Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post10 Oct 2018

Can you speak to the chief of the 'Delhi Commission for Women' Swati Maliwal? Her details are on the internet.

She and another NGO are campaigning against a BK splinter group called the PBKs or AIVV (their guru is VIrendra Dev Dixit). The authorities have to know the BKs are essentially the same, just bigger.

Perhaps when your mother becomes weak minded due to old age you might get her back again ... but you may need to protect her from the BKs if she has money and property. They will offer a deal whereby they will look after her, *if* they get the money and property.

They encourage followers to complete a legal Will in which everything is given to the BKs while the "lokik" family - as you are called (along with "devils", "body-conscious", "shudras" and so on) get nothing.

I think the legal area of "Undue Influence" is the best one to look into, exploiting the young and elderly. The BKs do get up to low level financial planning, tax, visa and other frauds ... but I think it will probably be hard to catch them on those.

They are clever not to be too extreme.

Arguably, they are also trafficking young girls. They, BK parents, "surrender" 100s or 1000s of young virgins each year to be "married" to their 'god spirit'. They are then strictly indoctrinated and sent away from their families. In my opinion, they are essentially used as slaves, low level workers without pay or rights. They’re the type of girls they will use to look after your mother, after you have been pushed out the way.

I am sorry to be so blunt about it but this is what we have seen and experienced time and time again.

Unfortunately, I am not in India so I cannot help you there.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post11 Oct 2018

In my experience, there’s two main kinds of people who find the idea of the world ending as desirable, that it resonates with.

The first kind are those whose experience of the world (materially but more so psychologically) has always been insecure, on the brink of collapse. This includes people who have never developed a secure or healthy ego, i.e. a sense of themselves as strong individuals with free agency in their life, such fragile egos as found in victims of serious child abuse or childhood trauma, emotionally absent parents, psychologically abusive parents....

The second kind of people who resonate with upcoming end of the world scenarios are those facing death themselves - age , mortality - or who have lost hope in living a life they maybe once imagined. The prospect of death or loss is a doorway that creates a kind of vertigo to the reasoning. If hope is gone, and mortality challenges hope like nothing else, we lose the basis of our humanity. Those who feel their life is purposeless or may feel inadequate can become ”special’ when they become a BK.

A mentality develops of ”if I am going to die, then the whole world will/should die with me”. We see this with people who murder their own children after a divorce or an ex-wife or lover." If I cannot have them, no-one can."

The BKs are ”passive aggressive" in their feelings toward who or what will or won’t survive ”transformation". They desire others to do the dirty deed. Their "Yoga power" is supposedly ”inspiring” the Yadavas (scientists) and Kauravas (politicians) to bring about a ”final solution” while they sit back telling themselves they are spiritual, compassionate fatalists innocent of any pain and suffering (their karma, not mine”).

Such insidious arrogance!

Offtopic: I think one reason the BKs successfully expanded in the West in the 1970s and 80s was that we accepted ”Destruction” as reasonable, even desirable, was that we were raised in the Cold War era and the media was full of talk of potential Armageddon right through our formative years. These were powers bigger than any of us mayeb left us unconsciously thinking 'get it over with already!, otherwise we'll have to start taking active personal responsibility and make decisions about the rest of our lives rather than simply reacting to ”greater powers” ).

When the USSR collapsed the BKs they then latched on to the potential threat of the Y2K ”millennium” computer failure that would see planes fall out of the sky etc, and when that passed by unremarkably, they latched onto the 2012 ”end of the Mayan Calendar therefore the world” scare that went around. They have learnt some lessons from these, are now renaming ”destruction ” as ”Transformation” which will happen after 2036 - without answering how the population ”transfoms” from over 7 billion to only 900,000 ”spiritually”. The 2036 timeframe is also good strategically - not too far away and not too close. Enough time to keep on doing whats worked so far. Anyway, back to theme ...


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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post12 Oct 2018

I think, I have to wait for the right time. Truth will surely come out. :-?
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post12 Oct 2018

Perhaps you could start an anonymous blog in English and your native language ... "My Mother the Brahma Kumari" to document how she and they behaves?

There is nothing "not-BK" in doing so, it would be called holding up a mirror for her or them to look at. The BKs god spirit says they are the lead actors on the world stage, acting in front of everyone and tell them they must receive a "pass mark" from everyone ... meaning their conduct must be perfectly angelic and everyone they know must be satisfied with their level.


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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post12 Oct 2018

Yes ex-I. Good suggestion. I will have to spread the word.
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post12 Oct 2018

That's the best thing to do. It's better to innoculate individuals who have not been infected yet, than try to cure someone who has been living with the disease and spreading it.

The BKs have over the decades of their existence, invested many multi-millions of dollars in publicity and PR. It is, essentially, all that they did and still do. The actual amount of "good" they do with all their money is very little. They and their god spirit even defines publicity and PR ... advertising themselves ... as being "service of humanity". As if it is a charity.

Consequently, they and their position is very sensitive towards bad PR and criticism ... and the truth about their beliefs and conduct being discussed.

You may not be able to save your own family but you may be able to save many others ... to stop the curious from being sucked in.

The BKs do specialise in separating individual members of a family from the rest and then converting them to becoming part of the "BK family". The BK "family" is what the BK claim is victims' true family and non-BKs are called "devilish" family.

