BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post01 Nov 2017

yogamaya wrote:I am a person who has been a family member of ardent BK followers and being the youngest person in my family (please don't ask my age etc, I respect my privacy and everyone else's too :D), has had its pros and cons ...

Wow, again.

Yes, we respect individual's anonymity as long as the details of their accounts are true. It's sensible behaviour. If you need to, or want to, cover your tracks and make it harder for them to target you.

However, I am sorry to say that I have found your photograph on the internet ...

You're our BK mole now.

BK Mole: In espionage jargon, a mole (or “deep cover agent”) is a long-term spy who is recruited before having access to secret intelligence, subsequently managing to get into the target organization.
BK-mole.jpg (61.19 KiB) Viewed 17741 times

For the record, we have a copy of the "official notice" BK London sent out when a journalist finally blew the Janki stable mind myth apart stopping centres use it. BK India ignored it completely and carried on boasting until this day.

I look forward to hearing about the BKs' "Ethical Hackning Team" and their activities, I suspect that I've face their attentions on the Wikipedia and elsewhere. What gets me about some of them is that they know they are lying. They know they are wrong. They know what they are doing. For me, it's evidence of a lowering in the standards of BKism ... or my final recognition that they never had any in the first place.

Expediency over integrity.

Excuse me if I presume you are Indian and wrong. No need to comment. I always got the feeling that the youngest one in an Indian family was sort like a spare they carried about with them, just in case one of the others broke or died.

Boy, you've really had "the full service" and it has not worked. An interesting counter point to Maui's experience, who is still struggling with the psychic pull. It seems to have not effected you.

Yes, please, document away in this and other topics. Have fun with it. Do it as a charity for the sake of others to save them the time and energy.

We were talking about the BKs' money laundering or "alternative money transfer system", did you see any of that?

Thank you.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post03 Nov 2017

She's the sort of Sister I would like to do the course with.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post05 Nov 2017

ex-I wrote:However, I am sorry to say that I have found your photograph on the internet ...

Woa! you got me there for a while ... besides I'd be more than happy to share all my addresses too!


Speaking of IP addresses ...
I look forward to hearing about the BKs' "Ethical Hackning Team" and their activities, I suspect that I've face their attentions on the Wikipedia and elsewhere.

... We all know there is a certain section within BKWSU and even ex-BKs who are BK sympathizers or apologists who indulge in tracing IP addresses, then using it to plant malicious cookies/trackers/Trojans, hacking private email and other accounts, cyber-bullying through fake/anonymous accounts, threatening legal action even without a valid reason or jurisdiction, deleting content from their sites identified by alert ex-BK as source of anti-bk exposé etc. We have even seen this, in some or other aspect, documented on several forums on brahmakumaris.info itself. And that is sufficient.

What I meant in my previous posts is that I have come across people who like to get into such activities and it is unfortunate that they feel it is a good thing.


Yes, that is pretty scary by itself. What if tomorrow you see a full-on support for all the spurious spiritual activities by the BKWSU from a reformed user, say Yogamaya, who suddenly had the experience of God from the last visit at Madhuban? You'd know for sure that this would mean only one thing - my account has been hacked!! :shock:

It could also mean that the user was planting the posts all the way long, like John of the Apparently, GOD HAS ARRIVED!!! fame. But, in my case, that would be impossible as I have never dodged a question and have been upfront in posting my real views about the BKWSU. Beware if such a day comes, it would only mean that my account has been hacked, and not by a curious insider but by a dubious outsider.
We were talking about the BKs' money laundering or "alternative money transfer system", did you see any of that?

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to connect the dots of the BKWSU leadership's own self-loathing and over-confident brain-washing babble. I do not need to go far away to present the proof. It is BKWSU's alleged trans-messenger who keeps on collecting cash from centers all over the world like the ones in Bangkok, Tokyo, Moscow, and her hub Johannesburg.


Let me share with you the YouTube link for BK Vedanti's narcissist tale in Hindi on money-laundering all in the guise of programming the new-joiners into giving the money to God and abetment of breaking customs and foreign-exchange laws.

Maui wrote:Cash is regularly carried by BKs to India. In US currency, between $1,000 - $5,000 by each person on each trip. This was to be handed off to a representative upon arrival. Always told the currency was worth more and it was allowed.

I was also told a certain portion from each center was collected from separate contributions for Madhuban.


did you know that cash is regularly carried by Dadi Gulzar also to India? Did you also know that the BKWSU have tricked their own unsuspecting BK donors into shelling out more money under the pretext that the original contributions for Madhuban had been stolen??


Then read along the English translation of the excerpts of Sister Vedanti's experience. Just see how she uses trigger words to induce submissive actions in the BKWSU followers.

