APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

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APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post04 Sep 2011

APJ Abdul Kalam, president of India from 2002 to 2007, at a Brahma Kumaris conference.


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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post03 Aug 2015

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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post03 Aug 2015

I see, ex-Indian president APJ Abdul Kalam died last weeks. The Brahma Kumaris will be jostling to attend his funeral so they can meet VIPs and his successors.

APJ Abdul Kalam was the BKs' kind of politician ... he was pivotal in developing the country's nuclear weapons program.

I think they thought perhaps he would be responsible for unleashing the nuclear arsenal and bringing on Destruction for them.


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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post04 Aug 2015

I was there when APJ stayed in Shantivan and he even met BapDada during the time.

He has narrated this experience in his book "ignited minds".
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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post04 Aug 2015

Do you remember what his message from "God" was?


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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post05 Aug 2015

Not really. But he did mention this experience as "entering of a deity" in his book
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Pink Panther

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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post06 Aug 2015

That was my first experience too, CoBK, a feeling that something had changed, some other ”energy” had entered the scene. I remember literally thinking ”Not sure if this is God, but whatever it is, it's a powerful being”.

I then convinced myself for years that, as the other gods of other religions were so invisible, then this ”presence” probably was ”god” if such a thing exist, as much as any of them were likely to be. It took more years to come to the realisation that it was me who was investing stature and authority onto this ‘being’ rather than ‘it' saying or doing anything to deserve that "stature".
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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post06 Aug 2015

clearofBK wrote:Not really. But he did mention this experience as "entering of a deity" in his book

... which is quite commonplace in India.

You see, that interests me. Despite all the energy and resources they funnel into chasing VIPs, the VIPs really don't get what the BKs are about or who their god spirit is supposed to be.

Of course, partly this is by design on behalf of the BKs who use a vague, misleading "softly softly" approach. They are aware by now that such VIPs are highly unlikely to convert.

Perhaps Pink and Abdul are correct?

But just because something is "powerful", does not make it good.
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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post07 Aug 2015

ex-l wrote:But just because something is "powerful", does not make it good.

Or "God"


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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post07 Aug 2015

ex-l wrote
... which is quite commonplace in India.

Right. I was in a village where I witnessed that a ´powerful´entity entered a woman and was giving right answers to some people´s questions. The difference was the calmness that surrounds Gulzar´s body while it was aggression in that village woman. I don´t understand how it works but I find it very interesting. I feel that not all spirits are capable of entering into other bodies and that too for so many years (assuming that it really happens with Gulzar), right?
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Re: APJ Abdul Kalam at the Brahma Kumaris

Post07 Aug 2015

Me too. It's a discussion we've had here for year and which has been discussed in the real world for millennia. Are there other realms with other kinds of beings in them? Most religions say so, but then they also display such irrational or unfound beliefs ...

Ultimately, as you cannot stick one in a test tube or dissect it - and the BKs won't let anyone near theirs to give it a proper grilling - it's an unknowable. All you can do is look at the effects, their product, and decide at what social and psychological level they are at.

There are other channellers who have been channelling their "spirit guide" for decades, like JZ Knight and Ramtha. In fact, most spiritualist churches would little old ladies who would claim to have done, except their claims of divinity would be far more modest than the BKs. In Europe, back in the Middle Ages, the church set out to document all the mediums and their guides' qualities or abilities (albeit they called them witches). I know similar categorisations - but with different conclusions - exist within Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism.

One question to ask is how much of a component is group expectation within the BKWSU. I mean, if you're told to anticipate meeting "god", and have to be outrageous efforts, followed demanding disciplines and self-hyponotised for 6 months or a year before meeting it along with 1,000s of others, how much of a background hysteria does that create?

If the lack of all that preparation the real reason why the VIPs don't "get it"? The BK answer would be, "it's not their fortune" and, I suspect, they would see them as lowly Kali Yugi souls.

If so, why spend so much effort chasing them and giving them such privileged access whilst denying true but humble "BK souls"?

The answer, surely, must be because of the material advantages and social credibility they bring. "Status by association".

Does god, or even a god, need to chase status by association and indulge in social climbing?

I would suspect not.

Therefore what is a being who claims to be a god, or allows others to claim they are a god when they are not?

I don't know where you live but if you have "spiritualist churches" near you, most have mediumship development classes where you can go along and watch how and what happens. Even if you are not a believer in other realms, it's still interesting.

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