The Murli translation and production

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post26 Jun 2015

ex-l wrote:Not everyone want to discuss those problems on the forum. I guess that, from what we discuss, they trust us.

Apologies, I was having a down day and forgot how this forum is a lighthouse* warning off those seeking the BK coastline thinking its a safe harbour when in fact its a pirate’s paradise (*see what i did there :-D)
PP: A bit more added to the mountain of rubbish by the BKs won't make much difference. Idiots would find some other nonsense to believe anyway.

ex-l : It's a fair comment. Unfortunately, they go beyond beliefs to abuse and exploitation.

Most beliefs lead to abuse or exploitation, either by others or through self-delusion. Of course, beliefs that are implanted by others which entrap you to allow them to exploit or abuse you is morally worse, especially when they know how questionable (and entrapping) those beliefs are.
I was watching The Century Of The Self. Do you know it? A 2002 British television documentary series,

I have heard of it but haven’t seen it. Will have a look.

Freud was notorious for perpetuating his theories without much development to exploit his fame and enjoy favour, to the point of refusing to listen to others’ developments, even denigrating them rather than debating or discussing with them as an equal (Jung, Adler, Reich etc) seeing them as competing or criticising his work as inadequate rather than advancing or complimenting his own as a scientific approach would, despite their willingness to always give him kudos as "the pioneer".

Maybe it's an expression of the "chosen one” syndrome of his Jewish heritage? Here I go, psychoanalysing Freud! but if you dish it out, be prepared to take it! ... Something we could say goes along with all monotheistic paradigms which inevitably, are by definition, about exclusivity and personal salvation which is also inevitably at the expense of the other - person or society or nature.

Another BK parallel.
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post26 Jun 2015

I think you made a fair comment.

We could achieve more if individuals to take a more proactive stance, make a few phone calls, write a few letters, go speak to people and challenge the BKs, follow up on stories ... but to what end? What a way to spend one's life!

At the bottomline, there are two sort of individuals involved in BKism; those making time and money, and those losing time and money.

I can understand why individuals just don't want to throw more good time and money after bad ... but it allows the BKs to flourish.

There's nothing to be made out of cult critique, and it's hard to stomach the same scenarios being played over time and time again ... being able to do little.

Free Speech

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post26 Jun 2015

Sometimes I think that almost everyone around is back-biting each other in ways more or less similar to BKs. BKism is not alone in this business. Many are on that level, say business class, cheating & deceiving their customers for extra profit is so common. They know their products does not worth anything yet they charge too much and make claims that are unattainable on many levels.

Look at the sorry state of Murli. BKs might be dreaming of some stronger hints of their future as a BK but it gives none. As "sweet children","Baba loves you" and similar naughty deceptive phrases are repeated more than once in a single Murli, I wonder how BKs deal with this stuff in daily class. I mean how one hears the stuff, which can bore you to death, for months !!

BKWSO has lost all of its courage to come up with a prediction in its Murli which BKs can believe and something that this site does not make fun of. I mean us. Can we really leave BKs unchallenged for multiple predictions' failures? The only recent prediction I have heard from BKs, coming directly from Murlis, is that the truth would be revealed and people will then pay you respect.

"Respect" - it is the new parameter (or might be an old one) that BKs seek for and is one chosen target of Murlis. Mainly due to the disrespect that an open BK faces when he/she tries to propagate it & rejected.
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post26 Jun 2015

Free Speech wrote:Sometimes I think that almost everyone around is back-biting each other in ways more or less similar to BKs. BKism is not alone in this business. Many are on that level, say business class, cheating & deceiving their customers for extra profit is so common. They know their products does not worth anything yet they charge too much and make claims that are unattainable on many levels.

Look at the sorry state of Murli. BKs might be dreaming of some stronger hints of their future as a BK but it gives none. As "sweet children", "Baba loves you" and similar naughty deceptive phrases are repeated more than once in a single Murli, I wonder how BKs deal with this stuff in daily class? I mean how one hears the stuff, which can bore you to death, for months !!

BKWSO has lost all of its courage to come up with a prediction in its Murli which BKs can believe and something that this site does not make fun of. I mean us. Can we really leave BKs unchallenged for multiple predictions' failures? The only recent prediction I have heard from BKs, coming directly from Murlis, is that the truth would be revealed and people will then pay you respect.

"Respect" - it is the new parameter (or might be an old one) that BKs seek for and is one chosen target of Murlis. Mainly due to the disrespect that an open BK faces when he/she tries to propagate it & rejected.
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post26 Jun 2015

Free Speech wrote:The only recent prediction I have heard from BKs, coming directly from Murlis, is that the truth would be revealed and people will then pay you respect.

I have not read the latest revisions.

In the old days it was full of exhortations that BKs would be recognised as deities by their Bhagat worshippers. Have they watered that down?

That's why I think it would be really interesting and useful for have an archive of the various revisions of the Murlis so we could see how the religion is evolving or declining. How and when they made what edits.

