Police to rescue missing girl from BKWSU centre

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Police to rescue missing girl from BKWSU centre

Post26 Jun 2015

From, Police rescue girls from PBK ashram: BKWSU plot?. This time it's a girl going missing, taken by two Brahma Kumaris to a BK centre.
Produce the missing girl by May 5

The Orissa High Court on Wednesday directed the State police to trace, rescue and produce the missing Dalit minor girl from Pipili in Puri district before the Court by May 5 positively.

The girl reportedly went missing on a pilgrimage to Farrukhabad in UP in November last year.

Adjudicating over a habeas corpus petition filed by the girl’s Father, a Division Bench comprising Justices Indrajit Mahanti and Biswanath Rath gave the direction to the Pipili police.

In his petition, the girl’s Father had stated that his daughter had gone on a pilgrimage to a spiritual centre with two followers of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya in November last year. The two followers have already returned but his daughter has gone missing, the petition said.

Business has been going on from February ...
In a habeas corpus petition, the Odisha High Court on Wednesday issued notices to Odisha and Uttar Pradesh Governments with regard to the missing of a minor dalit girl from Pipili area in Puri district, who had been to Farrukhabad in UP on a pilgrimage in November last year.

Arraigning the Superintends of Police (SPs) of both Puri and Farrukhabad districts as respondents, the girl’s Father in his petition has stated that his minor daughter went to a spiritual centre in UP last November along with two followers of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya.

“While the followers of the spiritual body returned back, his daughter did not”, the petitioner said adding that the police of both the States have not responded yet even as written complaints were made to each of them.

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Re: Police to rescue missing girl from BKWSU centre

Post26 Jun 2015

.... the girl’s Father had stated that his daughter had gone on a pilgrimage to a spiritual centre with two followers of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya in November last year.

A new way of recruitment in Brahmakumaris.
.... the petitioner said adding that the police of both the States have not responded yet even as written complaints were made to each of them.

Many possible reasons:
    1) A dalit girl
    2) Abduction by Brahmakumaris (yes that is infact a form of kidnapping, you take someone's girl, "traffic" her with brahmakumaris & then don't recognize her parents when they come to meet you --- real face of Brahmakumaris.)
    3) Deplorable law - order situation of the state.
I have heard similar cases of Brahmakumkaris where followers (who are actually teachers of BKWSO but they prefer to call themselves as followers to create minimum mess to BKWSO, follower can be immediately removed but a 'teacher' tag comes with responsibility) go for devastated village girls or girls from extremely poor families, take them to Abu, help them in soaking sorts of luxury, induce a need/want/likeness to it, built a sub-conscious hatred towards family or its poor state, a feeling of closeness to God or a 'last' opportunity to be with God (like 'God' has chosen you for his mission) & then remaining things follow themselves.

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