BKs at the UN

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BKs at the UN

Post22 May 2006

The BKs go on and on about how they are consultants to the UN. I read on the net (and it could all be wrong) that they just rent an office there and that they over-exaggerate their relationship with the UN. For example I found this

FAITH DEALERS: Those who take advantage of human spiritual needs

The unfounded claims that it operates under the UN (United Nations Organization). The truth is that the cult has only rented some assembly rooms that belong to the UN, to organize seminars. While the UN has forbidden to the cult to claim that it operates under its auspices, Brahma Kumaris insists on misleading people in this way.

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Re: BKs at the UN

Post23 May 2006

celtiggyan wrote:The BKs go on and on about how they are consultants to the UN. I read on the net (and it could all be wrong) that they just rent an office there and that they over-exaggerate their relationship with the UN. For example I found this

FAITH DEALERS: Those who take advantage of human spiritual needs

The unfounded claims that it operates under the UN (United Nations Organization). The truth is that the cult has only rented some assembly rooms that belong to the UN, to organize seminars. While the UN has forbidden to the cult to claim that it operates under its auspices, Brahma Kumaris insists on misleading people in this way.


Yup. A typical quote is this from one of their websites. Does it mean anything? Can someone write to the UN and ask them?

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is a non-governmental organisation in general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), in consultative status with The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and affiliated to the Department of Public Information (DPI).

Further down that same page they write ;

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University recognises the intrinsic spirituality and goodness of every human being and helps people to rediscover that goodness within themselves, encouraging and facilitating the development of spiritual awareness, attitudes, behaviours and skills through a process of lifelong learning.
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Re: BKs at the UN

Post23 May 2006

ex-l wrote:Yup. A typical quote is this from one of their websites. Does it mean anything? Can someone write to the UN and ask them?

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is a non-governmental organisation in general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), in consultative status with The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and affiliated to the Department of Public Information (DPI).

I was around when they got that status, and the language they use is approved by the UN and has a specific meaning. They cultivated relationships with a couple of major UN figures, Robert Muller and James Jonah. The UN recognizes that religious and other NGOs have a role providing input in some processes.

The BKs do attend a lot of UN programs; their status is the result of the UN deciding that they have something positive to contribute. Recall that many of the BKs who attend UN programs are deep thinkers, charismatic and inspiring speakers.

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Post28 May 2006

In actual fact, the BKs have been downgraded in status by the UN and the UN also requested that the wording the BKs were using on their blurb about the UN connection should be changed as it was untrue.

They were making out they had consultative status, as if the UN turned to the BKs for spiritual advice. You will see any reference the BKs make to the UN these days is a much more toned down affair.
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Post28 May 2006

Mr Green wrote:in actual fact fact the BKs have been downgraded in status by the UN and the UN also requested that the wording the BKs were using on their blurb about the UN connection should be changed as it was untrue.

they were making out they had cunsultative status as if the UN turned to the BKs for spiritual advice, you will see any reference the BKs make to the un these days is a much more toned down affair

I believe they did have consultative status with the Ecosoc; that never meant that the BKs were trusted advisers. There are several religious NGOs with this status. Specific rules govern the language and use of the UN logo. The group spent many years learning the ins and outs, especially Sr. Mohini, and the utterly charming Sr. Gayatri, whose Father Steve Narayan, was once Vishnu Party of Guyana.

I would have given Sr. Gayatri consultative status for absolutely anything.
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Post28 May 2006

Uncle and Auntie, yeah i remember them, nice people ... I think you got a crush on Gayatri though :lol:
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Post04 Feb 2007

Mr Green wrote:Should the activities of the Janki Foundation or the activities of the Living Values team be put under BK news?

Mr. Green, you posted the above on the BK Positive news, and I did not feel it was right to respond there. What I want to say is that these organisations are part and parcel of the BKWSU/O getting their UN status.

Which came first, the desire to serve the community or the desire to get UN status? As I remember, the Murlis do not advocate service except as a distraction.
ex-l wrote:Yup. A typical quote is this from one of their websites. Does it mean anything? Can someone write to the UN and ask them?

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is a non-governmental organisation in general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), in consultative status with The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and affiliated to the Department of Public Information (DPI).
joel wrote:I was around when they got that status, and the language they use is approved by the UN and has a specific meaning.

