The Murli translation and production

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Free Speech

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post01 Jul 2015

Lo...behold another Murli with many errors, contradictions & speech that probably can come out of Human mind only. Its not the God speaking, infact, it is Murli production department manipulating BKs. There were also quick responses to what we discussed here on this very forum yesterday, I said they are hyper sensitive to this site, nah? (Now they may start avoiding us to disprove the claim).
Yesterday's Murli : Husband and wife, even while living together, consider yourselves to be a Brahma Kumar and Brahma Kumari.

To which I douted and see what is said in today's Murli:
They say that you make everyone into Brothers and Sisters. It has been explained that you Brahmins are the mouth-born children of Prajapita Brahma.

Mouth-born. hah. It exactly shows the mindset of BKists. Dadis said that you followers are our children and they agreed and that is what exactly should be the essence of this phrase for BKs.
It has been explained to you children many times that you must always consider it to be Shiv Baba who is giving you directions.

Above one is to make BKs disbelieve what we are pointing out here that it is the Murli department wriing up Murlis, not the God. The next part shows the contradictions:
According to the drama, everything will be understood as you progress further. You can give this good news to everyone. Also print it on beautiful cards.

You children should sit here and explain with splendour. There shouldn’t just be artificial external splendour.

Then, what is the need of beautiful cards? Is it not artificial and part of external splendor. They say something and do something else. How annoying it is to see that Brahmakumaris keep on reaffirming their baseless beliefs through Murlis.

1. They still believe they are deities worshiped by people.
You can even write to those who build huge temples: "There used to be peace in the world 5000 years ago when it was the kingdom of those to whom you build temples. It used to be their kingdom in Bharat."

No one knows that Radhe and Krishna became Lakshmi and Narayan. So many stories have been made up about you.

2. Yet, there are instances when Dadis fall ill or fall from their bed due to less dehadhyaas due to age or, may be, excess of BKsRajyoga.
This remembrance is for becoming ever pure and ever healthy. Although the sannyasis here are pure, some definitely fall ill.

3. Is Murli preparing an attack on UK's queen & king and those of other nations?
For instance, someone here may be called a king or queen, but no one here is really a king or queen. Tell them: You are not a king or queen now. This has to be removed from their intellects.

Next step BKs would take is to visit VVVIPs kings and queens to tell them they are not what they think to be.

When the names of kings have completely disappeared, the kingdom is then re-established.

Are you BKWSUwalahs planning to kill these existing kings/queens as till they are alive, they will not let go their status & to establish the kingdom, BKs might plan something serious. You can have another inference from above Murli statement: BKs Golden yuga will not come till King-queen of our world completely disappear.

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post01 Jul 2015

5. As usual Brahmakumaris have special attraction towards for wealth, wealthy people and other sources.
Here, kings and queens also have money and gold etc.

A BKs-offer here:
Even fakirs (religious beggars) go begging to collect money. Everyone is hungry for money. With money, you can have every type of happiness. You children know that you are receiving limitless wealth from Baba. If you make less effort, you receive less wealth.

Go on to challenge why God corrupts BKs minds by enticing with the fruit, not the action itself and Murli production department will print it in next Murli, " We talk about wealth of knowledge and lokik don't get it, they think we are talking about lokik dollars & gold.
Your desire is to become very wealthy.

Yeah you got it right, it is to become GREEDY.

6. A suggestion to BKs on how to spread the cult in form of service. Oooo..they call the crap as literature. :D
Continue to give everyone the message. Don’t just sit quietly. You can also explain on the trains and give them some literature.

You have been told that there is only one Guru and none other. The Bestower of Salvation for all is only One. Only you know this.

OK. Initially, they said that we don't have Guru system. Now they've included it. Also, there was no concept of Salvation in BKism. You can find now a new meaning of salvation from Brahmakumaris- it must be serving senior Sisters and Brothers and donating all your money and property is Salvation. We give you salvation from the burden of managing your money and property.
From being satopradhan, you gradually become tamopradhan. Therefore, you children should have a lot of internal happiness.

But why? Because again BKs will get converted to tamopradhans and lose all their so called happiness. For BKs, Salvation doesn't exist as they keep on coming back again and again every cycle/Kalpa to serve the notorious Sisters.

