The Brahma Kumaris courting Modi and other politicians

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The Brahma Kumaris courting Modi and other politicians

Post08 Jun 2015

A comment from a BK (when being told about corruption happening within BKWSU):
"Do you have any proof that it has happened? Can people who investigate the cases swear once that they have never committed fraud by mistake in their life? People only try to obstruct good work. Do you not know that Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi said that if corruption happen by our top ministers, bureaucrats and officers 'by mistake' but for a good cause, they will not be punished.

Then why few people are after Brahmakumaris who are doing so much good to everyone? Do you have any problem with that?"

Then I asked him whether he supports corruption.Here is the response that only a BK can give:
"I would go to any extent to benefit Brahmakumaris. I will earn by taking as much bribe as possible becuase Yagya needs money & my teachers at center have always said that nothing else but contribution matters most. In fact, I am looking for a job which demands no work but returns me a lot of money."

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Pink Panther

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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post08 Jun 2015

Do you not know that Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi said that if corruption happen by our top ministers, bureaucrats and officers 'by mistake' but for a good cause, they will not be punished.

That is why corruption is endemic in India.

Under Westminster conventions ( i.e. the unwritten ”honour system” that governs parliamentary behaviour in the British parliament and those countries that inherited it) even if it for a good cause or no one is harmed or it was a mistake, a minister must resign for any such behaviour, ESPECIALLY if it goes against the law.

Ministers have resigned for misleading parliament on quite small matters in the past, but these days the conventions are mere curiosities, quaint relics of the past. Even big lies, deceptions and theft find the governing party pretending nothing wrong was done so that they do not suffer politically.

If the PM uses such justifications then he is giving excuse to any corrupt behaviour, just as through his silence and indirect remarks he allowed the racist murders in Gujarat 10 years ago.

Either you live by the rule of law or you live in a kleptocracy.

After all there no better ”good cause” than oneself or one’s own! Charity begins at home ... it's easier to lie to oneself than to others.

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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post08 Jun 2015

If anyone has stolen any money, or not paid taxes, all they have to do is give me a minimum of 10% donation and I will wipe the negative karma from their souls!!!

hahahahaha. yeah, I remember that policy of BKWSU for its followers, 10% donation out of salary is must. BK bhagats must be following it wholeheartedly believing that it will return with sum total interest in form of Golden castles of Satyug.
And if you give cash-cash to Dadi Janki, she says she'll take it "directly to Madhuban" and you will receive an even higher return.

Oh God, is it so? How could be she so open while taking bribe? It might be seen as a divine drill by BKs, I guess. If that's the case, then this '€ 27 million Fraud' is nothing in front of actual frauds of BKWSU.
If the PM uses such justifications then he is giving excuse to any corrupt behaviour, just as through his silence and indirect remarks he allowed the racist murders in Gujarat 10 years ago.

I searched it, there was no such statement made by PM but by his party spokesperson.

Mr. Narendra Modi remains away from such dicey issues & is currently doing similar gig by visiting different countries as '3 in 1 visit' way. Perhaps, it seems he has taken some pieces of advice from brahmakumaris or likes on how to fool Indians or he would have lost election last year.

You must have heard about Modi's 'Rs 10-12 lac suit' which got Narendra modi in capital letter pin-stripped all over it. Later, he auctioned it to save his face but it was too late. It was similar to BK-style. Wear a suit of 10 lac just to meet Mr. Obama and then, lecture Indians on how he would remove hunger from India. Fortunately, India topped latest International Hunger Index.

He is now only doing few things- giving slogans, launching policies & schemes after schemes with no guarantee of getting them implemented, privatizing industries as much possible, asking for funds from other countries while giving few to some relatively poor countries. That's it.

Most importantly, the Indian Government is not appointing key officers like Lokayukta or Lokpal or chiefs of CVC, etc who have authority to inspect scams done by government. Mr. Modi seems to be to busy with his PR activities and trips.

Highlight of New Anti Corruption Bill, India is that if a public servant (an average earner) takes bribe, he will be punished but if the same is taken by ministers, top bureaucrats & their associates, it could be easily pushed within the boundary of - " it happened by mistake" or " done for welfare of people".

In layman language, a person wants medicine that is not so easily available and he needs it urgently while on other hand, he couldn't get it without greasing palms of doctors or other workers, so he pays 'extra' for meeting his essential need. If he gets caught, he will be prosecuted under law. That is how common man is ruined in India. I think India, being a developing economy, will go through several changes in all of its laws before becoming acceptable.