This is true, you do not have to write to the UN to find out, just look it up on the web or in a reference book in the library. They have to conform to certain conditions to qualify for UN status. Janki foundation and the Global Hospital Outreach program are part of why they qualified.
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Re: BKs at the UN

Post15 Jan 2009

Robert Muller is touted by his fans as "one of the leading peacemakers and visionaries on our planet". He was a former U.N. Under Secretary General to three U.N. Secretary General and one of the BKWSU's first "big fish" who was personally invited to come to Mount Abu and meet BapDada. Many will remember him going down on one knee in front of a holy old lady complete unaware that he was "meeting God", as the BKs would see it. He wrote a novel including the Brahma Kumaris called, "First Lady of the World, World Happiness and Cooperation", USA (1991), ISBN: 1880455013

It was reviewed in 2000, about 6 years before this forum started, albeit by an End Time Christian Mission group. File this under, "Reasons why not to invite VIPs to the headquarters without doing the whole course and going to morning class every day for 6 months."

For anyone with a fixed abode, copies are available for a few dollars on the internet. It would be interesting to read the rest of the chapter.
Brahma Kumaris, Raja Yoga 2000

Recently in our area on the Sunshine Coast, the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga people were in the street taking signatures for the UN MANIFESTO 2000. They had set up a stall near the market, and people were signing up happily. The United Nations has proclaimed this year as the “International Year for the Culture of Peace.” Signing such a UN document makes those who do, supporters and collaborators with the New Age dictators, who will bring the world into bondage! Never sign these manifestos!

The Brahma Kumaris religious cult has been designated “Messenger for Manifesto 2000” by UNESCO. Brahma Kumaris holds general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN and consultative status with UNICEF as an international non-government organisation (NGO).

In the shocking book by Robert Muller, “First Lady of the World” a whole chapter is given to Brahma Kumaris. There are trances, mediumship, demon-possession going on in that chapter, yet Robert Muller is delighted with the religion. He is Chancellor Emeritus of the University for Peace. His world core curriculum is embraced by schools all over the globe.

“The First Lady of the World” is about a UN secretary general who is a woman, a weird goddess figure, called Lakshmi [actually an Indian diplomat called "Lakshmi Narayan"]. She and Alexander, who is almost a Antichrist figure in the book, marry in India under the spiritual guidance of the Brahma Kumaris

Or Lakshmi and Narayan in BK Speak ... the prophecy that Lekhraj Kirpalani and his young relative Om Radhe will be reborn in India as Radhe and Krishna and marry as the Emperor and Empress of the World. (No word given of what status Mrs Lekhraj Kirpalani will receive).

In 2003, Robert predicted that by 2010
Robert Muller wrote:The first decade of the New Planetary Age is now over. There are no more wars and conflicts in the world. The rate of arms destruction has continued unabated. All governments recognize that their people and the world are much better off after each phase of arms destruction and demilitarization. A totally disarmed and demilitarized planet is now in sight.
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Re: BKs at the UN

Post07 May 2010

Not sure if this has already been posted but here goes




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Re: BKs at the UN

Post15 May 2010

BKWSU at the UN wrote:UNITED NATIONS Economic and Social Council: written statement submitted by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. GENERAL E/CN.4/2006/NGO/247 - 27 March 2006. English ONLY

COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS: Sixty-second session. Item 17 (c) of the provisional agenda

PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: INFORMATION AND EDUCATION: written statement submitted by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU), a non-governmental organization in general consultative status

The Secretary-General has received the following written statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31. [27 March 2006]

This written statement is issued, unedited, in the language(s) received from the submitting non-governmental organization(s). GE.06-12045 E/CN.4/2006/NGO/247

Mr Chairperson,

what are the needs of people today with regard to education?

Never has our world had so many "educated" people and yet violence, fear and mistrust seem to be as deeply entrenched as ever. The need of the hour is to implement an education that promotes respect for the self and others, responsibility, peace and healthy relationships. Given the never-ending litany of abuses of human rights and threats to our survival, and yet our tremendous creative potential, education must offer a deeper look at the world and help us to re-conceptualize the human predicament and potential.

The pace of change challenges curriculum developers in formulating educational content and practice that is well-founded, culturally and socially relevant and sufficiently flexible to stay relevant as times change and societies develop. And as concern focuses on the sweeping impact of globalization and the ICT revolution, a further challenge is for us to maintain a deeper and more long-term perspective of the role that education must play in personal and social development. Education has well-established roots as being essentially a moral pursuit. It must not overlook the need for it to remain a vehicle for the development of those values that are the hallmark of the best of our common human heritage, of new ways of thinking and meaningful ways of being, of how we may better interact with each other and the world around us.

To conceptualize ways forward into a socially just and ecologically sustainable future, we need some understanding of the worldview that underpins science and technology and in turn much of the social sciences. An often taken-for-granted system of values and beliefs has shaped Western thought over the last few hundred years. Although acknowledging this, we often overlook the point that it is not possible to confront global issues without first considering the deep frameworks of meaning and value which brought them into being.