Once separated, they can then be ruled and exploited ... hence, I argue, all the rules like not letting BKs eat the food prepared by non-BKs, not eating out with them at cafes, not speaking about non-BKs things, not engaging in activities that are not focused on BKs. They want to control their mind and what influences them. Even the logic on which they make decisions ... BK adherents' personal judgement is eroded and they are encouraged to become dependent on BK leaders to make decisions instead of themselves or their family members.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post13 Oct 2018


You have mentioned important points on the two types of people who desire an end of the world.

The late 1970's and late 1980's were some testing times. There was the Jonestown false flag operation in Guyana, Thanks Giving Week of 1978. Then there was the Iranian hostage crisis of the fall of 1979. In the winter 1980, the Russian invaded Afghanistan. There was the Falklands War in the spring and summer of 1982.

I graduated from medical school in the early 1980s. Though BK Raj Yoga enabled me to keep my cool and focus on my studies, my dissident thinking empowered me to ignore the BK claim that the pursuit of a medical career was useless.

They claimed that there was no need for doctors in Sat Yug and there would be a nuclear confrontation between the USSR and NATO.


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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Jan 2019

Looks like China has raised a red flag against cults, spiritual courses from India,

China alerts citizens against Indian spiritual courses, ‘cults’
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Jan 2019

Made me snigger ... the group behind the move is called 'China Anti-Cult Association' or CACA for short. How apt.

The Brahma Kumaris are operating in China, and under the Values Education facade. I wonder if anyone has told the Communisty Party of China what they really believe and how the entire History of China basically does not exist, or is of no importance, according to the God of the BKs.

The poor Chinese don't even get a chance to join in nuking anyone to bring about the Destruction of human civilsation ... :shock: .

This may be their website, or a government anti-cult website.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post17 Jan 2019

There are three main religious groups the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has cracked down on - The Falun Gung, The Uiger Muslims and the Roman Catholic church, along with many smaller churches and groups.

The Falun Gung are not that different to the Brahma Kumaris. They have a leader who self-declares as divinely inspired, they outwardly teach Yoga and meditation but also (if I remember correctly) believes in a 5000 year cycle and an impending apocalypse.

Why all three are targeted, along with the controls put on Tibetan Buddhism, is that their followers main loyalty is meant to be to that religion and/its leader, not the state, and as such could become troublesome in the long run. Maybe not individually, but if a movement of disparate groups began to protest and form alliances, that could disrupt social ”cohesion”. In a nation of that size ... problems!

The CCP has an authorised Catholic hierarchy just as it has an authorised Tibetan bBuddhist hierarchy and does not accept the personnel or policies of the Vatican or Dharmsala to control what happens within China.

If the BKs gained a presence there that bothered the CCP they would set up their own version and control it. You can imagine a Chinese Virendra Dev Dixit gladly accepting the CCP-authorised leader’s role!


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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post18 Jan 2019

Chinese ruling party simply takes even the remotest threat to its party and the nationalism very seriously. If BKs are on their radar, they will do everything to thwart its growth.

Nowadays, China has emboldened and don't give 2 hoots to UN or the human rights. Apart from the concentration like camps they've created for hundreds of thousands of Uiger Muslims, they are planting a communist representative inside the house of these people (selective people whom they deem as extreme religious through their informants) saying he is your "communist friend" and this Brother will stay with you for a long time to come.

Basically, this is to observe their activities.

What it means to the BKs is that their drama and agenda will not work here like how it works in other democratic countries. By the way, long ago when BKs started their service in Sri Lanka, people got offended when they saw their Ravan was shown in bad light. Apparently, Ravan is worshipped in Sri Lanka. BKs were forced to remove all those offending material and posters. Now they would have improvized and brought in "Sri Lanka" friendly content, like how they hid Brahma Baba from double foreigners and used to promote only point of light few years ago.
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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

Post18 Jan 2019

Pink Panther wrote:Why all three are targeted, along with the controls put on Tibetan Buddhism, is that their followers main loyalty is meant to be to that religion and/its leader, not the state, and as such could become troublesome in the long run.

I think there's a long history to this going back to the start of Western imperialism in the region, where the Western powers used "Christian" evangelists to control and destabilise within the kingdom, just as they did elsewhere, eg Africa and - arguably - is still going on today in NE India).

I remember one chapter where the Chinese responded to Western pressure telling them that they could leave their armies, but had to remove their priests, because the priests were causing more trouble! There were also purely internal splits, as during the Boxer Rebellion.

I think people are generally naive as to political element or State use and involvement in religions right up to date, eg the CIA funding the Tibetan Buddhists and Dalai Lama (and even training his family and people to be terrorists), or role the Catholic Church had bringing down the Communist East Europe. I think The Party is responding, albeit perhaps too harshly, to a tendency towards a dangerous group fanaticism with the people - that it has also used and engendered.

For me, the BKs are playing a Vatican-like game of setting up their own supra-national kingdom - a kingdom at a particular level of society, rather than within a particular geography - with its own Rome in Mount Abu.

Are organisations like the CIA etc *still* using religions as a cover, perhaps playing geo-political games via entities like the National Endowment for Democracy? Probably.

Is it happening within the BKs? I'd say probably not. They are too small, and it's so time and energy consuming being a BK, that you'd have no time for spying after! Who but a BK could spend hours staring at a picture of Lekhraj Kirpalani every day!?!

May be the FSB has someone watching or inside the Russian BKs? I could imagine it might be useful for them to move around within.

Then, you have to look at the BKs tendency towards Power ... which is usually to suck up to it, and be useful to it, not challenge it. To "be like sugar in the milk" to use one of their old Sindhi sayings.

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