But it willl take decades and till then, fraud of Brahmakumaris in India will go on.
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post09 Jun 2015

There was no such statement made by PM but by his party spokesperson.

His was a crime of omission rather than a crime of commission. That is, silence in this case was tacit approval. It is the leader’s job to condemn such acts. Silence from a leader in such a crisis effectively condones the violence. It is no different to leaders of institutions who do not say anything nor do anything about crimes committed within their organisations. They hear of sexual abuse, theft, corruption, even murder, or the mistreatment/exploitation of outsiders by their own - but if they say and do nothing to set a higher moral benchmark, they become accomplices.

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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post10 Jun 2015

Right. Godhra riot 2002, Gujrat was one of the most brutal bloodsheds that happened within last 2 decades. At that time, Narendra Modi was CM of Gujrat and when top official asked for his permission to take steps to control the situation, he remained silent.(Actually, I read that he told officers to let people vent out their anger).

In that riot, Muslim community was brutally thrashed, killed, their women were raped and burnt. Extremists did not even leave children. It was very awful. To what extent a politician can go for power is rightly understood by this case. Eminent Indian writer Shobha Dey even pointed that Modi is infact a militant-type and would prove very bad for India.

After he sweared as PM, similar incidents happened all across India like rape of an old Bengali Nun, vandalizing churches (new target of this group is Christian Community of India) and converting Muslim into Hindu, popularly the drive was named by BJP's wings as "Ghar Wapsi (Return to home)."

And what Narendra Modi has to say about all happening right under his rule -- 'nothing'. He remains silent and thus approves plus supports it.


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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post10 Jun 2015

After he sweared as PM, similar incidents happened all across India like rape of an old Bengali Nun, vandalizing churches (new target of this group is Christian Community of India) and converting Muslim into Hindu, popularly the drive was named by BJP's wings as "Ghar Wapsi (Return to home).

Factually incorrect.

Majority of Indian media hates Modi and takes any opportunity that comes in the way to malign his image and cast him as an Hindu extremist. The same section believes in sensationalism and hyping up issues without caring for national interest. Take for example the Christian community attacks which was blown out of proportion. In most of these cases, these turned out to be thefts or burglaries and not some sort of planned invasion of Churches which was the perception created by media.

In the same period According to the data of 2014, 206 temples, 30 gurdwaras, 14 mosques and three churches were burgled in 2014. And you know very well what was magnified by Indian media. Similarly the case of Bengal Nun -> do you know what was the outcome of the case? A Muslim immigrant from Bangladesh was caught for this crime and again it had nothing to do with planned targeting of Christians. It's just amazing how lies are being spread to create misconceptions and people without doing enough research just accept these to serve their prejudices
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post10 Jun 2015

Clearof, you are right to warn not to take as fact preliminary speculations that media love to play with to increase sales.

I’d just say that attacking a place of worship is different to burgling it.

I also remember hearing what FreeSpech said, that Modi had felt it best that community anger needed venting and would die down, so allowed the riots to continue - until it was obvious it had gotten out of hand.

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The Brahma Kumaris and courting politicians

Post11 Jun 2015

ClearofBK seems to be very confused. Not very clear. I understand you faith in Mr. Modi. Most of those who voted him do not want to see anything being said or written against him. You know, he even visited several ashrams of Gujrat & Rajasthan including BKWSU in 2014 to influence voters. Since then, BKs have found a new faith in him that he is going to help them bring Satyug by destroying unwanted parts of World. Crazy na? ;)
ClearofBK I have commented on the part where FS like many headline makers in India portrayed this whole Church episode as "attack" but they turned out to be "theft or "burglary".

What about those cases where no theft or burgalary occured rather idols were vandalized. I saw that one pic in Newspaper where idols of Jesus and Mother Mary had their heads blown out.

Come on ClearofBk, either you are too naive or just don't want to believe it. Modi is first minister who said media hated him right after media exposed his involvement in riots. Certainly, accusing media is easy. All I know is media works to bring out the truth, spices the content a little bit to make it entertaining & interesting but the underlying theme remains truth based on facts & evidence.

BKWSU has its own media group which tries to bring out the worst possible predictions & incredibly boring stuff. What do you think?


