with him, you feel his suffering as yours too which motivates you to do something about it; hence not a lip service. There is no point in asking what do other organizations mean when they use the term COMPASSION.

So is the case with words such as Brahma (brah = broad/great/open) ma = mind), Brahmins, kshathriay, vyasya, Shudra -- they have nothing to do with later meanings.


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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Post05 May 2019


In science, every hypothesis needs evidence but you keep repeating same 5000 years of nonsense without any experience, without any evidence, what technique have you used to find that out? You just keep repeating it like a trained bird. You are just blindly believing. When you go to a shop to buy something do you buy it blindly? Suppose Newton and Einstein would have said you have to believe gravity exist because Baba is giving direct Gyan. Did Baba give you logic and mind not to use it?

You are brainwashed and when we are making you realise that you say we are spilling venom. In which category will you put a person who eats 4 times a day, never exercises, sleeps in the afternoons because he has to get up at 4 o’clock? Thinking of food when they go outside, obese, diabetic because of wrong food habits? Will you call him Krishna?

The words explained by you have wrong meanings. Why haven’t you clarified them with your Sanskrit scholar friend?

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