Please say "Yeah Right!" in your mind every time you read the red text in bold below to understand how slyly Vedanti has manipulated her audience.
BK Vedanti wrote:Every year on December 31, I take up a thought for self-improvement and put effort on it the entire year. I see that tests come across on the very same thought, and that is the fun part because we are ready for that thought. The Knowledge of Drama is explained when Baba says everything is repeated, you go to your home in Spirit world (Param Dham) again, you go to heaven again ... and so on. I realized/experienced this knowledge with one word "Again".

So we thought about organizing a program called Peace, Power and Wisdom in Changing Time in 56 African countries...

...in all this, a test paper came. Usually, before Gulzar Dadi comes to (South) Africa, everyone on their own would ask me to collect this (money) for Madhuban, so that when Dadi Gulzar would come to to South Afrfica we could send it through her at once. The day when Dadi was about to leave, there was a big Brahma Bhojan (Godly Family Lunch) organzied.

Thus more people had come and were placing some or other amount in front of Dadi Gulzar. We gathered all envelopes full of money and filled them in two boxes. We placed the boxes with the accounts people of the center in a locker. We can not keep anything just like that. We need to lock everything.

But when we went out for the foundation ceremony of that center, and when the accounts team returned after five minutes, they saw that someone had broke open the locker and stolen all the money.

There were 300 people in the house and the money had gotten stolen despite of that.

Someone said let's call the police. I told them that the police is more dangerous than the thief. The police would catch hold of the thief, but then they would cause headache. I just remembered the word "again", this has happened a Kalpa before.

Dadi Gulzar suggested to tell all the 300 BKs present about the robbery. I told Dadi that it wouldn't be wise to tell everyone about something that should not be told. Dadi looked at my face in surprise. I just remembered the word "again".

But about 10-15 people did come to know some how, and from among them one person came with a big envelope full of money in the evening.

I immediately understood that the amount was way more than what had gone in the morning. This is simply happening again!

He told me, "Behn-ji (Sister) out of this money make your intended contribution to Madhuban". It was as if the money which had gone in the morning, had come back in the evening, again. Thus, I had experience of the word "again".

In this way, take one word and work on it the whole year. I have never taken care of my body in all these years of joining BKWSU and doing Seva. But this year I am working on the word "Sustenance". I have experienced this word "Sustenance" so much that I am now taking care of this body to sustain it to do Seva.
I am caring about my body a lot in terms of eating, drinking, resting, how much Seva I must allow myself to do, how much exercise I should do. I want to increase the life of this body.

So "Sustenance" of self and also sustain other souls by sharing my experience.

I have been taking a word and working on it like this since many years. In this way we are not careless, there is attention on it.

It's interesting how Vedanti has clearly stated Dadi Gulzar's role in money laundering.


You would wonder that why is Dadi Immaculate not bothered by all this sham?? May be she was bothered initially and it took toll of her health. Louis Hey and the principles of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) suggest that one of the reasons behind cancer of any sort is regressed anger!!


If you hear what Vedanti has said carefully, you will come across her claiming that Baba had made an announcement that Vedanti Child get Number One in Truthfulness!! When did that happen? At least I have documented every claim I have made against the BKWSU.

Seriously, the Brahma Kumaris leadership should get into self-evaluation and rate themselves as per the corporate ethics followed the world over. I mean money-making should not be the only corporate trait they should be interested in. Right!?


Or maybe that is the only trait that is rewarded at BKWSU.


What is really shocking to me is the way the BK followers have been blind-folded...


... that despite Vedanti proudly sharing her money-laundering exploits, the ardent BK fan willingly covers one's eyes with the box of BK Knowledge.

The BKs did not even take objection to Vedanti indulging in body-conscious pampering for her own body and that she would sustain only the "souls" of others by sharing her experience.

This is super-colossal equine excreta that the BKWSU is preaching in the name of Divine Knowledge and it is high time that someone connects the dots and puts an end to it.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post05 Nov 2017

yogamaya wrote:... We all know there is a certain section within BKWSU and even ex-BKs who are BK sympathizers or apologists who indulge in tracing IP addresses, then using it to plant malicious cookies/trackers/Trojans, hacking private email and other accounts, cyber-bullying through fake/anonymous accounts, threatening legal action even without a valid reason or jurisdiction, deleting content from their sites identified by alert ex-BK as source of anti-bk exposé etc.