It's further evidence of the Brahma Kumaris are really not that enlightened. They lack openness and integrity and prefer to keep all their whitewashing and revisions hidden for the sake of their image.

"Baba loves you" ... the truth is, "Baba does not even know who you are and has to have a Senior Sister whisper in her ear just who you are if every you make sufficient efforts to meet him".

Free Speech

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post27 Jun 2015

ex-l : In the old days it was full of exhortations that BKs would be recognised as deities by their Bhagat worshippers. Have they watered that down?

Oh no, it still exists. Now BKs have another belief. Or at least they are asked to believe that bhagats in temple, churches, mosques, etc are worshipping them. So, they are being prayed indirectly. People will directly pray them when truth will be revealed. BKs, the Daydreamers ;)

You know no one'll ever say 'hi' to them if one find what BKs really are, lets keep talks of praying them aside.
Till date, apart from predictions of destruction which were shamelessly made to BKs & then exploited, there are many other similar tactics -forecast like- lies in Murli which play with a BK life. For example- "Baba will save you when you'll be in trouble." [ but actually you'll never find him when you're in trouble. Want to know why? Because it does not exist].

Murli is a medium to keep BKs coming to centers, hook them up with the nasty beliefs & adjust them with new modifications in Murli and core beliefs sub-consciously. Even BKs find a lot of difference in beliefs and terminologies when they visit center after a long time, say 2 months. There are many more things about BKWSU and its history which are kept hidden from BKs or not printed in Murlis but all that goes untold is told personally to BKs.


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Re: The Murli translation and production

Free Speech

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post30 Jun 2015

From Murli posted by jann:
Husband and wife, even while living together, consider yourselves to be a Brahma Kumar and Brahma Kumari. By having this awareness, you become completely pure and you then become angels.

... which is completely idiotic. I never knew even idiotic beliefs can turn one into angels. :D
First of all, Brahma becomes Vishnu and then Vishnu becomes Brahma. They say that the soul is the Supreme Soul and that the Supreme Soul is the soul. That is wrong. It cannot be like that. Therefore, explain this topic very clearly. Some say that God entered the body of Krishna. If He were to come in the body of Krishna, there would be no part for Brahma to play. Krishna is the first prince of the Golden Age. How could there be impure ones there for Him to come and purify? That is completely wrong.

First BKism lays its own new beliefs, and then argues on other aspects on same basis which is so temporary or editable.

Hah ...
Only the maharathi serviceable children understand these things. It doesn’t sit in the intellect of anyone else.

Why to praise maharathis alone out of followers from several regions??? Because they contribute more in terms of money. Service is just an excuse. BKism has invented another way to make BKs compete against each other. It says, it doesn't sit in intellect of anyone else, which also means all non-maharathi Seniors (+ non-maharathi Dadis). I cannot imagine how do they deal with such open disrespect (of those who think themselves to be rulers of Satyug)? Really, BKs have no self esteem within BKWSO.

Whole Murli is full of casteism and enough communal matter to make BKs go against current Indian tradition & religions, sub-consciously. I am more than shocked to see this Murli as I did not expect that sort of stuff & they say it is coming from mouth of God.

Thanks jann for sharing it, truly an eye-opener to ex-BKs and others about what mischievious beliefs BKism propogates currently through Murli. Keep posting Murlis ...

Let me ask one thing ... how do Westerners digest all this stuff which is so different form their religion and culture?????

Is it not beyond-boring to them?

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post30 Jun 2015

It would surely be said that he must belong to the Confluence Age. This is the most auspicious Confluence Age. This Confluence Age is not mentioned in any of the scriptures.

Alright I am going to search it from where BKism has copied concept of Confluence Age. Well, look at the statements of this Murli & see how they contradict each other, indirectly playing with BKs' minds.
There is the image of the four-armed Vishnu there from which you can recognise that that is the community of Vishnu. Here, they have the image of Ravan and that symbol shows it is the community of Ravan. When you speak on this topic, people will be amazed.

Human beings do not know what Shiva’s connection with Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar is. No one knows their life stories.

In order to claim a royal status, together with having knowledge and Yoga, also do the service of making others equal to you. Make your vision very pure.

Now, analyse the above two parts. How the vision of BKs will ever become pure (or uniform at least) when they are given rubbish & wrong knowledge about everything, common people being criticized openly in Murli which BKs follow. They will never ever be able to like existing society. That's definitely true.
From Murli: May you uplift even those who defame you, the same as the Father does and do service with good wishes. Just as the Father uplifts those who defame Him, similarly, no matter ... blah blah blah ...

The Murlis production department seems too conscious of this site & the group which knows that Brahmakumaris are nothing but cons. It seems this site is extremely relevant to them.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post30 Jun 2015

Free Speech,

Not ”maratis" but ”maharatis”.
First of all, Brahma becomes Vishnu and then Vishnu becomes Brahma. They say that the soul is the Supreme Soul and that the Supreme Soul is the soul. That is wrong. It cannot be like that.