8. And here is BKism favorite part: Destruction
You children have the faith that very little time now remains. This is our final birth and then we will be in heaven.
This destruction is not a small one.

ex-l, you are 200% right that Murli is over repetitive and reading these two as posted by jann was a lot of fun but also a headache as there was nothing substantial in them and everything is said 10 times at least in one or the other way randomly. If you remove all other forms of tortures that Brahmakumaris hurl on their followers, then Murli alone is sufficient to make them mad or mentally unstable. Leave BKWSU as soon as possible, BKs.
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post02 Jul 2015

I think the original Brahma Kumaris were so dumb, and starved of any other intellectual stimulation, that they genuinely thought the Murli was deep and mysterious.

They then encouraged others on the basis of that sincerity to believe in it them.

Then, as Mr Green hinted just recently, the rest of sat down to listen to them, to experiment in good faith, willing to believe that there was something deep and mysterious about them ... reading things into them or their purpose. For example, people would say things like, "we need to be told Krishna is not god several times a day, every day, because we have still many lives of Bhakti lurking under the surface of our consciousness that needs "purifying" (I never believed either Krishna nor Lekhraj Kirpalani was god).

For me, they were hugely boring but generally once a Murli, there would be some remotely interesting or different fact or reference 6/8th of the way through them, e.g. a reference to someone alive at the time or some element of Hindusim.

In a sense, they underline one of the BKWSU's problems ... it's "educational" value never changes, develops or progresses. It is just the Murlis and they are at a pretty basic to kindergarden level. They are at a pretty basic to kindergarden level because that's the level of the original listeners and "God" never really developed his teachings beyond that. You just have to accept them, as is.

Lekhraj Kirpalani, and a few of the elders, had some basic education so they have picked up a few of the terms, like "study", "understand" or, of course, university, chancellor etc, but their claims were ridiculous, e.g. ... "all you have to do is one day's study and you can become a teacher", "this is an unlimited university, all others are limited universities", "Baba is the supreme teacher" etc.

Again, I think we have to accept this as evidence of the intense delusions of grandeur, and egotism, Lekhraj Kirpalani and others were suffering from. He, they and only they were self-realised, all others were "unself-realised". Only his teachings had value, all others have limited value.

The early BKs, today's leaders, were corralled into this incredibly simplistic black and white binary world of which Baba Lekhraj Kirpalani was at the top and centre and impassible and unquestionable in wisdom. He really was their god for 20 or more years.

Was there method to his madness - apart from making money from religion - or was he too just stupid and exceedingly vain?
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post03 Jul 2015

willing to believe that there was something deep and mysterious about them ... reading things into them or their purpose.
Yep, that was me alright. Looking for where the puerile BK teachings had some parallel to the deep traditions of vedanta or Buddhism or sufism etc and thinking that was somehow validation. And as most of us were young, we did think the daily class was a lesson in religions and philosophies, taking at face value what we were told because we trusted the advertising that this was a ‘spiritual university’ ...

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post03 Jul 2015

Thanks jann for posting current Murlis. Through them I got to know what my BK-friends & others are going through at centers & in what direction is BKism actually heading. Unfortunately, it is still stuck with same brain-washing, spreading wrong beliefs about history of anything you see around & instilling a strong sense of dissonance in BKs for other people.

Can we take these Murlis as evidence to show future (to be brainwashed) BKs what BKs believed in 2015? I hope all of it will get wronged by BKism itself after 20 years with a new theory for next generation.

I don't see the need to edit Murli. Alright they need to make money by fooling BKs but there has to be a limit. I mean, could they explain it to non-BKs how/why their history changes every decade? Murlis still hint destruction crap again n again n again while on the other side, few BKs claim that there is no destruction and its just a transformation. Why they are divided in opinions?

Or is it the older BK group that still believes in Destruction while the new ones are prepared for no-such-Destruction? i.e., why they still mention Destruction in Murlis could be because older BKs have heard it in past Murlis for decades and they might not be willing to settle with a new faith of transformation, so what they want to read is mentioned in Murli in 1 or 2 lines. Murli production team basically balances the faith among different category of BKs through Murli.
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post03 Jul 2015

By their actions, I think the inner circle - having lived through several of Lekhraj Kirpalani's false predictions (which the faithful will exclaim were not "false" just "misunderstood" by the followers or "tests"!) - long stopped really believing in it, but each generation of newcomers certainly got sucked into believing out of trust and good faith.

It's a sort of token of belief necessary to self-identify oneself as a BK.

A token is "an object which represents the right to perform some operation". In this case, it's not an object but a belief which represents the right to hold some position in society.

If you want a bit of the BKs' cherry pie, you must accept and be seen and heard to believe in it. And you must accept that it is a constantly changing set of goals. And you must accept the unethical use of constantly changing set of goals to manipulate newcomers into surrendering.

In short, you must be of a type who is motivated by gaining the fruits of it in this life, here and now.

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