Really, They go that far?
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post06 Nov 2017

I understand were you are coming from ex-I. It is important to give proof or any reference when I am talking about these things, just like I have done for the other topics that we have discussed so far. Otherwise, its just hearsay. They are really not that good as we may think of them to be.
ex-I wrote in How to disguise your IP address & improve your anonymity

I was joking about hacking webcams but I dare say there are some members that post sometimes in the nude. (OK, I admit to wearing non-kinky night dress and drinking coffee as I type but that is all).
To be honest, I looked at them (paid for, version of the anonymizers) once and then gave up. Nothing is really private on the internet ... you just have to accept that you are some heroic, revolutionary freedom fighters and defeat all the secrecy and paranoia the BKs seem to dwell in.

Yes, they are a little bit like a secret service spying and gossiping, turning back it on BKs and banishing folk - and you have to be aware of that - but I do not think they are really that good at it. Its is all self-defeating behavior at the end of the day and so contrary to the "love and light" stuff.

Their success rate may have changed since 2007. If one does not follow basic and common sense security steps like avoiding not-so-obvious passwords and two step verification to protect one's email id, they are hacked and accesses are lost.

I know a few personally who complained that after they twitted queries on BKs' official handle, like how long will it take for Satyug to come and what is the exact end date of Kaliyug, their tweets were deleted and they could no longer access their tweeter or gmail accounts despite using the same passwords and user IDs.

Of course, it was their fault that they were in the habit of copying and pasting all their passwords from a notepad. Copied content is kept in a 'clipboard' which can be easily hacked using malicious cookies.

One needs to be legally sound and extra-careful in their language while posting anything about BKs on the Wikipedia.
From Wikipedia - Brahma Kumaris/Archive 14 (Legal action against critics - an advert for Brahmakumaris.info?):

Additionally to moving to controversies - As far as I know, the case wasn't a legal action against critics, it was a dispute for the name of the site, "BrahmaKumaris". I wonder why would Brahma Kumaris dispute that name?

The only reason BK lost is because "Brahma Kumaris" is not a trademark, it's as simple as that. So labeling as "legal action against critics" is a judgmental statement and how much it's highlighted indicates that some owner of the site put it there, and is maintaining it there as an advert. GreyWinterOwl (talk) 09:55, 27 September 2013 (UTC)

Also, it is obvious (to us) who is behind the constant reinterpretations, misinterpretations and objections on every word/article/syllable in the contributions on Wikipedia that may be critical about the BKWSU.
I would agree the use of 'secretive' is unjustified.

At this point I can only share a threatening message shared with me via WhatsApp by a person who had created a parallel Facebook page of the BK center he/she was fond of, without the Shrimat of the Center in-charge Sister.


Nothing happened as the person who had sent this kind of threatening message deactivated/deleted their account when they did not get any response. Obviously, they had no jurisdiction or right, unless you claim that it was an official page of a particular BK center.

As of today, the person who had created the Facebook page shut it down voluntarily due to the newfound aversion for the Brahma Kumaris who so want to micro-manage everything under the pretext of Shrimat and the alleged dis-service if one is an independent follower of BKism.

I am sure there may be others who must have received such empty threats which have gone undocumented.

ex-I wrote:Really, they go that far?


Well, I am sorry to say ex-I, this is all the evidence (if any) I have on the hacking topic. They may make attempts in vain, but they do make attempts for sure. Cheapskates!

Nevertheless, failed or successful, what they attempt to do is deplorable beyond doubt.


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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post06 Nov 2017

Yogamaya ... I think I could see that Dadi Gulzar also brings money/cash to India. I've seen Mohini do it; but I find your example of "losing money" both unbelievable and disgusting at the same time.

How could people be so gullible with what Vedanti says, yet I may apologetically have to also say that there was a time, and not that long ago, that I may have believed her too.

Thank you for this example; just disgusting.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post07 Nov 2017

Yes, it seems more than curious that she did not want to report it to the police who would likely want to ask uncomfortable questions about accounting and receipt systems, where and what money is kept on premises etc.

Who’s to say which center-in-charge and ZIC determine for themselves what "fringe benefits” and percentage as commission they deserve?
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post07 Nov 2017

What a bizarre comment. Surely if the police caught hold of the thief, they would return the money?

And why, if Dadi Gulzar was present, could not she have gone into trance and asked Baba where it went and if to call the cops?

Is Vedanti a trance messenger too?

Easy come, easy go ... so speak a couple of old ladies that never had to work to earn money.
yogamaya wrote:Someone said let's call the police. I told them that the police is more dangerous than the thief. The police would catch hold of the thief, but then they would cause headache. I just remembered the word "again", this has happened a Kalpa before.
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post07 Nov 2017

ex-l wrote:Is Vedanti a trance messenger too?
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Re: BKs Prove Dadi Janki's Mind Power is Ordinary

Post07 Nov 2017

Aren't they supposed to be infallibly connected with direct access to God ... except when it matters?

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