So Brahma can be Vishnu and vice versa, but atman cannot be paramatman = my inconsistency is acceptable, yours is not. The vedanta idea of atman and paramatman is not that hard to comprehend if it is taken in the terms it is presented and not twisted as a puerile debating tactic.

It is essentially a metaphor - like a bee and bee colony/collective. It is true that a bee alone is not a bee colony. Vedanta doesn’t say it is. Both exist inter-dependantly and bees are attuned to their collective in ways that humans are not.

Or rather, that the (atum) individual being apart (ego-consciousness) does not realise it is but one manifestation of an ultimate ”holo-" or the "all" (paramatam) i.e. two ontological abstractions.

May as well argue that carbon that doesn't realise it is just one part of the periodic table, i.e. all other elements of the universe, so is ”incomplete”. Yep, and flour and sugar without water is not a cake.*

(BTW please note, I do not subscribe to any ”atman” theory - it is unprovable therefore speculative, conjecture).
Some say that God entered the body of Krishna. If He were to come in the body of Krishna, there would be no part for Brahma to play.

Huh? My guru says if Brahma were to become Krisna then there’s no part for Ganesh or Hanuman, and then where would we all be?
Krishna is the first prince of the Golden Age.

If you say so.
How could there be impure ones there for him to come and purify? That is completely wrong.

Now the ingredients are really being mixed up.

This is the ultimate straw man tactic. Bring up an idea that is not being discussed and show why it is wrong. Who, besides Lekhraj in this Murli, said that Krisna comes to purify impure people in the Golden Age? Lekhraj was supposed to be correcting scripture and myth but no myth says this. He is planting false memories, then showing them to be false.

How very Goebbels of him.

* Even if you leave it out in the rain...

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post30 Jun 2015

Just as Brahma is portrayed at the end of the umbilical cord of Vishnu, so they have also portrayed Nehru at the end of the umbilical cord of Gandhi. However, there has to be a dynasty.

Does it seem to you it is the speech of God from any side? No, it is not. It shows the mentality of BKWSU, anti-Congress. The way they spoil religions show they are also anti-BJP. How stupid it would be to think that God is speaking about Nehru and Gandhi, and that too in this way. Don't get shocked if BKs god talk about Osama Bin Laden, George W. Bush or Obama like that.

This Murli carries a complete cheap political and communal tone. Reject it BKs (if you can).
Pink Panther wrote:So Brahma can be Vishnu and vice versa, but atman cannot be paramatman = My inconsistency is acceptable, yours is not.

Right. Their beliefs run like that only.
Bring up an idea that is not being discussed and show why it is wrong.

Hahaha ... BKs are real crazy people on Earth. So, Whhhat is Murli? It's crap work of the BKWSO's literary production department. :D

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post30 Jun 2015

Center-in-charge : "Today's topic is: Who are Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva? Discuss it."
First BK : "Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv are different as I was told in 7 day course & Murli says same about it."
Second BK : "No, they are one as they come in one human form together. Remember those posters of Lekhraj or not?"
Third BK : "Churn deeply. Both of you seem to be confused. Lekhraj is not Shiva, he was only a carrier, the chosen last lusty person on Earth."
Second BK : "Don't talk like this about lust and those things, it just excites me hard."
First BK : "You are too deeply involved in Maya. Try and feel Baba."
Third BK : "I meant to say we could not judge final truth, it is yet to be revealed. Till then, keep on churning."
Second BK : "Wait, see this Murli, it is written there there is conversion of Vishnu to Brahma & so on."
Third BK : "Is it the edited Murli?"
Second BK : "No, it is morning Murli. Mmmm ... 30.06.2015."
First BK : "Then, it must be true. Let's update our knowledge."
Center-in charge : "Yes, update and upgrade yourselves to accommodate truth. Work on the new one. Vishnu does not exist when Brahma is there or vice-versa. Understood ya?"
All BKs:"Yes Didi."


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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post30 Jun 2015

Knock yourself out. You noticed there is one date on it and not two? ... 7.15-E.pdf


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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post01 Jul 2015

Jann - In Sakar Murlis there is always one date, the current date and never it is two.

Yes, on Avyakt Vanis there are two dates, one is the current date and the other is the original date of Vani which are edited time and time again as per the present status of the world. The insignificant lines (eg the failed claims etc) are being deleted.

Recently, I saw the lines from Dadi Prakashmani's class about the Destruction date in year 2000 has been deleted in the current version of the book keeping other contents of the class as it is.
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post01 Jul 2015

Used to be two, perhaps a long time ago now. They've been revised so many times, they are revisions of revisions Chinese whispers style.

I am starting to think the whole game is just conning newcomers who would not know and would not ask. It might take them years to do so, years of free labour and free money for the Kirpalani Klan. Frankly, they've sunk to the bottom of the barrel and are just selling Bhakti, like everyone they criticised.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

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