To approach education in the 21st Century we need to answer three simply-stated yet profoundly important questions. Where are we coming from? Where are we going to? How will we get there? Looking to the past, on the one hand, we can see centuries of strife culminating in horrific global conflicts. However, on a more positive note, the outcome of this has been a developed determination to initiate processes of recovery and renewal and a new sense of direction, to declare universal notions of human rights and responsibilities and seek to build a world community at peace with itself.

As we continue into the 21st Century, a fundamental issue is the loss of spirituality as an integral part of life and our worldview. Also somewhat lost through the language of critique, has been the language of hope. Present approaches require reform. Scientific truth and its production are often taught as if they were indisputable, bearing little information about the cultural worldviews used in its generation. A clear understanding of the history and philosophy of science are vital ingredients for a curriculum that seeks to understand the origins of the Western reductionist scientific worldview, and its powerful role in the world of today. Rather than limiting our selves to a machine led future, human potential needs to develop ahead of technology, thus leading to a responsible and sensible use of
technological knowledge.

The present worldview that drives education, although often hidden beneath the surface of our social and cultural life, continues to influence our way of interacting and connecting in our globalized world. Of major concern to the Brahma Kumaris is the marginalization and misrepresentation of the spiritual dimension of human existence. We are taught from a very young age to be action orientated rather than reflective. Our values tend to be driven by external circumstances and social conditioning, rather than from our inner awareness and conscience. Thus one of the greatest forces for change at the disposal of humankind, that of the development of human consciousness, essential for planetary healing, peace building and future civilization, has in many ways been put to one side.

Such transcendent understanding although rarely taught in education systems is an essential component of the better future that we seek. Introducing the development of spiritual values as a central tenet of educational process, can help solve many of the crises facing humanity today. Indeed, some of our great leaders such as Gandhi, King and Tolstoy have been driven by such spiritual ideals.

Many young people are searching for guiding values and a new vision of the future. A powerful vision brings new hope and also strength to move forward and learn from the mistakes of the past. Presently rationalism has become embodied in the discourses of society, politics, education, culture and economics creating a one dimensional, limited framework in which spiritual truths finds little place. Over-specialization at the expense of an holistic framework means that universities often put major focus on the practical needs of this world while failing prepare the young person themselves to face the challenges of life. Religions are often engaged in their own power struggles and their teachings misused as a justification for conflict. This reductive analysis of humanity and its potential creates a world that is increasingly untenable. We must allow ourselves to take up education with spirituality at its core.

A new educational approach involves addressing a range of spiritual values in the areas of personal freedom and dignity, education and health. As students construct their knowledge, they can be encouraged to appreciate the origins of values in different cultures and the structures that serve to maintain them. In a globalized world, intra- and inter-religious conflicts remain unabated. In the pursuit of peace it is necessary to develop inner spiritual strength that will grant peace to the minds of women and men. Peace, not just the absence of war can be an active and consciously held idea that can illuminate people's lives. Peace allows people to live together with respect for each other.

The word education means to develop from within. This includes recognizing and developing the inner being of the person. With inner spiritual strength, the capacities and skills of people are enhanced. Challenging circumstances can be faced positively and powerfully and the human mind becomes more creative. Education is a process of learning to be, to enrich the self spiritually and materially, and to live together in peace and harmony.
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Re: BKs at the UN

Post15 May 2010

Roughly translated as ... "Destruction is coming as per last Cycle, so give us your children. Tell them to drop out of university because there is no point and join us to become happy hypnotised zombies instead".

Some Brahma Kumari adherent practices the Divine Art of ... "Being Seen to Say Something Divine Contrary to What They Really Teach and Believe to Con VIPs".



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Post05 Jun 2010

There some some interesting points: http://phoenixtimes.wordpress.com/2010/ ... uence-age/
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Re: BKs at the UN

Post05 Jun 2010

For this audience here, it would be better to stick to facts ... not indulge in mystic predictions and analysis ... or speak very honestly about your own experiences in the BKWSU.

Unfortunately, PBK-ism is just more of the same as Brahma Kumarism.


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Re: BKs at the UN

Post13 Jul 2011

BKWSU at the UN wrote:BKUN Representatives

"The primary expertise of the Brahma Kumaris is within the area of values and their relevance and application to policy discussions and practical implementation. The values of the Brahma Kumaris are in strong alignment with the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the Preamble to the United Nations Charter. In our work at the UN we offer perspectives that affirm the dignity and worth of the human person, and we cultivate attitudes of tolerance and brotherhood in relation to all topics of concern to the United Nations.

We strive to ultimately realize the statements “We the peoples of the United Nations determined ... to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,” while understanding that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."

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