BKs con New Zealand immigration

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BKs con New Zealand immigration

Post21 Jun 2015

Another day, another immigration bureau ... from, here (Sindhi Tattler.

Interesting one here, a BK Sister convinced the immigration guy that the Brahma Kumaris perform weddings.

The truth is, they don't perform marriages ... unless you could marrying individuals BKs to their godspirit. I would also argue aginst the "no divorce" clause too. More than plenty of people, most leave BKism.

More evidence of the Brahma Kumaris contempt for the worldly laws of all nations as they largely see themselves as being above them.

Were they were doing their usual thing of parachuting in a 'low cost' Indian surrendered Sister (Gujerati) to manage centres Western BKs had established?
Another Sister of BK, from New Zealand, Sister BHAVNA SHUKLA [yep a Gujarati], gave us her insights and spoke of some interesting things. Her tale that when BK was being established in NZ, the Immigration asked her if they perform weddings. Shockingly, she told the Immigration department that they do perform weddings.

The audience was confused that how could BK performs marriages. She clarified that BK does SPIRITUAL MARRIAGES. A great joke that gave her the initial approval. When asked how the divorce rate in these marriages is, she said that it is zero. Once you get hooked on to meditation and realize its value, there is no divorce. This earned her and BK the signature of the Immigration guy to operate BK in NZ.

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