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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post11 Jun 2015

FS, its interesting that you are linking Modi to BKs just because BKs have had photo Op with him- They don't spare anyone on photo-ops so your first 2-3 lines are good for ridicule but lack substance.

So coming to the rest of it (apologies ex-L- you wanted this not discussed on this topic):

The Church stuff has nothing to do with Modi for me ; its about country's image that is being maligned by the Modi-haters. Many sections of media went after Modi after initial Thefts and stayed mum when the facts came out on them. How much lie is going on in Indian TV media is a different discussion altogether probably not meant to be done on this forum.

So you decide to ignore the facts of the majority of so called attacks being a fluke and now bring up one-off example. So what does that prove? That Christian community is under attack? Many temples in India get vandalized- what about them?

And you only need to do some google to find out how many temples get attacked and vandalized in the West (US recently). Does it then show Obama is Anti-Hindu and planning these attacks? Come on, take it out on the BKs and punch them but don't generalize something about whole of India when the facts are not with you.

ex-l: is not a "pure politician" an oxymoron?
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post11 Jun 2015

The BK interaction with Modi goes further than a photo op.

To ask a related question, have they ever refused to endorse any business, VIP or politician for ethical reasons?

Have they ever taken a practical stand?


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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post11 Jun 2015

ex-l wrote:The BK interaction with Modi goes further than a photo op.

Hey ex-l, that's something I am not aware of. Is that so?

Modi is the most followed Indian leader on twitter and facebook. He has tweeted umpteen times about many Hindu Gurus like Sri Sri (it was on his FB account this week). I have never seen him tweeting or FBing about BKs so I really doubt he is fond of BKs that much. BKs are powerful in Gujarat so they may have got access to him but Modi leaning towards BKs doesn't seem to be true
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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post11 Jun 2015

Search the site ... from memory he was offering them land to relocate their headquarters and he gets special access up in Mount Abu.

You don't get that for just a photo op.

I am not so well information about what goes on in BK India, it's all very samo samo, e.g. rakhis, picture donations, glum politicians at mega rallies. Does not really interest me.


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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post11 Jun 2015

I couldn't get any such information on the site but anyhow that's besides the point

I wouldn't be surprised if he offered land. Its a win-win in India for politicians and spiritual/religious organizations to do these things. People in Govt may offer land to gurus with good following and in return they hope that their followers would be voting for them. Even if he offered, he would have done it to many other sects and not only BKs. Many politicians do it. Before every election, there are secret deals between Congress leaders (now opposition) and Muslim Imams wherein Imams openly ask Muslims to vote for Congress. In return obviously they are getting lot of goodies.

For a westerner like you, all this may amaze you but its so common in India that such things hardly surprise us and certainly that would in no case convince me that Modi is fond of BKs or would go extra mile. He is known to express openly particularly his Hindu leanings and have praised lot of Hindu Gurus whom he is close to. BKs have never got a mention since he became PM. Even during campaigning, one group he lauded openly was the below. If you ask why, well the answer is simple the followers of this group are probably 50 Million + ! ... 787645.cms

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Re: Dutch Brahma Kumari Leader in € 27 million Fraud of Elde

Post12 Jun 2015

clearofBK wrote:you are linking Modi to BKs

Nope, I was linking BKs to Modi. Are you a BK supporter as shown under your id (a supporter who wants welfare of BKs by exposing KWSU or a supporter of BKs propagating their belief)? Just asking.
Modi is the most followed Indian leader on twitter and facebook.

You need to under his strategy of marketing himself. One can find many similarities b/w him and BK leaders. Yes, you are right that he is not fond of BKism. All he does is to promote religious faith which provides ground for easy votes. I don't think Modi or his sena is yet aware of BKWSU agenda & core beliefs which goes right against Hinduism.

BJP is hell bent to build much disputed Ram temple at Ayodhya while BKism rejects existence of Ram or Ramayan. According to BKs, it never happened.
ex-l : he was offering them land to relocate their headquarters and he gets special access up in Mount Abu.

Yes, he offered around 300-400 acres land in Gujrat to shift the BKWSU base but offer got declined by BKWSU. Miracle??? No, the offer had been rejected after seeing some bigger possibilities. You have to reject a small bait for getting a bigger share. Also, BKism is well settled at Mount Abu.

OK, I shared this Modinama. Lets not discuss this way too far & return to the main topic.

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